34 research outputs found

    Applying Bayesian belief networks (BBNs) with stakeholders to explore and codesign options for water resource interventions

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    Bayesian Belief networks (BBNs) are a useful tool to account for uncertainty and can be used to incorporate stakeholder understandings of how a system works. In this study, BBNs were applied to elicit and discuss local stakeholders’ concerns in conflicts over water resource planning in two cases in southern Thailand. One concerned the construction of a dam proposed by a top-down project. The other concerned a bottom-up participatory process at the catchment scale to assess the need for water resources interventions and explore perceptions on alternative design options. In the top-down project, the responses of participants during the elaboration of the BBN showed that potentially affected stakeholders were particularly concerned about limited consultation and lack of shared benefits, which led them to oppose the dam project. In the bottom-up project, local stakeholders expected and agreed with the benefits of a dam, proposing to locate the dam upstream of community land. The BBN method did not facilitate dialogue in the top-down dam-building project because no alternative design options could be discussed and potentially affected stakeholders did not want to discuss compensation because of mistrust and differences in valuation of effects. In the bottom-up project, the BBN method did facilitate dialogue on alternative intervention options and their effects. The replicable BBN framework can support policy-makers to better understand water conflict situations in different stages of planning. Its application supports exploring a wider repertoire of options, enlarging the scope for more inclusive and sustainable solutions to water resource conflicts

    Grundzüge des Verwaltungsverfahrensrechts in Deutschland und Thailand:eine rechtsvergleichende Untersuchung

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    Das Thailändische Verwaltungsverfahrensgesetz (ThaiVwVfG) ist im Jahr 1996 in Kraft getreten. Erheblich galt das deutsche Verwaltungsverfahrensgesetz als Vorbild des ThaiVwVfG, aber das thailändische Verwaltungsrecht wurde vorher durch das französische Verwaltungsrecht und die angelsächsischen Rechtsprinzipien stark geprägt, deswegen steht die Auslegung und Anwendung des ThaiVwVfG neben der Prägung durch das deutsche VwVfG unter dem Einfluss vom französischen Verwaltungsrecht und von angelsächsischen Rechtsprinzipien. Diese Vielschichtigkeit regt immer wieder zu Vergleichen und theoretischen Forschungen an. In dieser Arbeit werden das deutsche und thailändische Verwaltungsverfahrensrecht und seine Differenzierungen dargestellt, sowie die allgemeinen Verwaltungsverfahrensgrundsätze nach deutschem und thailändischem Recht und die Behandlung der Verfahrensfehler im Widerspruchsverfahren und gerichtlichen Verfahren. Durch die Übernahme des deutschen VwVfG wird das thailändische Verwaltungsverfahrensrecht modernisiert, insbesondere der systematische Rechtsschutz der Beteiligten im Verwaltungsverfahren, durch die man erwarten kann, dass das thailändische Verwaltungsverfahren in die richtige Richtung geht. Eine effektive Durchsetzung des ThaiVwVfG wird trotzdem wegen des Mangels an Kenntnissen im Verwaltungsverfahrensrecht verhindert. Deswegen kann die ständige Rechtsvergleichung dazu beitragen, das Ziel zu erreichen

    Modulation of Edible Plants on Hepatocellular Carcinoma Induced by Aflatoxin B<sub>1</sub>

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    Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) is one of the major causes of liver cancer especially hepatocellular carcinoma that has high incidence and mortality rate in many countries. Owing to the climate that is suitable for fungal growth, the avoidance of AFB1 exposure from agricultural product contamination is too difficult. This up-to-date review aims to collect insight on how edible plants attenuate AFB1-toxicity. Cruciferous vegetables, green tea, purple rice, turmeric, green vegetables, ginger, Dialium guineense, Parkia biglobosa, carotenoid-rich fruits and vegetables, Allii Fistulosi Bulbus, and rosemary have reported their capabilities to alleviate AFB1-toxicity though several mechanisms. All these plants showed anti-genotoxic activity while some of them are able to reduce hepatotoxicity, liver cancer, and oxidative stress and modulate metabolism enzymes induced by AFB1. Furthermore, a few edible plants could handle AFB1 in pre-exposure phase including anti-AFB1 biosynthesis and AFB1 absorption. Although the detoxification mechanisms of AFB1 activated by various edible plants have been investigated in pre-clinical study for a decade, clinical trial is still rarely clarified. Further study associating with a protective effect on AFB1 toxicity still needs to be carried out especially in the clinical study

    Dendritic cells under allergic condition enhance the activation of pruritogen-responsive neurons via inducing itch receptors in a co-culture study

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    Background Itch sensitization has been reported in patients with chronic allergic skin diseases and observed in a mouse model of allergic contact dermatitis (ACD). There is evidence suggesting that neuroimmune interactions may contribute to itch sensitization, as an increase in dendritic cells (DCs) within ganglia has been observed during allergic conditions. However, how DCs interact with sensory neurons in ganglia during allergic conditions is still not known. This study aims to investigate the role of DCs in dorsal root ganglion (DRG) under ACD conditions, specifically focusing on itch sensitization within the DRG. The tolylene-2,4-diisocyanate (TDI) mouse model for ACD and the co-culture model of DCs and DRG neurons was employed in this study. Results We successfully induced ACD by TDI, as evidenced by the development of edema, elevated total serum IgE levels, and an observed itch reaction in TDI-sensitized mice. Calcium imaging and RT-qPCR analysis revealed that TDI-sensitized mice exhibited signs of peripheral sensitization, including a higher percentage of neurons responding to pruritogens and increased activation and expression of itch receptors in excised DRG of TDI-sensitized mice. Immunofluorescence and flow cytometric analysis displayed an increase of MHCII+ cells, which serves as a marker for DCs, within DRG during ACD. The co-culture study revealed that when DRG neurons were cultured with DCs, there was an increase in the number of neurons responsive to pruritogens and activation of itch receptors such as TRPA1, TRPV1, H1R, and TRPV4. In addition, the immunofluorescence and RT-qPCR study confirmed an upregulation of TRPV4. Conclusions Our findings indicate that there is an increase of MHCII+ cells and itch peripheral sensitization in DRG under TDI-induced ACD condition. It has been found that MHCII+ cells in DRG might contribute to the itch peripheral sensitization by activating itch receptors, as shown through co-culture studies between DRG neurons and DCs. Further studies are required to identify the specific mediator(s) responsible for peripheral sensitization induced by activated DCs

    Participatory integrated assessment of water resource projects in Thailand

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    A new policy was implemented in Thailand entailing more participation of local stakeholders in water reservoir construction projects: the Community-Based Irrigation (CBI) approach, based on Participatory Integrated Assessment (PIA). The research assessed the way actual design processes foster co-learning, include local perspectives in the design; and build trust to overcome local resistance to dam building. Additionally, two innovative participative design methods were tested: Bayesian Belief Networks (BBN) and Agent-Based Modelling (ABM). Finally, the research was broadened to assess compensation of affected families in nine water resources projects. The BBN and ABM tools proved useful for articulating preferences and foster co-learning of local stakeholders. However, they showed low levels of trust. This is mainly related to the insufficient compensation, but also to the different languages of valorization, and mistrust of the local communities. The CBI approach needs to pay attention to garnering trust and creating more flexible compensation

    カイメン カッセイザイ ニ ヨル イガタホウ オ モチイタ メソポーラス チタニア ザイリョウ ノ ゴウセイ ト ヒョウカ

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    京都大学0048新制・課程博士博士(エネルギー科学)甲第11245号エネ博第105号新制||エネ||28(附属図書館)22854UT51-2004-U450京都大学大学院エネルギー科学研究科エネルギー基礎科学専攻(主査)教授 吉川 暹, 教授 八尾 健, 教授 片桐 晃学位規則第4条第1項該当Doctor of Energy ScienceKyoto UniversityDA


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    การค้นคว้าอิสระ (วศ.ม.) -- มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีราชมงคลพระนคร, 2558The objectives of this research are to develop the welding process of copper tube for refrigeration in air conditioner by using rotation brazing table. The key design is the use of rotary head for nitrogen and rotary head for cooling water in assembly jig, nitrogen discharge to prevent the internal welding soot, to remove the soot that may occur during welding from piping system and to cool down the profile quickly. The result of water cooling to prevent that damage due to the heat of welding. The result from designing and creating of rotation brazing table to substitute stationary welding found that there is the reduction of machine cost by 11.61% or 46,000 Baht/machine, reduction of usage space 8.75 square meters or 74,375 Baht, increase of productivity by 93.48%, reduction of nitrogen consumption by 98.20% or 2,593 Baht/month, reduction of support tool in production 75,000 Baht per one rotation brazing table, reduction of tiredness from working by 30.24% or equal to 137 manual works per day and reduction of usage of consumable material that can cause of greenhouse gas in form of trash such as cloth glove 1.40 KgCo2 per year, leather glove 12.5216 KgCo2 per year, nitrogen gas 0.1784 TonCo2 per year and water 0.54 KgCo2 per year. All of these can support the competition and dynamic change of industrial air conditioner in the future sustainably.Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakho