3,110 research outputs found

    Biopolitics and experience of schooling in contexts of extreme urban poverty and environmental degradation

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    En este artículo abordamos la pregunta por la educación en el espacio urbano, entendiendo que las formas de la producción y reproducción de la desigualdad y la pobreza requieren volver a preguntarse por el milleu al que se refería Foucault (1999). En el siglo XXI en las metrópolis latinoamericanas, no solo (ver, entre otros, Davies, 2008; Chatarjee, 2009) escuela, pobreza y territorio urbano se entrelazan de modos muy particulares en las formas de la degradación ambiental y definen las formas que ha ido asumiendo la pobreza en el siglo XX. La educación no solo no escapa a ese círculo sino que se ensambla de múltiples maneras particulares. Las fuerzas en pugna que involucra la vida urbana se experiencian en la escuela de múltiples formas, tanto por las esperanzas que la educación promete a la sociedad como debido a que las velocidades tan dispares del habitar la ciudad, se encuentran de muy diversos modos en el espacio escolar. En este trabajo nos centramos en una de esas líneas: las formas de estar-siendo de los estudiantes que viven en contextos de extrema pobreza urbana y degradación ambiental en la escuela secundaria. Ello, especialmente, entendiendo que la vida en estos barrios queda, de muy diversos modos, atravesada en los hilos de aquello que, sin duda, se constituye en mojón clave de la producción y reproducción de la desigualdad en la actualidad. Nos preguntamos por los modos en que esas vidas, esas experiencias –traumática, contenida y producida en el contexto de ambientes urbanos hiperdegradados– se hacen presentes en la escuela.In this article we approach the question of education in urban space, understanding that the forms of production and reproduction of inequality and poverty require to question once again about the milleu referred to by Foucault (1999). In the XXI century in Latin American metropolises, but not only (see, among others, Davies, 2008; Chatarjee, 2009), school, poverty and urban areas are intertwined in very particularly ways in the forms of environmental degradation and define the forms assumed by poverty in the XXth century. Education does not only escape this circle but it assembles in multiple specific ways. The opposing forces involving urban life are experienced in school in multiple forms, by hopes that education promises to society as well as by the uneven speeds of inhabiting the city, are found in many different ways within the school space. In this work we focus on one of these lines: the forms of to be-being of students living in contexts of extreme urban poverty and environmental degradation in high school. This, especially, understanding that life in these neighborhoods is, in very different ways, intertwined with the threads of that which, undoubtedly, constitutes a key milestone in the production and reproduction of today’s inequality. We inquire about the ways in which these lives, these experiences –traumatic, contained and produced in the context of hyper-degraded urban environments– are present in schools.Dans cet article, nous abordons la question de l’éducation dans l’espace urbain, étant conscients du fait que les modes de production et de reproduction de l’iniquité et de la pauvreté nous obligent à nous poser de nouveau des questions sur le milieu, notion à laquelle faisait allusion Foucault (1999). Au XXIème siècle, dans les métropoles latino-américaines, école, pauvreté et territoire urbain non seulement l’école, la pauvreté et le territoire urbain sont imbriquées de manières très singulières dans les modalités de la détérioration du milieu mais elles définissent les formes caractéristiques de la pauvreté depuis le XXème siècle (voir, entre autres, Davies, 2008; Chatarjee, 2009). L’éducation non seulement n’échappe-telle à ce cercle mais elle s’y assemble de manières diverses et singulières. Las forces en lutte présentes dans la vie urbaine sont vécues à l’école de façons différentes dans l’espace scolaire et cela à cause tant des espoirs que l’éducation fait naître dans la société qu’à cause de la rencontre dans cet espace des vélocités tellement diverses de la vie dans les villes. Le noyau de cet article est justement une de ces lignes : les manières d’être-vivre des étudiants qui habitent dans de contextes de pauvreté urbaine extrême et la détérioration du milieu dans l’enseignement secondaire. En effet, la vie dans ces quartiers est imbriquée de façons différentes dans les fils de ce qui est sans doute aujourd’hui la borne clé de la production et la reproduction de l’iniquité. Nous nous questionnons sur les manières dans lesquelles ces vies, ces expériences –traumatiques, retenues et produites dans le contexte des milieux urbains hyper-dégradés– sont présentes dans l’école.Fil: Dafunchio, Sofia. Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Escuela de Humanidades. Centro de Estudios en Pedagogías Contemporáneas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Grinberg, Silvia Mariela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Escuela de Humanidades. Centro de Estudios en Pedagogías Contemporáneas; Argentin

    BRAFV600E mutation positive metastatic melanoma in a young woman treated with anti-BRAF/anti MEK combination: a case report

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    The recent Combi-v [1] and Combi-d [2,3], phase III randomized trials, showed, respectively, an OS benefit with Dabrafenib/Trametinib combination versus Vemurafenib and an improvement in PFS and ORR with the same combination versus Dabrafenib alone, in BRAF V600E/K mutation positive metastatic or unresectable cutaneous melanoma. We report the case of a young patient with metastatic melanoma treated with anti- BRAF/antiMEK combination

    Implementación de un software de ubicación para las diferentes edificaciones del campus gustavo galindo de la escuela superíor politécnica del litoral utilizable en diversos dispositivos con acceso a internet

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    Para el presente proyecto de graduación se ha desarrollado un sistema de ubicación virtual para el campus Prosperina de la Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral, que les permitirá a estudiantes y visitantes guiarse dentro del mismo. Este sistema ayudará a las personas que no se encuentran familiarizadas con el campus a llegar a tiempo a lugar donde desean evitando extraviarse. En el primer capítulo se explica por qué es necesario este sistema y se da ejemplos de sistemas similares. En el segundo capítulo se compara diferentes soluciones de hardware y software para tener una idea clara de lo que se necesita para que el sistema funcione de manera óptima. En el tercer capítulo se explica con más detalle cómo está conformado el sistema y de qué manera funciona. En el cuarto capítulo se detallan las pruebas que se realizaron luego de culminar con el desarrollo y se analizan los resultados comparándolos con los objetivos que se tenían antes de comenzar con el desarrollo. Finalmente se presentan las conclusiones y recomendaciones, adjuntando como apéndice el manual de usuario y otros detalles importantes

    Complu6IX: Transición del Campus de la Complutense a la tecnología IPv6 Soporte y Simulación

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    Trabajo de la asignatura Sistemas Informáticos (Facultad de Informática, Curso 2006-2007)Depto. de Sistemas Informáticos y ComputaciónFac. de InformáticaTRUEunpu

    Nonparametric Sparsity and Regularization

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    In this work we are interested in the problems of supervised learning and variable selection when the input-output dependence is described by a nonlinear function depending on a few variables. Our goal is to consider a sparse nonparametric model, hence avoiding linear or additive models. The key idea is to measure the importance of each variable in the model by making use of partial derivatives. Based on this intuition we propose and study a new regularizer and a corresponding least squares regularization scheme. Using concepts and results from the theory of reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces and proximal methods, we show that the proposed learning algorithm corresponds to a minimization problem which can be provably solved by an iterative procedure. The consistency properties of the obtained estimator are studied both in terms of prediction and selection performance. An extensive empirical analysis shows that the proposed method performs favorably with respect to the state-of-the-art

    Iterative Projection Methods for Structured Sparsity Regularization

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    In this paper we propose a general framework to characterize and solve the optimization problems underlying a large class of sparsity based regularization algorithms. More precisely, we study the minimization of learning functionals that are sums of a differentiable data term and a convex non differentiable penalty. These latter penalties have recently become popular in machine learning since they allow to enforce various kinds of sparsity properties in the solution. Leveraging on the theory of Fenchel duality and subdifferential calculus, we derive explicit optimality conditions for the regularized solution and propose a general iterative projection algorithm whose convergence to the optimal solution can be proved. The generality of the framework is illustrated, considering several examples of regularization schemes, including l1 regularization (and several variants), multiple kernel learning and multi-task learning. Finally, some features of the proposed framework are empirically studied

    Prominent role of RAB39A-RXRB axis in cancer development and stemness

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    In this study, we found that RAB39A, a member of the RAS oncogene family, was selectively expressed in cancer cells of different histotypes, by analyzing gene expression in human osteosarcoma cells and the cancer stem cells (CSCs) and by comparing them with normal cells through global transcriptomics and principal component analyses. We further validated RAB39A as a therapeutic target, by silencing its expression. The silencing impaired cancer stemness and spherogenic ability in vitro, as well as tumorigenesis in vivo. RNA-seq analyses in the silenced spheres suggested that RAB39A is associated downstream with RXRB and KLF4. Notably, RXRB expression was inhibited in RAB39A-silenced CSCs. Induced overexpression of RXRB in RAB39A-silenced cells restored spherogenic ability and tumorigenesis, confirming RXRB as a major effector of RAB39A. Quantitative RT-PCR analysis of 3c400 human cancer tissues showed that RAB39A was highly expressed in sarcomas and in malignancies of lymphoid, adrenal and testicular tissues. Our data provide the rationale for targeting of the RAB39A-RXRB axis as a therapy for aggressive cancers

    Fatores de sucesso e insucesso na venda: análise da gestão de vendas de uma empresa do setor do lazer

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Ciências Empresariais Ramo de Gestão de Pequenas e Médias EmpresasA ambição do presente projeto é compreender quais os fatores que contribuem e/ou determinam o sucesso ou insucesso numa venda, especificamente no setor do lazer. Partindo desta premissa, foi efetuado um estudo de caso à gestão de vendas de uma empresa líder numa das áreas do sector. Através das informações apreendidas nas entrevistas exploratórias, questionário e na análise da performance da força de vendas, foi possível definir áreas de hipótese relativas aos fatores de sucesso e insucesso numa venda. Para compreender a relevância e significância destas áreas de hipótese, foi analisado o processo de venda da empresa e a técnica de venda usada pela força de vendas. Foi ainda analisado o estudo de mercado realizado aos clientes e prospetos da empresa. Compreender as constantes evoluções da natureza da relação cliente-comercial, representa a validação do pressuposto transformacional e de mutação comportamental do consumidor atual. Como tal, compete à gestão comercial repensar e redefinir estratégias que permitam o sucesso do negócio e a perenidade da empresa. A análise efetuada ao estudo de caso permitiu identificar algumas falhas, deficiências e áreas que potencialmente poderão ser desenvolvidas nos campos de atuação da empresa. Nesta base, foram detetadas oportunidades, identificadas propostas e sugeridas ações a desenvolver nesses âmbitos.The ambition of this project is to understand which factors contribute and / or determine the success or failure of a sale, specifically in the leisure sector. Starting from this state, a case study was conducted to the sales management of a leading company in one of the sector’s areas. Through the information acknowledged in the exploratory interviews, questionnaire and analysis of the sales force performance, it was possible to define areas of hypothesis concerning the factors of success and failure in a sale. To understand the relevance and significance of these hypothesis areas, the process of selling used by the company and the selling technique used by the sales force were analyzed. It was also analyzed the market survey focussed in the customers and prospects of the company. Understanding the nature of the constant evolution of salesperson-client relationship is the validation of the assumption of the transformation and the changing of the consumer behaviour nowadays. It is a task for the sales management to rethink and redefine strategies for business success and sustainability of the company. This analysis allowed identifying some flaws, weaknesses and areas that could potentially be developed by the company. On this basis, we detected opportunities, identified proposals and suggested plans to develop in those areas

    CitInES Project – Tool for the Sustainable Energy Action Plan for cities

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    Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) is the key document in which outlines how it intends to reach its CO2 reduction target by 2020. It defines the activities and measures set up to achieve the targets, together with time frames and assigned responsibilities. However to orient cities toward a low carbon society, longer lasting investment decisions and organisational changes will be necessary. In this conttext, the overall objective of CitInES European project is to design and demonstrate a multi-scale multi-energy decision-making tool to optimise the energy efficiency of cities to support the cities for the developemnt and monitoring of their SEAP. To achieve this goal, innovative energy system modelling and optimization algorithms were designed to allow end-users to optimize and monitor their energy strategy through detailed simulations of local energy production, storage, transport, distribution and consumption, including demand side management and coordination functionalities enabled by smart grid technologies. This paper presents the study case of the municipality of Cesena. This municipality, as a partner of the project, has implemented its SEAP under the tool to assess the impact of the measures taken under several scenarios and monitor its activities to validate the developed software. The different measure adopted to reduce the CO2 emissions and energy consumption together with an increase of the energy efficiency and use of renewables are such as increase of the green areas, increase of the use of cogeneration, renovation of the building or the promotion the use of PV and thermal solar panels