241 research outputs found

    Spaces for agreement: a theory of time-stochastic dominance and an application to climate change

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    Many investments involve both a long time-horizon and risky returns. Making investment decisions thus requires assumptions about time and risk preferences. Such assumptions are frequently contested, particularly in the public sector, and there is no immediate prospect of universal agreement. Motivated by these observations, we develop a theory and method of finding ‘spaces for agreement’. These are combinations of classes of discount and utility function, for which one investment dominates another (or ‘almost’ does so), so that all decision-makers whose preferences can be represented by such combinations would agree on the option to be chosen. The theory is built on combining the insights of stochastic dominance on the one hand, and time dominance on the other, thus offering a nonparametric approach to inter-temporal, risky choice. We go on to apply the theory to the controversy over climate policy evaluation and show with the help of a popular simulation model that, in fact, even tough carbon emissions targets would be chosen by almost everyone, barring those with arguably ‘extreme’ preferences

    Hierarchical topic structuring: from dense segmentation to topically focused fragments via burst analysis

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    International audienceTopic segmentation traditionally relies on lexical cohesion measured through word re-occurrences to output a dense segmen-tation, either linear or hierarchical. In this paper, a novel organization of the topical structure of textual content is proposed. Rather than searching for topic shifts to yield dense segmentation, we propose an algorithm to extract topically focused fragments organized in a hierarchical manner. This is achieved by leveraging the temporal distribution of word re-occurrences, searching for bursts, to skirt the limits imposed by a global counting of lexical re-occurrences within segments. Comparison to a reference dense segmentation on varied datasets indicates that we can achieve a better topic focus while retrieving all of the important aspects of a text

    Investigating domain-independent NLP techniques for precise target selection in video hyperlinking

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    International audienceAutomatic generation of hyperlinks in multimedia video data is a subject with growing interest, as demonstrated by recent work undergone in the framework of the Search and Hyperlinking task within the Mediaeval benchmark initiative. In this paper, we compare NLP-based strategies for precise target selection in video hyperlinking exploiting speech material, with the goal of providing hyperlinks from a specified anchor to help information retrieval. We experimentally compare two approaches enabling to select short portions of videos which are relevant and possibly complementary with respect to the anchor. The first approach exploits a bipartite graph relating utterances and words to find the most relevant utterances. The second one uses explicit topic segmentation, whether hierarchical or not, to select the target segments. Experimental results are reported on the Mediaeval 2013 Search and Hyperlinking dataset which consists of BBC videos, demonstrating the interest of hierarchical topic segmentation for precise target selection

    IRISA and KUL at MediaEval 2014: Search and Hyperlinking Task

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    International audienceThis paper presents our approach and results in the hyper-linking sub-task at MediaEval 2014. A two step approach is implemented: relying on a topic segmentation technique, the first step consists in generating potential target segments; then, for each anchor, the best 20 target segments are selected according to two distinct strategies: the first one focuses on the identification of very similar targets using n-grams and named entities; the second one makes use of an intermediate structure built from topic models, which offers the possibility to control serendipity and to explain the links created

    Hierarchical Topic Models for Language-based Video Hyperlinking

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    International audienceWe investigate video hyperlinking based on speech transcripts , leveraging a hierarchical topical structure to address two essential aspects of hyperlinking, namely, serendipity control and link justification. We propose and compare different approaches exploiting a hierarchy of topic models as an intermediate representation to compare the transcripts of video segments. These hierarchical representations offer a basis to characterize the hyperlinks, thanks to the knowledge of the topics who contributed to the creation of the links, and to control serendipity by choosing to give more weights to either general or specific topics. Experiments are performed on BBC videos from the Search and Hyperlinking task at MediaEval. Link precisions similar to those of direct text comparison are achieved however exhibiting different targets along with a potential control of serendipity

    Évaluation d'une nouvelle structuration thĂ©matique hiĂ©rarchique des textes dans un cadre de rĂ©sumĂ© automatique et de dĂ©tection d'ancres au sein de vidĂ©os

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    National audienceDans cet article, nous Ă©valuons, Ă  travers son intĂ©rĂȘt pour le rĂ©sumĂ© automatique et la dĂ©tection d'ancres dans des vidĂ©os, le potentiel d'une nouvelle structure thĂ©matique extraite de donnĂ©es textuelles, composĂ©e d'une hiĂ©rarchie de fragments thĂ©matiquement focalisĂ©s. Cette structure est produite par un algorithme exploitant les distributions temporelles d'apparition des mots dans les textes en se fondant sur une analyse de salves lexicales. La hiĂ©rarchie obtenue a pour objet de filtrer le contenu non crucial et de ne conserver que l'information saillante des textes, Ă  diffĂ©rents niveaux de dĂ©tail. Nous montrons qu'elle permet d'amĂ©liorer la production de rĂ©sumĂ©s ou au moins de maintenir les rĂ©sultats de l'Ă©tat de l'art, tandis que pour la dĂ©tection d'ancres, elle nous conduit Ă  la meilleure prĂ©cision dans le contexte de la tĂąche Search and Anchoring in Video Archives Ă  MediaEval. Les expĂ©riences sont rĂ©alisĂ©es sur du texte Ă©crit et sur un corpus de transcriptions automatiques d'Ă©missions de tĂ©lĂ©vision. ABSTRACT Evaluation of a novel hierarchical thematic structuring of texts in the framework of text sum-marization and anchor detection for video hyperlinking This paper investigates the potential of a novel topical structure of text-like data in the context of summarization and anchor detection in video hyperlinking. This structure is produced by an algorithm that exploits temporal distributions of words through word burst analysis to generate a hierarchy of topically focused fragments. The obtained hierarchy aims at filtering out non-critical content, retaining only the salient information at various levels of detail. For the tasks we choose to evaluate the structure on, the lost of important information is highly damaging. We show that the structure can actually improve the results of summarization or at least maintain state-of-the-art results, while for anchor detection it leads us to the best precision in the context of the Search and Anchoring in Video Archives task at MediaEval. The experiments were carried on written text and a more challenging corpus containing automatic transcripts of TV shows. MOTS-CLÉS : analyse de salves lexicales, hiĂ©rarchie de fragments thĂ©matiques, rĂ©sumĂ© automa-tique, dĂ©tection d'ancres. KEYWORDS: burst analysis, hierarchy of topical fragments, text summarization, anchor detection. (a) (b) (c) FIGURE 1 – ReprĂ©sentations gĂ©nĂ©riques (a) d'une segmentation thĂ©matique linĂ©aire, (b) d'une segmentation thĂ©matique hiĂ©rarchique dense classique, versus (c) celle d'une hiĂ©rarchie de fragments thĂ©matiquement focalisĂ©s. Les lignes verticales en pointillĂ©s illustrent les frontiĂšres des thĂšmes et sous-thĂšmes

    Leveraging lexical cohesion and disruption for topic segmentation

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    International audienceTopic segmentation classically relies on one of two criteria, either finding areas with coherent vocabulary use or detecting discontinuities. In this paper, we propose a segmentation criterion combining both lexical cohesion and disruption, enabling a trade-off between the two. We provide the mathematical formulation of the criterion and an efficient graph based decoding algorithm for topic segmentation. Experimental results on standard textual data sets and on a more challenging corpus of automatically transcribed broadcast news shows demonstrate the benefit of such a combination. Gains were observed in all conditions, with segments of either regular or varying length and abrupt or smooth topic shifts. Long segments benefit more than short segments.However the algorithm has proven robust on automatic transcripts with short segments and limited vocabulary reoccurrences

    Altering the tribological properties of Laser Powder Bed Fusion materials through various methods: a review

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    Additive Manufacturing has gained prominence in research due to its cost-effectiveness and design flexibility. However, the connection between tribology and Laser Powder Bed Fusion remains inadequately investigated despite its potential. This study examines various direct manufacturing methods (i.e., without post-processing), in order to identify the most effective technique for modifying tribological properties. The wear rate and coefficient of friction are influenced by densification, which is affected by the formation of melt pools and keyholes in the microstructure. Notably, there is conflicting evidence on the most influential processing parameter for wear. Some studies suggest that laser power holds the greatest significance, while others propose that scan angle has a more pronounced effect on wear behaviour. Additionally, texturing emerges as another tribology manipulation method, enabling the entrapment of lubricants and debris within the system. The study also explores the relationship between microhardness, volumetric energy density, wear, and friction

    Geophysical prospections support the historical identification of the archaeological site at Lake Gala, Hebros/Maritsa/Meriç delta (Turkey)

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    Archaeological survey and combined geophysical measurements of magnetics were conducted. Geoelectrics and ground penetrating radar support the interpretation of a Roman station controlling a branch of the Via Egnatia leading to Ainos (modern Enez in Turkey). The site could be the first archaeological example of a road station in Thrace, constructed between the 1st and the 2nd century CE

    Hygric properties of hemp bio-insulations with differing compositions

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    The paper presents the results of a laboratory investigation on the hygric properties of five hemp insulation materials commercially available in the UK. The hemp fibre content varies between 30% and 95% in the total fibre content of the insulation materials examined. The adsorption–desorption isotherm, moisture buffer value, vapour diffusion resistance factor and water absorption coefficient were determined for the insulation materials investigated. The results showed that the hygric properties of the hemp insulation materials could vary widely depending on the constituents and fibrous structure. The considerable differences noted in the hygric properties of the insulation materials examined could potentially influence their hygrothermal performance as part of a building thermal envelope
