178 research outputs found

    Morphology of Camellia Sinensis L. leaves as marker of white tea authenticity

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    Received: February 1st, 2021 ; Accepted: April 24th, 2021 ; Published: August 18th, 2021 ; Correspondence: [email protected] is one of the most common drinks in the world. Classic tea is obtained by brewing the leaves of the Camellia sinensis L plant in hot water. However, even the leaves collected from the same branch of the same tea bush can have completely different anatomical, biochemical and taste characteristics. White tea is the youngest, immature apical leaves of the tea bush (fleshes) together with leaf buds (tips) which are is considered the most valuable parts of teaplant. The chemical composition of tea is studied in sufficient detail, however, there are still no uniform criteria for determining the authenticity of white tea leaves, which creates great preconditions for falsifying this most valuable type of raw material. The aim of this study was to study the macroand microstructure of white tea leaves from different manufacturers and to determine the morphological markers of the authenticity of white tea leaves. The objects of research were white tea from the Nandana Tea Factory (Sri Lanka) and white tea from an unknown manufacturer, purchased from a local tea shop. The study of raw materials was carried out in accordance with the requirements of GF XIV OFS ‘Leaves’ and OFS ‘Technique of microscopic and microchemical examination of medicinal plants and herbal medicinal products.’ The work was carried out on the basis of the laboratories of the Department of Food Technologies of FGBOU VO Saratov GAU named after N.I. Vavilov, and the Department of General Biology, Pharmacognosy and Botany, Saratov State Medical University named after V.I. Razumovsky Ministry of Health of Russia. Studies of the structure of white tea leaves from various manufacturers have shown that the structure and presence of morphological elements of leaves, such as hairs, stomata, leaf edge, druses, sclereids, differ markedly and can serve as reliable markers for identifying the variety of tea

    Development of visual journalism

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    In this article the author shows how under the influence of technological progress is the visual content of journalistic materials formed and developed. Increasing amount of visual material stipulates the grouth of such genre as visual journalism.В данной статье автор показывает, как под влиянием технического прогресса происходит формирование и развитие визуального контента журналистских материалов. Увеличение количества визуальных материалов приводит к появлению жанра визуальной журналистики

    Research of Influence of Potassium-rich Diets on the Physical Performance of Students

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    The aim of the work is the scientific substantiation and experimental support of the expedience and use of potassium-cationic water for improving the bread quality and the study of the influence of potassium-rich diets on the physical performance of students. There was studied the influence of potassium cations on the activity of proteolytic enzymes of wheat flour. It was established, that at using potassium-cationic water, the output of wet gluten (35,1 %) essentially increases, at that the output of dry one (8,4 %) decreases to the same extent that is a positive factor in the bakery technology. It was proved that enriching the vital medium of bakery yeast by potassium cations essentially activates their ability to hydrolysis of maltose that favors activation of the process of gassing (Maltase activity – 35,1 min). The process of gassing influences the speed of dough-conduction and ready bread quality, especially volume (357,7, 100 g/ml), porosity (79,1 %) and crumb ability to compression (33,5 c.u.). It was established, that consumption of bread, produced on potassium-cationic water, favors the strengthening of the heart muscle tone, improvement of the general condition of the organism, especially, physical endurance and performance

    The effect of bean flour addition on the rheological properties and baking quality of a triticale flour blends

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    Received: February 6th, 2021 ; Accepted: April 2nd, 2021 ; Published: August 18th, 2021 ; Correspondence: [email protected] aim of this research work was to study and compare the main parameters of the rheological state of the dough made from triticale flour (a variety of George selection by the FSBIS Agricultural Research Institute of the South-East), dough made from flour of white and red bean seeds, as well as parameters of dough from flour of composite mixtures based on them. The rheological properties of the dough were determined using a Mixolab device according to the GOST ISO 17718-2015 method. The mixing ability of the blends was additionally tested by the SDS sedimentation method. It was found that the moment of force, which characterizes the gelatinization process, correlates well with the SDS sedimentation index. To a lesser extent, this indicator correlates with the values of the moments of force characterizing the process of ‘starch retrogradation’ and the energy intensity of the dough formation process. The water absorption capacity of flour highly correlates with the moment of force during the liquefaction phase and with the moments of force characterizing the minimum and maximum consistency of the dough during the ‘starch retrogradation’ phase. The correlation between the SDS sedimentation rate and water absorption capacity was found to be rather low. The rheological parameters were also significantly influenced by the type of beans. Taking into account the results of studies of the rheological state of the dough, test baking of bread with various mass fractions of components was carried out. The results obtained confirmed the improving effect of bean flour

    The Study of Influence of Aronia Additives on Functional-technological Properties of Wheat Flour

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    The expedience of the use of aronia in technology of short dough products as a source of vitamins, mineral, pectin substances, phenol compounds, easily assimilated sugars, organic acids and so on was substantiated. To study the influence of aronia additives on the main receipt component of short dough (wheat flour) there was elaborated an algorithm of the study that includes theoretical analysis and physical-chemical experiment. The expedience of introduction of aronia as a powder directly into wheat flour was theoretically grounded. The methods of estimation of the content of polyphenol compounds, influence of aronia additives on amylolytic and proteolytic activity of wheat flour, its sugar-creating ability, were selected. The methods of experiment planning and mathematical processing of experimental data were realized using computer program MS Excel 97 2003.In was established, that the aronia additive weakens the gluten of wheat flour and prevents the swelling of gluten proteins. It positively influences the process of short dough formation and provides a possibility of its storage during the long time until baking. The use of aronia additives in technology of short dough products allows not only raise their food value but also improve the quality of short dough

    Timeline as a Mean of Data Visualization

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    The emergence of a new type of journalism, which received the name of «datajournalism» or «data journalism», is the response to modernity. At the moment it is intensively developing in various directions, corresponding to one more requirement of the time – the trend of information visualization. Data journalism has produced many interesting formats and visualization tools for large arrays of information. One of the least studied features is the timeline that appeared in the 2010th years in the domestic online publications. However, the extensive scientific understanding of this phenomenon has not yet been received. The aim of the proposed research is to explore one of the tools for rapidly developing and relatively poorly studied area of mass media, data journalism, since, according to many experts, data journalism will be forming the future. The additional relevance of the topic gives the output of the timeline as a method of presentation of the data beyond the boundaries of the media in the area of pedagogy, sciences and humanities, business projects, etc.Ответом на запросы современности становится возникновение нового типа журналистской деятельности, который получил название «дата-журналистики» или «журналистики данных». В настоящий момент это интенсивно развивающееся направление, соответствующее еще одному требованию момента – тенденции к визуализации информации. Журналистика данных выработала немало интересных форматов и инструментов визуализации больших массивов информации. Один из наименее изученных – таймлайн, появившийся в десятых годах в отечественных интернет-публикациях. Однако своего серьезного комплексного научного осмысления этого феномен еще не получил. Актуальность предложенного исследования заключается в необходимости изучения одного из инструментов динамично развивающейся и сравнительно слабо изученной области масс-медиа – журналистики данных, поскольку, по мнению многих экспертов, именно за дата-журналистикой и ее форматами – будущее. Дополнительную актуальность теме придает выход таймлайна как способа презентации данных за границы медиасферы – в область педагогики, точных и гуманитарных наук, бизнес-проектов и т. п

    The effect of humic acids on the natural resistance of the body of broiler chickens and the quality of their meat

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    ArticleThe aim of the work is to study the effectiveness of the concentration of humic acids of Reasil Humic Vet feed additive on the increase of the feed bioavailability for poultry and the probability of its negative impact on the safety and marketable characteristics of the final product. Studies were conducted on the basis of the Saratov State Agrarian University in two similar groups of broiler chickens ‘Cobb 500’, 100 heads each. Poultry feeding consisted of the same complete feed, but the drinking water for the broilers of the experimental group was enriched by humates in the amount of 0.5 ml L -1 . Based on the data obtained by daily weighing of the poultry and considering the feed intake, a positive trend of the influence of the feed additive on the average daily weight gain and feed conversion per unit of production was noted. The results of slaughter and anatomical cutting of broiler carcasses revealed that metabolic processes were more active in the body of an experimental poultry, reflected in the intensive growth of muscle tissue and fat deposition, which contributed to an increase in the yield of edible parts from carcasses by 9.9%. Studies of composition of broiler blood indicate non-toxicity of the recommended concentration of humates in the feed additive, its stimulation of non-specific resistance of the organism, contributing to the functioning of the immune system and the development of internal organs and, as a consequence, ensuring the safety of the products obtained from them

    Self-determination of youth and traditional moral values: the role of Russian literature

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    The article aims to prove the assumption that along with the known approaches to encouraging cultural diversity in education (critical, pluralistic, acculturation), a new methodological approach should be defined – that of forming the culturally-oriented world-view on the basis of personal self-determination in the traditional moral values, as represented in the national culture. The authors present their own definition of traditional moral values and analyse the way they are reflected in the classical Russian literature. The authors present the results of a field study designed to determine whether this reflective tradition is followed or interrupted in the modern Russian prose in the end of ХХth – beginning of XXIst centuries

    Quality and safety problems of sports nutrition products

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    The purpose of this work was to study the quality and safety of some sports nutrition products. The objects of study were sports nutrition products: protein bars of ‘ProteinBar’ (Russia) and ‘Bombbar’ (Russia); capsule forms of dietary supplements ω–3, ω–6, ω–9 firms ‘Sportline’ (Russia), ‘Multipower’ (Germany) and ‘Maxler’ (USA). According to the research results, the normalized safety indicators of the fat component of the studied products for sports nutrition (acid number and peroxide) are within acceptable values. The standardized safety indicators of the fat component do not fully reflect the safety requirements for the fat component of sports nutrition products, since there are no standards for the most important indicators of fat safety – the content of secondary oxidation products – copolymers insoluble in petroleum ether and epoxides. The results obtained in the course of the work showed that in almost all of the studied samples are content of epoxides (7.5–47.6 g -1 ) and secondary oxidation products – 1% or more

    Interactive infographic in the context of visual rotation

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    XXI век — век визуального. Массмедиа меняются под воздействием визуального поворота. В СМИ увеличивается количество и качество форматов визуальной репрезентации информации, меняется их подача. Огромным потенциалом в этом плане обладает инфографика, которая также, под воздействием визуального поворота, претерпевает изменения. В частности, на стыке визуального и кинестетического путей восприятия информации появляется интерактивная инфографика. Именно об этом идет речь в данной статье.The XXI century is a visual age. Mass media are changing under the influence of the visual twist. The number and quality of formats for visual representation of information is increasing in the media, and the way of their delivery is changing accordingly. In this respect, infographics possesses enormous potential, and it is undergoing certain changes under the influence of visual twist. In particular, at the intersection of the visual and kinesthetic ways of perceiving information, interactive infographics appears. This is what we is being brought tom light in the following study