162 research outputs found
Analisis Eufemisme Dalam Berita Utama Surat Kabar Sinar Indonesia Baru
Tulisan ini memberikan gambaran analisis dan bentuk eufemisme dalamberita utama Surat Kabar Sinar Indonesia Baru (SIB). Eufemismemerupakan suatu ungkapan dengan konotasi penghalusan makna.penggunaan eufemisme yang terdapat dalam pemberitaan kerapmengaburkan realita yang ada. Hal ini berdampak bagi pembaca yangsulit membedakan kebenaran yang ada sehingga menimbulkan berbagaiperspektif atas suatu fenomena. Penelitian dalam media inimenggunakan metode analisis data dengan menggunakan teori dariKeith Allan and Kate Burridge. Dari hasil analisis dapat disimpulkanbahwa ada tujuh bentuk eufemime yang terdapat dalam surat kabar SIB,diantaranya: (1) ekspresi figuratif, (2) flipansi, (3) sirkumlokusi, (4)singkatan, (5) satu kata untuk menggantikan kata lain, (6) hiperbola, (7)metafora. Hal yang melatarbelakangi penggunaan eufemisme itu sendiriadalah menghindari penggunaan kata-kata yang dapat menimbulkankepanikan atau ketakutan, tidak menyinggung, menghina, ataumerendahkan seseorang, mengurangi atau tidak menyinggung hal-halyang menyakitkan atau tragedy, menggantikan kata-kata yang dilarang,tabu, vulgar atau bercitra negatif, merahasiakan sesuatu, menghormatiatau menghargai orang lain, dan menyindir atau mengkritik
Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Pengelolaan Aset Pasca Pemekaran Wilayah dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Kualitas Laporan Keuangan Pemerintah di Kab. Tapanuli Selatan
This study aims to determine the factors that affect the asset management post-expansion area and its effecton the quality of financial reports of government in South Tapanuli.This study is a qualitative descriptive study,which aims to explore the factors that affect the asset management post-expansion area and its effect on thequality of financial reporting. Data were collected through interviews with the informants, the studydocumentation, as well as observation or triangulation or a mix of all three. Stages of data analysis used includedata reduction, display data, and drawing conclusions or verification in the preparation of a workinghypothesis.The results showed that factors affecting the asset management division of the post in theGovernment of South Tapanuli include: human resources knowledge assets management, proof of ownership ofassets, valuation of assets, leadership commitment, and attitude: lack of awareness and responsibility.Management of assets after the post-expansion area affects the quality of government financial reports.Keywords: Expansion Areas, Asset Management, Quality of Financial Statement
Analisis Usaha Penangkapan Dengan Alat Tangkap Jaring Dasar (Bottom Gill Net) di Kelurahan Sosor Gadong Kecamatan Sosor Gadong Kabupaten Tapanuli Tengah
This study was aimed to determine the level of investment, to analyze production and income, and to analyze how the business analysis of fishing with bottom gill net. The method used is a survey method with 30 respondents as the ship's owner and sample survey.
The results showed that the total investment for a business of bottom gill net with a motorboat was IDR.70.526.770 and motor boats in the amount of IDR. 21.580.905. As for the annual motorboat income from IDR. 57.919.935 per year and motor boats in the amount of IDR. 13.417.187 per year. The criteria for investing in a base power business with a motorboat have shown a Revenue Cost of Ratio (RCR) of 1.47 and a motorboat of 1.43 that RCR > 1 and the gill net business is viable and feasible to continue. While the FRR is 83.35% for motorboat fishermen and 65.92% for motorboats, it is above the Bank's current interest rate of 6.3% / year, making the investment worthwhile. The payback period (PPC) for motorboats is 1.24 and for motor boats 1.56
Pengaruh Investment Opportunity Set (IOS), Mekanisme Good Corporate Governance dan Reputasi KAP terhadap Kualitas Laba Perusahaan (Studi Empiris pada Perusahaan Property And Real Estate yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia 2010-2012)
This study aimed to examine the effect of investment opportunity set (IOS), good corporate governance mechanism (audit committee, independent directors, institutional ownership, managerial ownership) and public accounting firms reputation on quality of corporate earnings. The sample was taken using the method of purposive sampling from property and real estate company listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2010 until 2012. Obtained 81 samples from 33 property and real estate company for 3 years. Hypothesis testing is performed using multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this study indicate that audit committee have significant effect on corporate earnings. While investment opportunity set (IOS), independent directors, managerial ownership and institutional ownership of the firms reputation does not have significant effect on quality of corporate earnings.Keyword: Investment opportunity set (IOS), good corporate governance mechanism, public accounting firms, quality of corporate earnigs
Strategi Calon Legislatif Kota Pekanbaru dalam Meraih Suara pada Pemilihan Umum Tahun 2009
Post April 9, 2009 on previously scheduled to take place on April 5, 2009 agoconstitutemilestone in the political history of modern Indonesia in the context of the implementation of the General Legislative Elections with elected representatives of the people in this case to choose legislators Pekanbaru by using a majority vote system of election at this stage of the Open List Proportional system mechanisms that can provide the same opportunity for anyone who wants to become a legislator has completed the democratic system in the field of institutions - political institutions in Indonesia . In the case of urban society pekanbaru faced with a choice to be able to determine simultaneously choose 45 members legisatif second level of Pekanbaru City Council candidates are available as 618 participants competed the Legislative General Election.In the composition of the increasingly limited, the emotional sentiment - was in fact still a primordial reasons and motives in choosing a figure or figures someone who deserves to be served as a legislator. Seen with the effort as do various strategies held by the Legislative Candidates for their vote and win the competition Legislative General Election in Pekanbaru city in 2009. Strategies used include Dor to Dor Come to Every Home Community, Enabling More Success Team, Open Campaign and others - others. In general, 6people of responden a sample of researchers consisting of 2 persons from each party, candidate 1 wins and 1 defeat candidates from each party are available as three types of political parties.In this study population is all Pekanbaru City Legislative Candidates who competed in the 2009 general election. Researchers used for the determination of respondent Quota Sampling. In order to determine who include members of the research sample should first determine the desired respondent. To know about ways and strategies used by the candidates, researchers looked at the status and background of each candidate. In this sampling investigators decide the number of samples per each - each stratum (membership type) tamap random.In this research, using qualitative research model description. The subjects of this study are candidates of Golkar Party with the principle of nationalism, the principle of Joint Democratic Nationalism - Religious and PDS with religious principle.Screening instrument data used is interviews, documentation and literature searches. The data analysis technique used is a qualitative description. The theory used for the formulation of strategy and motive problems in reaching sound Legislative Candidates in the General Election year 2009 is Theory of Action and the Theory of Social Action of the experts Sociology ie, Max Webber and Talcott Parsons.Keywords: Strateg
Pemodelan Persentase Kriminalitas dan Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi di Jawa Timur dengan Pendekatan Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR)
Kejahatan atau kriminalitas merupakan perbuatan seseorang yang dapat diancam hukuman berdasarkan KUHP atau undang-undang serta peraturan lainnya di Indonesia. Pada tahun 2010 Polda Jawa Timur menduduki peringkat keempat jumlah kriminalitas tertinggi di Indonesia setelah Polda Metro Jaya, Polda Sumatera Utara dan Polda Jawa Barat. Perbedaan karakteristik geografis menyebabkan perbedaan atau keterikatan faktor ekonomi, sosial, budaya yang juga berpengaruh pada tindakan kriminalitas di setiap daerah. Karena itu penelitian ini akan memodelkan persentase kriminalitas dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya di Provinsi Jawa Timur dengan pendekatan Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR). Dari hasil penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa adanya pengaruh spasial dalam pemodelan persentase kriminalitas di Jawa Timur. Pemilihan pembobot dilakukan dengan cara memilih pembobot yang memiliki nilai AIC terkecil yaitu fix gaussian. Wilayah yang berdekatan cenderung memiliki kesamaan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi persentase kriminalitas di Jawa Timur. Variabel kepadatan penduduk dan persentase penduduk migran berpengaruh signifikan pada sebagian besar kabupaten/kota di Jawa Timur. Model GWR menghasilkan R2 sebesar 86,95 persen lebih besar dari model OLS yaitu 54,1 persen.
E-Commerce membawa peluang besar di dunia bisnis dengan menyediakan beberapa produk dan dijual secara online. Penggunaan E-Commerce sendiri tergolong mudah,efisien, dan biaya lebih murah membuat banyak pelanggan beralih dari belanja langsung toko ke E-Commerce sebagai alat proses transaksi belanja. Lazada adalah salah satu aplikasi E-Commerce yang sedang banyak dikunjungi oleh konsumen. Aplikasi ini adalah produk dari perusahaan E-Commerce Asia Tenggara yang didirikan oleh Rocket Internet dan Pierre Poignant pada 2012 lalu. Peneliti menggunakan metode Importance Performance Analysis yang mempunyai fungsi utama untuk menampilkan informasi mengenai faktor-faktor pelayanan yang menurut konsumen sangat mempengaruhi kepuasan, loyalitasnya, serta pelayanan yang perlu diperbaiki dan pada saat ini mungkin belum memuaskan pelanggan sepenuhnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat kepuasan konsumen terhadap layanan E-Commerce Lazada di Indonesia. Kepuasan terhadap layanan yang diberikan oleh E-Commerce Lazada ini sangat diperlukan agar perusahaan mendapatkan keuntungan tersendiri. Penelitian ini menggunakan dataset Kaggle dan didapatkan hasil tingkat kesesuaian antara tingkat kepuasan dan kepentingan diatas hasil terbesar yang didapatkan yaitu sebesar 99,17%, yang termasuk kedalam kategori sangat baik dan hampir sempurna, akan tetapi dari 99,17%, konsumen masih terdapat kesenjanjangan -0,02% konsumen yang merasa kinerja E-Commerce Lazada belum sesuai dengan keinginan atau harapan konsumen
Combination of Glasgow Coma Scale, Age, and Systolic Blood Pressure in Assessing Patients' Outcomes with Decreased Consciousness
Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) is commonly used to assess outcomes of patients with loss of consciousness, but it is insufficient in predicting the outcome of some cases. This study aimed to assess the combination of GCS, systolic blood pressure and age to predict the outcome of patients with decreased consciousness. This was a retrospective cohort observational study of 76 loss of consciousness patients that comes into the Emergency Department of Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital in June-August 2014. Data was obtained from the medical records . GCS, systolic blood pressure and age were recorded when patients were admitted to the triage. Outcome was assessed two weeks after admission in the emergency department. Bivariate analysis on the GCS and age showed significant different between patients with poor outcome group with good outcome group (p<0.05) and no significant different of the systolic blood pressure between both groups (p>0.05). Multivariate analysis on the GCS and age showed good probability equation based on the calibration test and discrimination. The combination of Glasgow Coma Scale and age was accurate in assessing the outcomes of patients with loss of consciousness.  
Pengaruh Karakteristik Peternak dan Dukungan Penyuluhan Terhadap Kemampuan Teknis Beternak Sapi Potong di Kecamatan Insana Induk
This research was conducted to determine the characteristics of farmers and the effect of counseling support on the technical ability of raising beef cattle. This research was conducted in October 2019 in Fatoin Village and Manunain B Village, Insana District, North Central Timor Regency. The research was conducted at the Matani Farmer's Group in Manunain B Village with 14 members and the Ataubale Nunusili Farmer's Group in Fatoin Village with 16 members. The total respondents used in this study were 30 people. The types of data used in this study are qualitative data and quantitative data with the data sources used in the form of primary data and secondary data. Data was collected through observation and interviews with respondents. The results showed that the technical ability of the breeder was strongly influenced by the characteristics of the breeder (age, education, and experience) and extension support (method suitability, media suitability, and extension competence).Penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk mengetahui karakteristik peternak dan pengaruh dukungan penyuluhan terhadap kemampuan teknis beternak sapi potong. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Oktober 2019 di Desa Fatoin dan Desa Manunain B, Kecamatan Insana, Kabupaten Timor Tengah Utara. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada Kelompok Tani Matani di Desa Manunain B dengan jumlah anggota 14 orang dan pada Kelompok Tani Ataubale Nunusili di Desa Fatoin dengan jumlah anggota sebanyak 16 orang. Total responden yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 30 orang. Jenis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa data kualitatif dan data kuantitatif dengan sumber data yang digunakan berupa data primer dan data sekunder. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi dan wawancara dengan responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan teknis peternak sangat dipengaruhi oleh karakteristik peternak (umur, pendidikan, dan pengalaman) serta dukukungan peyuluhan (kesusaian metode, kesesuaian media, dan kompetensi penyuluhan)
Analisis Tentang Penyelesaian Sengketa Waris pada Masyarakat Batak Toba di Kecamatan Mandau Kabupaten Bengkalis
S : This research was motivated by the inheritance disputes that occur in society Batak Toba Mandau sub Bengkalis. Caused by the erosion of a sense of family kinship, especially in Batak society. As an alternative solution used is through the Act, namely Consulting, Negotiation, Mediation, Conciliation and Artbitrase and through Customary Law ie Marhata (family council) and the Institute of Traditional. The problem of this research is How the Inheritance Dispute Resolution In Batak Toba Society Saber In District Bengkalis? The purpose of this study is to explain the Community Dispute Resolution Waris Batak Toba Saber In District Bengkalis. The study population was Batak Toba people who have had disputes of inheritance amounted to 23 people, indigenous leader 1 and the sample was 24 people. Data collection instruments which the questionnaire consists of 34 questions. Analysis of data using qualitative descriptive analysis. These results indicate that the community Batak Toba Mandau sub Bengkalis in resolving disputes and inheritance seen from the percentage 24 as much as 28.13% of respondents categorized rarely use the Act, whereas 58.34% are categorized often use Customary Law with the highest percentage 54.17 % by respondents as many as 13 respondents using Marhata way (the family council)
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