86 research outputs found

    Analysis of the objective internal load in Portuguese skydivers in the first jump of the day

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    The general objective of this study was to identify the variation in heart rate (HR) of Portuguese skydivers during 6 moments in their first jump of the day, bearing in mind the variable level of experience. Thirty-one Portuguese skydivers, 28 men and 3 women, aged between 19 and 62, participated in the study, 12 had A and B licenses (less experienced) and 19 had C and D licences (more experienced). The instrument used to record the heart rate of the skydivers at the different moments of their first jump of the day was the WIMU PRO. A repeated measures analysis of variance was used to analyse HR at different moments in the jump and its relation with the variables level of experience. Bonferroni multiple comparisons were performed to study the importance of the differences observed in HR at the different moments. The effect size was evaluated with partial eta squared. The results showed that average HR in this group of skydivers was 130 bpm, in the different moments of the jump. HR increases from the value recorded at rest until the moment of jumping from the plane and opening the parachute, reaching the highest average at that moment, then decreasing until contact with the ground. Comparing the variable, we found that the less experienced had higher HR than the more experienced at all moments during the jump. Statistically significant differences were found at the different moments of the jump, regarding HR (Max: p < 0.001, η 2 p = 0.820; Min: p < 0.001, η 2 p = 0.821; AVG: p < 0.001, η 2 p = 0.834) Level of experience with jumping moment interaction, we only verified differences related to HR Min (p = 0.007, η 2 p = 0.056),. With regard to experience, the identified differences were not statistically significant. Skydiving triggers an acute adaptive cardiovascular response which is reflected in the increase in the HR, between the moment of boarding the plane and the moment at which the parachute opens, thereafter decreasing until contact with the ground. The most experienced parachutists recorded the highest HR at the moment of landing and the least experienced at the moment of free fall.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Sensation seeking in portuguese skydivers

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue conocer el rasgo de búsqueda de sensaciones en practicantes de paracaidismo en Portugal y comprobar si existen diferencias según las variables, sexo, nivel de experiencia y grupo de edad. Participaron en el estudio 114 paracaidistas. Para la recolección de datos se utilizó el cuestionario Sensation Seeking Scale-V (SSS-V). Se realizaron pruebas de asunción de criterios para la definición de modelos de contraste de hipótesis. Para comparar las variables con la función de búsqueda de sensaciones se utilizaron las pruebas U de Mann-Whitney, la T-Student y la prueba de Kruskal Wallis atendiendo a las características de los datos. Se encontró que el nivel de intensidad del rasgo de búsqueda de sensaciones de la mayoría de los paracaidistas se encuentra en valores medios o altos. En cuanto a la búsqueda de sensaciones y sus dimensiones, teniendo en cuenta las variables en estudio, solo se encontraron diferencias significativas en la Desinhibición entre los grupos de edad, identificando en los más jóvenes valores medios más altos frente a los mayores. Se puede concluir que los paracaidistas que participaron en este estudio resultaron ser un grupo homogéneo con características de personalidad definidas en busca de aventura, emoción y experiencias muy similares.The aim of this study was to find out about the sensation-seeking trait in skydiving practitioners in Portugal and to check if there are differences according to the variables of sex, level of experience and age group. One hundred and fourteen parachutists participated in the study. For data collection we used the Sensation Seeking Scale-V (SSS-V) questionnaire. In statistical terms, tests of assumption of criteria were performed for the definition of hypothesis contrast models. The nonparametric Mann-Whitney U test, the parametric Student’s t test, and the non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test were used to compare the variables with the sensation seeking feature. We found that the level of intensity of the sensation-seeking trait in the majority of parachutists showed medium or high values. As for the search for sensations and their dimensions, taking into account the variables under study, significant differences were only found for disinhibition and only regarding age group, with the youngest recording higher mean values compared to the older subjects. It can be said that the parachutists who took part in this study proved to be a homogeneous group with personality characteristics in search of adventure, emotion and very similar experience.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    O presente artigo busca tensionar as relações – e representações – de gênero a partir da análise do curta-metragem Pink or Blue (2017), uma obra de videoarte resultante da parceria entre o diretor Jake Dypka e a poeta Hollie McNish. A primeira parte do texto debate Pink or Blue sob a perspectiva dos procedimentos técnicos e estéticos adotados em sua elaboração, em que ganham destaque a montagem espacial (MANOVICH, 2000) e a emergência de estéticas híbridas, decorrentes de articulações tensas nos planos sonoros e imagéticos do curta. Em uma segunda etapa, questões relacionadas à discussão sobre “generificação”, bem como ao papel desempenhado pelas instituições sociais para reforçar ou combater estereótipos, são trabalhadas em conjunto com o debate sobre os conceitos de performance de feminilidade e masculinidade

    Debulhador manual de milho verde para a agricultura familiar

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    Nas propriedades familiares vem crescendo a implantação de pequenas agroindústrias de processamento de produtos oriundos do próprio setor. O milho verde em conserva é um exemplo de produto comercializado pelos produtores familiares, porém, necessita ser debulhado, sendo essa tarefa normalmente executada de forma manual com auxílio de ferramentas domésticas. Os debulhadores de milho verde comercializados atualmente são para produção em alta escala, tornando-se equipamentos inacessíveis aos agricultores familiares. Nesse contexto, este estudo teve a finalidade de desenvolver um debulhador de milho verde para esses produtores. A metodologia utilizada fundamenta-se no Modelo de Fases, empregado com êxito no projeto de máquinas agrícolas, o qual se divide em quatro etapas: projeto informacional, projeto conceitual, projeto preliminar e projeto detalhado. Como resultado da aplicação da metodologia, obtiveram-se três concepções e três protótipos de debulhadores de milho verde. Após a realização dos ensaios, o protótipo 3 foi determinado o ideal para atender às necessidades dos agricultores familiares

    Use of Gamithromycin for the Treatment of Osteomyelitis Secondary to Foot Rot in a Sheep

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    Background: Lameness is one of the main causes of economic losses in sheep breeding, especially in the distal region of the limbs. Poor sanitation management, especially in terms of hygiene conditions and the introduction of animals without previous preventive care, is an important predisposing factor in sheep flocks. Interdigital phlegmon (foot rot) is a bacterial disease that causes pain, heat, edema, hyperemia in the region, and can lead to secondary processes such as osteomyelitis. This case report describes the use of gamithromycin for the treatment of osteomyelitis secondary to foot rot in a sheep.Case: An Ile-de-France ewe exhibiting signs of lameness, pain, heat, hyperemia and edema in the four digits was treated at the Veterinary Hospital of UNIPAMPA. The lesions were characterized by interdigital phlegmon, commonly known as foot rot, and the right thoracic limb was more affected, exuding a foul odor and purulent secretion. The affected limbs were treated topically with an antiseptic solution. The lesions healed completely except for the right thoracic limb, whose clinical condition worsened. Osteitis was suspected, and was confirmed by radiographic evaluation of the region. Treatment with ceftiofur was introduced, but proved to be ineffective. Nevertheless, the lesion was found to have worsened, and a new X-ray evaluation was made, which revealed dislocation of the distal phalanx as well as involvement of the middle and proximal phalanges. Thus, we decided to perform chemical arthrodesis of the distal interphalangeal joint. Before beginning this procedure, contrast X-rays were taken that revealed the development of a fistulous pathway connecting the distal interphalangeal joint to the proximal interphalangeal joint, which precluded this procedure. In view of the worsening of the condition, amputation of the distal and middle phalanges was performed, as well as scraping of the distal edge of the proximal phalanx. In the postoperative period, ceftiofur was used as antibiotic therapy and flunixin meglumine as analgesic, in addition to daily dressings with topical iodine. After this procedure, there was no improvement in lameness and the radiographic images showed worsening of the clinical condition. At this time, the antimicrobial therapy was replaced with tylosin. After beginning treatment with this antimicrobial, there was a slight decrease in lameness, but a fistulous pathway with purulent secretion was formed in the region corresponding to the distal portion of the first phalanx, as well as an increase in the bone lesion, which was observed radiographically. Due to the ineffectiveness of the drug therapy, it was replaced by gamithromycin, which was applied three times. After beginning this treatment, lameness receded and the wound stopped producing purulent secretion, and at the end of the applications of this active ingredient, there was complete resolution of lameness and improvement of the radiographic signs of the animal of this case report.Discussion: Antimicrobial therapy is an important factor in the treatment of interdigital phlegmon and of osteomyelitis, and should be performed properly using broad-spectrum antibiotics. In the case reported here, although antibiotics with those characteristics were used, the active ingredient had to be changed more than once. In this particular case, there was an improvement in the lameness and the wound, and in the radiographic signs of the proximal phalanx, only after the application of gamithromycin. Therefore, this drug can be considered as an alternative for the treatment of osteomyelitis in ruminants, especially in cases unresponsive to treatment with other antibiotics

    In vitro response of clinical isolates of Candida species to oxidative stress

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    Pathogenic species of Candida differin many aspects, including their clinical prevalence, virulence, and profile of antifungal resistance. One of the causes of thesedifferences is possibly related to the differential capacity of these species to deal with oxidative stress. In this study, we comparedclinical isolates of eight species of Candida with respect to their oxidative stress resistance in vitro, oxidative damage induction,and antioxidant enzymes. Intraspecific and interspecific variation was observed. In accord with data previously obtainedfrom laboratory isolates, the results here indicate that C. albicans, C. glabrata and C. krusei have a more effective antioxidantsystem, and that C. dubliniensis, C. famata and C. guilliermondii are highly sensitive to oxidative stress. C. parapsilosis andC. tropicalis have intermediate resistance profiles. The stronger antioxidant system of some species may enable them to causesystemic infections or to resist antifungals.(Resposta in vitro de isolados clínicos de espécies de Candida ao estresse oxidativo). Espécies patogênicas deCandida diferem em muitos aspectos, incluindo sua prevalência clínica, virulência, e perfil de resistência a antifúngicos. Umadas causas destas diferenças é possivelmente relacionada com a capacidade diferencial de estas espécies lidarem com o estresseoxidativo. Neste estudo, comparamos isolados clínicos particulares de oito espécies de Candida com respeito a sua resistênciaao estresse oxidativo in vitro, indução de dano oxidativo e enzimas antioxidantes. Foram observadas variações intraespecíficase interespecíficas. De acordo com dados previamente observados de isolados de laboratório, os resultados aqui indicam que C.albicans, C. glabrata e C. krusei possuem um sistema antioxidante mais efetivo, e que C. dubliniensis, C. famata e C. guilliermondiisão altamente sensíveis ao estresse oxidativo. C. parapsilosis e C. tropicalis possuem perfis de resistência intermediários.O sistema antioxidante mais potente de algumas espécies possivelmente habilita as mesmas a causar infecções sistêmicas ouresistir a antifúngicos

    Pesticidas na Agricultura

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    The number of pesticide registrations according to MAPA (2021) increased by 85% from 2000 to 2021. In the first half of 2020, the Ministry of Agriculture had already published the registration of 150 pesticides for use in Brazil. Of these, 118 pesticides were released between March and May alone, with 84 destined for agriculture and 34 for use in industry. The National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), points out that part of these new products should be reassessed, due to possible links to cases of cancer. Concomitant to this, the companies that concentrate the production of poison, had already requested the release of another 216 products. Keywords: Inorganic. MAP. Organic. Use in agriculture.El número de registros de plaguicidas según MAPA (2021) aumentó un 85% de 2000 a 2021. En el primer semestre de 2020, el Ministerio de Agricultura ya había publicado el registro de 150 plaguicidas para uso en Brasil. De estos, 118 pesticidas se liberaron solo entre marzo y mayo, con 84 destinados a la agricultura y 34 para uso en la industria. La Agencia Nacional de Vigilancia Sanitaria (ANVISA), señala que parte de estos nuevos productos deben ser reevaluados, por posibles vínculos con casos de cáncer. Concomitante a eso, las empresas que concentran la producción de veneno, ya habían solicitado la liberación de otros 216 productos. Palabras-clave: Inorgánico. MAPA. Orgánico. Uso en agricultura.O número de registros de pesticidas de acordo com o MAPA (2021) aumentou 85% de 2000 a 2021. No primeiro semestre de 2020 o Ministério da Agricultura já havia publicado o registro de 150 agrotóxicos para uso no Brasil. Destes, 118 agrotóxicos foram liberados só entre março a maio, com 84 deles destinados agricultura e 34 para uso na indústria. A Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA), aponta que parte dessas novas mercadorias devem ser reavaliadas, pelas possíveis ligações a casos de câncer. Concomitante a isso, as empresas que concentram a produção de veneno, já haviam solicitado a liberação de mais 216 produtos

    Economical Feasibility of Strawberry Production in a Semi-Hydroponic System and Agroindustry of Jelly on a Small Property

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    Growing strawberries is a great alternative for family farms, it is possible to obtain a good financial return on a small property. Consumption growth Strawberry "in natura" in recent years, along with a high price increase, further assists in the marketing of the fruit. This study aimed to establish a greenhouse to grow plants behave 18,000 Camarosa, with approximate production of 200 kg of strawberries daily in peak harvest in semi-hydroponic system in a family owned, located in the municipality of Cangu&ccedil;u-RS. The strawberry produced should be packaged for sale "in natura" and received in the form of jelly. Strawberries are classified by their diameter (25mm and 15mm) and defects in three classes: Class A, includes all healthy and greater than 25 mm diameter strawberries; class B, includes all the healthy strawberries and with a diameter between 25 mm and 15 mm and the class C, includes all strawberries with less than 15mm diameter. The strawberries in Classes A and B will be sold as "in natura" and Class C will be used for the production of jam. To perform the economic analysis, initially used the SWOT matrix, which is a tool used to perform environmental analysis, as the basis of management and strategic planning. The financial analysis of the project was carried out through the following indications: NPV (Net Present Value), IRR (Internal Rate of Return) and payback. Through the completion of the procedures for determining the cash flow and economic indicators, it was found through studies of scenarios, keeping the price constant and equal to jam &pound; 5.50, the minimum price of the strawberry "in natura" is worth $ 6.83. The production of jelly is an alternative to adding value to the product and also provides more time for marketing