31 research outputs found

    Humans as a resource:ZooMS analysis on points from Mesolithic Doggerland

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    Several bone and antler points from Mesolithic Doggerland have been dated and analysed to determine the animal species from which they were made. The points were found on beaches of South-Holland, but their primary depositional site lies in front of the coast in the North Sea. 14C-dates have given an estimated age of 11.000 to 8.000 years old. The decisions made for the production of the points can inform us about the human makers. ZooMS (Zooarchaeology by Mass Spectrometry) was used on ten points in order to identify the taxon from which they were made. We’ve obtained fascinating and unexpected results. There seems to be a preference for the use of red deer, but two examples for the usage of human bone were found as well. This is a surprising discovery as human remains are not commonly used to make tools. Moreover, human bones are not the most suitable material to produce a point. Therefore, the use of human bone to manufacture bone points seems to be more related to symbolism and culture. Future research will provide more clarity in the coming years

    Human and cervid osseous materials used for barbed point manufacture in Mesolithic Doggerland

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    Barbed bone points originally deposited in Doggerland are regularly collected from the shores of the Netherlands. Their typology and direct 14C dating suggest they are of Mesolithic age. However, the species of which the barbed points were made cannot be identified based on morphological criteria. The bones used to produce the barbed points have been intensively modified during manufacture, use, and post-depositional processes. Here, we taxonomically assess ten barbed points found on the Dutch shore using mass spectrometry and collagen peptide mass fingerprinting alongside newly acquired 14C ages and δ13C and δ15N measurements. Our results demonstrate a sufficient preservation of unmodified collagen for mass spectrometry-based taxonomic identifications of bone and antler artefacts which have been preserved in marine environments since the beginning of the Holocene. We show that Homo sapiens bones as well as Cervus elaphus bones and antlers were transformed into barbed points. The 14C dating of nine barbed points yielded uncalibrated ages between 9.5 and 7.3 ka 14C BP. The δ13C and δ15N values of the seven cervid bone points fall within the range of herbivores, recovered from the North Sea, whereas the two human bone points indicate a freshwater and/or terrestrial fauna diet. The wide-scale application of ZooMS is a critical next step towards revealing the selection of species for osseous-tool manufacture in the context of Mesolithic Doggerland, but also further afield. The selection of Cervus elaphus and human bone for manufacturing barbed points in Mesolithic Doggerland is unlikely to have been opportunistic and instead seems to be strategic in nature. Further, the occurrence of Homo sapiens and Cervus elaphus bones in our random and limited dataset suggests that the selection of these species for barbed point production was non-random and subject to specific criteria. By highlighting the transformation of human bones into barbed points – possibly used as weapons – our study provides additional evidence for the complex manipulation of human remains during the Mesolithic, now also evidenced in Doggerland

    Combining collagen extraction with mineral Zn isotope analyses from a single sample for robust palaeoecological investigations

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    Collagen extraction from bones or dentine, commonly used for radiocarbon (14C) dating and stable carbon and nitrogen isotope (δ13C and δ15N) analyses, involves the dissolution of the bioapatite of skeletal elements. This fraction is typically disposed of during pretreatment. Here, we test the possibility of utilising this dissolved mineral solution for analysis of the bioapatite zinc isotope composition (δ66Zn). Bioapatite δ66Zn is a novel trophic level indicator similar to collagen δ15N but with isotopic fractionation independent from nitrogen, thus providing additional dietary information. We tested ways to minimise Zn contamination of the dissolved mineral phase during collagen extraction. We then used archaeological bone samples from Ain Difla (Jordan) and Ranis (Germany) to compare δ66Zn values of dissolved bioapatite following our collagen extraction protocol with δ66Zn values from the same sample material dissolved in a metal-free cleanroom. Our results demonstrate that with only minor adjustments to minimise Zn contamination, the dissolved mineral solution from collagen extraction protocols commonly employed for 14C dating and (palaeo)dietary analysis can be used for additional δ66Zn analyses even when collagen extraction does not take place in a cleanroom. Our protocol allows us to gain an additional dietary proxy to complement δ15N trophic level interpretations and perform more robust (palaeo)ecological investigations without further destructive sampling

    Les premières preuves isotopiques d’une forte consommation de plantes chez les chasseurs-cueilleurs du Pléistocène supérieur à Taforalt, Maroc

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    La transition des stratégies de subsistance des chasseurs-cueilleurs vers l’agropastoralisme représente l’une des évolutions alimentaires les plus significatives de l’évolution humaine, mais qui reste cependant encore peu documentée en Afrique du Nord. Le site de Taforalt (Maroc) est l’une des plus anciennes nécropoles de cette région datant de la période ibéromaurusienne (15000-13000 cal BP). La présence de caries dentaires sur les individus inhumés ainsi que les preuves de développement d’..

    Isotopic evidence of high reliance on plant food among Later Stone Age hunter-gatherers at Taforalt, Morocco

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    The transition from hunting-gathering to agriculture stands as one of the most important dietary revolutions in human history. Yet, due to a scarcity of well-preserved human remains from Pleistocene sites, little is known about the dietary practices of pre-agricultural human groups. Here we present the isotopic evidence of pronounced plant reliance among Late Stone Age hunter-gatherers from North Africa (15,000–13,000 cal BP), predating the advent of agriculture by several millennia. Employing a comprehensive multi-isotopic approach, we conducted zinc (δ66Zn) and strontium (87Sr/86Sr) analysis on dental enamel, bulk carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) and sulfur (δ34S) isotope analysis on dentin and bone collagen, and single amino acid analysis on human and faunal remains from Taforalt (Morocco). Our results unequivocally demonstrate a substantial plant-based component in the diets of these hunter-gatherers. This distinct dietary pattern challenges the prevailing notion of high reliance on animal proteins among pre-agricultural human groups. It also raises intriguing questions surrounding the absence of agricultural development in North Africa during the early Holocene. This study underscores the importance of investigating dietary practices during the transition to agriculture and provides insights into the complexities of human subsistence strategies across different regions