7 research outputs found

    Query Response TIME Comparison Nosqldb Mongodb with Sqldb Oracle

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    Penyimpanan data saat ini terdapat dua jenis yakni relational database dan non-relational database. Kedua jenis DBMS (Database Managemnet System) tersebut berbeda dalam berbagai aspek seperti per-formansi eksekusi query, scalability, reliability maupun struktur penyimpanan data. Kajian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui perbandingan performansi DBMS antara Oracle sebagai jenis relational data-base dan MongoDB sebagai jenis non-relational database dalam mengolah data terstruktur. Eksperimen dilakukan untuk mengetahui perbandingan performansi kedua DBMS tersebut untuk operasi insert, select, update dan delete dengan menggunakan query sederhana maupun kompleks pada database Northwind. Untuk mencapai tujuan eksperimen, 18 query yang terdiri dari 2 insert query, 10 select query, 2 update query dan 2 delete query dieksekusi. Query dieksekusi melalui sebuah aplikasi .Net yang dibangun sebagai perantara antara user dengan basis data. Eksperimen dilakukan pada tabel dengan atau tanpa relasi pada Oracle dan embedded atau bukan embedded dokumen pada MongoDB. Response time untuk setiap eksekusi query dibandingkan dengan menggunakan metode statistik. Eksperimen menunjukkan response time query untuk proses select, insert, dan update pada MongoDB lebih cepatdaripada Oracle. MongoDB lebih cepat 64.8 % untuk select query;MongoDB lebihcepat 72.8 % untuk insert query dan MongoDB lebih cepat 33.9 % untuk update query. Pada delete query, Oracle lebih cepat 96.8 % daripada MongoDB untuk table yang berelasi, tetapi MongoDB lebih cepat 83.8 % daripada Oracle untuk table yang tidak memiliki relasi.Untuk query kompleks dengan Map Reduce pada MongoDB lebih lambat 97.6% daripada kompleks query dengan aggregate function pada Oracle

    An Automatic Tool to Transform Star Schema Data Warehouse to Physical Data Model

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    Data warehouse is used to store very large data for supporting company to perform data analysis. Star schema is data warehouse model most widely used by companies today. Sometimes, data stored in star schema need to be exported to conventional model so that others may use them without knowing the OLTP (Online Transaction Processing) or source model, particularly for backup and recovery case. Therefore, this research aimed to transform star schema data model to physical data model. Two cases have been identified case, which are: 1) the star schema with simple star schema and the multifact star schema (standard case); and 2) the multi star schema (nonstandard case). There are five processes to build the physical model from the star schema model, namely: 1) finding fact table, 2)finding dimension table, 3) deleting time dimension table, and adding date attribute to fact table, 4) changing fact table to relational table, and 5) changing dimension table to relational table. The prototype was built to implement this phase, and it was tested using some cases. The prototype transformed star schema to physical data model properly (complete design with table, attribute, relation, data type). Some results were different (were not consistent) from the source model because there are many possibilities of star schema for one model, and there is no metadata that are stored when the star schema model was built

    Klasterisasi Berita Bahasa Indonesia Dengan Menggunakan K-Means Dan Word Embedding

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    Jumlah berita atau dokumen yang sangat melimpah merupakan sumber pengetahuan yang sangat berharga dan dapat digunakan untuk memperoleh wawasan dalam pengambilan keputusan. Namun, pertumbuhan jumlah berita dengan dimensi yang tinggi menjadi sebuah tantangan besar, yang menyebabkan sulitnya informasi pada berita dikategorikan secara efisien dan cepat. Kesulitan ini semakin kompleks dengan tidak adanya kelas atau label pada berita tersebut. Analisis konten dari berita yang belum memiliki kelas atau label dapat dilakukan dengan pendekatan data mining. Salah satu metode data mining yang dapat digunakan untuk mengelompokkan berita tanpa label, jumlah yang besar, dan sulit dilakukan secara manual adalah klastering. Klastering teks adalah salah satu metode penambangan data yang bertujuan untuk mengelompokkan dokumen berdasarkan kesamaan atau kemiripan di antara teks. Penelitian ini memberikan pendekatan baru dalam mengelompokkan berita Bahasa Indonesia dengan metode klastering, dimana ekstraksi fitur dilakukan melalui pendekatan Neural Network (Word Embedding) yang dapat menunjukkan kesamaan antar kata untuk mempertahankan semantik dan konteks dari kata yang ada pada berita. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah berita dari portal berita “Tempo” yang terdiri dari 520863 berita. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jumlah klaster k = 4, dengan parameter Word Embedding: min_count=1 dan embedding_size=300 memberikan nilai silhouette coefficient terbaik sebesar 0.73. Hasil klasterisasi berita divisualisasikan dalam bentuk dimensi yang berbeda dan visualisasi World Cloud untuk menganalisis dan mengevaluasi metode yang diusulkan pada penelitian ini. AbstractThe enormous amount of news or documents is a precious source of knowledge and can be used to gain insight into decision-making. However, the growth in the number of news stories with high dimensions is a big challenge, making it difficult for information on the news to be categorized efficiently and quickly. This difficulty is further complicated by the absence of classes or labels on the news. Analysis of the content of news that does not yet have a class or label can be done with a data mining approach. The most used data mining method to group a tremendous amount of news without class labels is clustering. Text clustering is a data mining task that aims to group documents based on similarities. This study provides a new approach to classifying Indonesian news with the clustering method, where feature extraction is carried out through a Neural Network (Word Embedding) approach that can show similarities between words to maintain the semantics and context of the words in the news. The data source used is news from the news portal "Tempo," which consists of 5208063 news. The results showed that the number of clusters k = 4, with Word Embedding parameters: min_count=1 and embedding_size=300, produced the best silhouette coefficient value of 0.73. The results of news clustering were visualized in the form of different dimensions and World Cloud visualization to analyze and evaluate the proposed method

    Business Development of Digital Tenun Nusantara (Ditenun) Using Business Model Canvas and SWOT Analysis

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    DiTenun is a start-up engaged in traditional woven fabrics. The main product of DiTenun is the technology that can create woven motifs using artificial intelligence. In running the business, DiTenun is still experiencing stagnation in its development so that DiTenun continues to make efforts to develop its business. One of these efforts is to participate in the Kedaireka Matching Fund program offered by the Ministry of Education and Culture. This program requires DiTenun to cooperate with Batikta and Kaldera. To support this collaboration, it is necessary to know Dtenun business model's description to make the collaboration flow more focused. Therefore, this research aimed to discover the description of the DiTenun business model and its business collaboration. Canvas Business Model was used to determine the business strategy and was tested using SWOT planning method to evaluate the project's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats or business speculation. From the BMC (Canvas Business Model) that has been designed for weaving, the company are recommended to further develop it in the elements of several elements. On the key activities element, it can focus on building a community of weavers when marketing expansion is better at selling its products. On the key partner element, it can expand its partners to the ones who can make DiTenun more developed, both in terms of business and production. On key resource elements, they can further develop their technology so that they can produce more perfect motifs and can be much easier for weavers to understand. Another essential thing that DiTenun needs to pay attention to is participating in critical programs to help DiTenun expand its business. Keywords: ditenun, start-up, business model canvas, swot, business developmen

    Linked Open Data Validity -- A Technical Report from ISWS 2018

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    Linked Open Data (LOD) is the publicly available RDF data in the Web. Each LOD entity is identfied by a URI and accessible via HTTP. LOD encodes globalscale knowledge potentially available to any human as well as artificial intelligence that may want to benefit from it as background knowledge for supporting their tasks. LOD has emerged as the backbone of applications in diverse fields such as Natural Language Processing, Information Retrieval, Computer Vision, Speech Recognition, and many more. Nevertheless, regardless of the specific tasks that LOD-based tools aim to address, the reuse of such knowledge may be challenging for diverse reasons, e.g. semantic heterogeneity, provenance, and data quality. As aptly stated by Heath et al. Linked Data might be outdated, imprecise, or simply wrong": there arouses a necessity to investigate the problem of linked data validity. This work reports a collaborative effort performed by nine teams of students, guided by an equal number of senior researchers, attending the International Semantic Web Research School (ISWS 2018) towards addressing such investigation from different perspectives coupled with different approaches to tackle the issue

    Linked Open Data Validity -- A Technical Report from ISWS 2018

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    Linked Open Data (LOD) is the publicly available RDF data in the Web. Each LOD entity is identfied by a URI and accessible via HTTP. LOD encodes globalscale knowledge potentially available to any human as well as artificial intelligence that may want to benefit from it as background knowledge for supporting their tasks. LOD has emerged as the backbone of applications in diverse fields such as Natural Language Processing, Information Retrieval, Computer Vision, Speech Recognition, and many more. Nevertheless, regardless of the specific tasks that LOD-based tools aim to address, the reuse of such knowledge may be challenging for diverse reasons, e.g. semantic heterogeneity, provenance, and data quality. As aptly stated by Heath et al. Linked Data might be outdated, imprecise, or simply wrong": there arouses a necessity to investigate the problem of linked data validity. This work reports a collaborative effort performed by nine teams of students, guided by an equal number of senior researchers, attending the International Semantic Web Research School (ISWS 2018) towards addressing such investigation from different perspectives coupled with different approaches to tackle the issue