304 research outputs found

    A review of bovine Johne's disease control activities in 6 endemically infected countries

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    Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) is endemic in the bovine populations of many countries and can cause a significant reduction in animal welfare and production efficiency making control desirable. Effective control has proved very difficult to achieve despite multiple regionally coordinated programmes being in existence since the 1920s. The international community increasingly recognises the value in learning from the collective experiences of existing programmes to improve the effectiveness of control. The aim of this review is to outline key aspects of bovine Johne's disease control activities across 6 endemically infected countries to facilitate comparison of current international practice. The background, control activities and monitoring components of programmes in Australia, Canada, Denmark, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the United States of America were individually reviewed. Factual accuracy of each review was checked by individuals involved in the respective programmes before the reviews were condensed and combined into a single document presented here, with the complete reviews of each programme available as supplementary material. There was considerable heterogeneity in key aspects of control activity design including goals, responses to declining participation, herd classification, recommended control measures and associated test requirements. The data presented will be of interest to organisations that are involved in developing new or existing regionally coordinated BJD control activities

    A review of bovine cases consigned under veterinary certification to emergency and casualty slaughter in Ireland during 2006 to 2008

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    The emergency and casualty slaughter of cattle for human consumption (in cases where animals are likely to have suffered from acute or chronic pain, respectively) in Ireland requires that the animal is accompanied to the slaughterhouse by an official veterinary certificate (VC) completed on-farm by the owner's private veterinary practitioner (PVP). No published data is currently available in Ireland based on information provided in these VCs. In this paper, we present a review of bovine cases consigned under veterinary certification to emergency and casualty slaughter in Ireland during 2006 to 2008. All VCs during the years 2006 (where available), 2007 and 2008 were collected from four large Irish slaughterhouses. The data were computerized, and analysed using descriptive and spatial methods. In total, 1,255 VCs were enrolled into the study (1,255 study animals, 1,072 study herds), 798 (63.6%) and 457 (36.4%) animals were consigned to emergency and casualty slaughter, respectively. VCs were completed throughout the year, with consigned animals travelling a mean distance of 27.2 km from farm to slaughter. The time elapsed between veterinary certification and slaughter was greater than three days for 18.2% of all study animals. In 965 (76.9%) animals, the certified suspected disability related to the locomotory system, most commonly as a result of fractures. Among animals for which data were available, 11.9% were totally condemned at post-mortem. The transport of animals with fractured limbs and/or other painful conditions is a significant animal welfare concern.Deposited by bulk impor

    The spatial distribution of pet dogs and pet cats on the island of Ireland

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>There is considerable international research regarding the link between human demographics and pet ownership. In several international studies, pet ownership was associated with household demographics including: the presence of children in the household, urban/rural location, level of education and age/family structure. What is lacking across all these studies, however, is an understanding of how these pets are spatially distributed throughout the regions under study. This paper describes the spatial distribution of pet dog and pet cat owning households on the island of Ireland.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In 2006, there were an estimated 640,620 pet dog owning households and 215,542 pet cat owning households in Ireland. These estimates are derived from logistic regression modelling, based on household composition to determine pet dog ownership and the type of house to determine pet cat ownership. Results are presented using chloropleth maps. There is a higher density of pet dog owning households in the east of Ireland and in the cities than the west of Ireland and rural areas. However, in urban districts there are a lower proportion of households owning pet dogs than in rural districts. There are more households with cats in the urban areas, but the proportion of households with cats is greater in rural areas.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The difference in spatial distribution of dog ownership is a reflection of a generally higher density of households in the east of Ireland and in major cities. The higher proportion of ownership in the west is understandable given the higher proportion of farmers and rural dwellings in this area. Spatial representation allows us to visualise the impact of human household distribution on the density of both pet dogs and pet cats on the island of Ireland. This information can be used when analysing risk of disease spread, for market research and for instigating veterinary care.</p

    A HACCP-based approach to mastitis control in dairy herds. Part 1: Development

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    Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) systems are a risk based preventive approach developed to increase levels of food safety assurance. This is part 1 of a pilot study on the development, implementation and evaluation of a HACCP-based approach for the control of good udder health in dairy cows. The paper describes the use of a novel approach based on a deconstruction of the infectious process in mastitis to identify Critical Control Points (CCPs) and develop a HACCP-based system to prevent and control mastitis in dairy herds. The approach involved the creation of an Infectious Process Flow Diagram, which was then cross-referenced to two production process flow diagrams of the milking process and cow management cycle. The HACCP plan developed, may be suitable for customisation and implementation on dairy farms. This is a logical, systematic approach to the development of a mastitis control programme that could be used as a template for the development of control programmes for other infectious diseases in the dairy herd

    Relative importance of herd-level risk factors for probability of infection with paratuberculosis in Irish dairy herds

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    Control of paratuberculosis is challenging due to the relatively poor performance of diagnostic tests, a prolonged incubation period, and protracted environmental survival. Prioritization of herd-level interventions is not possible because putative risk factors are often not supported by risk factor studies. The objective for this study was to investigate the relative importance of risk factors for an increased probability of herd paratuberculosis infection. Risk assessment data, comprehensive animal purchase history, and diagnostic test data were available for 936 Irish dairy herds. Both logistic regression and a Bayesian β regression on the outcome of a latent class analysis were conducted. Population attributable fractions and proportional reduction in variance explained were calculated for each variable in the logistic and Bayesian models, respectively. Routine use of the calving area for sick or lame cows was found to be a significant explanatory covariate in both models. Purchasing behavior for the previous 10 yr was not found to be significant. For the logistic model, length of time calves spend in the calving pen (25%) and routine use of the calving pen for sick or lame animals (14%) had the highest attributable fractions. For the Bayesian model, the overall R2 was 16%. Dry cow cleanliness (7%) and routine use of the calving area for sick or lame cows (6%) and had the highest proportional reduction in variance explained. These findings provide support for several management practices commonly recommended as part of paratuberculosis control programs; however, a large proportion of the observed variation in probability of infection remained unexplained, suggesting other important risks factors may exist

    Reflecting on One Health in Action During the COVID-19 Response

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    The COVID-19 pandemic, a singular disruptive event in recent human history, has required rapid, innovative, coordinated and collaborative approaches to manage and ameliorate its worst impacts. However, the threat remains, and learning from initial efforts may benefit the response management in the future. One Health approaches to managing health challenges through multi-stakeholder engagement are underscored by an enabling environment. Here we describe three case studies from state (New South Wales, Australia), national (Ireland), and international (sub-Saharan Africa) scales which illustrate different aspects of One Health in action in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. In Ireland, a One Health team was assembled to help parameterise complex mathematical and resource models. In New South Wales, state authorities engaged collaboratively with animal health veterinarians and epidemiologists to leverage disease outbreak knowledge, expertise and technical and support structures for application to the COVID-19 emergency. The African One Health University Network linked members from health institutions and universities from eight countries to provide a virtual platform knowledge exchange on COVID-19 to support the response. Themes common to successful experiences included a shared resource base, interdisciplinary engagement, communication network strategies, and looking global to address local need. The One Health approaches used, particularly shared responsibility and knowledge integration, are benefiting the management of this pandemic and future One Health global challenges

    Associations between paratuberculosis ELISA results and test-day records of cows enrolled in the Irish Johne's Disease Control Program

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    peer-reviewedThe effect of the Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis (MAP) ELISA status on test-day milk performance of cows from Irish herds enrolled in the pilot national voluntary Johne's disease control program during 2013 to 2015 was estimated. A data set comprising 92,854 cows and 592,623 complete test-day records distributed across 1,700 herds was used in this study. The resulting ELISA outcome (negative, inconclusive, and positive) of each cow within each year of the program was used to allocate the cow into different scenarios representing the MAP status. At MAPscenario1, all cows testing ELISA nonnegative (i.e., inconclusive and positive) were assigned a MAP-positive status; at MAPscenario2 only cows testing ELISA-positive were assigned a MAP-positive status; at MAPscenario3 only cows testing ELISA nonnegative (inconclusive or positive) and gathered exclusively from herds where at least 2 further ELISA nonnegative (inconclusive or positive) cows were found were assigned a MAP-positive status; at MAPscenario4 only cows testing ELISA-positive that were gathered exclusively from herds where at least 2 further ELISA-positive cows were found were assigned a MAP-positive status. Milk outputs based on test-day records were standardized for fat and protein contents (SMY) and the effect of MAP ELISA status on the SMY was estimated by a linear mixed effects model structure. The SMY mean difference recorded at test day between cows with a MAP-positive status and those with a MAP-negative status within MAPscenario1 was estimated at −0.182 kg/test day; the mean difference was −0.297 kg/test day for MAPscenario2; for MAPscenario3 mean difference between MAP-positive status and MAP test-negative cows was −0.209 kg/test day, and for MAPscenario4, the difference was −0.326 kg/test day.This study was carried out as part of the ICONMAP (Improved Control of Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis) multidisciplinary research program, funded by the Research Stimulus Fund 2011, administered by the Irish Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine

    Low accuracy of Bayesian latent class analysis for estimation of herd-level true prevalence under certain disease characteristics—An analysis using simulated data

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    Estimation of the true prevalence of infected individuals involves the application of a diagnostic test to a population and adjusting according to test performance, sensitivity and specificity. Bayesian latent class analysis for the estimation of herd and animal-level true prevalence, has become increasingly used in veterinary epidemiology and is particularly useful in incorporating uncertainty and variability into analyses in a flexible framework. However, the approach has not yet been evaluated using simulated data where the true prevalence is known. Furthermore, using this approach, the within-herd true prevalence is often assumed to follow a beta distribution, the parameters of which may be modelled using hyperpriors to incorporate both uncertainty and variability associated with this parameter. Recently however, the authors of the current study highlighted a potential issue with this approach, in particular, with fitting the distributions and a tendency for the resulting distribution to invert and become clustered at zero. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to evaluate commonly specified models using simulated datasets where the herd-level true prevalence was known. The specific purpose was to compare findings from models using hyperpriors to those using a simple beta distribution to model within-herd prevalence. A second objective was to investigate sources of error by varying characteristics of the simulated dataset. Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis infection was used as an example for the baseline dataset. Data were simulated for 1000 herds across a range of herd-level true prevalence scenarios, and models were fitted using priors from recently published studies. The results demonstrated poor performance of these latent class models for diseases characterised by poor diagnostic test sensitivity and low within-herd true prevalence. All variations of the model appeared to be sensitive to the prior and tended to overestimate herd-level true prevalence. Estimates were substantially improved in different infection scenarios by increasing test sensitivity and within-herd true prevalence. The results of this study raise questions about the accuracy of published estimates for the herd-level true prevalence of paratuberculosis based on serological testing, using latent class analysis. This study highlights the importance of conducting more rigorous sensitivity analyses than have been carried out in previous analyses published to date

    Risk assessment of pesticides and other stressors in bees: Principles, data gaps and perspectives from the European Food Safety Authority

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    Current approaches to risk assessment in bees do not take into account co-exposures from multiple stressors. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) is deploying resources and efforts to move towards a holistic risk assessment approach of multiple stressors in bees. This paper describes the general principles of pesticide risk assessment in bees, including recent developments at EFSA dealing with risk assessment of single and multiple pesticide residues and biological hazards. The EFSA Guidance Document on the risk assessment of plant protection products in bees highlights the need for the inclusion of an uncertainty analysis, other routes of exposures and multiple stressors such as chemical mixtures and biological agents. The EFSA risk assessment on the survival, spread and establishment of the small hive beetle, Aethina tumida, an invasive alien species, is provided with potential insights for other bee pests such as the Asian hornet, Vespa velutina. Furthermore, data gaps are identified at each step of the risk assessment, and recommendations are made for future research that could be supported under the framework of Horizon 2020. Finally, the recent work conducted at EFSA is presented, under the overarching MUST-B project ("EU efforts towards the development of a holistic approach for the risk assessment on MUltiple STressors in Bees") comprising a toolbox for harmonised data collection under field conditions and a mechanistic model to assess effects from pesticides and other stressors such as biological agents and beekeeping management practices, at the colony level and in a spatially complex landscape. Future perspectives at EFSA include the development of a data model to collate high quality data to calibrate and validate the model to be used as a regulatory tool. Finally, the evidence collected within the framework of MUST-B will support EFSA's activities on the development of a holistic approach to the risk assessment of multiple stressors in bees. In conclusion, EFSA calls for collaborative action at the EU level to establish a common and open access database to serve multiple purposes and different stakeholders
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