197 research outputs found

    Retinal degeneration is rescued in transgenic rd mice by expression of the cGMP phosphodiesterase ß subunit

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    The ß subunit of the cGMP phosphodiesterase (PDE) gene has been identified as the candidate gene for retinal degeneration in the rd mouse. To study the molecular mechanisms underlying degeneration and the potential for gene repair, we have expressed a functional bovine cGMP PDE ß subunit in transgenic rd mice. One transgenic mouse line showed complete photoreceptor rescue across the entire span of the retina. A second independently derived line showed partial rescue in which photoreceptors in the superior but not the inferior hemisphere of the retina were rescued. In the latter animals, intermediate stages of degeneration were observed in the transition zone between rescued and diseased photoreceptors. Pathologic changes in the retina ranged from vesiculation of the basalmost outer segment discs in otherwise structurally intact rod cells to photoreceptors with highly disorganized outer segments and intact inner segments. Totally or partially rescued retinas showed a corresponding restoration of cGMP PDE activity, whereas nonrescued retinas had minimal enzyme activity, characteristic of the rd phenotype. These transgenic animals provide models for studying the molecular basis of retinal degenerative disease and conclusively demonstrate that the phenotype of rd mice is produced by a defect in the ß subunit of cGMP PDE

    Genetic and physiological analysis of Rht8 in bread wheat: an alternative source of semi-dwarfism with a reduced sensitivity to brassinosteroids

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    Over the next decade, wheat grain production must increase to meet the demand of a fast growing human population. One strategy to meet this challenge is to raise wheat productivity by optimizing plant stature. The Reduced height 8 (Rht8) semi-dwarfing gene is one of the few, together with the Green Revolution genes, to reduce stature of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), and improve lodging resistance, without compromising grain yield. Rht8 is widely used in dry environments such as Mediterranean countries where it increases plant adaptability. With recent climate change, its use could become increasingly important even in more northern latitudes. In the present study, the characterization of Rht8 was furthered. Morphological analyses show that the semi-dwarf phenotype of Rht8 lines is due to shorter internodal segments along the wheat culm, achieved through reduced cell elongation. Physiological experiments show that the reduced cell elongation is not due to defective gibberellin biosynthesis or signalling, but possibly to a reduced sensitivity to brassinosteroids. Using a fine-resolution mapping approach and screening 3104 F2 individuals of a newly developed mapping population, the Rht8 genetic interval was reduced from 20.5 cM to 1.29 cM. Comparative genomics with model genomes confined the Rht8 syntenic intervals to 3.3 Mb of the short arm of rice chromosome 4, and to 2 Mb of Brachypodium distachyon chromosome 5. The very high resolution potential of the plant material generated is crucial for the eventual cloning of Rht

    Functional evidence for the inflammatory reflex in teleosts: A novel alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor modulates the macrophage response to dsRNA

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    The inflammatory reflex modulates the innate immune system, keeping in check the detrimental consequences of overstimulation. A key player controlling the inflammatory reflex is the alpha 7 acetylcholine receptor (α7nAChR). This receptor is one of the signalling molecules regulating cytokine expression in macrophages. In this study, we characterize a novel teleost α7nAChR. Protein sequence analysis shows a high degree of conservation with mammalian orthologs and trout α7nAChR has all the features and essential amino acids to form a fully functional receptor. We demonstrate that trout macrophages can bind α-bungarotoxin (α-BTX), a competitive antagonist for α7nAChRs. Moreover, nicotine stimulation produces a decrease in pro-inflammatory cytokine expression after stimulation with poly(I:C). These results suggest the presence of a functional α7nAChR in the macrophage plasma membrane. Further, in vivo injection of poly(I:C) induced an increase in serum ACh levels in rainbow trout. Our results manifest for the first time the functional conservation of the inflammatory reflex in teleosts

    A prototype for a conversational companion for reminiscing about images

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    This work was funded by the COMPANIONS project sponsored by the European Commission as part of the Information Society Technologies (IST) programme under EC grant number IST-FP6-034434. Companions demonstrators can be seen at: http://www.dcs.shef.ac.uk/∼roberta/companions/Web/.This paper describes an initial prototype of the Companions project (www.companions-project.org): the Senior Companion (SC), designed to be a platform to display novel approaches to: (1) The use of Information Extraction (IE) techniques to extract the content of incoming dialogue utterances after an ASR phase. (2) The conversion of the input to RDF form to allow the generation of new facts from existing ones, under the control of a Dialogue Manager (DM), that also has access to stored knowledge and knowledge accessed in real time from the web, all in RDF form. (3) A DM expressed as a stack and network virtual machine that models mixed initiative in dialogue control. (4) A tuned dialogue act detector based on corpus evidence. The prototype platform was evaluated, and we describe this; it is also designed to support more extensive forms of emotion detection carried by both speech and lexical content, as well as extended forms of machine learning. We describe preliminary studies and results for these, in particular a novel approach to enabling reinforcement learning for open dialogue systems through the detection of emotion in the speech signal and its deployment as a form of a learned DM, at a higher level than the DM virtual machine and able to direct the SC’s responses to a more emotionally appropriate part of its repertoire. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.peer-reviewe

    Xeno-free induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neural progenitor cells for in vivo applications

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    BACKGROUND: Currently, there is no regenerative therapy for patients with neurological and neurodegenerative disorders. Cell-therapies have emerged as a potential treatment for numerous brain diseases. Despite recent advances in stem cell technology, major concerns have been raised regarding the feasibility and safety of cell therapies for clinical applications. METHODS: We generated good manufacturing practice (GMP)-compatible neural progenitor cells (NPCs) from transgene- and xeno-free induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) that can be smoothly adapted for clinical applications. NPCs were characterized in vitro for their differentiation potential and in vivo after transplantation into wild type as well as genetically immunosuppressed mice. RESULTS: Generated NPCs had a stable gene-expression over at least 15 passages and could be scaled for up to 1018^{18} cells per initially seeded 106^{6} cells. After withdrawal of growth factors in vitro, cells adapted a neural fate and mainly differentiated into active neurons. To ensure a pure NPC population for in vivo applications, we reduced the risk of iPSC contamination by applying micro RNA-switch technology as a safety checkpoint. Using lentiviral transduction with a fluorescent and bioluminescent dual-reporter construct, combined with non-invasive in vivo bioluminescent imaging, we longitudinally tracked the grafted cells in healthy wild-type and genetically immunosuppressed mice as well as in a mouse model of ischemic stroke. Long term in-depth characterization revealed that transplanted NPCs have the capability to survive and spontaneously differentiate into functional and mature neurons throughout a time course of a month, while no residual pluripotent cells were detectable. CONCLUSION: We describe the generation of transgene- and xeno-free NPCs. This simple differentiation protocol combined with the ability of in vivo cell tracking presents a valuable tool to develop safe and effective cell therapies for various brain injuries


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