281 research outputs found

    Parametric Modelling of EEG Data for the Identification of Mental Tasks

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    Electroencephalographic (EEG) data is widely used as a biosignal for the identification of different mental states in the human brain. EEG signals can be captured by relatively inexpensive equipment and acquisition procedures are non-invasive and not overly complicated. On the negative side, EEG signals are characterized by low signal-to-noise ratio and non-stationary characteristics, which makes the processing of such signals for the extraction of useful information a challenging task.peer-reviewe

    Using switching multiple models for the automatic detection of spindles

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    Sleep EEG data is characterised by various events that allow for the identification of the different sleep stages. Stage 2 in particular is characterised by two morphologically distinct waveforms, specifically spindles and K-complexes. Manual scoring of these events is time consuming and risks being subjectively interpreted; hence there is the need of robust automatic detection techniques. Various approaches have been adopted in the literature, ranging from period-amplitude analysis, to spectral analysis and autoregressive modelling. Most of the adopted techniques follow an episodic approach where the goal is to identify whether an epoch of EEG data contains an event, such as a spindle, or otherwise. The disadvantage of this approach is that it requires the data to be segmented into epochs, risking that an event falls at an epoch boundary, and it has low temporal resolution. This work proposes the use of an autoregressive switching multiple model for the automatic segmentation and labelling of Stage 2 sleep EEG data characterised by spindles and K-complexes. When this modelling technique was used to identify spindles from background EEG, quantitative results based on a sample by sample basis gave a sensitivity score between 72.39% to 87.51%, depending to which scorer performance was compared. This score corresponds to a specificity that ranges between 78.89% and 90.55% and which increases to a range between 75.52% and 94.64% when performance is measured on an event basis instead [1]. This performance compares well with other spindle detection techniques published in the literature [2,3]. The advantage of the proposed technique is that it allows for the continuous segmentation of EEG data, it offers a unified framework to detect multiple events with little training data, and it can also be extended to a semi-supervised approach. The latter, which has also been applied to Stage 2 sleep EEG data, can identify new states in real time, providing a solution that not only replaces the time consuming manual scoring process but it may also provide the clinician with new insights on the data that is being analysed.peer-reviewe

    Parametric and Nonparametric EEG Analysis for the Evaluation of EEG Activity in Young Children with Controlled Epilepsy

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    There is an important evidence of differences in the EEG frequency spectrum of control subjects as compared to epileptic subjects. In particular, the study of children presents difficulties due to the early stages of brain development and the various forms of epilepsy indications. In this study, we consider children that developed epileptic crises in the past but without any other clinical, psychological, or visible neurophysiological findings. The aim of the paper is to develop reliable techniques for testing if such controlled epilepsy induces related spectral differences in the EEG. Spectral features extracted by using nonparametric, signal representation techniques (Fourier and wavelet transform) and a parametric, signal modeling technique (ARMA) are compared and their effect on the classification of the two groups is analyzed. The subjects performed two different tasks: a control (rest) task and a relatively difficult math task. The results show that spectral features extracted by modeling the EEG signals recorded from individual channels by an ARMA model give a higher discrimination between the two subject groups for the control task, where classification scores of up to 100% were obtained with a linear discriminant classifier

    Review on solving the inverse problem in EEG source analysis

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    In this primer, we give a review of the inverse problem for EEG source localization. This is intended for the researchers new in the field to get insight in the state-of-the-art techniques used to find approximate solutions of the brain sources giving rise to a scalp potential recording. Furthermore, a review of the performance results of the different techniques is provided to compare these different inverse solutions. The authors also include the results of a Monte-Carlo analysis which they performed to compare four non parametric algorithms and hence contribute to what is presently recorded in the literature. An extensive list of references to the work of other researchers is also provided

    A decision support framework for the discrimination of children with controlled epilepsy based on EEG analysis

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    This work was supported in part by the EC-IST project Biopattern, contract no: 508803, by the EC ICT project TUMOR, contract no: 247754, by the University of Malta grant LBA-73-695, by an internal grant from the Technical University of Crete, ELKE# 80037 and by the Academy of Finland, project nos: 113572, 118355, 134767 and 213462.Background: In this work we consider hidden signs (biomarkers) in ongoing EEG activity expressing epileptic tendency, for otherwise normal brain operation. More specifically, this study considers children with controlled epilepsy where only a few seizures without complications were noted before starting medication and who showed no clinical or electrophysiological signs of brain dysfunction. We compare EEG recordings from controlled epileptic children with age-matched control children under two different operations, an eyes closed rest condition and a mathematical task. The aim of this study is to develop reliable techniques for the extraction of biomarkers from EEG that indicate the presence of minor neurophysiological signs in cases where no clinical or significant EEG abnormalities are observed. Methods: We compare two different approaches for localizing activity differences and retrieving relevant information for classifying the two groups. The first approach focuses on power spectrum analysis whereas the second approach analyzes the functional coupling of cortical assemblies using linear synchronization techniques. Results: Differences could be detected during the control (rest) task, but not on the more demanding mathematical task. The spectral markers provide better diagnostic ability than their synchronization counterparts, even though a combination (or fusion) of both is needed for efficient classification of subjects. Conclusions: Based on these differences, the study proposes concrete biomarkers that can be used in a decision support system for clinical validation. Fusion of selected biomarkers in the Theta and Alpha bands resulted in an increase of the classification score up to 80% during the rest condition. No significant discrimination was achieved during the performance of a mathematical subtraction task.peer-reviewe

    Image binarisation using the extended Kalman filter

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    This work has been mainly supported by Grant 73604 of the University of Malta.Form design is frequently carried out through paper sketches of the designer’s mental model of an object. To improve the time it takes from solution concept to production it would therefore be beneficial if paperbased sketches can be automatically interpreted for importation into three-dimensional geometric computer aided design (CAD) systems. This however requires image pre-processing before initiating the automated interpretation of the drawing. This paper proposes a novel application of the Extended Kalman Filter to guide the binarisation process, thus achieving suitable and automatic classification between image foreground and background.peer-reviewe