128 research outputs found

    Synergistically Active and Safe Fixed Dose Combination of Meropenem and Sulbactam

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    Meropenem is a third generation broad spectrum antibiotic. Emergence of meropenem resistance has been reported due to development of mutant plasmid mediated metallo-β-lactamases (IMP-6) and AmpC β–lactamases. Sulbactam, a stable β-lactamase inhibitor, increase antimicrobial activity of meropenem by inhibiting the enzyme β-lactamase. Fixed dose combination of Meropenem-sulbactam in the proportion of 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1 and 3:1 were evaluated for the antimicrobial activity. Combination of meropenem and sulbactam in the ratio of 2:1 exhibited the synergistic activity. This combination was checked for the subchronic toxicity on wistar rats and no change in biochemical and physiological parameters was observed


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    Objective Glycyrrhiza glabra is well known herb in Indian and Chinese traditional medicines.In our previous study it shows hair grwth promoting property in female rats so here experiments were performed for evaluating its effects in androgenic alopecia in males.MethodIn present study alopecia is induced in three groups(each contain six animals) of male wistar albino rats by intramuscular dose(0.1mL) of testosterone .One group was rendered devoid of any other treatment while other two groups animals are  treated with finasteride and petroleum ether extract of G. glabra root  topically once daily. The animals were observed during treatment period of 21 days then one animal from each group was  euthanized for histoarchitecture  study.Results and discussionThe study revealed that petroleum ether and finasteride treated animals do not developed alopecia while alopecia was observed in only testosterone treated animals.ConclusionThus it is concluded from this study that petroleum ether extract of G. glabra posses  anti androgenic alopecia activity which is comparable to  that of standard drug finasteride

    Antitoxic, Antifungal and Phytochemical Analysis of Medicinal Compounds of Guiera senegalensis Leaves

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    Millions of people in the world depend on traditional medicinal plants for treatment of many diseases.  They have curative properties due to presence of various complex chemical substances of different composition, which are found as secondary plant metabolites in one or more parts of these plants. These plant metabolites according to their composition are grouped as flavonoids, tannins, alkaloids, saponins etc. Guiera senegalensis(Gs), which grows in abundance in semi-desert area of Western Africa such as Nigeria, has been used for treating specific diseases and wounds. The study is carried out to investigate the phytochemical analysis, toxicity, and the antifungal activity of Gs leaves extract. Keywords: Guiera senegalensis, Antifungal activity, Brine shrimp, toxicity, phytochemical analysis

    Impact of industrial effluents on ground water and soil quality in the vicinity of industrial area of Panipat city, India

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    The present paper is aimed towards the assessment of heavy metal contamination of agricultural soil due to irrigation with contaminated ground water affected by textile industrial effluents at Panipat city in India. Samples of ground water and irrigated soils from textile industrial area were analyzed for various heavy metals, viz. Mn, Ni, Fe, Cu, Cd, Pb and Zn, using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry. Metal transfer factors from ground water to irrigated agricultural soil and from soil to ground water were calculated for heavy metals. The findings deal with the distribution of heavy metals in ground water of industrial area and irrigated agricultural soil. Transfer factors for heavy metals from effluent to ground water were observed to be 0.436, 1.180, 6.461, 2.401, 2.790, 3.178 and 0.634 for Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn respectively. These were found to be very high from ground water to agriculture soil due to the natural shale value of heavy metals in soil system. Thus, untreated industrial effluents can cause an environmental threat to ground water resources and affects soil quality and agricultural plant productivity


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    Brain tumours are the most lethal type of cancer, which is difficult to manage due to the inherent suboptimal bioavailability of the chemotherapy agent at tumour sites, consequent of high levels of protection of physiological blood-brain barrier (BBB), blood tumour barrier (BTB) and blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier (CSF). Improving the permeability of these barriers would enhance the disease's clinical prognosis and promote patients' quality of life. To this end, scientists have conducted several studies to determine the most suitable route for CNS delivery. Most of which show that the nose-to-brain is proposed to be the most convenient, efficacious and clinically beneficial non-invasive means of delivering chemotherapeutic agents directly to the brain. Therefore, this study compares the therapeutic benefits of intranasal and other conventional brain delivery systems and further evaluates the clinical benefits of using different nanocarriers for brain tumour targeting. However, we surveyed the literature by conducting an in-depth search of the research keywords and their combinations in recognized scientific databases, primarily Science Direct, PubMed, Google Scholar, and Research Gate. Our findings have shown that the nose-to-brain delivery of chemotherapeutics is a breakthrough in bypassing the effects of BBB, BTB, and CSF barriers, improving the delivery of drugs to the brain for specific tumour targeting with desired clinical prognosis

    Spiking Activity of a LIF Neuron in Distributed Delay Framework

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    Evolution of membrane potential and spiking activity for a single leaky integrate-and-fire (LIF) neuron in distributed delay framework (DDF) is investigated. DDF provides a mechanism to incorporate memory element in terms of delay (kernel) function into a single neuron models. This investigation includes LIF neuron model with two different kinds of delay kernel functions, namely, gamma distributed delay kernel function and hypo-exponential distributed delay kernel function. Evolution of membrane potential for considered models is studied in terms of stationary state probability distribution (SPD). Stationary state probability distribution of membrane potential (SPDV) for considered neuron models are found asymptotically similar which is Gaussian distributed. In order to investigate the effect of membrane potential delay, rate code scheme for neuronal information processing is applied. Firing rate and Fano-factor for considered neuron models are calculated and standard LIF model is used for comparative study. It is noticed that distributed delay increases the spiking activity of a neuron. Increase in spiking activity of neuron in DDF is larger for hypo-exponential distributed delay function than gamma distributed delay function. Moreover, in case of hypo-exponential delay function, a LIF neuron generates spikes with Fano-factor less than 1

    Assessment of rainwater quality in industrial area of rural Panipat (Haryana), India

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    This study was conducted in Panipat industrial area for the evaluation rain water quality and indirectly the air pollution load created by industries in the vicinity. The rain water quality of first rain was assessed for the evaluation of air pollution load of region. Selected physico-chemical characteristics like temperature, pH (6.23-6.85), TDS (105-187 mg L-1), DO (4.2-5.6 mg L-1), Free CO2  (0.8 mg L-1), Pb (0.09 mg L-1), Fe (0.085-0.132 mg L-1), sulphate (121.2-131.8 mg L-1), silica (3.51-7.26 mg L-1), turbidity (11-19 NTU), total hardness (81-120 mg L-1), chloride (3.20-6.75 mg L-1), BOD (2-4 mg L-1), and COD (14-31 mg L-1) were detected for the evaluation of pollution load in rainwater. The present study revealed that the water quality of first rain was found highly polluted in comparison to second rain. The difference between first heavy rain and second rain was found significant and in favour of increasing air pollution in the industrial area. The trace amount of chloride, silica, lead, iron, sulphate, free carbon dioxide was found in first heavy rain of the region while in the second rain all these were found in very less quantity. The difference in the concentrations of pollutants in rainwater gives the basic idea about the air pollution load of the vicinity. In fact, this is a novel technique to monitor air pollution load of any particular area using rainwater quality monitoring

    Validation and sensitivity analysis of InfoCrop simulation model for growth and yield of Indian mustard varieties at Allahabad

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    Field experiment was carried out at SHUATS, Allahabad, to study validation and sensitivity analysis of InfoCrop model with the data sets generated respectively during Rabi season of 2016-17. The main plot treatments and sub-plot treatment consisted three dates of sowing and cultivars (D1-25th October, D2-5th November and D3-15th November) and (V1- Parasmani, V2- Varuna and V3- SRM 777) using split plot design. The results revealed that simulation of growth and yield parameters were compared with observed data and results concluded that the model overestimates all the parameters within the acceptable range

    Nuevo marco para utilizar la minería de datos y reglas de asociación para la clasificación de la gravedad de accidentes de tráfico

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    Introduction: Traffic accidents are an undesirable burden on society. Every year around one million deaths and more than ten million injuries are reported due to traffic accidents. Hence, traffic accidents prevention measures must be taken to overcome the accident rate. Different countries have different geographical and environmental conditions and hence the accident factors diverge in each country. Traffic accident data analysis is very useful in revealing the factors that affect the accidents in different countries. This article was written in the year 2016 in the Institute of Technology & Science, Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad, up, India. Methology: We propose a framework to utilize association rule mining (arm) for the severity classification of traffic accidents data obtained from police records in Mujjafarnagar district, Uttarpradesh, India. Results: The results certainly reveal some hidden factors which can be applied to understand the factors behind road accidentality in this region. Conclusions: The framework enables us to find three clusters from the data set. Each cluster represents a type of accident severity, i.e. fatal, major injury and minor/no injury. The association rules exposed different factors that are associated with road accidents in each category. The information extracted provides important information which can be employed to adapt preventive measures to overcome the accident severity in Muzzafarnagar district.Introducción: los accidentes de tránsito son una carga indeseable para la sociedad. Cada año se reportan alrededor de un millón de muertes y más de diez millones de lesiones debido a accidentes de tráfico. Por lo tanto, se deben implementar medidas de prevención de accidentes de tráfico para superar la tasa de accidentalidad. Los países tienen diferentes condiciones geográficas y ambientales y, por ello, las variables que inciden varían en cada país. El análisis de los datos de accidentes de tráfico es muy útil para revelar los factores o variables que inciden en la accidentalidad en diferentes países. Este artículo fue escrito en el 2016 en el Instituto de Tecnología y Ciencia, Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad, UP, India. Metodología: proponemos un marco para utilizar la minería de datos y reglas de asociación (arm) para la clasificación de severidad de los datos de accidentes de tráfico obtenidos de registros policiales en eldistrito de Mujjafarnagar, Uttarpradesh, India Resultados: los resultados revelan ciertamente algunos factores ocultos que se pueden aplicar para entender las variables detrás de la accidentalidad de tráfico en esta región. Conclusiones: el marco permite establecer tres categorías en el conjunto de datos que representan el tipo de gravedad del accidente: fatal, lesiones graves, y lesiones menores o inexistentes. Las reglas de asociación expusieron diferentes factores relacionados con los accidentes de tráfico en cada categoría. Los datos extraídos proporcionan información importante que se puede emplear para adaptar las medidas preventivas para superar la gravedad de los accidentes de tráfico en el distrito de Muzzafarnagar
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