1,791 research outputs found

    Stark Broadening of in III Lines in Astrophysical and Laboratory Plasma

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    Besides the need of Stark broadening parameters for a number of problems in physics, and plasma technology, in hot star atmospheres the conditions exist where Stark widths are comparable and even larger than the thermal Doppler widths. Using the semiclassical perturbation method we investigated here the influence of collisions with charged particles for In III spectral lines. We determined a number of Stark broadening parameters important for the investigation of plasmas in the atmospheres of A-type stars and white dwarfs. Also, we have compared the obtained results with existing experimental data. The results will be included in the STARK-B database, the Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Center and the Serbian Virtual Observatory

    Influence of Microlensing on Spectral Anomaly of Lensed Objects

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    Here we consider the influence of the microlensing on the spectrum of a lensed object taking into account that composite emission is coming from different regions arranged subsequently around the central source. We assumed that the lensed object has three regions with the black body emission; first the innermost with the highest temperature of 104K10^4K, second and third (located around the central) with slightly lower temperatures 7.51037.5\cdot10^3 and 51035\cdot10^3K, respectively. Than we explore the flux anomaly in lensed object due to microlensing. We compare U,V and B spectra of a such source. This results show that, due to microlensing, in a spectroscopically stratified object a flux anomaly is present.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, 1 tabl

    On a hierarchy of means

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    Generation of Silver Nanoparticles by the Pin-Hole DC Plasma Source with and without Gas Bubbling

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    Silver nanoparticles were produced using the pin-hole discharge generated by dc non-pulsing high voltage directly in silver nitrate solutions. Sodium nitrate was alternatively added to increase solution conductivity and decrease input energy for the discharge breakdown. Argon or oxygen was bubbled through the discharge region. Comparative experiments were evaluated by UV-VIS spectrometry. Formation of silver nanoparticles with the average size of 100 nm was confirmed by SEM/EDS analysis

    Action du chlorure de bunomidine sur la forme immature d' Echinococcus granulosus

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    Guilhon Jean, Simitch Tchédomir, Savin Z., Bordjochki A. Action du chlorure de bunamidine sur la forme immature d'Echinococcus granulosus. In: Bulletin de l'Académie Vétérinaire de France tome 120 n°7, 1967. pp. 327-331

    Співвідношення навчання і виховання у філософії педагогіки Памфіла Юркевича

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    24th General Meeting of the European-Grassland-Federation -- JUN 03-07, 2012 -- Lublin, POLANDWOS: 000361159300041Italian ryegrass monoculture and mixtures with red clover (sowing ratios 75:25%, 50:50% and 25:75%) were established in the spring of 2008 at the Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade, with the aim to analyse the possibilities of managing the N supply. There were four N rates for Italian ryegrass monoculture: 0, 100, 150 and 200 kg ha(-1), whilst no N fertilizer was applied to the mixture plots. The trial was carried out during 2008-2010 and the highest total DM yield was obtained with 200 kg N ha(-1), similar to that of the ryegrass-clover mixtures. Ryegrass contributed less to the total yield in the mixtures, because it had lower ratios in the structure of swards than those used at sowing. An Italian ryegrass-red clover sward may have advantages over a pure Italian ryegrass sward fertilized by high rates of N, providing high yield with a more sustainable land-use system.Kuhn, Ministerstwo Rolnictwa Rozwoju Wsi, Lubelski Wegiel Bogdanka S A, Karol Kania Synowie, Rolimpex, Dept Rolnictwa Srodowiska Urzedu Marszalkowskiego Wojewodztwa, Lubelskiego, Linia Hutnicza Szerokotorowa, Powiat Bilgorajski, Centinas, DSV Polska, Perla Browary Lubelskie, Lubella, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie, Miasto Lublin, Apis, Herbapol Lublin S A, OSM Krasnystaw, Powiat Krasnostawski, Powiat Lubelski, Powiat Krasnystaw, Lubelska Izba Rolnicza, Gmina Krasnystaw, Urzad Miasta Krasnysta


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    Chiral effective action with heavy quark symmetry

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    We derive an effective action combining chiral and heavy quark symmetry, using approximate bosonization techniques of QCD. We explicitly show that the heavy-quark limit is compatible with the large NcN_c (number of color) limit in the meson sector, and derive specific couplings between the light and heavy mesons (DD, DD^*, ...) and their chiral partners. The relevance of this effective action to solitons with heavy quarks describing heavy baryons is discussed.Comment: 14 pages, SUNY-NTG-92/2

    Self-assembly in solution of a reversible comb-shaped supramolecular polymer

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    We report a single step synthesis of a polyisobutene with a bis-urea moiety in the middle of the chain. In low polarity solvents, this polymer self-assembles by hydrogen bonding to form a combshaped polymer with a central hydrogen bonded backbone and polyisobutene arms. The comb backbone can be reversibly broken, and consequently, its length can be tuned by changing the solvent, the concentration or the temperature. Moreover, we have proved that the bulkiness of the side-chains have a strong influence on both the self-assembly pattern and the length of the backbone. Finally, the density of arms can be reduced, by simply mixing with a low molar mass bis-urea