17 research outputs found

    Lugol's solution and Gentian violet eradicate methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus biofilm in skin wound infections

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    The study aimed to evaluate the antibacterial efficacy of Lugol's solution 5% and Gentian violet 1% against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) biofilm in vivo. The bactericidal efficacy for treatment of MRSA-biofilm skin wound infection was tested in a murine model. Luciferase-tagged S. aureus Xen31, a MRSA-strain derived from S. aureus ATCC-3359130, was used for infection. Wounds were made in the skin of mice and infected with MRSA. The mice were treated with Lugol's solution and Gentian violet. Application of the antimicrobial agents started 24 hours post infection and was repeated daily for five-days. The antimicrobial effect on the biofilm bacteria was evaluated by measuring bioluminescence from MRSA daily for seven-days. Lugol's solution and Gentian violet showed a significant reduction in luminescent signals from the first assessment day to all subsequent days (P < .001). Lugol's solution and Gentian violet effectively eradicated MRSA in biofilm in vivo and could be alternatives or in addition to topical antibiotics when MRSA-biofilm wound infection is suspected.publishedVersio

    Re-traumatization of torture survivors during treatment in somatic healthcare services: A mapping review and appraisal of literature presenting clinical guidelines and recommendations to prevent re-traumatization

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    Abstract Rationale The number of torture survivors is on the rise, posing issues for their care in healthcare settings. Even healthcare experts with training in refugee care are unaware of the health difficulties faced by torture survivors. Any medical evaluation or treatment has the potential to re-traumatize torture survivors, thereby reactivating trauma symptoms without applicable guidelines to prevent re-traumatization. Objective Our objective was to identify, characterize, evaluate, and organize current, available evidence presenting existing recommendations and suggestions to prevent re-traumatization during the treatment of torture survivors’ physical diseases in healthcare services. Methods A comprehensive search of electronic databases was conducted. Gray literature coverage was obtained by searching for publications from relevant associations and healthcare organizations focusing on torture survivors. Clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) and research focusing on somatic healthcare services for adult torture survivors, regardless of study design, were eligible for review. Studies that concentrated on psychiatric departments were excluded. To conduct an overview of the available research and describe the scope and distribution of evidence, a mapping review methodology was used. Results Forty out of 13,111 initial citations met our criteria. There were two guidelines, and text and opinion statements predominated. Two authors independently assessed the risk of bias in each primary research study using the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) Critical Appraisal Checklist for the research design. Conclusions This mapping review identifies triggers that may re-traumatize torture survivors during treatment and makes recommendations for prevention. Only a few studies have considered torture survivors' perspectives on treatment and re-traumatization. According to the findings of the mapping review, healthcare providers should consider survivors’ biopsychosocial situations, cultural sensitivity, and personal attitude changes. They must also identify tortured patients and determine when professional interpreters should be used


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    Buegangsdehiscens er en tilstand med plagsomme øresymptomer og svimmelhet forårsaket av en defekt i benet mellom det indre øret og midtre skallegrop. Sykdommen er ufarlig, og for mange pasienter er det tilstrekkelig med en god forklaring på symptomene samt råd om mestringsstrategier, balansetrening og eventuelt bruk av hørselstekniske hjelpemidler. Ved uttalte plager kan kirurgisk behandling være aktuelt.publishedVersio

    Endoscopic findings and long-term hearing results for pediatric unilateral conductive hearing loss

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    Objectives: Analyze reasons for unilateral conductive hearing loss (CHL) with unknown etiology in children. Introduction: Unilateral conductive hearing loss (HL) without known etiology can be undiagnosed despite of hearing screening programs. It can be difficult to find the reason for HL and to make a treatment plan. Middle ear endoscopy gives hard-evidence diagnosis and basis for an individual treatment plan. Methods and material: Prospective clinical follow-up study for a cohort of generally healthy elementary school age children with unilateral conductive HL with unknown etiology. The study population was 192 children, of which 46 had a HL of at least 25 dB with more than 10 dB conductive component. Mean age was 8.7 years. Preoperative tests included otomicroscopy, bone- and air-conduction audiogram, tympanometry, stapes reflex tests, Rinne and Weber test and Otoacoustic emissions. The children underwent endoscopy of the middle ear with an individual treatment plan and long-term follow-up. The aim was to explore etiology and to give a treatment plan for hearing loss. Follow-up included air- and bone conduction hearing tests annually or every other year. Mean follow-up was 5.2 years. Results: A clear etiological finding was found in 36 (78%) ears, stapes anomaly (23) as the most common (64%) finding. Other findings were two cholesteatomas, 2 status after trauma, 5 middle ear anomalies, 5 incus fixations and one incus erosion. Air conduction hearing improved spontaneously during follow-up in 81% (17/21, 2 dropouts) of the stapes anomaly ears (mean 11,3 dB, range 4-32 dB), and none of these ears showed hearing deterioration. In the incus fixation group, one ear showed hearing deterioration. There were no major complications for exploration, and 5 minor postoperative infections. Conclusions: The most common reason for pediatric unilateral conductive hearing loss was stapes anomaly/ fixation. The HL does not deteriorate. Hearing loss in stapes anomalies shows a tendency for spontaneous recovery. Stapes surgery can be postponed or avoided.Peer reviewe

    In vitro surface temperature of nasal balloons during hot water inflation

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    Background: Posterior epistaxis is often treated with nasal packing by balloon compression or gauzes, and in refractory cases, with ligation of the sphenopalatine artery. These methods are painful, require admission and imply a substantial risk of complications. It has been shown that hot water irrigation is effective to stop bleeding. However, the hot water procedure is associated with patient discomfort, and temperatures over 520C may cause tissue necrosis. The use of nasal balloons filled with hot water may potentially be equally effective and cause less discomfort, but has not yet been studied. The aim of this study was to determine the surface temperature of nasal balloons when filled with hot water. Methodology: An in vitro study was performed to determine surface temperature of Epistat® and Rapid Rhino® nasal balloons when filled with water at different temperatures. Results: There was a strong correlation between inserted water temperature and maximum temperature at Epistat® balloon surface. Maximum surface temperature occurred during the first 30 seconds after water insertion and there was a rapid temperature decline irrespective of inserted water temperature. There was a similar correlation for Rapid Rhino®. However, surface temperatures were in general lower, maintained for a longer period and the peak temperature occurred later. Conclusions: Hot water inflation in nasal balloons seems to be feasible and is unlikely to cause tissue necrosis with inserted water temperatures of 600C or less

    Balloon eustachian tuboplasty: Systematic review of long-term outcomes and proposed indications

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    Balloon Eustachian tuboplasty (BET) aims to improve the function of the Eustachian tube (ET). The objective of this study was to review the longterm outcome of BET and present the process and results of outlining indications for BET by the Finnish Otosurgical Society. The literature review is based on a database search performed in May 2017. The search resulted in 100 individual articles, which were screened for relevance. Five articles fulfilled the inclusion criteria (follow-up ≥12 months). Five additional articles (follow-up, 6–11 months) were analyzed to obtain supportive information. The proposed BET indications were constituted in the 2016 annual meeting of the Finnish Otosurgical Society. The workshop included a review of the Eustachian tube physiology, middle ear aeration mechanisms, and BET outcome studies. Thereafter, the members of the Society first voted and then discussed 14 cases in order to conclude whether BET was indicated in each case, and subsequently, a consensus statement on the indications for BET was outlined. The long-term follow-up studies were heterogeneous regarding the Eustachian tube dysfunction (ETD) definition, patient selection, follow-up duration, additional treatments, and outcome measures. The current, but limited, evidence suggests that BET is effective in the long-term. However, more long-term studies with uniform criteria and outcome measures as well as placebo-controlled studies are needed. The proposed indications for BET by the Finnish Otosurgical Society include chronic bothersome symptoms referring to ETD, ETD-related symptoms when pressure changes rapidly, or recurring serous otitis media. With the current evidence, we suggest treating only adults with BET

    CT imaging of the Eustachian tube using focal contrast medium administration: a feasibility study in humans

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    Background Several methods of imaging the Eustachian tube have been tested in the last century, although neither has led to an established method. The introduction of balloon Eustachian tuboplasty (BET) has revived the request for Eustachian tube (ET) visualization in patients with chronic Eustachian tube dysfunction. Many institutions perform preoperative computed tomography (CT) scans of the temporal bone and epipharynx before BET. Purpose We hypothesize that the injection of a contrast medium into the tympanic cavity is safe and feasible and can evolve the CT scan by visualizing the ET lumen and, potentially, the level of obstruction. This study is the initial feasibility study for such a human application. Material and Methods Ten minutes before a CT scan, diluted iodixanol was injected into the middle ear in 18 patients planned for BET due to otitis media with effusion. Five patients with Meniere’s disease were controls. Any immediate or delayed adverse events were recorded. Masking of adjacent bony structures in the middle ear on the CT images was evaluated and the most caudally visible contrast medium between the middle ear and epipharynx recorded. Results There were no serious adverse events. One patient reported transitory vertigo. The contrast medium did not mask middle ear structures, apart from the tympanic membrane. The level of contrast medium passage could be assessed. Conclusion Visualizing the ET lumen in humans using intratympanic contrast medium is feasible and safe and does not obscure other valuable image information in a preoperative CT scan

    The cartilaginous Eustachian tube: Reliable CT measurement and impact of the length

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    Purpose: Balloon dilation of the Eustachian tube is a treatment option for obstructive Eustachian tube dysfunction. The desired balloon position is in the cartilaginous portion. However, the balloon catheter may slide into the bony portion without the surgeon's knowledge. Knowing the length of the cartilaginous portion may improve catheter positioning, but there is no published research on measuring this portion selectively or on whether the length has an impact on development of disease or treatment outcome. To evaluate whether a measurement obtained from CT images is valuable and accurate, to standardize the manner of which the length is measured, and to compare our radiologic measurements to procedural findings, we designed a combined study. Further, we tested the length's influence on development of disease and treatment outcome. Methods: Anatomical end points of the cartilaginous part of the Eustachian tube were unambiguously defined. The length was retrospectively measured bilaterally in 29 CT examinations by two radiologists, and repeated by one after two weeks. New reformats and measurements were made after 18 months for 10 of the patients. Prospectively 10 patients were included in a study where the length measured on CT was compared to per-procedural measurements based on catheter insertion depth to isthmus. Various parameters including length and treatment outcome were measured in 69 patients and 34 controls. Results: Correlation was adequate to excellent in all comparisons. The length of the cartilaginous Eustachian tube did not predict treatment outcome or disease development. The lengths were significantly shorter in females. Conclusion: Measuring the cartilaginous portion of the Eustachian tube on CT images is precise and reproducible, and reflects the length measured intraoperatively. However, it does not seem have a prognostic value

    Consonant and vowel identification in cochlear implant users measured by nonsense words: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Purpose The purpose of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to establish a baseline of the vowel and consonant identification scores in prelingually and postlingually deaf users of multichannel cochlear implants (CIs) tested with consonant–vowel–consonant and vowel–consonant–vowel nonsense syllables. Method Six electronic databases were searched for peer-reviewed articles reporting consonant and vowel identification scores in CI users measured by nonsense words. Relevant studies were independently assessed and screened by 2 reviewers. Consonant and vowel identification scores were presented in forest plots and compared between studies in a meta-analysis. Results Forty-seven articles with 50 studies, including 647 participants, thereof 581 postlingually deaf and 66 prelingually deaf, met the inclusion criteria of this study. The mean performance on vowel identification tasks for the postlingually deaf CI users was 76.8% (N = 5), which was higher than the mean performance for the prelingually deaf CI users (67.7%; N = 1). The mean performance on consonant identification tasks for the postlingually deaf CI users was higher (58.4%; N = 44) than for the prelingually deaf CI users (46.7%; N = 6). The most common consonant confusions were found between those with same manner of articulation (/k/ as /t/, /m/ as /n/, and /p/ as /t/). Conclusions The mean performance on consonant identification tasks for the prelingually and postlingually deaf CI users was found. There were no statistically significant differences between the scores for prelingually and postlingually deaf CI users. The consonants that were incorrectly identified were typically confused with other consonants with the same acoustic properties, namely, voicing, duration, nasality, and silent gaps. A univariate metaregression model, although not statistically significant, indicated that duration of implant use in postlingually deaf adults predict a substantial portion of their consonant identification ability. As there is no ceiling effect, a nonsense syllable identification test may be a useful addition to the standard test battery in audiology clinics when assessing the speech perception of CI users