173 research outputs found

    Consumer empowerment on online purchasing

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    This research investigates the influence of social, demographic, and economic characteristics toward consumer empowerment on online purchasing in Asia, using a cross-sectional study through an online survey of 100 samples who experienced online purchasing. Multiple linear regression is performed for data analysis. The result showed that early adult males withhigh education, Javanese ethnic, lived in an urban area and were an employee with more than one million incomes per month was the most empowered group. Regression analyses resultreveals that gender, ethnic, and income significantly negatively influenced consumer empowerment. Meanwhile, a male with non-Sundanese ethnic and low income would increase the consumer empowerment index

    Generation Y’s Complaint Behavior toward Online Shopping

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    The purpose of this research was to analyze factors that influence Generation Y’s complaint behavior in online shopping. In general, Generation Y’s consumer of this research have a good perception of consumer rights. In contrast, the result showed that Generation Y in this research had a low complaint behavior. The research found that gender, strivers lifestyle, and number of social media account were influence Generation Y’s complaint behavior in online shopping. The result showed that male student did more complaint than female student. Generation Y who had strivers lifestyle will increase complaint behavior. The more Generation Y had social media account, the more Generation Y prefer to did a complaint

    The Economic Pressure and Coping Strategy of the Family of Cash Conditional Transfer Recipients

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    Cash Conditional Transfer (CCT) or Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) is one of the attempts of Indonesian government to alleviate poverty. This study conducted in eight villages in Dramaga District, Bogor Regency for six months. This study aimed to analyze the difference of economic pressure and families coping strategies of economic functions between pre and post the family got CCT\u27s funds and to analyze the relationship of socioeconomic and demographic characteristics, economic pressure and coping strategies of economic functions. By using systematic random sampling, this study produced 150 samples. Family size, amount of debt, the ratio of debt and assets, and economic pressure significantly and positively correlated with the total coping strategies both in pre and post-CCT. On the other hand, the total coping strategies both in the pre and post-CCT also significantly and negatively correlated with the level education of wives. In addition, the husbands and wives age significantly and positively related to the coping strategies during post CCT, while the total family income correlated significantly and negatively

    The effect of demographic, social, and economic characteristics on consumer empowerment in education institutions

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    Nowadays, consumers are faced with many options for formal educational institutions. To choose the best institution, consumers need to be well educated and well informed. This research aimed to analyze the influence of demographic, social, and economic characteristics toward formal educational institution consumer empowerment. This research used a cross-sectional study of 52 respondents. The data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential analysis. The consumer’s empowerment index in this research was 54.34, which was included in the capable category. The result showed that early adult (19-24 years) females who were highly educated and were not having a job with ≤ Rp3,204,551 income per month were the most empowered group of respondents than others. Regression analysis revealed that age influenced the consumer empowerment index. T-test analysis of the consumer empowerment based on characteristics is not significantly different

    Edukasi Konsumen Cerdas di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 pada Masyarakat Kelurahan Joglo, Kota Surakarta

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           Edukasi konsumen cerdas merupakan salah satu program yang terus digaungkan oleh pemerintah untuk menyadarkan masyarakat selaku konsumen agar terus bijak dan teliti dalam berbelanja. Pelaksanaan edukasi dapat berlangsung secara online melalui media sosial WhatsApp grup dengan peserta berjumlah 60 orang. Pelaksanaan edukasi dalam WhatsApp grup dipilih karena program PSBB (Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar) oleh pemerintah dalam menekan penyebaran virus Covid-19. Kegiatan edukasi bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat yang berada di Kelurahan Joglo, Kota Surakarta sebagai individu agar menjadi konsumen cerdas yang bijak dalam berbelanja pada masa pandemi Covid-19. Metode pelaksanaan yang dilakukan ceramah, diskusi dan evaluasi dengan pengisian pre-test dan post-test. Materi yang diberikan berupa penjelasan mengenai hak dan kewajiban sebagai konsumen, penjelasan terkait lembaga dan organisasi perlindungan konsumen, dan cara untuk menjadi konsumen yang cerdas berbelanja online dan offline pada masa pandemi Covid-19. Hasil dari kegiatan tersebut yaitu meningkatnya pengetahuan masyarakat terkait cara menjadi konsumen cerdas melalui pre-test dan post-test yang diberikan. Pelaksanaan kegiatan edukasi tersebut mengalami beberapa kendala, seperti keterbatasan penyelenggara untuk dapat memastikan seluruh peserta tetap mengikuti rangkaian acara serta penyelenggara tidak dapat memastikan seluruh peserta mengisi post-test dan pre-test.Smart consumer education is one of the programs that continuously promote by the government to increase awareness for consumers to be wise and careful in shopping. The education was performed through the WhatsApp group with 60 participants. The implementation of education through the WhatsApp group was chosen due to the PSBB (Large-Scale Social Restrictions) program by the government in suppressing the spread of the Covid-19 virus. This event aims to increase the knowledge of people in Joglo Village, Surakarta City as individuals to become smart consumers who are wise in shopping during the Covid-19 pandemic. The method applied lecture,  discussion, and evaluation through pre-test and post-test. The material covered the rights and obligations as consumers, consumer protection agencies, and how to become smart consumers in online and offline shopping during the Covid-19 pandemic. The result shows an increase of knowledge regarding smart consumers, as seen from the pre-test and post-test scores. The implementation of these educational activities encountered several obstacles, such as the limitation of the organizers to ensure that all participants continued to attend the series of events and the organizers could not ensure that all participants filled out the post-test and pre-test

    The Role of Motivation, Locus of Control and Financial Literacy on Women Investment Decisions Across Generations

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    This research gave attention to three factors that influence individuals in making investment decisions, motivation, locus of control, and financial literacy. This study generally aims to compare and analyze the effect of motivation, locus of control, and financial literacy on investment decisions on the families of the baby boomers generation, generation X, and generation Y.  This study applied a direct interview method and uses a questionnaire as a data collection tool. Thirty housewives from each generation were interviewed. The results showed a significant difference in motivation and financia literacy between the three generations. The results also showed that all variables had a significant effect on investment decisions in each generation. Otherwise, overall, only the locus of control variable that has no significant effect on investment decisions. Based on this, the government together with investment service providers need to formulate an appropriate program. Apart from the education provided through educators, the program can also be provided with socialization and consultation services, either directly or indirectly. Development of supporting infrastructure and public access to financial institutions, products or services according to their needs and capacities also need attention

    Karakteristik Sosial Demografi dan Faktor Pendorong Peningkatan Kinerja Kader Posyandu

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    Posyandu is one of the community participation approach in health sector that is managed by cadres, with the main problem arises is the declining number of visits of mothers of infants and toddlers. The aims of this research were to analyze the level of performance of posyandu cadres, and to analyze the factors that influence performance. Research conducted in Ciherang village with 30 samples that was selected using random sampling. Most of the cadres including productive age, junior secondary education, medium families size, and has been married to a third have children under five. The average of job length was 9 years old, had attended training related to posyandu, a cadres motivation is the desire to help the community. Average cadres incentives was Rp20,000 per person per month with the support of family and community leaders. The result showed that most of cadres’ performance can be categorized high. The higher the incentives and the more participation of cadres in training at least once influenced significantly for the improving of cadres’ performance. Keywords : Posyandu, Social Demography, Performance, Cadre

    Karakteristik Sosial Demografi dan Faktor Pendorong Peningkatan Kinerja Kader Posyandu

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    Posyandu is one of the community participation approach in health sector that is managed by cadres, with the main problem arises is the declining number of visits of mothers of infants and toddlers. The aims of this research were to analyze the level of performance of posyandu cadres, and to analyze the factors that influence performance. Research conducted in Ciherang village with 30 samples that was selected using random sampling. Most of the cadres including productive age, junior secondary education, medium families size, and has been married to a third have children under five. The average of job length was 9 years old, had attended training related to posyandu, a cadres motivation is the desire to help the community. Average cadres incentives was Rp20,000 per person per month with the support of family and community leaders. The result showed that most of cadres’ performance can be categorized high. The higher the incentives and the more participation of cadres in training at least once influenced significantly for the improving of cadres’ performance. Keywords : Posyandu, Social Demography, Performance, Cadre


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    Cash Conditional Transfer (PKH) is one of government's efforts to reduce poverty and improve the quality of human resources in poor communities through the provision of conditional subsidies. The purpose of this study were to identify characteristics of demographic, social, and economic of PKH families recipients and to analyze the differences of economic characteristics between pre and during families get PKH funds. This study applied a combination of cross-sectional and retrospective designs. Data collection located in eight villages in Dramaga District, Bogor Regency from March to December 2009. The sample was the wife from the families who received PKH as many as 150 people determined randomly by systematic methods. Statistical analyses were descriptive and paired t-test. Characteristics of demographic, social and economics of samples concluded from this study were the largest percentage of families ranged from five to six family member from nuclear families, as well as head of family and wife age ranged from 30 to 49 years. Their education levels were only up to primary school with head of family worked as laborers, while most wives did not work. Most family heads and wives both literacy in reading and writing Latin alphabet. Family total revenue increased significantly 1.3 fold during received PKH fund. Categories poverty did not change for the families who received PKH, but the ownership of electronic devices increased. Head of family has the largest and significant contribution to the total revenue of the family. The average expenditure per month for food and non-food respectively 70,1% and 29,9%. Significant increase for debt nearly twice as families received PKH fund. Ability to pay debt with assets owned, increased by obtaining PKH fund
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