116 research outputs found

    Contrasting seasonality in optical-biogeochemical properties of the Baltic Sea

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    Optical-biogeochemical relationships of particulate and dissolved organic matter are presented in support of remote sensing of the Baltic Sea pelagic. This system exhibits strong seasonality in phytoplankton community composition and wide gradients of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM), properties which are poorly handled by existing remote sensing algorithms. Absorption and scattering properties of particulate matter reflected the seasonality in biological (phytoplankton succession) and physical (thermal stratification) processes. Inherent optical properties showed much wider variability when normalized to the chlorophyll-a concentration compared to normalization to either total suspended matter dry weight or particulate organic carbon. The particle population had the largest optical variability in summer and was dominated by organic matter in both seasons. The geographic variability of CDOM and relationships with dissolved organic carbon (DOC) are also presented. CDOM dominated light absorption at blue wavelengths, contributing 81% (median) of the absorption by all water constituents at 400 nm and 63% at 442 nm. Consequentially, 90% of water-leaving radiance at 412 nm originated from a layer (z90) no deeper than approximately 1.0 m. With water increasingly attenuating light at longer wavelengths, a green peak in light penetration and reflectance is always present in these waters, with z90 up to 3.0–3.5 m depth, whereas z90 only exceeds 5 m at biomass < 5 mg Chla m-3. High absorption combined with a weakly scattering particle population (despite median phytoplankton biomass of 14.1 and 4.3 mg Chla m-3 in spring and summer samples, respectively), characterize this sea as a dark water body for which dedicated or exceptionally robust remote sensing techniques are required. Seasonal and regional optical-biogeochemical models, data distributions, and an extensive set of simulated remote-sensing reflectance spectra for testing of remote sensing algorithms are provided as supplementary data

    Extending Landsat 8: Retrieval of an Orange contra-Band for Inland Water Quality Applications

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    The Operational Land Imager (OLI) onboard Landsat 8 has found successful application in inland and coastal water remote sensing. Its radiometric specification and high spatial resolution allows quantification of water-leaving radiance while resolving small water bodies. However, its limited multispectral band set restricts the range of water quality parameters that can be retrieved. Identification of cyanobacteria biomass has been demonstrated for sensors with a band centered near 620 nm, the absorption peak of the diagnostic pigment phycocyanin. While OLI lacks such a band in the orange region, superposition of the available multispectral and panchromatic bands suggests that it can be calculated by a scaled difference. A set of 428 in situ spectra acquired in diverse lakes in Belgium and The Netherlands was used to develop and test an orange contra-band retrieval algorithm, achieving a mean absolute percentage error of 5.39 % and a bias of −0.88 % in the presence of sensor noise. Atmospheric compensation error propagated to the orange contra-band was observed to maintain about the same magnitude (13 % higher) observed for the red band and thus results in minimal additional effects for possible base line subtraction or band ratio algorithms for phycocyanin estimation. Generality of the algorithm for different reflectance shapes was tested against a set of published average coastal and inland Optical Water Types, showing robust retrieval for all but relatively clear water types (Secchi disk depth > 6 m and chlorophyll a < 1.6 mg m−3). The algorithm was further validated with 79 matchups against the Ocean and Land Colour Imager (OLCI) orange band for 10 globally distributed lakes. The retrieved band is shown to convey information independent from the adjacent bands under variable phycocyanin concentrations. An example application using Landsat 8 imagery is provided for a knowncyanobacterialbloominLakeErie,US.ThemethodisdistributedintheACOLITEatmospheric correction code. The contra-band approach is generic and can be applied to other sensors with overlapping bands. Recommendations are also provided for development of future sensors with broad spectral bands with the objective to maximize the accuracy of possible spectral enhancement

    Sensitivity of remotely sensed pigment concentration via Mixture Density Networks (MDNs) to uncertainties from atmospheric correction

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    Lake Erie, the shallowest of the five North American Laurentian Great Lakes, exhibits degraded water quality associated with recurrent phytoplankton blooms. Optical remote sensing of these optically com�plex inland waters is challenging due to the uncertainties stemming from atmospheric correction (AC) procedures. In this study, the accuracy of remote sensing reflectance (Rrs) derived from three different AC algorithms applied to Ocean and Land Colour Instrument (OLCI) observations of western Lake Erie (WLE) is evaluated through comparison to a regional radiometric dataset. The effects of uncertainties in Rrs products on the retrieval of near-surface concentration of pigments, including chlorophyll-a (Chla) and phycocyanin (PC), from Mixture Density Networks (MDNs) are subsequently investigated. Results show that iCOR contained the fewest number of processed (unflagged) days per pixel, compared to ACOLITE and POLYMER, for parts of the lake. Limiting results to the matchup dataset in common between the three AC algorithms shows that iCOR and ACOLITE performed closely at 665 nm, while out�performing POLYMER, with the Median Symmetric Accuracy (MdSA) of �30 %, 28 %, and 53 %, respec�tively. MDN applied to iCOR- and ACOLITE-corrected data (MdSA < 37 %) outperformed MDN applied to POLYMER-corrected data in estimating Chla. Large uncertainties in satellite-derived Rrs propagated to uncertainties �100 % in PC estimates, although the model was able to recover concentrations along the 1:1 line. Despite the need for improvements in its cloud-masking scheme, we conclude that iCOR combined with MDNs produces adequate OLCI pigment products for studying and monitoring Chla across WL

    Management Options to Improve Water Quality in Lake Peipsi: Insights from Large Scale Models and Remote Sensing

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    Nutrient pollution causes frequent blooms of potentially harmful cyanobacteria in Lake Peipsi (Estonia/Russia). Although external nutrient loading has reduced since the 1990s, lake water quality has barely improved, and eutrophication is still considered a threat to lake biota and water usage. To understand the recovery dynamics of the lake it is necessary to analyse the effects of land use and lake management on water quality to develop mitigation strategies. Comprehensive analysis has thus far failed due to information gaps inherent to conventional monitoring strategies. We show how two large-scale hydrological models using Earth observation data provide spatial information on pollution and can help explain the causes of past and current lake eutrophication. WaterGAP3.2 provides valid estimates of present and probable future phosphorus concentration in the lake water, based on past hydrological conditions. WaterWorld models spatial potential water quality and a scenario of optimal pollution reduction. Remotely sensed optical water quality data can be used to analyse recent, spatial water quality dynamics. The spatial and temporal algae distributions and can help explain eutrophication causes at Lake Peipsi and its catchment, adding value to in situ monitoring and supporting river basin management with large scale data

    Optimising Multispectral Active Fluorescence to Distinguish the Photosynthetic Variability of Cyanobacteria and Algae

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    This study assesses the ability of a new active fluorometer, the LabSTAF, to diagnostically assess the physiology of freshwater cyanobacteria in a reservoir exhibiting annual blooms. Specifically, we analyse the correlation of relative cyanobacteria abundance with photosynthetic parameters derived from fluorescence light curves (FLCs) obtained using several combinations of excitation wavebands, photosystem II (PSII) excitation spectra and the emission ratio of 730 over 685 nm (Fo(730/685)) using excitation protocols with varying degrees of sensitivity to yanobacteria and algae. FLCs using blue excitation (B) and green–orange–red (GOR) excitation wavebands capture physiology parameters of algae and cyanobacteria, respectively. The green–orange (GO) protocol, expected to have the best diagnostic properties for cyanobacteria, did not guarantee PSII saturation. PSII excitation spectra showed distinct response from cyanobacteria and algae, depending on spec�tral optimisation of the light dose. Fo(730/685), obtained using a combination of GOR excitation wavebands, Fo(GOR, 730/685), showed a significant correlation with the relative abundance of cya�nobacteria (linear regression, p-value < 0.01, adjusted R2 = 0.42). We recommend using, in parallel, Fo(GOR, 730/685), PSII excitation spectra (appropriately optimised for cyanobacteria versus algae), and physiological parameters derived from the FLCs obtained with GOR and B protocols to assess the physiology of cyanobacteria and to ultimately predict their growth. Higher intensity LEDs (G and O) should be considered to reach PSII saturation to further increase diagnostic sensitivity to the cyanobacteria component of the communit

    The Waldschmidt constant for squarefree monomial ideals

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    Given a squarefree monomial ideal IR=k[x1,,xn]I \subseteq R =k[x_1,\ldots,x_n], we show that α^(I)\widehat\alpha(I), the Waldschmidt constant of II, can be expressed as the optimal solution to a linear program constructed from the primary decomposition of II. By applying results from fractional graph theory, we can then express α^(I)\widehat\alpha(I) in terms of the fractional chromatic number of a hypergraph also constructed from the primary decomposition of II. Moreover, expressing α^(I)\widehat\alpha(I) as the solution to a linear program enables us to prove a Chudnovsky-like lower bound on α^(I)\widehat\alpha(I), thus verifying a conjecture of Cooper-Embree-H\`a-Hoefel for monomial ideals in the squarefree case. As an application, we compute the Waldschmidt constant and the resurgence for some families of squarefree monomial ideals. For example, we determine both constants for unions of general linear subspaces of Pn\mathbb{P}^n with few components compared to nn, and we find the Waldschmidt constant for the Stanley-Reisner ideal of a uniform matroid.Comment: 26 pages. This project was started at the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach (MFO) as part of the mini-workshop "Ideals of Linear Subspaces, Their Symbolic Powers and Waring Problems" held in February 2015. Comments are welcome. Revised version corrects some typos, updates the references, and clarifies some hypotheses. To appear in the Journal of Algebraic Combinatoric

    Assessment of atmospheric correction algorithms for the Sentinel-2A MultiSpectral Imager over coastal and inland waters

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    The relatively high spatial resolution, short revisit time and red-edge spectral band (705 nm) of the ESA Sentinel-2 Multi Spectral Imager makes this sensor attractive for monitoring water quality of coastal and inland waters. Reliable atmospheric correction is essential to support routine retrieval of optically active substance concentration from water-leaving reflectance. In this study, six publicly available atmospheric correction algorithms (Acolite, C2RCC, iCOR, l2gen, Polymer and Sen2Cor) are evaluated against above-water optical in situ measurements, within a robust methodology, in two optically diverse coastal regions (Baltic Sea, Western Channel) and from 13 inland waterbodies from 5 European countries with a range of optical properties. The total number of match-ups identified for each algorithm ranged from 1059 to 1668 with 521 match-ups common to all algorithms. These in situ and MSI match-ups were used to generate statistics describing the performance of each algorithm for each respective region and a combined dataset. All ACs tested showed high uncertainties, in many cases >100% in the red and >1000% in the near-infra red bands. Polymer and C2RCC achieved the lowest root mean square differences (~0.0016 sr−1) and mean absolute differences (~40–60% in blue/green bands) across the different datasets. Retrieval of blue-green and NIR-red band ratios indicate that further work on AC algorithms is required to reproduce the spectral shape in the red and NIR bands needed to accurately retrieve the chlorophyll-a concentration in turbid waters

    A data-driven approach to flag land-affected signals in satellite derived water quality from small lakes

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    The land-affected signal in remotely sensed radiance from nearshore waters is a common problem for remote sensing, introducing uncertainty in atmospheric correction and subsequent water quality constituent concentration estimates. This study proposes a new method for identifying effects of land on satellite remote sensing of water quality. The new optical water types (OWT) containing the land-affected signal were derived from POLYMER-corrected imagery of the Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer in reduced resolution (MERIS RR) and Sentinel-3 Ocean and Land Colour Instrument (OLCI). These were then applied, as part of a larger set of existing OWTs corresponding to the variability observed in natural waters, to satellite images. The ability to identify pixels containing both water and land, and those contaminated with radiance from adjacent land, was evaluated. Our test sites include dark lakes of varying size in Sweden (Lakes Rusken, Bolmen, Ringsjon, ¨ and Ivosj ¨ on) ¨ where the classification showed high sensitivity to land near the lake shore. The land-affected signal is shown to lead to underestimations of chlorophyll-a concentration and Forel-Ule colour indices, and over estimations of turbidity in these lakes, which can be corrected after masking out the land-affected pixels. The land-affected signal is strongest in summer, both NDVI and sun zenith angle covaried with the seasonal variation of land-affected signal. Further, the results confirmed that satellite images with coarser spatial resolution are more prone to land-affected signal compared to images with finer spatial resolution, for small inland water bodies. We propose a data-driven approach for water quality processing with ‘land-affected water types’ as an effective way to improve the lake optical water quality monitoring from water colour sensors

    Rings and Halos in the Mid-Infrared: The Planetary Nebulae NGC 7354 and NGC 3242

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    We present images of the planetary nebulae (PNe) NGC 7354 and NGC 3242 in four mid-infrared (MIR) photometric bands centred at 3.6, 4.5, 5.8 and 8.0 microns; the results of observations undertaken using the Spitzer Space Telescope (SST). The resulting images show the presence of a halo and rings in NGC 3242, as previously observed through narrow band imaging at visual wavelengths, as well as evidence for a comparable halo and ring system in NGC 7354. This is the first time that a halo and rings have been observed in the latter source. We have analysed the formation of halos as a result of radiatively accelerated mass loss in the AGB progenitors. Although the models assume that dust formation occurs in C-rich environments, we note that qualitatively similar results would be expected for O-rich progenitors as well. The model fall-offs in halo density are found to result in gradients in halo surface brightness which are similar to those observed in the visible and MIR.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 56 pages in arXi