48 research outputs found

    Randomized Controlled Trial of the Clinical Recovery and Biodegradation of Polylactide-co-glycolide Implants Used in the Intramedullary Nailing of Children's Forearm Shaft Fractures with at Least Four Years of Follow-Up

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    The preferred surgical fixation of forearm shaft fractures in children is Elastic Stable Intramedullary Nailing (ESIN). Due to known disadvantageous effects of metal implants, a new surgical method using biodegradable polylactide-co-glycolide (PLGA) intramedullary nails has been developed but its long-term outcomes are unclear. The aim of this study was to compare the long-term outcomes of Biodegradable Intramedullary Nailing (BIN) to ESIN and assess the biodegradation of the study implants via magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The study population of the prospective, randomized trial consisted of paediatric patients whose forearm shaft fractures were treated with BIN (n = 19) or ESIN (n = 16). Forearm rotation at minimally four years' follow-up was the main outcome. There was no clinically significant difference in the recovery of the patients treated with the BIN as compared to those treated with the ESIN. More than half of the implants (57.7%, n = 15/26) were completely degraded, and the rest were degraded almost completely. The PLGA intramedullary nails used in the treatment of forearm shaft fractures in this study resulted in good function and anatomy. No unexpected disadvantages were found in the degradation of the implants. However, two implant failures had occurred in three months postoperatively.Peer reviewe

    Randomized Controlled Trial of the Clinical Recovery and Biodegradation of Polylactide-co-glycolide Implants Used in the Intramedullary Nailing of Children's Forearm Shaft Fractures with at Least Four Years of Follow-Up

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    The preferred surgical fixation of forearm shaft fractures in children is Elastic Stable Intramedullary Nailing (ESIN). Due to known disadvantageous effects of metal implants, a new surgical method using biodegradable polylactide-co-glycolide (PLGA) intramedullary nails has been developed but its long-term outcomes are unclear. The aim of this study was to compare the long-term outcomes of Biodegradable Intramedullary Nailing (BIN) to ESIN and assess the biodegradation of the study implants via magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The study population of the prospective, randomized trial consisted of paediatric patients whose forearm shaft fractures were treated with BIN (n = 19) or ESIN (n = 16). Forearm rotation at minimally four years' follow-up was the main outcome. There was no clinically significant difference in the recovery of the patients treated with the BIN as compared to those treated with the ESIN. More than half of the implants (57.7%, n = 15/26) were completely degraded, and the rest were degraded almost completely. The PLGA intramedullary nails used in the treatment of forearm shaft fractures in this study resulted in good function and anatomy. No unexpected disadvantages were found in the degradation of the implants. However, two implant failures had occurred in three months postoperatively.Peer reviewe

    Magnetic resonance imaging-guided biopsies in children

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    Background: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is used far less as an imaging-guided method for percutaneous biopsies than computed tomography (CT) and ultrasound (US), despite its imaging benefits, particularly in children.Purpose: To evaluate the feasibility, accuracy and safety of MRI-guided biopsies in paediatric patient population.Material and Methods: The retrospective study included 57 consecutive paediatric patients (Results: The overall diagnostic accuracy of histologic biopsy was 0.94, with sensitivity 0.82, specificity 1.00, positive predictive value (PPV) 1.00 and negative predictive value (NPV) 0.92. In histological bone biopsies, diagnostic accuracy was 0.96, with sensitivity 0.86, specificity 1.00, PPV 1.00 and NPV 0.94. The FNAB sample diagnosis was associated with the histological diagnosis in 79% of cases. There were no major primary complications and only a few late complications. After biopsy, 83% of the children were ambulatory in 6 h. Anti-inflammatory drugs and paracetamol provided satisfactory pain relief in 96% of the patients after biopsy. Most outpatients (71%) were discharged from hospital either on the same day or 1 day later.Conclusion: MRI is a technically feasible, accurate and safe guidance tool for performing percutaneous biopsies in children.</p

    Casting versus flexible intramedullary nailing in displaced forearm shaft fractures in children aged 7-12 years: a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

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    Introduction The forearm is the most common fracture location in children, with an increasing incidence. Displaced forearm shaft fractures have traditionally been treated with closed reduction and cast immobilisation. Diaphyseal fractures in children have poor remodelling capacity. Malunion can cause permanent cosmetic and functional disability. Internal fixation with flexible intramedullary nails has gained increasing popularity, without evidence of a better outcome compared with closed reduction and cast immobilisation.Method and analysis This is a multicentre, randomised superiority trial comparing closed reduction and cast immobilisation to flexible intramedullary nails in children aged 7-12 years with >10 degrees of angulation and/or >10 mm of shortening in displaced both bone forearm shaft fractures (AO-paediatric classification: 22D/2.1-5.2). A total of 78 patients with minimum 2 years of expected growth left are randomised in 1:1 ratio to either treatment group. The study has a parallel non-randomised patient preference arm. Both treatments are performed under general anaesthesia. In the cast group a long arm cast is applied for 6 weeks. The flexible intramedullary nail group is immobilised in a collar and cuff sling for 4 weeks. Data are collected at baseline and at each follow-up until 1 year.Primary outcome is (1) PROMIS paediatric upper extremity and (2) forearm pronation-supination range of motion at 1-year follow-up. Secondary outcomes are Quick DASH, Paediatric Pain Questionnaire, Cosmetic Visual Analogue Scale, wrist and elbow range of motion as well as any complications and costs of treatment. We hypothesise that flexible intramedullary nailing results in a superior outcome.Ethics and dissemination We have received ethical board approval (number: 78/1801/2020) and permissions to conduct the study from all five participating university hospitals. Informed consent is obtained from the parent(s). Results will be disseminated in peer-reviewed publications

    Cast immobilisation in situ versus open reduction and internal fixation of displaced medial epicondyle fractures in children between 7 and 16 years old. A study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

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    Introduction Medial epicondyle fracture of the humerus is a common injury in childhood. There is uniform agreement that minimally displaced fractures (dislocation 2 mm dislocation without joint incarceration or ulnar nerve dysfunction. We hypothesise that there is no difference in treatment outcomes between nonoperative and operative treatment.Methods and analysis This is a multicentre, controlled, prospective, randomised noninferiority study comparing operative treatment to non-operative treatment of >2 mm dislocated paediatric medial epicondyle fractures without joint incarceration or ulnar nerve dysfunction. A total of 120 patients will be randomised in 1:1 ratio to either operative or nonoperative treatment. The study will have a parallel nonrandomised patient preference arm. Operative treatment will be open reduction and internal fixation. Nonoperative treatment will be upper limb immobilisation in long arm cast for 4 weeks. Data will be collected at baseline and at each follow-up up to 2 years. Quick-DASH is used as primary outcome measure. Secondary outcomes are patient-reported pain, differences in range of motion, Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory, cosmetic visual analogue scale and Mayo Elbow Performance Score.Ethics and dissemination Ethical approval has been obtained from Helsinki University Hospital (HUS) ethical board HUS/1443/2019. Each study centre has obtained their own permission for the study. A written authorisation from legal guardian will be acquired and the child will be informed about the trial. Results of the trial will be disseminated as published articles in peer-reviewed journals.</div

    Forearm shaft fractures in children

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    Abstract There are previous reports of an increasing incidence of children’s forearm fractures in the last few decades. Their surgical treatment is evolving. The present study was aimed at determining the incidence and background of these fractures and their treatment. It was also aimed to analyse the short- and long-term outcomes. A comprehensive population-based study (N=168) among 86,000 children in Oulu University Hospital District over a decade (2000–2009) was performed to analyse the incidence of middle-third forearm fractures. Further data (N=291) covering 1997–2009 was achieved in order to study monthly variation and backgrounds of all both-bone forearm fractures in the distal, middle or proximal thirds. An age- and sex-matched case-control study (N=94) at Vaasa Central Hospital District in 1995–1999 with approximately 11 years of follow-up was performed to evaluate long-term morbidity. The relationship between summer weather and outdoor fractures was based on daily weather readings of all summer days (N=1989) in 1997–2009. There was a 4.4-fold increase in middle-third shaft fractures in the last decade (2000–2009) and a 3.1-fold increase in all forearm shaft fractures (proximal, middle and distal) in 1997–2009. The increase in the middle-shaft fractures was still accelerating towards the end of the study period. Trampolining was increasing as a reason for the injuries. At the end of the study every third fracture was caused by a trampoline injury. The fractures caused by other recreational activities increased absolutely, but they were stable in relation to trampoline injuries. There was a clear monthly variation in fracture incidence. During the long study time, August was repeatedly the most usual month for the fractures. School terms and summer holidays did not explain the varying fracture risk. The incidence of the fractures was 50% higher in dry vs. rainy days in summer. Temperature and wind speed did not affect fracture risk. Not only were the number of children’s forearm shaft fractures increasing, but also their operative treatment in 1997–2009. The increase was mostly connected to elastic stable intramedullary nailing (ESIN), the incidence of which changed from 10% to 30% during the study period, compared with other types of treatment. Non-operative treatment showed poor short-term outcome in the form of worsening alignment and a relatively great need of re-operations. Operative treatment showed excellent primary results. In the long run, the outcome of non-operative treatment was excellent.Tiivistelmä Lasten kyynärvarren diafyysimurtumat ovat lisääntyneet viimeisten vuosikymmenten aikana. Samalla niiden kirurginen hoito on muuttunut. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää murtumien ilmaantuvuutta ja murtumien taustalla olevia tekijöitä sekä hoidon kehittymistä. Tavoitteena oli myös tutkia lyhyt- ja pitkäaikaisia hoitotuloksia. Ilmaantuvuuden määrittämiseksi kerättiin väestöpohjainen aineisto (N=168) kaikista niistä lapsista (&#60;16-v.), jotka ovat olleet hoidossa Oulun yliopistollisessa sairaalassa kyynärvarren keskialueen murtuman vuoksi 2000–2009. Taustatekijöiden selvittämiseksi aineisto laajennettiin koskemaan kaikkia kyynärvarren kahden luun murtumia (proksimaaliset, keskialueen ja distaaliset murtumat) 1997–2009 (N=291). Pitkäaikaistuloksia arvioitiin tapaus-verrokkitutkimuksella (N=94), jonka potilasaineiston muodostivat Vaasan keskussairaalassa vuosina 1995–1999 hoidetut lapsipotilaat. Ikä- ja sukupuolivakioidut vertailutapaukset poimittiin väestörekisteristä. Kesäsään ja ulkona tapahtuvien murtumien välisen yhteyden tutkimiseksi kerättiin säätila-aineisto kaikilta vuosien 1997–2009 kesäpäiviltä (N=1989). Lasten kyynärvarren keskidiafyysin murtumat lisääntyivät 4,4-kertaisesti vuosikymmenessä (2000–2009) ja kaikki diafyysimurtumat lisääntyivät 3,1-kertaisesti (1997–2009). Keskidiafyysimurtumien ilmaantuvuus kasvoi kiihtyvästi. Trampoliini aiheutti yksinään joka kolmannen murtuman, ja trampoliinimurtumien ilmaantuvuus kasvoi tutkimusaikana. Muut tapaturmatyypit pysyivät vakioisina. Murtumien ilmaantuvuus vaihteli kuukausittain, mutta 13 vuoden seurantajaksolla ne olivat selvästi yleisimpiä elokuussa. Koululaisten kesäloma ei vaikuttanut murtumariskiin. Murtumat olivat 50 % yleisempiä kuivalla säällä kuin sadesäällä. Lämpötila tai tuulennopeus eivät vaikuttaneet murtumien ilmaantuvuuteen. Lasten kyynärvarsimurtumien operatiivinen hoito lisääntyi. Joustavien ydinnaulojen käyttö kasvoi 10 %:sta 30 %:iin suhteessa muihin hoitomuotoihin. Kajoavan hoidon lyhytaikaiset tulokset olivat erinomaiset. Kajoamattoman hoidon tulokset olivat heikot, ja hoitoon liittyi paljon asennon huonontumista ja myöhempää leikkaustarvetta, erityisesti asennon korjaamista. Pitkän ajan seurannassa kajoamattoman hoidon tulokset olivat kuitenkin erinomaiset.Sammanfattning Barns underarmsfrakturer har ökat under de senaste årtiondena och deras behandling är under förändring. Syftet med den här forskningen var att undersöka underarmsfrakturer: förekommande, bakgrund och behandling. Meningen var också att bedöma resultat av olika frakturbehandlingar på kort och lång sikt. Totalt 168 barn undersöktes. De behandlades på Uleåborgs universitetssjukhus åren 2000–2009 p.g.a. en underarmsfraktur i mellersta tredjedelen av skaft. Därtill inkluderades 291 barn med en underarmsfraktur i hela skaftet åren 1997–2009. En fall-kontroll–undersökning innehöll 47 barn med en underarmsfraktur i Vasa centralsjukhus åren 1996–1999 samt en köns- och ålders standardiserad kontroll grupp med 47 medlemmar (N=47). Relationen mellan sommarväderlek och frakturer som skedde utomhus analyserades på basis av uppgifter om väderleken på alla sommardagarna åren 1997–2009 (N=1989). Frakturer i den mellersta underarmen ökade 4,4-faldigt och accelererande på ett årtionde (2000–2009) och alla skaftfrakturer 3,1-faldigt (1997–2009). Trampolinen tillfogade var tredje av dessa frakturer och således ökade trampolinens betydelse. Jämfört med trampolinen höll sig andra bakgrundsfaktorer stadiga. Det fanns en klar variation i förekommande av frakturer mellan månaderna. Mest förekom frakturer i augusti. Skolperioden eller sommarlovet påverkade inte risken för frakturer. Uppehållsväder ökade risken 1,5-faldigt jämfört med regniga dagar. Temperaturen eller vinden hade ingen effekt på frakturer. Operativa kirurgiska behandlingar ökade i stället för ej-operativa behandlingar åren 1997–2009. Ökningen berodde mest på tilltagande bruk av flexibla märgspikar, vilket ökade från 10 % till 30 % jämfört med andra behandlingsmetoder. Ej-operativ vård visade gott om komplikationer under den korta uppföljningen. Operativ vård var framgångsrik på kort sikt. Däremot visade ej-operativ behandling utmärkta resultat efter den långa uppföljningen

    Biodegradable poly‑L‑lactide‑co‑glycolide copolymer pin fixation of a traumatic patellar osteochondral fragment in an 11‑year‑old child:a novel surgical approach

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    Abstract Treating displaced patellar bone fractures in growing children remains a challenge for orthopedic surgeons. Removal of loose bone fragments may prolong healing time and result in early onset osteoarthrosis. Therefore, primary fixation of osteochondral fragments is preferred. Metallic pin and screw implants are typically used for fixation, as there is little evidence available regarding the use of modern biodegradable implants in traumatic patellar fractures of a premature skeleton. The present report describes a novel operative technique using headless poly‑L‑lactide‑co‑glycolide (PLGA) pins in treating an 11‑year‑old girl with a patellar fracture from a cycling injury. The surgical technique of this procedure is described in detail in the current report. Excellent subjective outcomes were achieved from this surgery, with superb bone healing according to follow‑up radiographic and computerized tomography scans. In conclusion, the results of this case indicate that, similarly to osteochondritis, intra‑articular osteochondral fractures in children may be fixed using biodegradable PLGA pins. Randomized clinical trials should be performed to confirm this finding and evaluate the use of PLGA pins as a treatment for adolescent osteochondral fractures

    Biodegradable biomaterials in orthopedic surgery : A narrative review of the current evidence

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    Background: Biomaterials are routinely used in orthopedic surgery to fill bone defects, improve bone healing, and as degradable fixation material. A wide range of materials are currently in use, and the materials are chosen according to their bioactive properties. Osteoinductive materials stimulate bone healing by promoting osteogenesis. Osteoconductive materials facilitate bone growth on the surface of the material. Despite the many materials in use and an increasing number of published studies, randomized controlled trials on the subject are scarce.Methods: This review aims to summarize the history of biodegradable biomaterials and also the published level I evidence currently available on orthopedic biomaterials.Results: Most of the studies have been superiority trials with non-significant differences compared to conventional treatment options, confirming that several biomaterials are suitable treatment options for multiple indications including bone and/or tendon fixation, filling bone defects, and spinal fusion. Biomaterials help to avoid donor site complications associated with autogenous bone grafts and often eliminate the need for implant removal. However, the surgical technique may in some cases be more demanding than with conventional methods. Careful consideration of the pros and cons is therefore recommended in clinical practice.Conclusion: Biodegradable biomaterials complement the range of available treatment options in several fields of orthopedic surgery. However, some biomaterials performed worse than expected and were not recommended for clinical use, emphasizing the need for high-quality randomized trials. It is also noteworthy that several trials included only a limited number of patients, rendering the interpretation of the results of these underpowered studies challenging.Peer reviewe