3,408 research outputs found

    A practical guide on using SPOT-GPR, a freeware tool implementing a SAP-DoA technique

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    This is a software paper, which main objective is to provide practical information on how to use SPOT-GPR release 1.0, a MATLAB®-based software for the analysis of ground penetrating radar (GPR) profiles. The software allows detecting targets and estimating their position in a two-dimensional scenario, it has a graphical user interface and implements an innovative sub-array processing method. SPOT-GPR was developed in the framework of the COST Action TU1208 “Civil Engineering Applications of Ground Penetrating Radar” and is available for free download on the website of the Action (www.GPRadar.eu)

    SPOT-GPR: a freeware tool for target detection and localizationin GPR data developed within the COST action TU1208

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    SPOT-GPR (release 1.0) is a new freeware tool implementing an innovative Sub-Array Processing method, for the analysis of Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR) data with the main purposes of detecting and localizing targets. The software is implemented in Matlab, it has a graphical user interface and a short manual. This work is the outcome of a series of three Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSMs) funded by European COoperation in Science and Technology (COST) and carried out in the framework of the COST Action TU1208 “Civil Engineering Applications of Ground Penetrating Radar” (www.GPRadar.eu). The input of the software is a GPR radargram (B-scan). The radargram is partitioned in subradargrams, composed of a few traces (A-scans) each. The multi-frequency information enclosed in each trace is exploited and a set of dominant Directions of Arrival (DoA) of the electromagnetic field is calculated for each sub-radargram. The estimated angles are triangulated, obtaining a pattern of crossings that are condensed around target locations. Such pattern is filtered, in order to remove a noisy background of unwanted crossings, and is then processed by applying a statistical procedure. Finally, the targets are detected and their positions are predicted. For DoA estimation, the MUltiple SIgnal Classification (MUSIC) algorithm is employed, in combination with the matched filter technique. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time the matched filter technique is used for the processing of GPR data. The software has been tested on GPR synthetic radargrams, calculated by using the finite-difference timedomain simulator gprMax, with very good results

    Curves with Canonical Models on Scrolls

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    Let CC be an integral and projective curve whose canonical model CC' lies on a rational normal scroll SS of dimension nn. We mainly study some properties on CC, such as gonality and the kind of singularities, in the case where n=2n=2 and CC is non-Gorenstein, and in the case where n=3n=3, the scroll SS is smooth, and CC' is a local complete intersection inside SS. We also prove that a rational monomial curve with just one singular point lies on a surface scroll if and only if its gonality is at most 33, and that it lies on a threefold scroll if and only if its gonality is at most 44

    Retour au sport après reconstruction du LCA: quelle est la relation entre l'état psychologique et la fonction du genou du patient ?

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    Introduction : La lésion du ligament croisé antérieur (LCA) est fréquente chez le sportif. Bien que la chirurgie soit recommandée pour un retour au sport (RTS), seuls 65% des patients y parviennent. Objectif : Identifier la relation entre les déterminants du RTS après reconstruction du LCA. Materiel et méthode : Etude rétrospective exploratoire sur 32 patients analysant les résultats aux tests physiques (force ischio-jambiers et quadriceps, fonction du genou mesurée par le Triple Hop for Distance (THD)) et le questionnaire Anterior Cruciate Ligament-Return to Sport after Injury (ACL-RSI) évaluant l’état psychologique après reconstruction du LCA. Une régression linéaire multiple a été réalisée entre l’état psychologique, les paramètres physiques, le sexe, la plastie, la lésion et la fonction du genou, ainsi qu’une analyse de corrélation entre la fonction du genou, l'état psychologique et les paramètres physiques. Résultats : La régression linéaire multiple montre que seul l’ACL-RSI aurait tendance à influencer le THD (p=0.083). Une corrélation négative (p=0.013) est observée entre l’ACL-RSI et le THD et une corrélation modérée entre le THD et la force du quadriceps et des ischio-jambiers (p=0.004, p=0.046). Discussion : La corrélation négative entre l’état psychologique et la fonction du genou met en évidence des sujets se surestimant qui seront probablement à risque de blessure. Conclusion : L’état psychologique aurait tendance à influencer la fonction du genou. L’amélioration des paramètres physiques est liée aux capacités fonctionnelles. Une étude prospective permettrait d'appuyer l’inclusion des paramètres psychologiques dans le traitement physiothérapeutique pour augmenter le RTS

    Jogo Super Trunfo das funções químicas: uma Ferramenta para aprender ciências.

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    Trabalho apresentado no 31º SEURS - Seminário de Extensão Universitária da Região Sul, realizado em Florianópolis, SC, no período de 04 a 07 de agosto de 2013 - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.A utilização de jogos didáticos vem ganhando espaço nas escolas e pode ser uma alternativa em recursos didático-pedagógicos eficazes na construção do conhecimento. Pois, propicia o raciocínio, a argumentação e a interação entre os alunos e com o professor. Este estudo teve como objetivo orientar os professores da 9ª série do ensino fundamental de Goioerê, PR e região, na utilização do jogo “Super trunfo das funções químicas”. Os professores se sentiram motivados e se empolgaram com o jogo didático. Portanto, foi verificado que os aspectos lúdicos e cognitivos presentes neste jogo são importantes estratégias na fixação imediata de conceitos químicos

    THz streaking at metal nanotips

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    Investigation of virus-induced defence modulations during plant-virus interactions

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