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    The technology is currently growing rapidly, it is not immune from the world of co n struction is also progressing in the filed of design. So far, mater ials used in the building co nstruct ion filed in particular is still an average use m a terials of wood and concrete. However, with develop ment time and mat er ials science began using steel. With used ed steel material can reduce constructi on waste which has been problem for the environment. Of the development of knowledge in the construction field it creates various methods in designing the structure of one of them is a system of composite structure consisting of a combination of steel with concrete. In this thesis discusses the analysis of composite structures in the Super Structure. Upper structure used steel profile and Sub structure used reinforces concrete . This building consists of 7 floors where this dimensions 68,25x46,2 m 2 , the building is analyse in field whit medium soil conditions. For analysis structure of this theses used assistances program SAP 2000 V14, whereas in analysing element structure done manually with the LRFD method guided by SNI 03 - 1729 - 2002. Calculate of the st ructure assumed by using the concept of Strong C ol um n Weak Beam (SCWB). From the calculation that has been done, found that buildings analysed are qualified LRFD and SCWB are guided by SNI 03 - 1729 - 200

    Free Hanging Catenary Riser with Steel and Titanium

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    Deepwater developments are becoming increasingly common in several parts of the world. Although the technological advances have grown exponentially since the first development in such great depth, challenges are still faced regarding the harsh environmental conditions. Considering that, the riser system is a critical part of the subsea architecture. The Steel Catenary Riser (SCR) is usually the preferred option for deep and ultra-deep waters when its feasibility is ensured. However, this type of riser is very sensitive to the host platform's large motions due to the harsh environment. The large motion has the downward velocity at the hang-off point as a critical component, which can induce high levels of fatigue in that location and at the touchdown point (TDP). Thus, risers are usually designed with a flex joint on their top end, reducing or eliminating the fatigue issues in this area. For the TDP, other alternatives have been studied. An alternative that has been considered is the implementation of a titanium section on the touchdown area (TDA) of an SCR, which feasibility in a deepwater and harsh environment is the focus of this work. A comparison with a conventional SCR is made in order to evaluate how the titanium affects the response on the TDA. Results of the strength analyses showed that the SCR is unsuitable when the downward velocity is 3.8 m/s. By implementing the titanium section, which material has higher yield strength, the riser can cope with that downward velocity. The fatigue performance of the risers is checked considering the wave-induced fatigue. The conventional SCR demonstrates to have high fatigue damage, resulting in only 3.5 years on the TDP, which can be explained by its results on the strength analysis. On the other hand, the SCR with a titanium section has a fatigue life of over 20,000 years at the TDP, demonstrating it can improve the results significantly. Sensitivity studies are presented and explain how the riser with titanium is affected by changes in the section length, wall and coating thicknesses, and hang-off angle. Overall, this thesis shows the feasibility of an SCR with a titanium section on the TDA when applied on a spread moored FPSO in deepwater and harsh environmental conditions. Keywords: Deep water, SCR, SCR with titanium section, Extreme Response Analysi

    Insólita espessura de uma sucessão de lençol de areia: Formação Bandeirinha, Proterozoico, Minas Gerais

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    CAPES - COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIORSome present-day eolian sand sheets have small and width dunes, called zibars, as common type of depositional morphology. Their formation is related to different stabilizing factors, which reduce the availability of clastic materials for eolian processes. In fact, zibars are dunes which do not have time to develop a larger dune with slipface (proto-dune). Dunes in sands sheet areas generally are constructed by wind ripple laminations and commonly generate sedimentary succession less than 20 m thick, which are the consequence of low sand supply. This study deals with an uncommon eolian sand sheet sedimentary succession more than 50 m thick, Proterozoic in age, known as Bandeirinha Formation. This paper tries to explain the anomalous thick of this sand sheet sedimentary succession. High thickness was probably the result of a high input of sand material, combine with low availability of sand, thus allowing the only construction of proto-dunes (zibars). Early cementation, due to near-surface evaporation of saline water, has been proposed as main factor that reduced the sand availability into this eolian system. Finally, the subsidence processes related to the first stage of rift Espinhaco Basin must have generated the accommodation space to preserve the sand sheet succession.Some present-day eolian sand sheets have small and width dunes, called zibars, as common type of depositional morphology. Their formation is related to different stabilizing factors, which reduce the availability of clastic materials for eolian processes. In fact, zibars are dunes which do not have time to develop a larger dune with slipface (proto-dune). Dunes in sands sheet areas generally are constructed by wind ripple laminations and commonly generate sedimentary succession less than 20 m thick, which are the consequence of low sand supply. This study deals with an uncommon eolian sand sheet sedimentary succession more than 50 m thick, Proterozoic in age, known as Bandeirinha Formation. This paper tries to explain the anomalous thick of this sand sheet sedimentary succession. High thickness was probably the result of a high input of sand material, combine with low availability of sand, thus allowing the only construction of proto-dunes (zibars). Early cementation, due to near-surface evaporation of saline water, has been proposed as main factor that reduced the sand availability into this eolian system. Finally, the subsidence processes related to the first stage of rift Espinhaco Basin must have generated the accommodation space to preserve the sand sheet succession.4511311CAPES - COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIORCAPES - COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIORsem informaçãoEm alguns lençóis de areia eólica atuais existem dunas pequenas e largas, chamadas zibars, como tipo comum de morfologia deposicional. Sua formação é relacionada a diferentes fatores de estabilização, os quais reduzem a disponibilidade de materiais clásticos para os processos eólicos. De fato, os zibars são dunas que não tiveram tempo para se desenvolver como grandes dunas (protodunas). As dunas dos lençóis de areia (zibars) geralmente são construídas por laminações de marcas onduladas de vento e comumente geram sucessões com menos de 20 m de espessura, consequência da baixa oferta de sedimento. Este estudo trata de uma sucessão sedimentar com depósitos de lençóis de areia de espessuras incomuns, com mais do que 50 m de espessura, encontrados na Formação Bandeirinha, de idade Proterozoica. Este trabalho tenta explicar essas espessuras anômalas de depósitos de lençol de areia. A elevada espessura desses depósitos deve-se provavelmente ao grande aporte de material clástico no sistema, combinado com a baixa disponibilidade de sedimentos, que não permitiu a formação de dunas com faces de deslizamento, mas somente de protodunas (zibars). Cimentação precoce, causada pela evaporação de água salina próxima à superfície, tem sido proposta como principal fator para a redução da disponibilidade de areia neste sistema eólico. Finalmente, os processos de subsidência relacionada aos primeiros estágios de rifteamento da Bacia Espinhaço devem ter gerado o espaço de acomodação para preservar a sucessão de lençol de areia

    Efeito da raça do Padreador e da época de monta sobre a eficiência reprodutiva de ovelhas deslanadas acasaladas com reprodutores de raças especializadas para corte.

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    Resumo: O estudo foi conduzido numa regiao tropical semi-arida, onde foram estabelecidas tres epocas de monta e avaliados os indices reprodutivos de um rebanho ovino com 134 ovelhas deslanadas acasaladas com cinco carneiros adultos, de cinco racas distintas: Hampshire Down, Ile-de-France, Suffolk, Texel e Santa Ines. Independente da epoca, as taxas de paricao e fertilidade das ovelhas foram elevadas, variando, respectivamente, de 85,9 a 98,6% e 101,0 a 105,9%. A fertilidade dos reprodutores exoticos foi considerada elevada, para estas condicoes, mas as ovelhas acasaladas com Suffolk requereram o maior numero de montas por concepcao e tiveram as menores taxas de paricao, comparadas as ovelhas servidas por carneiros de outras racas. A suplementacao alimentar dos animais em reproducao, associada a tosquia e ao sombreamento para os machos, garantiram a obtencao de elevadas taxas reprodutivas, ao longo de todo o ano. [Effect of Breed of Sire and Mating Season on the Reproductive Performance of Hairsheep Females Mated to Rams of Meat-Type Breeds]. Abstract: This study was conducted in a tropical semi-arid region and involved the establishment of three mating seasons to evaluate the reproductive performance of a hairsheep flock mated to rams from the following breeds: Hampshire Down, Ile-de-France, Suffolk, Texel and Santa Inês hairsheep. Irrespective of season of mating, lambing and fertility rates were high, ranging respectively from 85.9% to 98.6% and from 101.0% to 105.9%. Although fertility of rams had been taken as high, ewes mated to the Suffolk stud ram required more services per conception and showed the smallest lambing rate as compared to the ewes lambed from other breeds of ram. Feeding supplementation of breeding animals associated with shearing and shading for males guaranteed the reproductive performances all year round