27 research outputs found

    Fatty liver, carotid disease and gallstones: A study ofage-related associations

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    AIM: To evaluate carotid intima-media thickening (IMT)and plaques, gallstone disease (GD) and fatty liver (FL)as a function of age.METHODS: In 449 subjects, FL and carotid diseasewere assessed ultrasonographically. In a subgroup of65/449 patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease(NAFLD), carotid disease, GD and associated factorswere determined.RESULTS: FL of unspecifi ed etiology was more commonin younger and GD in older individuals. FL subjectshad an increased prevalence of IMT and a decreasedprevalence of plaques and manifested carotid diseaseearlier. Plaques were more common in subjects with GD.Age was an independent predictor of carotid diseaseoutcome and FL was a protective factor for plaques. InNAFLD, there was an inverse correlation between bodyweight and age and the latter independently predictedcarotid fi ndings.CONCLUSION: Cardiovascular risk in patients with FLand NAFLD needs to be assessed as a function of ageand body weight

    Inflammatory bowel diseases and human reproduction: A comprehensive evidence-based review

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    To evaluate the effects of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs) on human reproduction, we reviewed the current literature using a systematic search for published studies (articles and/or abstracts) without limits for English language. We searched on Medline (through PubMed), the Institute for Scientific Information, the Web of Science and the websites for the registration of controlled trials (http://controlled-trials.com/). Bibliographies of retrieved articles, books, expert opinion review articles and reviewed bibliographies from subject experts were manually searched. Titles and abstracts were screened initially, and potential relevant articles were identified and reviewed. Whenever possible, data were analyzed by comparing IBD patients vs healthy controls, and patients with active IBDs vs those with disease in remission. The effects of IBDs on female fertility, fertility in infertile couples, pregnancy and male infertility were examined separately. Patients with IBDs in remission have normal fertility. At the moment, there is no established guideline for the preservation of fertility in women with IBD undergoing surgery. Further data are needed regarding guidelines for the management of these patients. Data regarding IBDs and infertility are currently completely lacking. Considering the prevalence of intestinal pathology in young adults of childbearing age, this field is of great scientific and clinical interest, opening up important future perspectives. Another important and as yet unexplored point is the response to treatments for infertility in patients with IBDs. In particular, the question is whether the reproductive outcomes (clinical and biological) can be influenced by the IBD of one of the partners. The goals for successful reproductive outcomes in IBD population are correct counseling and disease remission. IBDs significantly affect several reproductive aspects of human (female, male, couple) reproduction. Further data are needed to develop guidelines for the clinical management of subjects of reproductive age with IBDs. © 2014 Baishideng Publishing Group Inc. All rights reserved

    West Nile virus transmission. results from the integrated surveillance system in Italy, 2008 to 2015

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    IIn Italy a national Plan for the surveillance of imported and autochthonous human vector-borne diseases (chikungunya, dengue, Zika virus disease and West Nile virus (WNV) disease) that integrates human and veterinary (animals and vectors) surveillance, is issued and revised annually according with the observed epidemiological changes. Here we describe results of the WNV integrated veterinary and human surveillance systems in Italy from 2008 to 2015. A real time data exchange protocol is in place between the surveillance systems to rapidly identify occurrence of human and animal cases and to define and update the map of affected areas i.e. provinces during the vector activity period from June to October. WNV continues to cause severe illnesses in Italy during every transmission season, albeit cases are sporadic and the epidemiology varies by virus lineage and geographic area. The integration of surveillance activities and a multidisciplinary approach made it possible and have been fundamental in supporting implementation of and/or strengthening preventive measures aimed at reducing the risk of transmission of WNV trough blood, tissues and organ donation and to implementing further measures for vector control

    Cable Erection of Krasnodar Stadium Suspended Roof

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    AbstractThe Krasnodar Stadium, hosting FC Krasnodar of Russian Premier League, has a capacity of 36.260 seats. The stadium roof is designed as a typical looped cable roof containing two compression rings and one tension ring. The roof is covered by a folded membrane, the inner perimeter towards the pitch is built as a 7m wide glass roof to improve the natural lighting of the pitch. The radial cables run along 56 axes from compression to tension rings. All cables forming the tension ring are connected by couplers, thus creating round cables. Redaelli took part in the project providing the supply, installation and big lift of 416 steel ropes, for a total mass of 500 tons including sockets and cast ring connectors

    Corpus léxico y diccionario: la estricta representatividad estadística

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    Corpuses of large dimensions provide important and complete lexical information, but their analysis can become cumbersome, particularly for lexicographic purposes. Sub-corpuses of significantly smaller dimensions could be extracted from the original corpus and analyzed to overcome such limitations. However, an important aspect is to define which is the optimal dimension for these selected sub-corpuses in order to preserve the main features of the original corpus, both qualitatively and quantitatively. We show how statistical methodologies can help in determining theoptimal sample size. To corroborate our findings, we consider the corpus CREA (reference corpus of the current Spanish) and, as object of study, the adjective externoand its meanings. We show how the different meanings of this word are preserved and well-represented in a much smaller sub-corpus. This is shown for three different countries: Argentina, Spain and Mexico.Los corpus de grandes dimensiones proporcionan informaci\uf3n l\ue9xica importante y completa, pero su an\ue1lisiscompletoresulta pr\ue1cticamente inabarcable, especialmente si se lo interroga con fines lexicogr\ue1ficos. Ahora bien, de talescorpus pueden extraerse subcorpus de dimensiones significativamente m\ue1s peque\uf1as y, de este modo, superar las dificultades impuestas por las dimensiones. Pero la cuesti\uf3n m\ue1s significativa de este procedimiento de reducci\uf3n es que esta debe no solo preservarse el n\ufamero de acepciones del corpus total y sus respectivas frecuencias, sino, adem\ue1s, lograrlo con el n\ufamero m\uednimo de ejemplos necesarios.Aqu\ued se demuestra que \u2013ayud\ue1ndonos con una metodolog\ueda estad\uedstica\u2013esto es posible, es decir, que se puede establecer el n\ufamero m\uednimo de muestras queun subcorpus debe tener para reflejar fielmente cualitativa y cuantitativamente el corpus del cual procede. Para corroborar nuestros hallazgos, aplicamos nuestra f\uf3rmula a dos subcorpus del t\ue9rmino externoextra\ueddos del CREA y analizados en su totalidad (los de Espa\uf1a y Argentina) y uno (el de M\ue9xico) del cual conocemos solo una reducci\uf3n suya

    BCR-ABL prevents c-Jun-mediated and proteasome-dependent FUS (TLS) proteolysis through a protein kinase C beta II-dependent pathway

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    The DNA binding activity of FUS (also known as TLS), a nuclear pro-oncogene involved in multiple translocations, is regulated by BCR-ABL in a protein kinase cpn (PKC beta II)-dependent manner. We show here that in normal myeloid progenitor cells FUS, although not visibly ubiquitinated, undergoes proteasome-dependent degradation, whereas in BCR-ABL-expressing cells, degradation is suppressed by PKC beta II phosphorylation. Replacement of serine 256 with the phosphomimetic aspartic acid prevents proteasome-dependent proteolysis of FUS, while the serine-256-to-alanine FUS mutant is unstable and susceptible to degradation. Ectopic expression of the phosphomimetic S256D FUS mutant in granulocyte colony-stimulating factor-treated 32Dcl3 cells induces massive apoptosis and inhibits the differentiation of the cells escaping cell death, while the degradation-prone S256A mutant has no effect on either survival or differentiation. FUS proteolysis is induced by c-Jun, is suppressed by BCR-ABL or Jun kinase 1, and does not depend on c-Jun transactivation potential, ubiquitination, or its interaction with Jun kinase 1, In addition, c-Jun induced FUS proteasome-dependent degradation is enhanced by heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) A1 and depends on the formation of a FUS-Jun-hnRNP A1-containing complex and on lack of PKC beta II phosphorylation at serine 256 but not on FUS ubiquitination. Thus, novel mechanisms appear to be involved in the degradation of FUS in normal myeloid cells; moreover, the ability of the BCR-ABL oncoprotein to suppress FUS degradation by the induction of posttranslational modifications might contribute to the phenotype of BCR-ABL expressing hematopoietic cells