983 research outputs found

    Panomoprh Based Panoramic Vision Sensors

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    Corpus and Models for Lemmatisation and POS-tagging of Classical French Theatre

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    This paper describes the process of building an annotated corpus and training models for classical French literature, with a focus on theatre, and particularly comedies in verse. It was originally developed as a preliminary step to the stylometric analyses presented in Cafiero and Camps [2019]. The use of a recent lemmatiser based on neural networks and a CRF tagger allows to achieve accuracies beyond the current state-of-the art on the in-domain test, and proves to be robust during out-of-domain tests, i.e.up to 20th c.novels

    Deep learning-enabled framework for automatic lens design starting point generation

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    We present a simple, highly modular deep neural network (DNN) framework to address the problem of automatically inferring lens design starting points tailored to the desired specifications. In contrast to previous work, our model can handle various and complex lens structures suitable for real-world problems such as Cooke Triplets or Double Gauss lenses. Our successfully trained dynamic model can infer lens designs with realistic glass materials whose optical performance compares favorably to reference designs from the literature on 80 different lens structures. Using our trained model as a backbone, we make available to the community a web application that outputs a selection of varied, high-quality starting points directly from the desired specifications, which we believe will complement any lens designer’s toolbox

    Fast Metasurface Hybrid Lens Design using a Semi-Analytical Model

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    We propose a new method for integrating metasurfaces in optical design using semi-analytical modelling of dielectric nanostructures. The latter computes the output phase of an electric field incident on the metasurface, allowing their use with ray-tracing software. This tool provides a method to use metasurfaces in optical systems while using built-in optimization processes to avoid time-consuming computation. To demonstrate the applicability and versatility of our method, we present variations of a triplet composed of refractive elements and a metasurface. For each of the systems, similar optical performances are achieved. Our unique and innovative approach to joining metasurfaces and ray tracing has the potential to promote the design of innovative systems by exploiting the richness of metasurfaces and the functionality of conventional lens design software

    Accurate mass measurements of 26^{26}Ne, 26−30^{26-30}Na, 29−33^{29-33}Mg performed with the {\sc Mistral} spectrometer

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    The minuteness of the nuclear binding energy requires that mass measurements be highly precise and accurate. Here we report on new measurements 29−33^{29-33}Mg and 26^{26}Na performed with the {\sc Mistral} mass spectrometer at {\sc Cern}'s {\sc Isolde} facility. Since mass measurements are prone to systematic errors, considerable effort has been devoted to their evaluation and elimination in order to achieve accuracy and not only precision. We have therefore conducted a campaign of measurements for calibration and error evaluation. As a result, we now have a satisfactory description of the {\sc Mistral} calibration laws and error budget. We have applied our new understanding to previous measurements of 26^{26}Ne, 26−30^{26-30}Na and 29,32^{29,32}Mg for which re-evaluated values are reported.Comment: submitted to Nuclear Physics

    Masculinité et vieillissement : le point de vue des hommes de 75 ans et plus

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    La présente étude aborde le vieillissement au masculin. Plus particulièrement, cette recherche a pour but de mieux comprendre comment le fait d'être un homme affecte le vécu du vieillissement et comment le vieillissement affecte en retour la perception d'être un homme. D'abord, dans le contexte, le vieillissement constitue un phénomène démographique important dans le monde occidental; aussi soulignons-nous dans un premier chapitre, la pertinence d'études sur les populations vieillissantes. Jusqu'à maintenant, la recherche s'est très peu intéressée au vieillissement chez les hommes. Lorsqu'on se penche sur la littérature scientifique qui aborde le vieillissement comme expérience touchant à la fois au rapport au corps, aux autres et à la société, il nous est permis de croire que le vieillissement est une expérience genrée qui présente des défis différents selon le sexe. Ensuite, dans le second chapitre nous décrivons notre cadre théorique, à savoir l'interactionnisme symbolique, tout en reconnaissant l'influence de l'approche féministe notamment eu égard à la socialisation socio-sexuée. Enfin nous définissions nos concepts de masculinité et de vieillissement. Pour les fins de cette recherche, nous nous sommes livrés à une étude qualitative menée auprès de six hommes âgés entre 75 et 80 ans. Comme notre objectif était de nature exploratoire, nous avons utilisé un guide d'entrevue flexible inspiré de la théorisation ancrée. La cueillette des données s'est effectuée au cours d'entretiens individuels réalisés au domicile des répondants. Les entrevues, comme nous le montrons dans notre chapitre 4, nous ont donné accès à un contenu des plus intéressants montrant que les aînés rencontrés avaient des comportements qui témoignaient d'une socialisation aux principes de la masculinité hégémonique. Ainsi, les hommes de cette recherche accordent notamment de l'importance au rapport au corps, au corps viril et capable, au contrôle des émotions, les épanchements étant considérés comme une manifestation de faiblesse et aussi au rôle occupé par l'homme dans la structure familiale. Pour eux, le vieillissement doit d'être un vieillissement actif, en compagnie de leurs proches, alors que les hommes doivent être utiles pour autrui. Les pertes occasionnées par le vieillissement sont souvent perçues comme une menace à l'intégrité de leur masculinité. La prégnance des normes de la masculinité hégémonique nous paraît problématique lorsqu'elle empêche l'individu de faire part de sa souffrance, d'aller chercher de l'aide tout en favorisant l'isolement de la personne âgée. À la lumière des résultats de ce mémoire, il nous semble essentiel de considérer les hommes en tant qu'hommes. Nous croyons que cette condition masculine est source de nombreux défis mais également d'une variété de pistes de solutions. Nous réitérons également la pertinence de poursuivre, de favoriser même, les études sur les hommes et le vieillissement. Il est important de mieux comprendre et rejoindre cette clientèle afin d'offrir des services de santé et des services sociaux toujours plus adaptés.\ud ______________________________________________________________________________ \ud MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Masculinité, vieillissement, masculinité hégémonique, homme

    Inferring the solution space of microscope objective lenses using deep learning

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    Lens design extrapolation (LDE) is a data-driven approach to optical design that aims to generate new optical systems inspired by reference designs. Here, we build on a deep learning-enabled LDE framework with the aim of generating a significant variety of microscope objective lenses (MOLs) that are similar in structure to the reference MOLs, but with varied sequences—defined as a particular arrangement of glass elements, air gaps, and aperture stop placement. We first formulate LDE as a one-to-many problem—specifically, generating varied lenses for any set of specifications and lens sequence. Next, by quantifying the structure of a MOL from the slopes of its marginal ray, we improve the training objective to capture the structures of the reference MOLs (e.g., Double-Gauss, Lister, retrofocus, etc.). From only 34 reference MOLs, we generate designs across 7432 lens sequences and show that the inferred designs accurately capture the structural diversity and performance of the dataset. Our contribution answers two current challenges of the LDE framework: incorporating a meaningful one-to-many mapping, and successfully extrapolating to lens sequences unseen in the dataset—a problem much harder than the one of extrapolating to new specifications

    The Differentiable Lens: Compound Lens Search over Glass Surfaces and Materials for Object Detection

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    Most camera lens systems are designed in isolation, separately from downstream computer vision methods. Recently, joint optimization approaches that design lenses alongside other components of the image acquisition and processing pipeline -- notably, downstream neural networks -- have achieved improved imaging quality or better performance on vision tasks. However, these existing methods optimize only a subset of lens parameters and cannot optimize glass materials given their categorical nature. In this work, we develop a differentiable spherical lens simulation model that accurately captures geometrical aberrations. We propose an optimization strategy to address the challenges of lens design -- notorious for non-convex loss function landscapes and many manufacturing constraints -- that are exacerbated in joint optimization tasks. Specifically, we introduce quantized continuous glass variables to facilitate the optimization and selection of glass materials in an end-to-end design context, and couple this with carefully designed constraints to support manufacturability. In automotive object detection, we report improved detection performance over existing designs even when simplifying designs to two- or three-element lenses, despite significantly degrading the image quality.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, to appear in CVPR 2023 proceedings, updated to reflect camera-ready submissio
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