24 research outputs found

    "Home, Religion, Fatherland" : Movements of the Radical Right in Finland

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    This article charts the history of fascism in Finland and looks for the causes of its failure. Like most of its European contemporaries, Finnish nationalism was radicalized in similar processes which produced successful fascist movements elsewhere. After the end of the Great War, Finnish nationalists were engaged first in a bitter civil war, and then in a number of Freikorps-style attempts to expand the borders of the newly-made Finnish state. Like elsewhere, these experiences produced a generation of frustrated and embittered, radicalized nationalists to serve as the cadre of Finnish fascist movements. The article concentrates on the Lapua movement, in which fascist influences and individuals were in a prominent position, even though the movement publicly adopted a predominantly conservative anti-communist outlook centred on the values of home, religion and fatherland.Peer reviewe

    List of Books and Articles by Dr. Nobuo Okishio (Okishio Commemorative Issue)

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    This is the eighth article in our series Trouble on the­ Far-Right. Trouble’s brewing for the European Union – also in Finland, where the next country-wide elections will see several new, EU-hostile nationalist groups attempt to establish themselves on the political map. At the same time, Finnish Fascism is seeking to entrench and normalize itself into a respectable part of the political framework. With disaffection growing, the time appears to be ripe. As Heikki Hiilamo, professor of social policy in Helsinki University notes, Finland has been particularly hard hit by the most recent economic downturn. The middle and lower classes are seeing their expectations fade into uncertainty, as globalization is bringing new and intangible threats in the form of vanishing jobs. Finland is heading towards increasing social inequality, with the reality of the educated and the employed drifting further apart from “globalization’s losers”. With no self-evident owner in sight, the accumulating political capital is attracting radical nationalist utilizers..

    Kirjoituksia uppoavasta lännestä?

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    Tyranniasta : 20 opetusta 1900-luvulta / Timothy Snyder ; suomentanut Matti Kinnunen. Helsinki : Kustannusosakeyhtiö Siltala, [2017] Tallinna Raamatutrükikoda ©2017

    Historia, politiikka ja propaganda

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    Miehitettyjen itäalueiden väestöpolitiikkaa

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    Arvosteltu teos: Did the east belong to the SS?: The realism of the SS demographic reorganization policy in the light of the germanization operation of SS- and Polizeiführer Odilo Globocnik / Mika Huovinen. Jyväskylä : University of Jyväskylä, 2011

    The Study of Antisemitism in Finland Past : Present, and Future

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    Finland’s vulnerable postwar position impacted interpretations of its wartime history. This is likely the reason why the study of antisemitism was marginal or almost non-existent in twentieth-century Finland. The lack of research led to a widespread view that antisemitism was a marginal phenomenon in Finnish society, both before and during the Second World War. In the last twenty years there have been a growing number of studies making it clear that this was not the case - Finland was no exception when it came to antisemitism. This article will present the history of the study of antisemitism in Finland from three different vantage points: (1) fascism and the Holocaust, (2) religion and the Church, and (3) from the perspective of Finnish Jews, via several case studies of latent antisemitism.Peer reviewe

    Jatkosodan vankisurmat

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