67 research outputs found

    Spatiotemporal evolution of non-diffracting plasmonic pulses

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    Beugung ist ein allgegenwĂ€rtiges PhĂ€nomen in der Optik. In den spĂ€ten 80er Jahren wurden zur Auslösung der Beugung Bessel-Strahlen vorgeschlagen und beobachtet. Bessel-Strahlen breiten sich im freien Raum ohne Beugung aus, sie können jedoch nur in drei Dimensionen existieren. Im letzten Jahrzehnt hat sich nach der bahnbrechenden Arbeit von Siviloglou und Christodoulides ĂŒber Airy-Strahlen erhebliches Interesse an nicht-beugenden Strahlen entwickelt. Da die Airy-Strahlen auch in zwei Dimensionen existieren können, eignen sie sich besonders fĂŒr die planarephotonik, z. B. an Metall-Dielektrikum-GrenzflĂ€chen. In dieser Doktorarbeit wird die Erzeugung von Airy-Strahlen und deren Eigenschaften an der Metall-Dielektrikum-GrenzflĂ€che eingehend untersucht. Der Kern dieser Arbeit untersucht die rĂ€umliche und raum- zeitliche Entwicklung von Airy-Plasmonen. Ausreichendes Hintergrundwissen ĂŒber elektromagnetische Theorie und numerische Methoden wurde dafĂŒr benötigt. Wir haben die rĂ€umlichen Eigenschaften von Airy-Plasmonen mit Hilfe der Photoemissions- Elektronenmikroskopie untersucht und eine rigorose Finite-Di erenzen-Zeitbereichsm- ethode angewendet. Die Ergebnisse wurden auch durch die Verwendung einer Strahl- propagationsmethode (BPM) bestĂ€tigt. Die BPM bietet eine Simulationsmethode zur schnelleren Optimierung der Struktur des anregungsgitters der Airy-Plasmonen. Diese Arbeit quantifiziert weiter die Erzeugungse zienz der nichtparaxialen Airy-Plasmonen eines Beugungsgitters. Es wurde eine breitbandige Erzeugungsbandbreite von Airy- Plasmonen gefunden, was einen gangbaren Weg zur Untersuchung von ultrakurz ge- pulsten Airy-Plasmonen darstellt. Das Beugungsgitter wurde optimiert, um die ultra- kurzen Airy-Plasmonenpulse zu erzeugen. Die raumzeitliche Entwicklung von Airy- Plasmonenpulsen wurde numerisch untersucht. Ein analytisches, semi-analytisches und numerisches Modell wurden eingesetzt, um die Trajektorie der zeitgemittelten Airy-Plasmonenpulse zu untersuchen

    Solubility enhancement of biperidine HCl by complexation with hydroxypropyl ÎČ-cyclodextrin

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    Oral route is the simplest and easiest way of drug administration, because of the greater stability, lesser bulk, and cheap cost of production, accurate dosage and easy process, solid oral dosage forms have several advantages over other dosage forms. All the poor water soluble drugs after oral administrations are not well absorbed and thus leads to decrease in inherent efficiency of drugs. Therefore, for oral drug delivery system the improvement of drug solubility thereby its oral bio-availability is the most important aspect of drug development process. Biperiden HCl is a potent drug (Maximum daily dose is 16mg/day), having extensive first pass metabolism resulting in poor Bioavailability. The pharmacokinetic profile of this drug showed 33±5 % Bioavailability and 18-24 hours elimination half-life (t1/2). In the present study attempt has been made to prepare and characterize inclusion complex of Biperiden HCl with Hydroxypropyl ÎČ-Cyclodextrin. The inclusion complexes prepared by different methods i.e. Physical mixture, Kneading and Solvent evaporation methods. The prepared complexes were characterized using FT-IR. The inclusion complex prepared by Kneading method exhibited greatest enhancing in solubility and faster dissolution (93.98% drug release in 60 min) of Biperiden HCl

    A randomized prospective study to compare the efficacy and safety of budesonide plus formoterol and tiotropium plus formoterol in patients having mild to moderate chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    Background: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a leading respiratory illness affecting the quality of lives around the world. The present study aims to compare the efficacy and safety of combination of inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) and long acting ÎČ2 agonist (LABA) with long acting ÎČ2 agonist and long acting muscarinic antagonist (LAMA) in treatment of mild to moderate COPD in a tertiary care hospital.Methods: Total 132 patients with COPD were recruited on the basis of inclusion and exclusion criteria for 8 weeks study from outpatient clinic. A complete pulmonary examination including spirometry examination was done to rule out severe and very severe forms of COPD. Spirometry was performed at the time of recruitment for evaluation of forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) and measurement of SpO2 at the time of recruitment at 2 weeks and 8 weeks. Appropriate statistical methods were used to compare the qualitative and quantitative primary and secondary efficacy end points, p value <0.05 was considered significant.Results: On analysis, there was a significant difference (p<0.05) was observed in FEV1 and SpO2 from baseline in ICS plus LABA group (n=66). A similarly significant difference (p<0.05) was observed in LABA and LAMA group (n=66). On comparison between ICS plus LABA and LABA plus LAMA no significant difference in FEV1 and SpO2 was observed between the two groups.  More adverse drug reactions were observed in ICS plus LABA group than LAMA plus LABA group.Conclusions: Combination of ICS and LABA combination is as effective as combination of LABA and LAMA in patients having mild to moderate COPD. However, LABA and LAMA combination is preferable because it is associated with fewer side effects

    Community composition and status of avian diversity at Campus and Agricultural landscapes of Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar (Haryana)

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    Avian species diversity and their assemblage are responsible for maintaining the integrity and health of any ecosystem. Documentation of avian diversity in different habitats is sensitive tool for monitoring the environmental condition. The present investigation aimed to record the diversity of avian fauna at the main campus and agricultural landscapes of Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana agricultural University, Hisar (Haryana). Line transect and point count methods were used to taking observations on different species of birds. A total of 101 bird species under 17 orders 43 families and 86 genera were recorded; out of them, 78, 17, 5 and one species were resident, winter migrant, summer migrant and passage migrant, respectively. Species richness of order Passeriformes was highest, followed by Pelecaniformes and Muscicapidae, the most diverse family in the study area. Analysis of food and feeding guilds revealed that the insectivorous guild is predominant, followed by Omnivore, Carnivore, Granivore, Frugivore and Nectarivore. Out of the total observed species, 23 have declining population trends at global level, whereas three species (Alexandrine Parakeet, Asian Woollyneck, Black-headed ibis) are listed as Near Threatened and Common Pochard is vulnerable as per IUCN Red List. The species richness was significantly higher in farmland, followed by main campus and experimental orchards. Jaccard’s similarity index between habitats revealed that the main campus and farmland area has a maximum (0.73) similarity in bird communities. This emphasises the significance of these study sites as key habitats for bird species of conservation priorities

    Green synthesis of acetohydroxamic acid by thermophilic amidase of Bacillus smithii IIIMB2907

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    373-377Acetohydroxamic acid is a pharmaceutically active metal chelating agent which has various applications in the field of medicine. Current study focuses on the enzymatic synthesis of acetohydroxamic acid catalysed by thermophilic amidase from Bacillus smithii IIIMB2907. Bacterial cells were grown in 7 L fermenter for amidase production and effect of pH, temperature and substrate concentration for the biotransformation of acetamide to acetohydroxamic acid was studied. Batch reaction was also successfully optimized at bench scale with the recovery of ≈ 81% acetohydroxamic acid (purified)

    Green synthesis of acetohydroxamic acid by thermophilic amidase of Bacillus smithii IIIMB2907

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    Acetohydroxamic acid is a pharmaceutically active metal chelating agent which has various applications in the field of medicine. Current study focuses on the enzymatic synthesis of acetohydroxamic acid catalysed by thermophilic amidase from Bacillus smithii IIIMB2907. Bacterial cells were grown in 7 L fermenter for amidase production and effect of pH, temperature and substrate concentration for the biotransformation of acetamide to acetohydroxamic acid was studied. Batch reaction was also successfully optimized at bench scale with the recovery of ≈ 81% acetohydroxamic acid (purified)

    Performance of Chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) hybrids for yield and quality traits

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    Twenty-eight F1 combinations of chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) obtained from half-diallel cross along with eight diverse parents were evaluated in a field study to elucidate the information on the extent of mean performance of various horticultural traits. The analysis revealed that all the genotypes possessed wide spectrum of variability and showed significant differences for parents and hybrids for the traits studied. For parents UHF CHI 13 (216.20), UHF CHI 15 (193.80), UHF CHI 5 (139.00) and for hybrids H1 (182.60), H9 (181.40) and H7 (172.80) hold highest fruit count per plant. The parents UHF CHI 5 (1047.13 g), UHF CHI 15 (949.62 g) and UHF CHI 7 (912.61 g) and cross combinations H17 (1535.10 g), H8 (1320.00), H6 (1229.76) and H18 (967.60) recorded the high ripe fruit yield per plant. As for earliness, parents UHF CHI 5 (43.33), UHF CHI 11 (45.00), UHF CHI 7 (45.33) and hybrids H27 (42.67), H26 (43.00) and UH28 (43.00) took minimum days for flowering. For pungency UHF CHI 12 (0.28 %), UHF CHI 13 (0.26 %), DKC-8 (0.24 %) and H23 (0.33 %), H5 (0.31 %), H26 (0.26 %) recorded high capsaicin content

    Has the Rajiv Aarogyasri Community Health Insurance Scheme of Andhra Pradesh Addressed the Educational Divide in Accessing Health Care?

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    Background Equity of access to healthcare remains a major challenge with families continuing to face financial and non-financial barriers to services. Lack of education has been shown to be a key risk factor for 'catastrophic' health expenditure (CHE), in many countries including India. Consequently, ways to address the education divide need to be explored. We aimed to assess whether the innovative state-funded Rajiv Aarogyasri Community Health Insurance Scheme of Andhra Pradesh state launched in 2007, has achieved equity of access to hospital inpatient care among households with varying levels of education. Methods We used the National Sample Survey Organization 2004 survey as our baseline and the same survey design to collect post-intervention data from 8623 households in the state in 2012. Two outcomes, hospitalisation and CHE for inpatient care, were estimated using education as a measure of socio-economic status and transforming levels of education into ridit scores. We derived relative indices of inequality by regressing the outcome measures on education, transformed as a ridit score, using logistic regression models with appropriate weights and accounting for the complex survey design. Findings Between 2004 and 2012, there was a 39% reduction in the likelihood of the most educated person being hospitalised compared to the least educated, with reductions observed in all households as well as those that had used the Aarogyasri. For CHE the inequality disappeared in 2012 in both groups. Sub-group analyses by economic status, social groups and rural-urban residence showed a decrease in relative indices of inequality in most groups. Nevertheless, inequalities in hospitalisation and CHE persisted across most groups. Conclusion During the time of the Aarogyasri scheme implementation inequalities in access to hospital care were substantially reduced but not eliminated across the education divide. Universal access to education and schemes such as Aarogyasri have the synergistic potential to achieve equity of access to healthcare
