8 research outputs found

    Intrinsic tumor necrosis factor-α pathway is activated in a subset of patients with focal segmental glomerulosclerosis.

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    Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) is frequently found in biopsies of patients with steroid resistant nephrotic syndrome (SRNS). The pathogenesis of SRNS/FSGS is often unknown and the disease will recur in up to 50% of patients post-transplant, indicating the presence of circulating podocyte-toxic factor(s). Several studies have reported clinical improvement after anti-TNFα therapy. However, prediction of the clinical outcome in SRNS/FSGS is difficult, and novel predictive biomarkers are needed. An image-based assay, which measures disassembly of focal adhesion complexes in cultured podocytes, was used to ascertain the presence of podocyte toxic activity in SRNS/FSGS sera. Expression of TNFα pathway genes was analysed in the Nephroseq FSGS cohort and in cultured podocytes treated with SRNS/FSGS sera. Podocyte toxic activity was detected in 48/96 SRNS/FSGS patients. It did not correlate with serum TNFα levels, age, sex, ethnicity or glomerular filtration rate. In ~25% of the toxic samples, the toxicity was strongly inhibited by blockade of TNFα signaling. Transcriptional profiling of human FSGS biopsies and podocytes treated with FSGS sera revealed significant increases in expression of TNFα pathway genes. We identified patients with serum podocyte toxic activity who may be at risk for FSGS recurrence, and those patients in whom serum podocyte toxicity may be reversed by TNFα blockade. Activation of TNFα pathway genes occurs in podocytes of FSGS patients suggesting a causative effect of this pathway in response to circulating factor(s). In vitro analyses of patient sera may stratify patients according to prognostic outcomes and potential responses to specific clinical interventions

    Differential role of planar cell polarity gene Vangl2 in embryonic and adult mammalian kidneys.

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    Planar cell polarity (PCP) pathway is crucial for tissue morphogenesis. Mutations in PCP genes cause multi-organ anomalies including dysplastic kidneys. Defective PCP signaling was postulated to contribute to cystogenesis in polycystic kidney disease. This work was undertaken to elucidate the role of the key PCP gene, Vangl2, in embryonic and postnatal renal tubules and ascertain whether its loss contributes to cyst formation and defective tubular function in mature animals. We generated mice with ubiquitous and collecting duct-restricted excision of Vangl2. We analyzed renal tubules in mutant and control mice at embryonic day E17.5 and postnatal days P1, P7, P30, P90, 6- and 9-month old animals. The collecting duct functions were analyzed in young and adult mutant and control mice. Loss of Vangl2 leads to profound tubular dilatation and microcysts in embryonic kidneys. Mechanistically, these abnormalities are caused by defective convergent extension (larger tubular cross-sectional area) and apical constriction (cuboidal cell shape and a reduction of activated actomyosin at the luminal surface). However, the embryonic tubule defects were rapidly resolved by Vangl2-independent mechanisms after birth. Normal collecting duct architecture and functions were found in young and mature animals. During embryogenesis, Vangl2 controls tubular size via convergent extension and apical constriction. However, rapidly after birth, PCP-dependent control of tubular size is switched to a PCP-independent regulatory mechanism. We conclude that loss of the Vangl2 gene is dispensable for tubular elongation and maintenance postnatally. It does not lead to cyst formation and is unlikely to contribute to polycystic kidney disease