349 research outputs found

    The surface area and reactivity of granitic soils: I. Dissolution rates of primary minerals as a function of depth and age deduced from field observations

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    Surface area-normalised dissolution rates of the primary minerals in two distinct granitic soils located in 1) the Dartmoor National Park, England and 2) Glen Dye, Scotland were determined as a function of depth. Each soil was sampled to a depth of ~ 1 m. The maximum soil ages based on 14C analysis of the humin fraction of the soil are 15,600 and 4400 years for the Dartmoor and Glen Dye soil profiles, respectively. The measured BET surface areas of the soil minerals are close to 5 m2/g in the B and C horizons, but decrease to less than 1 m2/g close to the surface. Retrieved geometric surface area normalised mineral dissolution rates are most rapid at the surface and at the bedrock–soil interface; this behaviour is interpreted to stem from a combination of the approach to equilibrium of the soil waters with depth and more rapid dissolution rates of fresh versus weathered surfaces. At the soil surface, the relative mineral dissolution rate order is found to be quartz > feldspar > mica, with quartz geometric surface area dissolution rates as fast as 2.6 to 4.1 × 10− 13 mol/m2/s. As observed in a number of past studies, field based rates obtained in this study are significantly slower than corresponding rates obtained from laboratory studies, suggesting that these latter rates may not accurately describe the reactivity of primary minerals in soils

    The future of sustainable cities: governance, policy and knowledge

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    The aim of this special issue is to address a conceptual and empirical gap in the existing literature on sustainable cities. Uniquely, it brings together questions about the “what” (in this case, the content and representation of urban policy) of research on urban sustainability with “how” (the social organisation of knowledge and action) through the results of collaborative and comparative work. The special issue contains curated contributions that draw upon the findings of a comparative international project funded by Mistra (Swedish Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research) through the Mistra Urban Futures Centre, based in Gothenburg. The project sought to bring together two questions that are usually treated as separate in existing research approaches. They are the “what” and “how” of sustainable cities’ debates. By working in partnership with local policy-makers, practitioners and universities, each local area entered into a process of collaborative design in order to examine assumptions, expectations, processes and the outcomes of knowledge co-production. This paper introduces the conceptual ideas behind this initiative and so provides a frame for the reader to situate the contributions. It then outlines those articles to draw connections between them and concludes with a short summary of what research and societal lessons can be learnt from the project

    Understanding the lived experience of chronic pain:A systematic review and synthesis of qualitative evidence syntheses

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    Background: Although multiple measures of the causes and consequences of chronic non-cancer pain (CNCP) are available and can inform pain management, no quantitative summary of these measures can describe the meaning of pain for a patient. The lived experience of pain tends to be a blind spot in pain management. This study aimed to: (1) integrate qualitative research investigating the lived experience of a range of CNCP conditions; (2) establish common qualitative themes in CNCP experience; and (3) evaluate the relevance of our results through a survey questionnaire based on these themes, administered across the United Kingdom.Methods: Four bibliographic databases were searched from inception to February 2021 to identify Qualitative Evidence Syntheses (QES) that investigated the lived experience of CNCP and its impact on everyday life and activities. Themes and trends were derived by thematic qualitative analysis in collaboration with two patient and public involvement representatives who co-created twenty survey statements. The survey was developed for testing the QES themes for validity in people living with pain.Results: The research team identified and screened 1323 titles, and considered 86 abstracts, including 20 in the final review. Eight themes were developed from the study findings: (1) my pain gives rise to negative emotions; (2) changes to my life and to myself; (3) adapting to my new normal; (4) effects of my pain management strategies; (5) hiding and showing my pain; (6) medically explaining my pain; (7) relationships to those around me; and (8) working while in pain. Each theme gave rise to one or two survey questions. The survey was shared with members of the UK pain community over a 2-week period in November 2021, and was completed by 1219 people, largely confirming the above themes.Conclusion/Implications: This study provides a validated summary of the lived experience of CNCP. It highlights the adverse nature, complications, and consequences of living with CNCP in the UK and the multiple shortcomings in the ways in which pain is addressed by others in the UK. Our findings are consistent with published meta-ethnographies on chronic non-malignant musculoskeletal pain and chronic low-back pain. Despite the underrepresentation of qualitative research in the pain literature compared to quantitative approaches, for understanding the complexity of the lived experience of pain, qualitative research is an essential tool

    Post-Pandemic Cities: An Urban Lexicon of Accelerations/Decelerations

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    COVID-19 has stimulated renewed societal and academic debate about the future of cities and urban life. Future visons have veered from the ‘death of the city’ to visual renderings and limited experiments with 15-minute neighbourhoods. Within this context, we as a diverse group of urban scholars sought to examine the emergent ‘post’-COVID city through the production of an urban lexicon that investigates its socio-material contours. The urban lexicon makes three contributions. First, to explore how the pandemic has accelerated certain processes and agendas while at the same time, other processes, priorities and sites have been decelerated and put on hold. Second, to utilise this framing to examine the impacts of the pandemic on how cities are governed, on how urban geographies are managed and lived, and with how care emerged as a vital urban resource. Third, to tease out what might be temporary intensifications and what may become configurational in a variety of urban domains, including governance, platforming, density, crowds, technosolutionism, dwelling, respatialisation, reconcentration, care, improvisation, and atmosphere. The urban lexicon proposes a vocabulary for delineating, describing, and understanding some of the key aspects of the emergent post-pandemic city

    Application of the LymphGen classification tool to 928 clinically and genetically-characterised cases of diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL).

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    We recently published results of targeted sequencing applied to 928 unselected cases of DLBCL registered in the Haematological Malignancy Research Network (HMRN) registry (1). Clustering allowed us to resolve five genomic subtypes. These subtypes shared considerable overlap with those proposed in two independent genomic studies(2, 3), suggesting the potential to use genetics to stratify patients by both risk and biology. In the original studies, clustering techniques were applied to sample cohorts to reveal molecular substructure, but left open the challenge of how to classify an individual patient. This was addressed by the LymphGen classification tool (4). LymphGen assigns an individual case to one of six molecular subtypes. The tool accommodates data from exome or targeted sequencing, either with or without copy number variant (CNV) data. Separate gene expression data allows classification of a seventh, MYC-driven subtype defined by a double hit (DHL) or molecular high-grade (MHG) gene expression signature(5-7).HR was funded by a studentship from the Medical Research Council. DH was supported by a Clinician Scientist Fellowship from the Medical Research Council (MR/M008584/1). The Hodson laboratory receives core funding from Wellcome and MRC to the Wellcome-MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute and core funding from the CRUK Cambridge Cancer Centre. HMRN is supported by BCUK 15037 and CRUK 18362

    Retrofit 2050: critical challenges for urban transitions

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    Scaling up retrofit presents a number of critical challenges for the transition to urban sustainability. Drawing together insights from the EPSRC Retrofit 2050 project this briefing sets out key success factors that need to be in place to deliver sustainable futures for UK cities
