336 research outputs found

    Smaller left kidney in low birth weight children

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    Peripheral Facial Nerve Palsy in Severe Systemic Hypertension: A Systematic Review

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    BACKGROUND Signs of nervous system dysfunction such as headache or convulsions often occur in severe systemic hypertension. Less recognized is the association between severe hypertension and peripheral facial nerve palsy. The aim of this study was to systematically review the literature on the association of peripheral facial palsy with severe hypertension. METHODS Systematic review of Medline, Embase, Web of Science, and Google Scholar from 1960 through December 2011 and report of two cases. RESULTS The literature review revealed 24 cases to which we add two cases with severe hypertension and peripheral facial palsy. Twenty-three patients were children. Palsy was unilateral in 25 cases, bilateral in one case, and recurred in nine. The time between the first facial symptoms and diagnosis of hypertension was a median of 45 days (range, 0 days-2 years). In five case series addressing the complications of severe hypertension in children, 41 further cases of peripheral facial palsy were listed out of 860 patients (4.8%). CONCLUSIONS The association between severe hypertension and peripheral facial palsy is mainly described in children. Arterial hypertension is diagnosed with a substantial delay. Outcome is favorable with adequate antihypertensive treatment. The pathophysiology is still debate

    A complex interprofessional intervention to improve the management of painful procedures in neonates

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    During hospitalization, neonates are exposed to a stressful environment and a high number of painful procedures. If pain is not treated adequately, short- and long-term complications may develop. Despite evidence about neonatal pain and available guidelines, procedural pain remains undertreated. This gap between research and practice is mostly due to limited implementation of evidence-based knowledge and time constraints. This study describes in detail the development process of a complex interprofessional intervention to improve the management of procedural pain in neonates called NEODOL© (NEOnato DOLore). The framework of the Medical Research Council (MRC) for the development and evaluation of complex interventions was used as a methodological guide for the design of the NEODOL© intervention. The development of the intervention is based on several steps and multiple methods. To report this process, we used the Criteria for Reporting the Development of Complex Interventions in Healthcare (CReDECI 2). Additionally, we evaluated the content of the intervention using a Delphi method to obtain consensus from experts, stakeholders, and parents. The complex interprofessional intervention, NEODOL©, is developed and designed for three groups: healthcare professionals, parents, and neonates for a level IIb neonatal unit at a regional hospital in southern Switzerland. A total of 16 panelists participated in the Delphi process. At the end of the Delphi process, the panelists endorsed the NEODOL© intervention as important and feasible. Following the MRC guidelines, a multimethod process was used to develop a complex interprofessional intervention to improve the management of painful procedures in newborns. Complex interprofessional interventions need theoretical bases, careful development, and integration of stakeholders to provide a comprehensive approach. The NEODOL intervention consists of promising components and has the potential to improve the management of painful procedures and should facilitate the knowledge translation into practice. KEYWORDS bundle of care, complex interventions, interprofessional relations, knowledge translation, neonate, procedural pai

    Nervous system dysfunction in Henoch-Schönlein syndrome: systematic review of the literature

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    Objective. CNS or peripheral nervous system dysfunction sometimes occurs in Henoch-Schönlein patients. Methods. We review all Henoch-Schönlein cases published after 1969 with CNS dysfunction without severe hypertension and neuroimaging studies (n = 35), cranial or peripheral neuropathy (n = 15), both CNS and peripheral nervous system dysfunction without severe hypertension (n = 2) or nervous system dysfunction with severe hypertension (n = 2). Forty-four of the 54 patients were <20 years of age. Results. In patients with CNS dysfunction without or with severe hypertension the following presentations were observed in decreasing order of frequency: altered level of consciousness, convulsions, focal neurological deficits, visual abnormalities and verbal disability. Imaging studies disclosed the following lesions: vascular lesions almost always involving two or more vessels, intracerebral haemorrhage, posterior subcortical oedema, diffuse brain oedema and thrombosis of the superior sagittal sinus. Following lesions were noted in the subjects with cranial or peripheral neuropathy without severe hypertension: peroneal neuropathy, peripheral facial palsy, Guillain-Barré syndrome, brachial plexopathy, posterior tibial nerve neuropathy, femoral neuropathy, ulnar neuropathy and mononeuritis multiplex. Persisting signs of either CNS (n = 9) or peripheral (n = 1) nervous system dysfunction were sometimes reported. Conclusions. In Henoch-Schönlein syndrome, signs of nervous system dysfunction are uncommon but clinically relevant. This review helps clinicians managing Henoch-Schönlein syndrome with nervous system dysfunctio

    Kidney tubular injury induced by valproic acid: systematic literature review.

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    BACKGROUND Valproic acid is prescribed for epilepsy and as prophylaxis for bipolar disorder and migraine headaches. It has also been implicated as a cause of a kidney tubular injury. METHODS We undertook a review of the literature to characterize the biochemical and histopathological features of the overt kidney tubular injury and to evaluate the possible existence of a pauci-symptomatic injury. The pre-registered review (CRD42022360357) was performed following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) methodology. Searches were conducted in Excerpta Medica, the National Library of Medicine, and Web of Science. The gray literature was also considered. RESULTS For the final analysis, we retained 36 articles: 28 case reports documented 48 individuals with epilepsy on valproic acid for 7 months or more and presenting with features consistent with an overt kidney tubular injury. The following disturbances were noted: hypophosphatemia (N = 46), normoglycemic glycosuria (N = 46), total proteinuria (N = 45), metabolic acidosis (N = 36), hypouricemia (N = 27), tubular proteinuria (N = 27), hypokalemia (N = 23), and hypocalcemia (N = 8). A biopsy, obtained in six cases, disclosed altered proximal tubular cells with giant and dysmorphic mitochondria. Eight case series addressed the existence of a pauci- or even asymptomatic kidney injury. In the reported 285 subjects on valproic acid for 7 months or more, an isolated tubular proteinuria, mostly N-acetyl-β-glucosaminidase, was often noted. CONCLUSIONS Valproic acid may induce an overt kidney tubular injury, which is associated with a proximal tubular mitochondrial toxicity. Treatment for 7 months or more is often associated with a pauci- or oligosymptomatic kidney tubular injury. A higher resolution version of the Graphical abstract is available as Supplementary information

    Renal vein obstruction and orthostatic proteinuria: a review

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    Objectives. The cause of orthostatic proteinuria is not clear but may often relate to obstruction of the left renal vein in the fork between the aorta and the superior mesenteric artery (= renal nutcracker). However, reports dealing with proteinuria only marginally refer to this possible cause of orthostatic proteinuria. We analysed the corresponding literature. Results. Five reports addressed the frequency of renal nutcracker in 229 subjects with orthostatic proteinuria. Their age ranged between 5.2 and 17years (female-to-male ratio: 0.96:1.00). Imaging studies demonstrated renal nutcracker in 156 (68%) subjects. Renal nutcracker was also demonstrated in 9 anecdotal reports for a total of 53 subjects with postural proteinuria. Very recently, 13 Italian subjects with orthostatic proteinuria associated with renal nutcracker were reassessed 6years after the initial diagnosis: in nine subjects, both orthostatic proteinuria and renal nutcracker had disappeared; in three, both orthostatic proteinuria and renal nutcracker had persisted; and in one, orthostatic proteinuria had persisted unassociated with renal nutcracker. Conclusions. These data provide substantial support for renal nutcracker as a common cause of orthostatic proteinuri

    Body fluids and salt metabolism - Part II

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    There is a high frequency of diarrhea and vomiting in childhood. As a consequence the focus of the present review is to recognize the different body fluid compartments, to clinically assess the degree of dehydration, to know how the equilibrium between extracellular fluid and intracellular fluid is maintained, to calculate the effective blood osmolality and discuss both parenteral fluid maintenance and replacement

    Neonatal Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome After Mother-to-Child Transmission of a Low-Pathogenic stx2b Harboring Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli

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    This case describes evidence for a Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) O146:H28 infection leading to hemolytic uremic syndrome in a neonate. STEC O146:H28 was linked hitherto with asymptomatic carriage in humans. Based on strain characteristics and genotyping data, the mother is a healthy carrier who transmitted the STEC during delivery. STEC strains belonging to the low-pathogenic STEC group must also be considered in the workup of neonatal hemolytic uremic syndrom

    Childhood extraordinary daytime urinary frequency-a case series and a systematic literature review

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    Childhood extraordinary daytime urinary frequency is likely a common but underreported condition characterized by daytime frequent voiding and typically not linked with complaints of burning, urinary incontinence, altered urinary stream, changes in the nighttime voiding pattern, excessive fluid intake and excessive urinary volume. To determine the features and outcome of extraordinary daytime urinary frequency, we report our experience with 14 children and the results of a formal systematic analysis of peer-reviewed English-language literature on this topic. Nineteen case series were found (together with 16 mostly pertinent comments), with each case series providing details on from one to 119 children. On the basis of our experience and the findings of our systematic analysis, we conclude that, in general practice, extraordinary daytime urinary frequency is a common cause of urinary frequency, that the age of such patients is, on average, 6 years and that the micturation abnormalities persist for an average of 6 months. The results of this review must be viewed with an understanding of the limitations of the analysis process, which incorporated data exclusively from case series
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