19 research outputs found

    STEM-Based LKPD Development and Contextual Problems to Improve Explanation, Concluding, and Evaluating Skills

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    One comprehensive and integrated learning approach is the STEM approach. This approach can improve students' critical thinking skills if supported by teaching materials, one of which is LKPD. This study aims to produce a valid, practical, and effective STEM-based LKPD product to improve students' critical thinking skills. The method used in this study is the research and development method. A validity test has been carried out consisting of a product validity test that is declared valid and suitable for use with a percentage of 80.9%. Practicality tests conducted by teachers obtained an average result of 83% and students of 87%. The effectiveness test is carried out with an n-gain test and an effect size test. Each of them obtained a result of 0.68 in the medium category and 2.7 in the high category. So, it can be concluded that STEM-based LKPD is effective in improving students' critical thinking skills

    Development of stem-based E-LKPD on substance pressure material to improve critical thinking skills of junior high school students

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    This research aims to analyze the feasibility, effectiveness, and practicality of STEM-based E-LKPD. The type of research used is the RD model which is modified into 7 stages, namely needs analysis, product design, design validation, design revision, product trial, product revision, and usage trial. The research results showed that the feasibility of STEM-based E-LKPD was declared quite valid or suitable for use with a percentage of 72.5%. Effectiveness is measured based on students' pretest and posttest scores in usage trials with a sample of 28 students. The pretest and posttest values explained produce data that is normally distributed and homogeneous. The increase in pretest and posttest scores was tested using N-Gain with a calculation result of 0.64 in the medium category. The level of product effectiveness was tested using an effect size with a result of 3.4 with high criteria. The practicality test of STEM-based E-LKPD was obtained by teachers at 97.3% and students at 84.4% in the very practical category

    Application of HOTS (High Order Thinking Skill) in Science Learning During the Pandemic

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    The purpose of this research to know application of HOTS based science learning during the pandemic. The research method used is a literature study method, in which data is collected without going directly to the field and meeting directly with the respondents. The results of this study indicate that the application of HOTS in learning is able to solve problems and find solutions to problems, so as to bring up new discoveries that can be useful. In addition, the application of HOTS in learning is also able to improve student learning outcomes. Based on the results of research that have been studied can be concluded that the application of HOTS learning during the pandemic is able to improve student learning outcomes and make learning more meaningful

    Development of stem-based lkpd on the theme of my house's electric circuits to improve explanation, inference and evaluation skills

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    One comprehensive and integrative learning approach is the STEM approach. This approach can improve students' explanatory, inference, and evaluation skills by combining the four disciplines: science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Implementing STEM in teaching and learning activities can use teaching materials, including LKPD. This study aims to produce a valid, practical, and effective STEM-based LKPD product to improve students' explanatory, inference, and evaluation skills. The method used in this study is the research and development method. A validity test has been carried out consisting of a product validity test that is declared valid and suitable for use with a percentage of 80.9%. The effectiveness test is carried out with n-gain and effect size tests. Each obtained a result of 0.68 with the medium category and 2.7 with the high category. Practicality tests conducted by teachers obtained an average result of 83% and students of 87%. So, STEM-based LKPD can effectively improve students' explanatory, inference, and evaluation skills

    Experimental Design in Constructing Low Temperature Sensor Based on Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD)

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    Thin film copper-based RTD still has a low TCR. Hence, plating a Cu-based RTD with nickel will develop a higher TCR. TCR is the sensitivity of RTD’s value in response to temperature change. The experimental design in constructing Cu/Ni thin film by using the electroplating method with a concentration of solution and electrode spacing’s variation has been done. Electroplating is performed with a concentration of solution and electrode spacing’s variations. Electroplating processed by limiting DC voltage to 6 volts. Electrolyte solutions composition were NiSO4, Ni2Cl2, H3BO3 and aquades. Concentrations of solutions can be varied by changing NiSO4 and Ni2Cl2 masses. Based on these concentrations of solutes and electrode’s spacing, this research used 15 samples. Thickness, thin-film resistance, and temperature sensor test are performed to each sample. The purpose of thickness test is to measure nickel plates which were formed from the electroplating process. Thin-film resistance test performed to measure sample resistance changing to the electroplating process, and the temperature sensor test was performed to measures the sample’s sensitivity in responding to temperature changes. This research’s result shows the greater the concentrations of solutes used for copper electroplating, the thicker nickel plates will form. This condition makes its resistance’s value decreasing.Keywords: thin layer resistance, concentration of the solution, electrode distance, electroplating, thin layers of Cu / Ni, RTD, module

    Hubungan Iklim, Kepadatan Nyamuk Anopheles Dan Kejadian Penyakit Malaria

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    Districts of South Lampung and Pesawaran are malaria endemic areas. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between climate, Anopheles density and malaria incidence. Mosquito collections were caught by human landing collection all night 06:00 PM-06:00 AM. The relation of climate with Anopheles density and Anopheles density with malaria incidence were analysed by Pearson Product Moment test. The Anopheles bite all night, peaks with 02:00-04:00 AM, outdoor bitings were more frequent than indoor biting. There were relationships between relative humidity and rain fall with Anopheles density, and Anopheles density with malaria incidence one month later


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    Kemampuan yang populer dengan istilah 4C skills of frameworks for 21th century learning ini harus didukung dengan kemampuan literasi antara lain literasi data, literasi teknologi dan literasi manusia. Kolaborasi literasi ini terbukti mampu menunjang pembelajaran inovatif selaras dengan kebutuhan Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar. Selaras dengan kebutuhan tersebut, ketersediaan sarana dan prasarana pembelajaran harus menyesuaikan dengan kebutuhan kelas masa depan. Go-Lab dapat sebagai alternatif media digital pembelajaran praktik yang kolaboratif dan komprehensif salah satunya dalam proses penyusunan e-modul pembelajaran sains. Go-Lab dapat menjadi wadah e-modul laboratorium virtual dengan fitur feed back respon peserta didik sehingga memberikan kontribusi optimalisai framework pembelajaran laboratorium virtual. Penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif ini menggunakan responden penelitian dari peserta kegiatan Pelatihan Laboratorium Virtual Berbantuan Go-Lab dalam Mendukung Kurikulum Merdeka UIN Antasari Banjarmasin sebanyak 43 peserta. Instrumen kemampuan literasi digital yang disajikan dalam angket/kuesioner google form. Instrumen yang disusun merupakan adaptasi modifikasi yang merujuk pada 8 komponen literasi digital; (1) Functional skill and beyond (2) Creativity; (3) Collaboration; (4) Communication; (5) The ability to find and select infomation; (6) Critical thinking and evaluation; (7) Cultural and social understanding; dan (8) E-safety. Hasil analisis dari data angket literasi digital Go-Lab mendapatkan pesentase 88%. Dengan demikian Pelatihan Laboratorium Virtual Go-Lab dalam mendukung Merdeka Belajar mendapat predikat “sangat setuju” mampu menunjang literasi pada Merdeka Belajar

    Comparison Analysis of Junior High School Science Textbooks in Indonesia and Singapore View from Nature of Science (NoS) Aspects

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    Scientific literacy can prepare quality human resources who can develop the ability to think logically and creatively, solve problems, be critical, master technology and be adaptive in the face of change and face the times. A vital component to improving students' scientific literacy is understanding the Nature of Science (NoS), which must be emphasized in science learning. The purpose of this study is to obtain a comparison of content and explain aspects of NoS in science textbooks in Indonesia and Singapore. The research approach used is descriptive qualitative with content analysis design. This research focuses on science books for Junior High School Class IX Semester 1 Curriculum 2013 Revised Edition 2018, Integrated Science Books for Junior High School Class IX Curriculum 2013 Revised Edition 2018, and Lower Secondary Science Matters Textbook Volume B 2nd Edition 2013. The data collection techniques are by reviewing documents with non-test instruments in the form of observation guidelines for assessing textbooks based on the NoS aspect developed by Abd-El-Khalick et al., (2008). The data analysis technique uses the fixed comparison method by Moleong (2014). The results obtained are that the textbooks from the two countries have represented several relevant aspects of NoS. Still, the theoretically-driven elements have not been found in the three books, and the existing components have not been well described. Science textbooks in Singapore get a higher score than science textbooks in Indonesia. Still, the availability of the NoS aspect of science textbooks in Indonesia is more than that of science textbooks in Singapore.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh perbandingan konten dan menjelaskan aspek NOS pada buku teks IPA di Indonesia dan Singapura. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan desain analisis isi (content analysis). Fokus penelitian ini pada buku IPA SMP/MTs Kelas IX Semester 1 Kurikulum 2013 Edisi Revisi 2018, buku IPA Terpadu SMP/MTs Kelas IX Kurikulum 2013 Edisi Revisi 2018, dan buku Lower Secondary Science Matters Textbook Volume B 2nd Edition 2013.Teknik pengumpulan data yaitu dengan telaah dokumen dengan instrumen non-tes berupa pedoman observasi untuk menilai buku teks berdasarkan aspek NOS yang dikembangkan oleh Abd-El-Khalick, Waters, & Le (2008). Teknik analisis data menggunakan metode perbandingan tetap oleh Moleong (2014). Hasil yang diperoleh yaitu buku teks dari kedua negara telah mewakili beberapa aspek NOS yang sesuai, namun aspek yang didorong oleh teori belum ditemukan pada ketiga buku dan aspek yang ada belum direpresentasikan dengan baik. Buku teks IPA di Singapura mendapatkan skor yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan buku teks IPA di Indonesia, namun ketersediaan aspek NOS buku teks IPA di Indonesia lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan buku teks IPA di Singapura

    Hubungan Iklim, Kepadatan Nyamuk Anopheles dan Kejadian Penyakit Malaria

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    Districts of South Lampung and Pesawaran are malaria endemic areas. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between climate, Anopheles density and malaria incidence. Mosquito collections were caught by human landing collection all night 06:00 PM-06:00 AM. The relation of climate with Anopheles density and Anopheles density with malaria incidence were analysed by Pearson Product Moment test. The Anopheles bite all night, peaks with 02:00-04:00 AM, outdoor bitings were more frequent than indoor biting. There were relationships between relative humidity and rain fall with Anopheles density, and Anopheles density with malaria incidence one month later. KEY WORD: Climate, Anopheles density, malaria insidenc