65 research outputs found

    Glândulas de óleo no gênero neotropical Dahlstedtia Malme - Leguminosae, Papilionoideae, Millettieae

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    Dahlstedtia pentaphylla (Taub.) Burkart and D. pinnata (Benth.) Malme belong to the Millettieae tribe and are tropical leguminous trees that produce a strong and unpleasant odour. In the present work, we investigated the distribution, development and histochemistry of foliar and floral secretory cavities that could potentially be related to this odour. The ultrastructure of foliar secretory cavities were also studied and compared with histochemical data. These data were compared with observations recorded for other species of Millettieae in order to gain a phylogenetic and taxonomic perspective. Foliar secretory cavities were only recorded for D. pentaphylla. Floral secretory cavities were present in the calyx, wings and keels in both species; in D. pinnata they also were found in bracteoles and vexillum. Such structures were found to originate through a schizogenous process. Epithelial cells revealed a large amount of flattened smooth endoplasmic reticula, well-developed dictyosomes and vacuoles containing myelin-like structures. Cavity lumen secretion stains strongly for lipids. Features of the secretory cavities studied through ultrastructural and histochemical procedures identify these structures as oil glands. Thus, if the odour produced by such plants has any connection with the accumulation of rotenone, as other species belonging to the "timbó" complex, the lipophilic contents of the secretory cavities of Dahlstedtia species take no part in such odour production. The presence, distribution patterns and frequencies of secretory structures in Dahlstedtia are taxonomically significant and may be utilized as a diagnostic character which justifies the separation of this genus into two species.Dahlstedtia pentaphylla (Taub.) Burkart e D. pinnata (Benth.) Malme pertencem à tribo Millettieae e apresentam representantes arbóreos que produzem um odor forte e desagradável. Neste trabalho, foram investigados a distribuição, o desenvolvimento e a histoquímica de cavidades secretoras foliares e florais, que poderiam estar relacionadas a este odor. A ultra-estrutura das cavidades secretoras foliares também foi estudada e comparada aos resultados histoquímicos. Estes dados foram comparados a outros obtidos para espécies de Millettieae e discutidos sob perspectivas filogenética e taxonômica. Cavidades secretoras foliares foram observadas somente em D. pentaphylla. Cavidades secretoras florais foram observadas no cálice, nas alas e quilhas de ambas as espécies; em D. pinnata também foram encontradas nas bractéolas e no estandarte. As cavidades originaram-se por processo esquizógeno. As células do epitélio secretor apresentaram uma grande quantidade de retículo endoplasmático liso tubuloso, dictiossomos bem desenvolvidos e muitos vacúolos contendo figuras de mielina. A secreção presente no lúmen da cavidade é constituída por óleo, conforme indicam os caracteres histoquímicos e ultra-estruturais. Desta forma, o conteúdo das cavidades de Dahlstedtia não é responsável pelo odor forte e desagradável exalado pelas plantas, já que este está associado ao acúmulo de rotenona, comum em espécies pertencentes ao complexo "timbó". A ocorrência, o padrão de distribuição e a freqüência das cavidades secretoras apresentam valor taxonômico e podem ser utilizados como caracteres diagnósticos, justificando a separação das duas espécies no gênero

    Pharmacobotanical studies of wild indigo species (Indigofera suffruticosa and Indigofera truxillensis, Leguminosae,) with pharmacological properties

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    Indigofera suffruticosa e Indigofera truxillensis são espécies de Leguminosae que se destacam no gênero por suas propriedades farmacológicas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estabelecer um controle de qualidade morfológico para as matérias-primas vegetais obtidas destas duas espécies, por meio de análises da superfície e organoléptica do pó foliolar e estudos anatômicos e histoquímicos dos folíolos, do caule e da raiz. A análise dos pós mostrou que a forma e ornamentação dos tricomas tectores são bons caracteres diagnósticos da matéria-prima pulverizada com partículas maiores que 53 µM, e que o odor em I. suffruticosa é forte e desagradável, com sabor fracamente amargo não persistente e em I. truxillensis é fraco e agradável e de sabor muito amargo e persistente. As espécies apresentaram estrutura anatômica de folíolos, entrenós caulinares e raízes laterais muito semelhantes; exceto pela epiderme papilosa em ambas as faces foliolares em I. truxillensis e apenas na face adaxial em I. suffruticosa. Compostos fenólicos foram detectados nos folíolos e alcalóides foram detectados nos caules e nas raízes (em maior quantidade nestas) de ambas as espécies. A presença de alcalóides nas raízes de I. suffruticosa e I. truxillensis é semelhante à observada em espécies de leguminosas ictiotóxicas incluídas no "complexo timbó", cujas raízes são tóxicas devido à presença de rotenóides.The Leguminosae genus Indigofera has two important pharmacological species, Indigofera suffruticosa and I. truxillensis. The present work aims to establish a morphological quality control for vegetal drugs obtained from these two species through the analyses of surface and organoleptic features in leaflet powder, and also through anatomical and histochemical studies in leaflet, shoot and root. Powder analyses evidenced that shape and ornamentation of the simple trichomes are good diagnostic characters for the sprayed drug, with particles bigger than 53 µm; moreover, odor was strong and awkward, with non-persistent, weakly bitter taste in I. suffruticosa, and weak and pleasant, with more persistent, bitter taste in I. truxillensis. Similar anatomical structures were found in leaflets, cauline internodes and lateral roots in both species, except for papillose epidermic cells that occurred in both leaflet sides in I. truxillensis, and only on the adaxial side in I. suffruticosa. Phenolic compounds were found in leaflets, and alkaloids in shoots and roots (greater amount) of both studied species. The occurrence of alkaloids in roots of I. suffruticosa and I. truxillensis seems to be similar to that observed in ichthyotoxic legume species that belong to the so-called "timbó complex", whose roots are toxic due to rotenoids.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)USP - Laboratório de Microscopia Eletrônica do Departamento de Biologia Celular e Molecular e Bioagentes Patogênicos - FMR

    Valor taxonômico de caracteres foliares em Dahlstedtia Malme: Leguminosae, Papilionoideae, Millettieae

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    Dahlstedtia Malme (Leguminosae) is a neotropical genus, native to the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, and comprises two species, D. pinnata (Benth.) Malme and D. pentaphylla (Taub.) Burk., although it has been considered a monotypic genus by some authors. Leaf anatomy was compared to verify the presence of anatomical characters to help delimit species. Foliar primordium, leaflet, petiolule, petiole and pulvinus were collected from cultivated plants (Campinas, SP, Brazil) and from natural populations (Picinguaba, Ubatuba and Caraguatatuba, SP, Brazil - D. pinnata; Antonina, PR, Brazil - D. pentaphylla). Studies on leaflet surface assessment (Scanning Electron Microscopy), as well as histology and venation analyses were carried out of dehydrated, fresh and fixed material from two species. Leaflet material was macerated for stomatal counts. Histological sections, obtained by free-hand cut or microtome, were stained with Toluidine Blue, Safranin/Alcian Blue, Ferric Chloride, Acid Phloroglucin. Secretory cavities are present in the lamina, petiolule, petiole, pulvinus and leaf primordium in D. pentaphylla, but not in D. pinnata, and can be considered an important character for species diagnosis. Other leaf characters were uninformative in delimiting Dahlstedtia species. There is cambial activity in the petiolule, petiole and pulvinus. This study, associated with other available data, supports the recognition of two species in Dahlstedtia.Dahlstedtia Malme (Leguminosae) é um gênero neotropical, com duas espécies reconhecidas, D. pinnata (Benth.) Malme e D. pentaphylla (Taub.) Burk., embora tenha sido considerado monotípico por alguns autores. Seus representantes ocorrem na Floresta Atlântica, nos Estados do Sul e Sudeste do Brasil. Neste trabalho, realizamos um estudo comparativo da anatomia foliar, para verificar a presença de caracteres que possam auxiliar a identificação das espécies. Primórdio foliar, lâmina foliar, peciólulo, pecíolo e pulvino foram coletados de plantas cultivadas em Campinas, SP, Brasil e de populações naturais encontradas em Picinguaba, Ubatuba e Caraguatatuba, SP, Brasil (D. pinnata) e em Antonina, PR, Brasil (D. pentaphylla). Análises da superfície (Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura), da venação foliolar e histológicas foram realizadas em material herborizado, fresco e fixado. A contagem de estômatos foi realizada após maceração do limbo. Lâminas semi-permanentes e permanentes foram confeccionadas com cortes obtidos a mão livre e em micrótomo rotativo, respectivamente, corados com Azul de Toluidina, Safranina/Azul de Alcian, Cloreto Férrico e Floroglucina Acidificada. Cavidades secretoras estão presentes na lâmina foliar, no peciólulo, no pecíolo, no pulvino e no primórdio foliar de D. pentaphylla, mas não foram encontradas em D. pinnata, constituindo um caráter diagnóstico para as espécies. Os outros caracteres foliares não foram informativos. Uma característica anatômica que merece ser ressaltada é a presença de atividade cambial no peciólulo, pecíolo e pulvino. Os dados obtidos deste estudo, associados a outros disponíveis na literatura, confirmam o reconhecimento de duas espécies no gênero Dahlstedtia.395403Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Vegetative axis anatomy of Dahlstedtia pinnata (Benth.) Malme and D. pentaphylla (Taub.) Burk. (Leguminosae, Papilionoideae)

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    Dahlstedtia Malme is a Neotropical genus, native to the Brazilian Atlantic forest, with two species. It is considered monotypic by many authors. The comparative anatomy of the vegetative axis was studied in order to verify the presence of anatomical characters that can help in the species delimitation. In spite of the anatomical similarity between species, some distinctive characters were found, like the presence of crystalliferous idioblasts in the secondary phloem of D. pentaphylla stem, a smaller number of primary stem fibre layers in D. pinnata, and the region of the secretory cavities origin in the shoot apex. As some differences were quantitative, they must be carefully used in species taxonomic delimitation.As plantas do gênero Dahlstedtia ocorrem exclusivamente no Brasil, em áreas de Mata Atlântica. O gênero é constituído por duas espécies, D. pinnata e D. pentaphylla, embora muitos autores o considerem monotípico. O objetivo deste trabalho é estudar comparativamente a anatomia do eixo vegetativo e verificar a presença de caracteres anatômicos importantes para subsidiar a delimitação destas espécies. Os caracteres anatômicos encontrados no eixo vegetativo que poderiam diferenciar as duas espécies são, em sua maioria, quantitativos, devendo ser utilizados com cautela para a identificação dos taxa, pois nem sempre são constantes num grupo. Entretanto, a presença de idioblastos cristalíferos no floema do caule em estrutura secundária de D. pentaphylla, um menor número de camadas de fibras no caule em estrutura primária em D. pinnata e a origem das cavidades secretoras em níveis diferentes na gema caulinar podem se constituir em caracteres distintivos para as duas espécies.0111Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Oleoresin glands in copaiba (Copaifera trapezifolia Hayne: Leguminosae), a Brazilian rainforest tree

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    Although studies have addressed the chemical analysis and the biological activity of oleoresin in species of Copaifera, the cellular mechanisms of oleoresin production, storage, and release have rarely been investigated. This study detailed the distribution, ontogeny, and ultrastructure of secretory cavities and canals distributed in leaf and stem, respectively, of Copaifera trapezifolia, a Brazilian species included in a plant group of great economic interest. Axillary vegetative buds, leaflets, and portions of stem in primary and secondary growth were collected and processed in order to study the anatomy, histolocalization of substances, and ultrastructure. Secretory cavities are observed in the foliar blade and secretory canals in the petiolule and stem. They are made up of a uniseriate epithelium delimiting an isodiametric or elongated lumen. Biseriate epithelium is rarely observed and is a novelty for Leguminosae. Cavities and canals originate from ground meristem cells and the lumen is formed by schizogenesis. The content of the cavities and canals of both stem and leaf is oily and resinous, which suggests that the oleoresin could be extracted from the leaf instead of the stem. Phenolic compounds are also detected in the epithelial cell cytoplasm. Cavities and canals in the beginning of developmental stages have polarized epithelial cells. The cytoplasm is rich in smooth and rough endoplasmic reticula connected to vesicles or plastids. Smooth and rough endoplasmic reticulum and plastids were found to be predominant in the epithelial cells of the secretory cavities and canals of C. trapezifolia. Such features testify the quantities of oleoresin found in the lumen and phenolic compounds in the epithelial cell cytoplasm of these glands. Other studies employing techniques such as correlative light electron microscopy could show the vesicle traffic and the compartmentalization of the produced substances in such glands.FAPESP [2008/55434-7]CAPESCNPq [301960/2009-7

    Prevalence of Streptococcus agalactiae colonization in pregnant women from the 18th Health Region of Paraná State

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    Introduction The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of GBS colonization in pregnant women in a public health service. Methods A study of 496 pregnant women at 35-37 gestational weeks was conducted from September 2011 to March 2014 in 21 municipalities of the 18th Health Region of Paraná State. Vaginal and anorectal samples of each woman were plated on sheep blood agar, and in HPTH and Todd-Hewitt enrichment broths. Results Of the 496 pregnant women, 141 (28.4%) were positive for GBS based on the combination of the three culture media with vaginal and anorectal samples. The prevalence was 23.7% for vaginal samples and 21.9% for anorectal ones. Among the variables analyzed in this study, only urinary infection was a significant factor (0.026) associated with GBS colonization in women. Conclusions Based on these results, health units should performs universal screening of pregnant women and hospitals should provide adequate prophylaxis, when indicated