686 research outputs found

    The political and economic consequences of the summit diplomatic activity of the U.S. president

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    Title from PDF of title page (University of Missouri--Columbia, viewed on July 29, 2013).The entire thesis text is included in the research.pdf file; the official abstract appears in the short.pdf file; a non-technical public abstract appears in the public.pdf file.Dissertation advisor: Dr. A. Cooper DruryIncludes bibliographical references.Vita.Ph. D. University of Missouri--Columbia 2012."July 2012"American presidents have attended more than 2,000 summit meetings since the end of the Second World War. Yet, what we know about these meetings is limited to historical case studies. In this dissertation, I move beyond these descriptive accounts and give a systematic analysis of the consequences of presidential summit meetings with foreign heads of state and government. I focus on three areas of importance. First, I look at the domestic impact of summits arguing summit meetings can give a small, positive, but evanescent boost to presidential approval ratings. Second, I turn to the international political impact of summits and find that summit meetings have a small positive impact on the bilateral interstate relations of the U.S. This supports the possibility that these events help socialize heads of state and government into the international order. Third, I investigate the economic impact of bilateral summit meetings with developing states. Results uncover a positive relationship between summits and bilateral trade relations with and U.S. foreign aid to, but not foreign direct investment to these countries. This dissertation does not only uncover a general, albeit modest positive impact of summit diplomacy, but it also shows how the general impact of summits were stronger during the Cold War than it is today. Finally, my findings also demonstrate the worthiness of and need for studying summit diplomacy further.Includes bibliographical reference

    Esmase skisofreenia farmakoteraapia Eestis: vÔrdlus kohaliku ja rahvusvaheliste ravijuhistega

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    PsĂŒhhooside farmakoteraapia ja ravijuhised on eri riikides erinevad. Uuringu eesmĂ€rgiks oli analĂŒĂŒsida ja kirjeldada esmaste skisofreeniaepisoodide farmakoteraapiat Eestis. Töös analĂŒĂŒ- siti septembrist 2005 kuni septembrini 2006 PĂ”hja-Eesti Regionaalhaigla ja TÜ Kliinikumi psĂŒhhiaatriakliinikutesse hospitaliseeritud skisofreenia ja skisotĂŒĂŒpse hĂ€irega patsientide farmakoteraapiat. Vaadeldi manustatud ravimite annuseid, antipsĂŒhhootikumide polĂŒteraapia esinemise sagedust ning atĂŒĂŒpiliste ja konventsionaalsete antipsĂŒhhootikumide mÀÀramise sagedust. Tulemusi vĂ”rreldi kohalike ja rahvusvaheliste ravijuhistega. Esmase skisofreenia farmakoteraapia Eestis on suures osas vastavuses Eesti ja rahvusvaheliste ravijuhistega, kuid sageli kasutati konventsionaalseid antipsĂŒhhootikume ja levinud oli polĂŒteraapia antipsĂŒhhootikumidega. TĂ”enduspĂ”hise farmakoteraapia soodustamiseks oleks otstarbekas ajakohastada Eesti ravijuhiseid. Eesti Arst 2008; 87(9):601−60

    The impact of spatial and social structure on an SIR epidemic on a weighted multilayer network

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    A key factor in the transmission of infectious diseases is the structure of disease transmitting contacts. In the context of the current COVID-19 pandemic and with some data based on the Hungarian population we develop a theoretical epidemic model (susceptible-infected-removed, SIR) on a multilayer network. The layers include the Hungarian household structure, with population divided into children, adults and elderly, as well as schools and workplaces, some spatial embedding and community transmission due to sharing communal spaces, service and public spaces. We investigate the sensitivity of the model (via the time evolution and final size of the epidemic) to the different contact layers and we map out the relation between peak prevalence and final epidemic size. When compared to the classic compartmental model and for the same final epidemic size, we find that epidemics on multilayer network lead to higher peak prevalence meaning that the risk of overwhelming the health care system is higher. Based on our model we found that keeping cliques/bubbles in school as isolated as possible has a major effect while closing workplaces had a mild effect as long as workplaces are of relatively small size

    Pengaruh Penerapan Green Accounting Terhadap Kinerja Keuangan dengan Good Corporate Governance Sebagai Pemoderasi (Studi Empiris Pada Perusahaan Sektor Manufaktur yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2016-2020

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh green accounting terhadap kinerja keuangan, selain menganalisis good corporate governance sebagai moderasi (studi empiris pada daftar perusahaan manufaktur di bursa efek indonesia periode 2016-2020). Rancangan penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif, dengan teknik analisis menggunakan SPSS. Jumlah sampel observasi penelitian adalah 150. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian diketahui bahwa green accounting tidak berpengaruh terhadap kinerja keuangan seiring dengan good corporate governance tidak berpengaruh pula terhadap kinerja keuangan sedangkan berperan sebagai moderasi untuk memperkuat hubungan antara akuntansi hijau dengan kinerja keuangan


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    This study aims to determine the circular mobility that occurs in the Sea Satu Village, Pineleng Sub-district of Minahasa Regency, based on several aspects. The data needed to answer for the objectives is primary data and secondary data. Data were collected from direct interviews with respondents, as well as other data taken directly at the Village Head Office. The data were analyzed descriptively and described based on aspects related to circular mobility in this Sea Satu Village. The characteristics of circular mobility practitioners in Desa Sea Satu Village are due to aspects of age, gender, number of family members, education level, occupation type (TNI/POLRI), civil servant, private employee, entrepreneur, Honorer, Craftman, Driver and Ojek) , the number of dependents. The incentive factors are the types of transportation, mileage, and the towing factors are the status of home ownership, and the cost of living.*jnkd*

    Comparison between students’ academic performance and their abilities in written English language skills: A Tanzanian perspective

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    This article is based on the study which sought to compare between the students’ academic performance and their abilities in written English Language Skills. The study was conducted at the Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), Tanzania. The respondents were 358 finalists from six degree programmes selected randomly out of the 20 degree programmes at the university. The findings indicated that there was a statistically significant positive relationship between the students’ abilities in the English Writing Skills Test (EWST) and their University GPAs (r=314, p< 0.01). However, the content analysis of the EWST essays showed that the students had serious problems in spelling, using appropriate forms of adjectives, punctuation marks, simple present tense, recognizing passive voice and using relative pronouns and prepositions

    Human responses in heat – comparison of the Predicted Heat Strain and the Fiala multi-node model for a case of intermittent work

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    Two mathematical models of human thermal regulation include the rational Predicted Heat Strain (PHS) and the thermophysiological model by Fiala. The approaches of the models are different, however, they both aim at providing predictions of the thermophysiological responses to thermal environments of an average person. The aim of this study was to compare and analyze predictions of the two models against experimental data. The analysis also includes a gender comparison. The experimental data comprised of ten participants (5 males, 5 females, average anthropometric values were used as input) conducting an intermittent protocol of rotating tasks (cycling, stacking, stepping and arm crank) of moderate metabolic activities (134-291 W/m2) with breaks in-between in a controlled environmental condition (34°C, 60% RH). The validation consisted of the predictions’ comparison against experimental data from 2.5 hours of data of rectal temperature and mean skin temperature based on contact thermometry from four body locations. The PHS model over-predicted rectal temperatures during the first activity for males and the cooling effectiveness of sweat in the recovery periods, for both males and females. As a result, the PHS simulation underestimated the thermal strain in this context. The Fiala model accurately predicted the rectal temperature throughout the exposure. The fluctuation of the experimental mean skin temperature was not reflected in any of the models. However, the PHS simulation model showed better agreement than the Fiala model. As both models predicted responses more accurately for males than females, we suggest that in future development of the models it is important to take this result into account. The paper further discusses possible sources of the observed discrepancies and concludes with some suggestions for modifications
