14 research outputs found

    Toward Global Biobank Integration by Implementation of the Minimum Information About BIobank Data Sharing (MIABIS 2.0 Core)

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    Biobanks are the biological back end of data-driven medicine, but lack standards and generic solutions for interoperability and information harmonization. The move toward a global information infrastructure for biobanking demands semantic interoperability through harmonized services and common ontologies. To tackle this issue, the Minimum Information About BIobank data Sharing (MIABIS) was developed in 2012 by the Biobanking and BioMolecular Resources Research Infrastructure of Sweden (BBMRI.se). The wide acceptance of the first version of MIABIS encouraged evolving it to a more structured and descriptive standard. In 2013 a working group was formed under the largest infrastructure for health in Europe, Biobanking and BioMolecular Resources Research Infrastructure (BBMRI-ERIC), with the remit to continue the development of MIABIS (version 2.0) through a multicountry governance process. MIABIS 2.0 Core has been developed with 22 attributes describing Biobanks, Sample Collections, and Studies according to a modular structure that makes it easier to adhere to and to extend the standard. This integration standard will make a great contribution to the discovery and exploitation of biobank resources and lead to a wider and more efficient use of valuable bioresources, thereby speeding up the research on human diseases. Many within the European Union have accepted MIABIS 2.0 Core as the de facto biobank information standard

    Somatic segregation errors predominantly contribute to the gain or loss of a paternal chromosome leading to uniparental disomy for chromosome 15

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    Paternal uniparental disomy (UPD) for chromosome 15 (UPD15), which is found in approximately 2% of Angelman syndrome (AS) patients, is much less frequent than maternal UPD15, which is found in 25% of Prader-Willi syndrome patients. Such a difference cannot be easily accounted for if 'gamete complementation' is the main mechanism leading to UPD. If we assume that non-disjunction of chromosome 15 in male meiosis is relatively rare, then the gain or loss of the paternal chromosome involved in paternal and maternal UPD15, respectively, may be more likely to result from a post-zygotic rather than a meiotic event. To test this hypothesis, the origin of the extra chromosome 15 was determined in 21 AS patients with paternal UPD15 with a paternal origin of the trisomy. Only 4 of 21 paternal UPD15 cases could be clearly attributed to a meiotic error. Furthermore, significant non-random X-chromosome inactivation (XCI) observed in maternal UPD15 patients (p < 0.001) provides indirect evidence that a post-zygotic error is also typically involved in loss of the paternal chromosome. The mean maternal and paternal ages of 33.4 and 39.4 years, respectively, for paternal UPD15 cases are increased as compared with normal controls. This may be simply the consequence of an age association with maternal non-disjunction leading to nullisomy for chromosome 15 in the oocyte, although the higher paternal age in paternal UPD15 as compared with maternal UPD15 cases is suggestive that paternal age may also play a role in the origin of paternal UPD15

    An optimized probe set for the detection of small interchromosomal aberrations by use of 24-color FISH.

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    The rapid spread of the use of new 24-color karyotyping techniques has preceded their standardization. This is best documented by the fact that the exact resolution limits have not yet been defined. Indeed, it is shown here that a substantial proportion of interchromosomal aberrations will be missed by all multicolor karyotyping systems currently in use. We demonstrate that both the sensitivity and the specificity of 24-color karyotyping critically depend on the fluorochrome composition of chromosomes involved in an interchromosomal rearrangement. As a solution, we introduce a conceptual change in probe labeling. Seven-fluorochrome sets that overcome many of the current limitations are described, and examples of their applications are shown. The criteria presented here for an optimized probe-set design and for the estimation of resolution limits should have important consequences for pre- and postnatal diagnostics and for research applications

    Comparison of phenotype in uniparental disomy and deletion Prader-Willi syndrome: Sex specific differences

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    Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) results primarily from either a paternal deletion of 15q11-q13 or maternal uniparental disomy (UPD) 15. Birth parameters and clinical presentation of 79 confirmed UPD cases and 43 deletion patients were compared in order to test whether any manifestations differ between the two groups. There were no major clinical differences between the two classes analyzed as a whole, other than the presence of hypopigmentation predominantly in the deletion group. However, there was a significant bias in sex-ratio (P < .001) limited to the UPD group with a predominance (68%) of males. An equal number of males and females was observed in the deletion group. When analyzed by sex, several significant differences between the UPD and deletion groups were observed. Female UPD patients were found to be less severely affected than female deletion patients in terms of length of gavage feeding and a later onset of hyperphagia. Although these traits are likely to be influenced by external factors, they may reflect a milder presentation of female UPD patients which could explain the observed sex bias by causing under-ascertainment of female UPD. Alternatively, there may be an effect of sex on either early trisomy 15 survival or the probability of somatic loss of a chromosome from a trisomic conceptus

    FRA10B structure reveals common elements in repeat expansion and chromosomal fragile site genesis

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    Available online 27 September 2000.A common mechanism for chromosomal fragile site genesis is not yet apparent. Folate-sensitive fragile sites are expanded p(CCG)n repeats that arise from longer normal alleles. Distamycin A or bromodeoxyuridine-inducible fragile site FRA16B is an expanded AT-rich 33 bp repeat; however, the relationship between normal and fragile site alleles is not known. Here, we report that bromodeoxyuridine-inducible, distamycin A–insensitive fragile site FRA10B is composed of expanded 42 bp repeats. Differences in repeat motif length or composition between different FRA10B families indicate multiple independent expansion events. Some FRA10B alleles comprise a mixture of different expanded repeat motifs. FRA10B fragile site and long normal alleles share flanking polymorphisms. Somatic and intergenerational FRA10B repeat instability analogous to that found in expanded trinucleotide repeats supports dynamic mutation as a common mechanism for repeat expansion.Duncan R Hewett, Oliva Handt, Lynne Hobson, Marie Mangelsdorf, Helen J Eyre, Elizabeth Baker, Grant R Sutherland, Simone Schuffenhauer, Jen-i Mao and Robert I Richards