571 research outputs found

    Topical rosiglitazone is an effective anti-scarring agent in the cornea

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    Corneal scarring remains a major cause of blindness world-wide, with limited treatment options, all of which have side-effects. Here, we tested the hypothesis that topical application of Rosiglitazone, a Thiazolidinedione and ligand of peroxisome proliferator activated receptor gamma (PPARÎł), can effectively block scar formation in a cat model of corneal damage. Adult cats underwent bilateral epithelial debridement followed by excimer laser ablation of the central corneal stroma to a depth of ~160 ”m as a means of experimentally inducing a reproducible wound. Eyes were then left untreated, or received 50 ”l of either 10 ”M Rosiglitazone in DMSO/Celluvisc, DMSO/Celluvisc vehicle or Celluvisc vehicle twice daily for 2 weeks. Cellular aspects of corneal wound healing were evaluated with in vivo confocal imaging and post-mortem immunohistochemistry for alpha smooth muscle actin (αSMA). Impacts of the wound and treatments on optical quality were assessed using wavefront sensing and optical coherence tomography at 2, 4, 8 and 12 weeks post-operatively. In parallel, cat corneal fibroblasts were cultured to assess the effects of Rosiglitazone on TGFÎČ-induced αSMA expression. Topical application of Rosiglitazone to cat eyes after injury decreased αSMA expression and haze, as well as the induction of lower-order and residual, higher-order wavefront aberrations compared to vehicle-treated eyes. Rosiglitazone also inhibited TGFÎČ-induced αSMA expression in cultured corneal fibroblasts. In conclusion, Rosiglitazone effectively controlled corneal fibrosis in vivo and in vitro, while restoring corneal thickness and optics. Its topical application may represent an effective, new avenue for the prevention of corneal scarring with distinct advantages for pathologically thin corneas

    Grossesse apres myomectomie a Libreville, Gabon

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    Cette Ă©tude avait pour but de dĂ©terminer la proportion des femmes ayant eu une grossesse menĂ©e Ă  terme aprĂšs myomectomie dans notre service. C’était une Ă©tude rĂ©trospective et descriptive portant sur tous les cas de grossesse menĂ©e Ă  terme chez des patientes ayant eu une myomectomie Ă  la maternitĂ© JosĂ©phine Bongo (MJB) de Libreville entre le 1er janvier 2004 et le 31 dĂ©cembre 2008. A partir des observations mĂ©dicales, des registres d’accouchement et des comptes rendus opĂ©ratoires, les paramĂštres principaux suivants ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©s: l’ñge, les  caractĂ©ristiques des myomes et le dĂ©lai de survenue de la grossesseaprĂšs myomectomie. Les donnĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©es sur Epi info 2006. Les variables ont Ă©tĂ© comparĂ©es entres elles Ă  l’aide du KhiÂČ test, du KhiÂČ corrigĂ© de Yate (n entre 3 et 4) et du test exact de Fisher (

    Numerical modelling of MPA-CVD reactors with the discontinuous Galerkin finite element method

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    In this article we develop a fully self consistent mathematical model describing the formation of a hydrogen plasma in a microwave power assisted chemical vapour deposition (MPA-CVD) reactor employed for the manufacture of synthetic diamond. The underlying multi-physics model includes constituent equations for the background gas mass average velocity, gas temperature, electromagnetic field energy and plasma density. The proposed mathematical model is numerically approximated based on exploiting the discontinuous Galerkin finite element method. We demonstrate the practical performance of this computational approach on a variety of CVD reactor geometries for a range of operating conditions

    Correlation between some environmental variables and abundance of Almophrya mediovacuolata (Ciliophora: Anoplophryidae) endocommensal ciliate of an anecic earthworms (Oligochaeta: Annelida) in Bambui (North-West Cameroon)

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    This study was devoted to accessing the influence of some soil physico-chemical parameters on the abundance of Almophrya mediovacuolata Ngassam, 1983, astome ciliate of the digestive tract of earthworms (EW) of the species Alma nilotica collected along “Fa’a ntsa” stream in Bambui. The survey primarily involved soil samples collection from the same spots of EW collection and preparation for physico-chemical analysis; evaluation in situ of the volumic density (VD) of worms (number /dm3 soil), their dissection, isolation and counting of ciliates with respect to different portion of EW’s gut (fore, mid and hindgut). Furthermore, correlation analysis between soil physico-chemical parameters and biological responses (EW volumic density and ciliate abundance) were performed. The results reveal that EW abundance was positively and significantly correlated with the following physico-chemical parameters: Cation Exchange Capacity CEC (p <0.01) and Mg2+ (p <0.05). A positive and significant correlation was found between Almophrya mediovacuolata and the pH of KCl in the foregut and midgut (p <0.01) while a negative and significant correlation was found between the abundance of Almophrya mediovacuolata and Ca2+ in the foregut (p <0.05). Almophrya mediovacuolata were found mostly in the foregut. This result shows that each portion of the digestive tract of Alma nilotica can be considered as a set of natural microhabitat in which a number of physico-chemical factors generate ecological niches suitable for the survival of different species of microorganisms among which ciliated protozoa. The fore and midgut was noticed to be the preferential zones of Almophrya mediovacuolata.Keywords: Biotic parameters, ciliated protozoa, microhabitat, soil physico-chemical parameters

    Deflection of coronal rays by remote CMEs: shock wave or magnetic pressure?

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    We analyze five events of the interaction of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) with the remote coronal rays located up to 90^\circ away from the CME as observed by the SOHO/LASCO C2 coronagraph. Using sequences of SOHO/LASCO C2 images, we estimate the kink propagation in the coronal rays during their interaction with the corresponding CMEs ranging from 180 to 920 km/s within the interval of radial distances form 3 R. to 6 R. . We conclude that all studied events do not correspond to the expected pattern of shock wave propagation in the corona. Coronal ray deflection can be interpreted as the influence of the magnetic field of a moving flux rope related to a CME. The motion of a large-scale flux rope away from the Sun creates changes in the structure of surrounding field lines, which are similar to the kink propagation along coronal rays. The retardation of the potential should be taken into account since the flux rope moves at high speed comparable with the Alfven speed.Comment: Accepted for Publication in Solar Physic

    Growth factor restriction impedes progression of wound healing following cataract surgery: identification of VEGF as a putative therapeutic target

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    Secondary visual loss occurs in millions of patients due to a wound-healing response, known as posterior capsule opacification (PCO), following cataract surgery. An intraocular lens (IOL) is implanted into residual lens tissue, known as the capsular bag, following cataract removal. Standard IOLs allow the anterior and posterior capsules to become physically connected. This places pressure on the IOL and improves contact with the underlying posterior capsule. New open bag IOL designs separate the anterior capsule and posterior capsules and further reduce PCO incidence. It is hypothesised that this results from reduced cytokine availability due to greater irrigation of the bag. We therefore explored the role of growth factor restriction on PCO using human lens cell and tissue culture models. We demonstrate that cytokine dilution, by increasing medium volume, significantly reduced cell coverage in both closed and open capsular bag models. This coincided with reduced cell density and myofibroblast formation. A screen of 27 cytokines identified nine candidates whose expression profile correlated with growth. In particular, VEGF was found to regulate cell survival, growth and myofibroblast formation. VEGF provides a therapeutic target to further manage PCO development and will yield best results when used in conjunction with open bag IOL designs

    Differences in the TGF-␀1-Induced Profibrotic Response of Anterior and Posterior Corneal Keratocytes In Vitro

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    PURPOSE. To characterize phenotypic differences between anterior and posterior corneal keratocytes after stimulation with the profibrotic agent transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-␀1) in vitro. METHODS. Sixteen corneas from healthy felines were obtained immediately after death. Lamellar dissection was performed to separate the anterior and posterior stroma at approximately 50% depth either manually (n Ï­ 2) or with a Moria microkeratome (300-m head; n Ï­ 14). Cells from the anterior and posterior stroma were cultured separately but under identical conditions. Using immunohistochemistry and Western blot techniques, Ki-67 staining and relative expression of Thy-1, alpha smooth muscle actin (␣-SMA), and fibronectin were assessed after stimulation with different TGF-␀1 concentrations. In addition, anterior and posterior cells cultured in different concentrations of TGF-␀1 were wounded with a razor blade, and the wound area and time to closure were determined. RESULTS. Stimulation by all concentrations of TGF-␀1 increased the proportion of Ki-67-positive cells in anterior and posterior cell cultures, but this increase was noted earlier in posterior cells than in anterior cells. Increasing TGF-␀1 concentration also increased the relative expression of Thy-1, ␣-SMA, and fibronectin in anterior and posterior fibroblasts. However, anterior cells expressed these fibrotic markers at lower TGF-␀1 concentrations than did posterior keratocytes. After mechanical wounding, posterior cells closed the wound area faster than did anterior cells at all concentrations of TGF-␀1. CONCLUSIONS. The present experiments show that anterior and posterior corneal keratocytes exhibit different sensitivities to the profibrotic growth factor TGF-␀1. This heterogeneity of keratocyte response may impact wound closure after mechanical wounding. (Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci

    Southward migration of the Southern Hemisphere westerly winds corresponds with warming climate over centennial timescales

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    Recent changes in the strength and location of the Southern Hemisphere westerly winds (SHW) have been linked to continental droughts and wildfires, changes in the Southern Ocean carbon sink, sea ice extent, ocean circulation, and ice shelf stability. Despite their critical role, our ability to predict their impacts under future climates is limited by a lack of data on SHW behaviour over centennial timescales. Here, we present a 700-year record of changes in SHW intensity from sub-Antarctic Marion Island using diatom and geochemical proxies and compare it with paleoclimate records and recent instrumental data. During cool periods, such as the Little Ice Age (c. 1400–1870 CE), the winds weakened and shifted towards the equator, and during warm periods they intensified and migrated poleward. These results imply that changes in the latitudinal temperature gradient drive century-scale SHW migrations, and that intensification of impacts can be anticipated in the coming century

    Ethical and methodological issues in engaging young people living in poverty with participatory research methods

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    This paper discusses the methodological and ethical issues arising from a project that focused on conducting a qualitative study using participatory techniques with children and young people living in disadvantage. The main aim of the study was to explore the impact of poverty on children and young people's access to public and private services. The paper is based on the author's perspective of the first stage of the fieldwork from the project. It discusses the ethical implications of involving children and young people in the research process, in particular issues relating to access and recruitment, the role of young people's advisory groups, use of visual data and collection of data in young people's homes. The paper also identifies some strategies for addressing the difficulties encountered in relation to each of these aspects and it considers the benefits of adopting participatory methods when conducting research with children and young people
