17,550 research outputs found

    Validation of the Scale for the Assessment of Illness Behavior (SAIB) in a community sample of elderly people.

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the construct validity of the SAIB in a community sample of elderly people. The SAIB was administered to a large community sample representative of the German population aged 60-85 years (n=1593). The original model was assessed and then refined through confirmatory and exploratory factor analyses. Criterion validity was evaluated by comparing SAIB scores with external criteria in 3 categories: subjective health, chronic illness and health care utilization. The originally suggested five factor structure of the SAIB yielded a comparative fit index (CFI) of 0.70 and the weighted root mean square residual (WRMR) was 3.68. A shortened questionnaire with 13 items and four factors resulted in better model fit (CFI 0.97 and WRMR 1.3). Correlations between subjective health and the new scales ranged from 0.06 to 0.33. Effect sizes (Cohens d) of mean differences in factor scores between those with and without healthcare system contact varied by healthcare type, ranging from 0.05 to 0.94; effect sizes were largest in relation to contact with psychotherapy and alternative medicine practitioners. We propose a shortened version of the SAIB with a different scale structure, which resulted in better model fit with our data. Neither the original nor revised SAIB appeared to discriminate well in terms of health care use, suggesting that the illness behavior as currently conceptualized may not fully explain the increased use of healthcare in the elderly

    A GPU-based hyperbolic SVD algorithm

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    A one-sided Jacobi hyperbolic singular value decomposition (HSVD) algorithm, using a massively parallel graphics processing unit (GPU), is developed. The algorithm also serves as the final stage of solving a symmetric indefinite eigenvalue problem. Numerical testing demonstrates the gains in speed and accuracy over sequential and MPI-parallelized variants of similar Jacobi-type HSVD algorithms. Finally, possibilities of hybrid CPU--GPU parallelism are discussed.Comment: Accepted for publication in BIT Numerical Mathematic

    Conductivity of boules of single crystal sodium beta-alumina

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    The ionic and electrochemical polarization characteristics of two boules of single crystal sodium beta-alumina (Na2O.8Al2O3), 2 cm in diameter, were investigated over the range of 25 to 300 C using 2- and 4-probe ac and dc techniques with reversible and ion-blocking electrodes. Textural (or internal) polarization at 27 C was present only in boule 1 which cleaved easily. Interfacial polarization, using solid sodium electrodes, was present at 27 C in the 2-probe conductivities for both boules. Cleaning with liquid sodium at 300 C reduced its magnitude, but some interfacial polarization was still present in the 2-probe conductivities for boule 2 below about 140 C. Above 140 C, with liquid sodium electrodes, the 2-probe conductivities, essentially polarization-free, were given by KT = 3300 exp(-3650/RT). The conductivity of boule 2 at 180 C remained essentially constant with increasing current density up to about 140 milliamps per square centimeter

    Method and apparatus for determining time, direction, and composition of impacting space particles

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    A space particle collector for recording the time specific particles are captured, and its direction at the time of capture, utilizes an array of targets, each comprised of an MOS capacitor on a chip charged from an external source and discharged upon impact by a particle through a tab on the chip that serves as a fuse. Any impacting particle creates a crater, but only the first will cause a discharge of the capacitor. A substantial part of the metal film around the first crater is burned off by the discharge current. The time of the impulse which burns the tab, and the identification of the target, is recorded together with data from flight instruments. The metal film is partitioned into pie sections to provide a plurality of targets on each of an array of silicon wafers, thus increasing the total number of identified particles that can be collected. It is thus certain which particles were captured at what specific times

    Storm‐time configuration of the inner magnetosphere: Lyon‐Fedder‐Mobarry MHD code, Tsyganenko model, and GOES observations

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    [1] We compare global magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulation results with an empirical model and observations to understand the magnetic field configuration and plasma distribution in the inner magnetosphere, especially during geomagnetic storms. The physics-based Lyon-Fedder-Mobarry (LFM) code simulates Earth\u27s magnetospheric topology and dynamics by solving the equations of ideal MHD. Quantitative comparisons of simulated events with observations reveal strengths and possible limitations and suggest ways to improve the LFM code. Here we present a case study that compares the LFM code to both a semiempirical magnetic field model and to geosynchronous measurements from GOES satellites. During a magnetic cloud event, the simulation and model predictions compare well qualitatively with observations, except during storm main phase. Quantitative statistical studies of the MHD simulation shows that MHD field lines are consistently under-stretched, especially during storm time (Dst \u3c −20 nT) on the nightside, a likely consequence of an insufficient representation of the inner magnetosphere current systems in ideal MHD. We discuss two approaches for improving the LFM result: increasing the simulation spatial resolution and coupling LFM with a ring current model based on drift physics (i.e., the Rice Convection Model (RCM)). We show that a higher spatial resolution LFM code better predicts geosynchronous magnetic fields (not only the average Bz component but also higher-frequency fluctuations driven by the solar wind). An early version of the LFM/RCM coupled code, which runs so far only for idealized events, yields a much-improved ring current, quantifiable by decreased field strengths at all local times compared to the LFM-only code

    Controlling the transport of an ion: Classical and quantum mechanical solutions

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    We investigate the performance of different control techniques for ion transport in state-of-the-art segmented miniaturized ion traps. We employ numerical optimization of classical trajectories and quantum wavepacket propagation as well as analytical solutions derived from invariant based inverse engineering and geometric optimal control. We find that accurate shuttling can be performed with operation times below the trap oscillation period. The maximum speed is limited by the maximum acceleration that can be exerted on the ion. When using controls obtained from classical dynamics for wavepacket propagation, wavepacket squeezing is the only quantum effect that comes into play for a large range of trapping parameters. We show that this can be corrected by a compensating force derived from invariant based inverse engineering, without a significant increase in the operation time

    Spin susceptibility, phase diagram, and quantum criticality in the electron-doped high Tc Superconductor Ba[Fe(1-x)Co(x)]2As2

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    We report a systematic investigation of Ba[Fe(1-x)Co(x)]2As2 based on transport and 75-As NMR measurements, and establish the electronic phase diagram. We demonstrate that doping progressively suppresses the uniform spin susceptibility and low frequency spin fluctuations. The optimum superconducting phase emerges at x_c~0.08 when the tendency toward spin ordering completely diminishes. Our findings point toward the presence of a quantum critical point near x_c between the SDW (spin density wave) and superconducting phases.Comment: 5 Figure

    Feedback control of unstable cellular solidification fronts

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    We present a numerical and experimental study of feedback control of unstable cellular patterns in directional solidification (DS). The sample, a dilute binary alloy, solidifies in a 2D geometry under a control scheme which applies local heating close to the cell tips which protrude ahead of the other. For the experiments, we use a real-time image processing algorithm to track cell tips, coupled with a movable laser spot array device, to heat locally. We show, numerically and experimentally, that spacings well below the threshold for a period-doubling instability can be stabilized. As predicted by the numerical calculations, cellular arrays become stable, and the spacing becomes uniform through feedback control which is maintained with minimal heating.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl