46 research outputs found
Habitat heterogeneity enhances megafaunal biodiversity at bathymetric elevations in the Clarion Clipperton Fracture Zone
The Clarion Clipperton Fracture Zone (CCZ) in the northeast Pacific is a heterogeneous deep-sea environment, featuring abyssal plains as well as multiple seamounts and abyssal hills (bathymetric elevations) that harbour a highly diverse megabenthic fauna. Based on the analysis of seafloor photographic transects that were taken from elevated areas downslope into the abyssal plains in the eastern CCZ, a similar distribution of habitats was observed on five different bathymetric elevations including abyssal hills as well as the foothills of two seamounts. Rock outcrops occur at the summits, surrounded by an area with varying coverage and size of polymetallic nodules, which were divided into two different habitats characterized by large and small nodules, respectively, and followed by nodule-free sediments. Megafauna composition, density and diversity varies across these habitats. While density is the highest in areas with rock outcrops (1.4 individuals per m2), the biodiversity is the highest when regarding all of the habitats combined. Regarded individually, nodule-covered areas are the most diverse, whereas sediment areas without hard substratum, i.e. nodule free sediments, show the lowest biodiversity and the lowest density (0.2 individuals per m2). The multinomial species classification method (CLAM) shows that most of the observed megafauna morphotypes have to be regarded as rare. The large differences between the megafaunal communities at bathymetric elevations and the abyssal plain reported from previous studies might partly be explained by the multiplicity of habitats. This high heterogeneity can lead to a more diversified community at elevations, although most habitats can also be observed in the abyssal plain
Multi-scale variations in invertebrate and fish megafauna in the mid-eastern Clarion Clipperton Zone
The abyssal seafloor of the Clarion Clipperton Zone (CCZ) in the central Pacific has the largest known deposits of polymetallic nodules and associated benthic faunal communities with high biodiversity. The environmental factors that structure these communities, both at regional and local scales, are not well understood. In this study, seabed image surveys were used to assess distribution patterns in invertebrate and fish megafauna (>1 cm) at multiple scales in relation to key environmental factors: food supply to the seabed varying at the regional scale (hundreds of km), seabed geomorphological variations varying at the broad local scale (tens of km), and seabed nodule cover varying at the fine local scale (tens of meters). We found significant differences in megafaunal density and community composition between all study areas. Variations in faunal density did not appear to match with regional productivity gradients, although faunal density generally decreased with increasing water depth (from E to W). In contrast, geomorphology and particularly nodule cover appeared to exert strong control on local faunal abundance and community composition, but not in species richness. Local variations in faunal density and beta-diversity, particularly those driven by nodule presence (within study areas), were of comparable magnitude to those observed at a regional level (between study areas). However, regional comparisons of megabenthic assemblages showed clear shifts in dominance between taxonomic groups (perceivable even at Phylum levels) across the mid-eastern CCZ seabed, suggesting a higher regional heterogeneity than was previously thought
Rock outcrops enhance abyssal benthic biodiversity
Abyssal polymetallic nodule fields represent a unique deep-sea habitat. The hard substratum provided by nodules is thought to increase habitat complexity, promoting the occurrence of highly diverse abyssal assemblages. However, hard substratum in these habitats is also available as outcropping rock fragments, but their contribution to habitat heterogeneity has been largely overlooked. Here, we assessed if the type and size of hard substratum can modulate benthic biodiversity at local scales within the Clarion Clipperton Zone (N Pacific abyss). We compared megafauna (animals >10 mm) assemblages in nodule bearing habitats with those in areas containing rocks in addition to nodules. We found a lower faunal density but a clearly higher diversity and more heterogenous composition in the assemblages of rock bearing areas compared to those with only nodules. In addition, hard substratum patch size appeared to positively influence the size of some taxa, like bamboo corals. These results suggest that rocks, in addition to nodules, constitute keystone structures enhancing habitat heterogeneity at local scales within nodule fields. Rock areas appear common in some abyssal plains and may make regionally-important contributions to abyssal biodiversity, suggesting that they may be relevant to include in conservation efforts
Linkages between sediment thickness, geomorphology and Mn nodule occurrence: New evidence from AUV geophysical mapping in the Clarion-Clipperton Zone
The relationship between polymetallic nodules (Mn nodules) and deep-sea stratigraphy is relatively poorly studied and the role of sediment thickness in determining nodule occurrence is an active field of research. This study utilizes geophysical observations from three types of autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) data (multi-beam bathymetry, sub-bottom profiles and underwater photography) in order to assess this relationship. Multi-beam bathymetry was processed with a pattern recognition approach for producing objective geomorphometric classes of the seafloor for examining their relation to sediment thickness and nodule occurrence. Sub-bottom profiles were used for extracting sediment thickness along a dense network of tracklines. Close-range AUV-photography data was used for automated counting of polymetallic nodules and their geometric features and it served as ground truth data. It was observed that higher nodule occurrence were related to layers with increased sediment thickness. This evidence reveals the role of local seafloor heterogeneity in nodule formation and suggests that unique patterns of local stratigraphy may affect geochemical processes that promote polymetallic nodule development at local scales
Habitat types and megabenthos composition from three sponge-dominated high-Arctic seamounts
Seamounts are isolated underwater mountains stretching > 1000 m above the seafloor. They are identified as biodiversity hotspots of marine life, and host benthic assemblages that may vary on regional (among seamounts) and local (within seamounts) scales. Here, we collected seafloor imagery of three seamounts at the Langseth Ridge in the central Arctic Ocean to assess habitats and megabenthos community composition at the Central Mount (CM), the Karasik Seamount (KS), and the Northern Mount (NM). The majority of seafloor across these seamounts comprised bare rock, covered with a mixed layer of sponge spicule mats intermixed with detrital debris composed of polychaete tubes, and sand, gravel, and/or rocks. The megabenthos assemblages consisted of in total 15 invertebrate epibenthos taxa and 4 fish taxa, contributing to mean megabenthos densities of 55,745 ind. ha−1 at CM, 110,442 ind. ha−1 at KS, and 65,849 ind. ha−1 at NM. The faunal assemblages at all three seamounts were dominated by habitat-forming Tetractinellida sponges that contributed between 66% (KS) and 85% (CM) to all megabenthos. Interestingly, taxa richness did not differ at regional and local scale, whereas the megabenthos community composition did. Abiotic and biogenic factors shaping distinct habitat types played a major role in structuring of benthic communities in high-Arctic seamounts
Preliminary observations of the Abyssal Megafauna of Kiribati
We report on preliminary observations of the abyssal megafauna communities in the exclusive economic zone of Kiribati, a huge abyssal area with few previous studies. These observations also provide useful context for marine minerals exploration within the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) and for the neighboring Clarion Clipperton Zone (CCZ), where deep-sea mining operations are planned. Seafloor images collected during seabed mining exploration were used to characterize megafaunal communities (fauna > 1 cm) in three abyssal plain areas in the eastern Kiribati EEZ (study area extending from 1 to 5°N and 173 to 156°W). Additionally, hydrographic features in each of the survey locations were inferred by reference to near-seabed current flows modeled using open-sourced oceanographic data. The images showed a dominance of foraminiferal organisms. Metazoan communities were high in morphospecies richness but had low density. These general patterns were comparable to abyssal megabenthic communities in the CCZ. There was evidence of spatial variation between the assemblages in Kiribati, but there was a relatively large pool of shared morphospecies across the entire study area. Low metazoan density limited detailed assessment of spatial variation and diversity at local scales. This finding is instructive of the levels of sampling effort required to determine spatial patterns in low density abyssal communities. The results of this study are preliminary observations that will be useful to guide future biological survey design and marine spatial planning strategies
Biological effects 26 years after simulated deep-sea mining
The potential for imminent abyssal polymetallic nodule exploitation has raised considerable scientific attention. The interface between the targeted nodule resource and sediment in this unusual mosaic habitat promotes the development of some of the most biologically diverse communities in the abyss. However, the ecology of these remote ecosystems is still poorly understood, so it is unclear to what extent and timescale these ecosystems will be affected by, and could recover from, mining disturbance. Using data inferred from seafloor photo-mosaics, we show that the effects of simulated mining impacts, induced during the “DISturbance and reCOLonization experiment” (DISCOL) conducted in 1989, were still evident in the megabenthos of the Peru Basin after 26 years. Suspension-feeder presence remained significantly reduced in disturbed areas, while deposit-feeders showed no diminished presence in disturbed areas, for the first time since the experiment began. Nevertheless, we found significantly lower heterogeneity diversity in disturbed areas and markedly distinct faunal compositions along different disturbance levels. If the results of this experiment at DISCOL can be extrapolated to the Clarion-Clipperton Zone, the impacts of polymetallic nodule mining there may be greater than expected, and could potentially lead to an irreversible loss of some ecosystem functions, especially in directly disturbed areas
Defining the target population to make marine image-based biological data FAIR
Marine imaging studies have unique constraints on the data collected requiring a tool for defining the biological scope to facilitate data discovery, quality evaluation, sharing and reuse. Defining the ‘target population’ is way of scoping biological sampling or observations by setting the pool of organisms to be observed or sampled. It is used in survey design and planning, to determine statistical inference, and is critical for data interpretation and reuse (both images and derived data). We designed a set of attributes for defining and recording the target population in biological studies using marine photography, incorporating ecological and environmental delineation and marine imaging method constraints. We describe how this definition may be altered and recorded at different phases of a project. The set of attributes records the definition of the target population in a structured metadata format to enhance data FAIRness. It is designed as an extension to the image FAIR Digital Objects metadata standard, and we map terms to other biological data standards where possible. This set of attributes serves a need to update ecological metadata to align with new remotely-sensed data, and can be applied to other remotely-sensed ecological image data
How many metazoan species live in the world’s largest mineral exploration region?
The global surge in demand for metals such as cobalt and nickel has created unprecedented interest in deep-sea habitats with mineral resources. The largest area of activity is a 6 million km2 region known as the Clarion-Clipperton Zone (CCZ) in the central and eastern Pacific, regulated by the International Seabed Authority (ISA). Baseline biodiversity knowledge of the region is crucial to effective management of environmental impact from potential deep-sea mining activities, but until recently this has been almost completely lacking. The rapid growth in taxonomic outputs and data availability for the region over the last decade has allowed us to conduct the first comprehensive synthesis of CCZ benthic metazoan biodiversity for all faunal size classes. Here we present the CCZ Checklist, a biodiversity inventory of benthic metazoa vital to future assessments of environmental impacts. An estimated 92% of species identified from the CCZ are new to science (436 named species from a total of 5,578 recorded). This is likely to be an overestimate owing to synonyms in the data but is supported by analysis of recent taxonomic studies suggesting that 88% of species sampled in the region are undescribed. Species richness estimators place total CCZ metazoan benthic diversity at 6,233 (+/−82 SE) species for Chao1, and 7,620 (+/−132 SE) species for Chao2, most likely representing lower bounds of diversity in the region. Although uncertainty in estimates is high, regional syntheses become increasingly possible as comparable datasets accumulate. These will be vital to understanding ecological processes and risks of biodiversity loss
Abyssal food-web model indicates faunal carbon flow recovery and impaired microbial loop 26 years after a sediment disturbance experiment
Due to the predicted future demand for critical metals, abyssal plains covered with polymetallic nodules are currently being prospected for deep-seabed mining. Deep-seabed mining will lead to significant sediment disturbance over large spatial scales and for extended periods of time. The environmental impact of a small-scale sediment disturbance was studied during the ‘DISturbance and reCOLonization’ (DISCOL) experiment in the Peru Basin in 1989 when 10.8 km2 of seafloor were ploughed with a plough harrow. Here, we present a detailed description of carbon-based food-web models constructed from various datasets collected in 2015, 26 years after the experiment. Detailed observations of the benthic food web were made at three distinct sites: inside 26-year old plough tracks (IPT, subjected to direct impact from ploughing), outside the plough tracks (OPT, exposed to settling of resuspended sediment), and at reference sites (REF, no impact). The observations were used to develop highly-resolved food-web models for each site that quantified the carbon (C) fluxes between biotic (ranging from prokaryotes to various functional groups in meio-, macro-, and megafauna) and abiotic (e.g. detritus) compartments. The model outputs were used to estimate total system throughput, i.e., the sum of all C flows in the food web (the ‘ecological size’ of the system), and microbial loop functioning, i.e., the C-cycling through the prokaryotic compartment for each site. Both the estimated total system throughput and the microbial loop cycling were significantly reduced (by 16% and 35%, respectively) inside the plough tracks compared to the other two sites. Site differences in modelled faunal respiration varied among the different faunal compartments. Overall, modelled faunal respiration appeared to have recovered to, or exceeded reference values after 26-years. The model results indicate that food-web functioning, and especially the microbial loop, have not recovered from the disturbance that was inflicted on the abyssal site 26 years ago