52 research outputs found

    Vivir con cáncer: la percepción de los pacientes oncológicos

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    Objective: to know the perception of living with cancer for oncological patients. Method: it is a qualitative, exploratory and descriptive study. It was developed in a radiotherapy center in a Teaching Hospital in south of Brazil, between October and November 2007. The participants were seven patients with cancer who came to the service for revision of up to six months after the end of the treatment. Results: the diagnosis brings changes and limitations to their lives, such as feelings of fear, sadness and anxiety. To overcome the adversities they count with the support of family, friends, work and religion. Conclusions: it is understood that this living is permeated by individual and subjective characteristics, occurring transformations in these people’s lives demanding that they find means to adapt to this new condition. Descriptors: Neoplasms; Survival; Oncologic nursing; Chronic disease; Life change events

    Genome-wide methylation and transcriptome analysis in penile carcinoma: uncovering new molecular markers

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    Background: Despite penile carcinoma (PeCa) being a relatively rare neoplasm, it remains an important public health issue for poor and developing countries. Contrary to most tumors, limited data are available for markers that are capable of assisting in diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of PeCa. We aimed to identify molecular markers for PeCa by evaluating their epigenomic and transcriptome profiles and comparing them with surrounding non-malignant tissue (SNT) and normal glans (NG).Results: Genome-wide methylation analysis revealed 171 hypermethylated probes in PeCa. Transcriptome profiling presented 2,883 underexpressed and 1,378 overexpressed genes. Integrative analysis revealed a panel of 54 genes with an inverse correlation between methylation and gene expression levels. Distinct methylome and transcriptome patterns were found for human papillomavirus (HPV)-positive (38.6%) and negative tumors. Interestingly, grade 3 tumors showed a distinct methylation profile when compared to grade 1. In addition, univariate analysis revealed that low BDNF methylation was associated with lymph node metastasis and shorter disease-free survival. CpG hypermethylation and gene underexpression were confirmed for a panel of genes, including TWIST1, RSOP2, SOX3, SOX17, PROM1, OTX2, HOXA3, and MEIS1.Conclusions: A unique methylome signature was found for PeCa compared to SNT, with aberrant DNA methylation appearing to modulate the expression of specific genes. This study describes new pathways with the potential to regulate penile carcinogenesis, including stem cell regulatory pathways and markers associated to a worse prognosis. These findings may be instrumental in the discovery and application of new genetic and epigenetic biomarkers in PeCa.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Programa de habilidades interpersonales y derechos sexuales y reproductivos para adolescentes : un relato de experiencia

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    Este artigo relata a experiência de aplicação de um programa de promoção de habilidades interpessoais e direitos sexuais e reprodutivos para adolescentes. Participaram 93 adolescentes, de ambos os sexos, estudantes de uma escola pública. A intervenção foi do tipo prevenção universal conduzida na escola, em 15 sessões semanais, agrupadas em três módulos: (I) identidade e resiliência, (II) habilidades sociais e manejo das emoções e (III) sexualidade, gênero e direitos sexuais e reprodutivos. Os resultados apontaram a adequação do uso de procedimentos vivenciais e de seu embasamento na cultura adolescente e a necessidade de alterar a ordem das sessões em versões futuras dessa intervenção. São discutidas direções para o replanejamento do programa.This paper describes the experience of applying a program of interpersonal skills and sexual and reproductive rights for adolescents. The participants were 93 adolescents, male and female, students in a public school. The intervention was universal prevention type and it was implemented at school in 15 weekly sessions organized in three thematic blocks: (I) identity and resilience; (II) social skills and emotions management; and (III) sexuality, gender and sexual and reproductive rights. The results showed the adequacy of using experienced procedures, their basis in adolescent culture the need for changing the sessions order in future versions of this program. Directions for the program redesign are discussed.Este artículo relata la experiencia de aplicación de un programa de promoción de habilidades interpersonales y derechos sexuales y reproductivos para adolescentes. Participaron 93 adolescentes, de ambos sexos, estudiantes de una escuela pública. La intervención fue del tipo prevención universal y fue conducida en la escuela, en 15 sesiones, semanales, agrupadas en tres módulos: (I) identidad y resiliencia, (II) habilidades sociales y manejo de las emociones y (III) sexualidad, género y derechos sexuales y reproductivos. Los resultados señalaron la adecuación del uso de procedimientos vivenciales y de su embasamiento en la cultura adolescente y la necesidad de alterar el orden de las sesiones en versiones futuras de esa intervención. Son discutidas direcciones para el replaneamiento del programa

    Direitos Sexuais e Reprodutivos na Escola:: Avaliação Qualitativa de um Estudo Piloto

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    This paper describes the evaluation of a preventive program for adolescents, teachers and family members, focused on sexual and reproductive rights, resilience and assertive social skills. Ten psychoeducational sessions were conducted with adolescents (N = 54), three workshops with teachers (N = 11) and two home visits to the families (N = 7). The results, evaluated by self report qualitative measures, pointed that families searched community services recommended during the intervention, teachers demonstrated sensitiveness to strengthening the adolescents’ social support network, and adolescents reported improvement related to quality of adolescents-parents communication, safe sex practice and tolerance toward the human diversity. Possibilities and limits of ecological interventions are discussed, as a research agenda in this field as well.Este artigo descreve a avaliação de um programa preventivo para adolescentes, professores e familiares, focado em direitos sexuais e reprodutivos, resiliência e habilidades sociais assertivas. Foram conduzidas dez sessões psicoeducacionais com os adolescentes (N = 54), três oficinas com os docentes (N = 11) e duas visitas domiciliares às famílias (N = 7). Os resultados, avaliados por medidas qualitativas de autorelato, mostram que os familiares buscaram serviços da comunidade recomendados na intervenção, os docentes relataram disposição para atuar no fortalecimento da rede social dos adolescentes e estes relataram melhoria na qualidade da comunicação com os pais, prática de sexo seguro e tolerância à diversidade. São discutidas as limitações e possibilidades de intervenções ecológicas e uma agenda de pesquisa na área. &nbsp

    Sexual and reproductive rights at school : qualitative evaluation of a pilot study

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    Este artigo descreve a avaliação de um programa preventivo para adolescentes, professores e familiares, focado em direitos sexuais e reprodutivos, resiliência e habilidades sociais assertivas. Foram conduzidas dez sessões psicoeducacionais com os adolescentes (N = 54), três oficinas com os docentes (N = 11) e duas visitas domiciliares às famílias (N = 7). Os resultados, avaliados por medidas qualitativas de autorrelato, mostram que os familiares buscaram serviços da comunidade recomendados na intervenção, os docentes relataram disposição para atuar no fortalecimento da rede social dos adolescentes e estes relataram melhoria na qualidade da comunicação com os pais, prática de sexo seguro e tolerância à diversidade. São discutidas as limitações e possibilidades de intervenções ecológicas e uma agenda de pesquisa na área.This paper describes the evaluation of a preventive program for adolescents, teachers and family members, focused on sexual and reproductive rights, resilience and assertive social skills. Ten psychoeducational sessions were conducted with adolescents (N = 54), three workshops with teachers (N = 11) and two home visits to the families (N = 7). The results, evaluated by self report qualitative measures, pointed that families searched community services recommended during the intervention, teachers demonstrated sensitiveness to strengthening the adolescents' social support network, and adolescents reported improvement related to quality of adolescents-parents communication, safe sex practice and tolerance toward the human diversity. Possibilities and limits of ecological interventions are discussed, as a research agenda in this field as well

    Revista do Museu Paulista e(m) capas: identidade e representação institucional em texto e imagem

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    Este artigo propõe reflexão sobre a escrita da história, a partir de estudo das capas da Revista do Museu Paulista, especialmente durante as gestões dos dois primeiros diretores da instituição, quando certa continuidade editorial foi preservada. Tomadas como "fontes", ou seja, objeto de trabalho do historiador, as capas revelam vestígios de processos que permitem reconstruir, em suas dimensões históricas, as complexas imbricações entre a produção da Revista, sua materialidade, e os atos de leitura e interpretação que condicionam e refletem relações entre produtores de textos e seus leitores nas primeiras décadas do século XX, a partir de São Paulo, onde era editada.This paper offers a reflection about the writing of History, based on the study of Revista do Museu Paulista's covers, noticeably during the term of its two first directors, when a certain editorial continuity was preserved. Taken as "sources", namely as historian subjects, those covers reveal evidences of practices that allow one to reconstitute, in its historic dimensions, the complex connection between the creation of the Revista, its materiality, and the reading and interpretation efforts that condition and reflect liaisons with writers and readers during the first decades of the XXth Century, from São Paulo, where it was published.

    Pervasive gaps in Amazonian ecological research

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    Pervasive gaps in Amazonian ecological research

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    Biodiversity loss is one of the main challenges of our time,1,2 and attempts to address it require a clear un derstanding of how ecological communities respond to environmental change across time and space.3,4 While the increasing availability of global databases on ecological communities has advanced our knowledge of biodiversity sensitivity to environmental changes,5–7 vast areas of the tropics remain understudied.8–11 In the American tropics, Amazonia stands out as the world’s most diverse rainforest and the primary source of Neotropical biodiversity,12 but it remains among the least known forests in America and is often underrepre sented in biodiversity databases.13–15 To worsen this situation, human-induced modifications16,17 may elim inate pieces of the Amazon’s biodiversity puzzle before we can use them to understand how ecological com munities are responding. To increase generalization and applicability of biodiversity knowledge,18,19 it is thus crucial to reduce biases in ecological research, particularly in regions projected to face the most pronounced environmental changes. We integrate ecological community metadata of 7,694 sampling sites for multiple or ganism groups in a machine learning model framework to map the research probability across the Brazilian Amazonia, while identifying the region’s vulnerability to environmental change. 15%–18% of the most ne glected areas in ecological research are expected to experience severe climate or land use changes by 2050. This means that unless we take immediate action, we will not be able to establish their current status, much less monitor how it is changing and what is being lostinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio