80 research outputs found

    Diretrizes para inserção da sustentabilidade no ensino de engenharia no Brasil

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    Orientadores: Rosley Anholon, Dirceu da SilvaTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia MecânicaResumo: Esta tese teve como principal objetivo estabelecer diretrizes para aumentar o debate sobre a inserção da sustentabilidade no ensino de engenharia no Brasil. Para atingir este objetivo, três fases foram conduzidas. Na primeira fase, buscou-se compreender como as dificuldades associadas à inclusão da sustentabilidade no ensino de engenharia estão relacionadas, a partir da opinião de professores de engenharia. Na segunda fase, analisou-se a percepção de alunos de engenharia em relação aos principais desafios observados na educação para o desenvolvimento sustentável nos cursos de engenharia de instituições brasileiras. Na terceira fase, avaliou-se a percepção de alunos em relação à sustentabilidade, focando em alunos de Engenharia Mecânica e Engenharia de Controle e Automação de duas universidades brasileiras. Na primeira etapa da pesquisa, foi possível constatar que dificuldades no planejamento da inserção da sustentabilidade no ensino de engenharia afetam diretamente as dificuldades observadas na prática didática. Em relação à segunda etapa, constatou-se que os alunos de engenharia envolvidos em projetos sociais consideraram os desafios: "Questões sustentáveis são debatidas apenas em disciplinas específicas de forma limitada"; "Dificuldade para integrar disciplinas para o ensino amplo da sustentabilidade"; "Falta de exemplos práticos e reais de como a sustentabilidade pode ser incorporada no contexto específico do curso"; e "Atividades e exemplos apresentados focam exclusivamente em questões ambientais" como os principais desafios que seus cursos enfrentam para realizar esta inserção. Os resultados da terceira etapa evidenciaram como os alunos dos cursos analisados entendem a sustentabilidade. Como principal limitação, destaca-se o caráter exploratório da presente pesquisa, com resultados e conclusões válidos para as amostras utilizadas. Ressalta-se, entretanto, a contribuição para a literatura, tendo em vista a necessidade de maiores discussões a respeito do ensino de engenharia para o desenvolvimento sustentável. Além disso, a qualidade das técnicas estatísticas utilizadas (Modelagem de Equações Estruturais e TOPSIS) também deve ser destacada. Os resultados desta pesquisa podem ser utilizados por coordenadores de cursos de engenharia, para avaliar as iniciativas de inserção da sustentabilidade em seus cursos; bem como por pesquisadores, como ponto de partida para futuras pesquisas. Como pesquisa futura, aponta-se o desenvolvimento de um modelo que oriente a inserção da sustentabilidade no ensino de engenhariaAbstract: This PhD thesis aimed to propose guidelines to increase the debates regarding the insertion of sustainability in engineering education in Brazil. To achieve this goal, three phases were conducted. In the first phase, it was sought to understand how the difficulties associated with the inclusion of sustainability in engineering teaching are related, based on the opinion of engineering lecturers. In the second phase, it was analyzed the perception of engineering students regarding the main challenges observed in education for sustainable development in engineering courses of Brazilian institutions. In the third phase, the students¿ perception regarding sustainability was evaluated, focusing on students of Mechanical Engineering and Automation and Control Engineering of two Brazilian universities. In the first stage of the research, it was possible to verify that difficulties in the planning of the insertion of sustainability in engineering education directly affect the difficulties observed in didactic practice. In relation to the second stage, it was verified that the engineering students involved in social projects considered the challenges: "Sustainable issues are debated only in specific disciplines in a limited extent"; "Difficulty to integrate disciplines for the broad teaching of sustainability"; "Lack of practical and real examples of how sustainability can be embedded in the specific context of the course"; and "Activities and examples presented focus exclusively on environmental issues" as the main challenges that their courses face in order to carry out this insertion. The results of the third stage showed how the students of the analyzed courses understand sustainability. As a main limitation, the exploratory character of the present research stands out, with results and conclusions valid for the samples used. However, the contribution to the literature is emphasized, considering the need for greater discussions about engineering education for sustainable development. In addition, the quality of the statistical techniques used (Structural Equations Modeling and TOPSIS) should also be highlighted. The results of this research can be used by coordinators of engineering courses to evaluate the initiatives of sustainability insertion in their courses; as well as by researchers, as a starting point for future research. As future research, it is proposed the development of a model to guide the insertion of sustainability in engineering education.DoutoradoMateriais e Processos de FabricaçãoDoutora em Engenharia Mecânic

    Parâmetros para avaliação de células de manufatura que utilizam a filosofia lean : uma revisão da literatura

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    No ambiente competitivo atual, as empresas são forçadas a elevar constantemente o grau de competitividade de sua produção e, nesse sentido, a filosofia lean é de grande valia. Entretanto, é escasso na literatura o número de referências que possuam como foco a análise do nível de maturidade de células que operam de acordo com a referida filosofia. Devido à importância dessa temática, o presente artigo tem como objetivo realizar uma revisão da literatura procurando evidenciar quais são os parâmetros relevantes para avaliar a maturidade de células de manufatura que operam segundo a filosofia lean. Para isso, foram analisados diversos artigos e uma lista foi estruturada. Tais parâmetros foram divididos em grupos de acordo com suas similaridades. Entre os parâmetros levantados, destacam-se as ergonomias física e cognitiva e a sustentabilidade. Os parâmetros obtidos como resultado desta pesquisa podem ser utilizados como um ponto de partida para a avaliação de células de manufatura lean17413291355COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESPNão temNão te

    Aplicação da teoria das filas em serviços bancários

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    Tendo em vista a competição acirrada presente na economia nos dias atuais e a necessidade crescente de conquistar clientes e mantê-los fiéis, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo aplicar a consagrada Teoria das Filas em uma agência bancária com a finalidade de apontar oportunidades de melhorias no tempo de espera dos clientes, a partir do pressuposto de que as filas analisadas seguem a distribuição de Poisson. Tal pressuposto é decorrente da comparação realizada entre a referida distribuição com os dados de chegada dos clientes em todas as filas analisadas. Constatou-se também a existência de filas com sazonalidade na demanda, enquanto outras apresentaram uma demanda regular. A partir do estudo realizado, melhorias no gerenciamento desta agência bancária poderão ser realizadas como, por exemplo, a realocação de funcionários em determinados períodos para funções com maior demanda. Concluiu-se, portanto, que a aplicação da teoria é viável e que pode auxiliar no aumento das vantagens competitivas da agência16

    Dificuldades observadas durante o treinamento de ferramentas lean: percepções para líderes

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    Purpose: The lean manufacturing can be an important ally of companies to enhance their competitiveness, since it can support companies to eliminate wastes and continuously improve their processes. In this context, the main purpose of this study was to analyze difficulties observed by operational level employees of auto parts companies during lean tools training.Design/methodology/approach: A panel of specialists indicated 18 tools required for lean journey training. These tools were used to structure a questionnaire to perform a survey. The survey was conducted with 77 lean training experienced professionals from two auto parts companies. Data collected was analyzed through descriptive statistics and Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS), to rank the tools according to the difficulty levels observed by the respondents.Findings: In general, operational level employees presented difficulties to understand the concepts of all analyzed tools. Comparatively, Lean Leadership and Constraints Management were those most difficult for them.Originality/value: The results present here can be used by leaders for providing lean training and for academics in futures studies.Objetivo: A manufatura lean pode ser uma importante aliada das empresas para aumentar a competitividade das mesmas, visto que ela pode dar suporte para as empresas para eliminar desperdícios e melhorar continuamente seus processos. Nesse contexto, o objetivo principal deste estudo foi analisar as dificuldades observadas por funcionários de nível operacional de empresas de autopeças durante o treinamento de ferramentas lean.Projeto / metodologia / abordagem: Por meio de um painel de especialistas, 18 ferramentas de jornada lean foram identificadas e utilizadas para estruturar um questionário. Uma survey foi realizada com 77 profissionais experientes em treinamento lean. A análise dos dados foi feita por meio da estatística descritiva e da técnica TOPSIS.Resultados: Em geral, os funcionários de nível operacional apresentaram dificuldades para entender os conceitos de todas as ferramentas analisadas. Comparativamente, Liderança Lean e Gerenciamento de Restrições foram os mais difíceis para eles.Originalidade / valor: Os resultados aqui apresentados podem ser usados por líderes para fornecer treinamento lean e por acadêmicos em estudos futuros

    Method to integrate management tools aiming organizational excellence

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    Paper aims The main objective of this article is to present and validate a method to integrate multiple management tools aiming for organizational excellence in medium and large enterprises. Originality There is a scarcity of methods to integrate management tools to support companies in their operations. This study aims to fill this gap, proposing a manner for companies to perform this integration. Research method The method was developed considering tools and concepts well-established in the literature, such as Lean Thinking, Six Sigma, Balanced ScoreCard, among other management tools. The mentioned method was validated through a survey with managers and directors who are experts in organizational strategies. They were carefully selected considering their professional background. Main findings The proposed method provides an alignment between strategy and execution, presenting a cyclical characteristic to be continuously reviewed method, considering market needs. The survey verified the adherence of the method and to conclude that it is a feasible alternative to reach organizational excellence. Although integration of management methods is fundamental for companies to reach organizational excellence status, this kind of guidelines is scarce in the literature. Implications for theory and practice This method can be used to increase companies’ performance and competitivity

    Primary criteria used by business incubators for the selection of new enterprises: analysis of selection notices

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    This article aims to analyze the primary criteria used by Brazilian business incubators to select new enterprises. The research method used was a documentary analysis with 124 selection notices available in the websites of business incubators. These criteria were divided into 17 categories, and the most mentioned among them were: innovation level, economic feasibility, and team capability, corroborating the ideas mentioned by other studies. The results presented in this research may be of great value for incubator managers and academics. Incubator managers may use these results to critically analyze their criteria and/or complement them. Academics, in turn, may use these results as a starting point for future research

    Preparing future entrepreneurs: reflections about the COVID-19 impacts on the entrepreneurial potential of Brazilian students

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    Purpose: This viewpoint aims to present reflections on the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic scenario and the entrepreneurial potential of Brazilian students. Guidelines are proposed to support debates in the academic environment and better prepare future entrepreneurs to the labour market. Design/methodology/approach: Since this is a viewpoint article, some statements presented here are characterised by the authors' opinions. However, for a better foundation, bibliographic research related to the theme was carried out. Findings: In the authors' point of view, the COVID-19 pandemic scenario may negatively influence the decisions of Brazilian students that are characterised as potential future entrepreneurs. Educators can use the guidelines presented here to conduct debates with students in order to clarify aspects related to profile, behaviour and other issues. Originality/value: By understanding better entrepreneurial aspects in the COVID-19 pandemic scenario, Brazilian students can make better decisions. This initiative will contribute to future success in the Brazilian entrepreneurial activity and national economy

    Towards systematic sustainable business model innovation: what can we learn from business model innovation

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    This research aims to understand how sustainable business model innovation (SBMI) can learn from business model innovation. For this, first, we conducted a bibliometric analysis to evaluate the relationships between business model innovation and SBMI literature. After this, we performed a systematic literature review to create a comprehensive framework for managing SBMI. The bibliometric analysis showed that the SBMI stream grew quickly and significantly in recent years, evolving into a separated new research stream, which does not leverage recent business model innovation advancements. Through the performed analyses, we were able to discuss critical gaps in the SBMI literature and shed light on possible pathways to solve these gaps through lessons learned from business model innovation. We depicted five critical gaps for managing SBMI; (1) the need to understand the sustainable business model as a wicked problem, in which SBMI leads to “better than before” solutions calling for systematic SBMI, (2) the poor definition of distinctive dimensions of dynamic capabilities for SBMI, (3) the lack of studies exploring the role of open innovation for improving the SBMI process, (4) the lack of tools supporting SBMI implementation and (5) the need to explore game-changing, competitive advantages of SBMI. The findings of this study contribute to guiding future research on SBMI, which can be a basis for further efforts towards sustainable development

    Perception of shop floor employees regarding senior management support in lean projects and its relationship with initiatives success

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    Purpose – Over the years, the lean production philosophy has shown satisfactory results for companies from different sectors in different countries. Aiming to contribute to the knowledge base on the mentioned philosophy, this study aims to verify the perception of shop floor employees regarding senior management support in lean projects and its relationship with initiatives success. Design/methodology/approach – Through a literature review, 18 aspects of a lean journey were identified and divided into four constructs by a panel of specialists. This information was used to compose a questionnaire, and a survey was conducted with 198 shop floor employees of two auto parts companies. Data analysis was done via Structural Equation Modeling. Findings – As a general result, it was possible to prove that when employees perceive more significant support from senior management in lean projects, the greater is the perception of initiatives success. Therefore, it is interesting that the involvement of senior management occurs at all stages of the project. Originality/value – The results described here have practical implications, especially for managers interested in implementing lean projects; they must be aware of the importance of senior management support for the success of previous projects

    Gender Wage Gaps in Brazilian Companies Listed in the Ibovespa Index: A Critical Analysis

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    This article aims to perform a critical analysis of wage gaps according to gender from information provided by sustainability reports that were disseminated by Brazilian companies listed in the Ibovespa index. To conduct this analysis, bibliographic research was performed, followed by a deductive content analysis of sustainability reports from Brazilian companies listed in the Ibovespa index, considering item 405-2 of the Global Reporting Initiative standard. From this analysis, it was possible to show that only some companies disseminate detailed information related to the gender wage ratio. Many companies do not present this data or present it superficially. The findings of this research present important insights that may be used to motivate debates on the topic