365 research outputs found

    Is “Unconsummated Marriage” still an appropriate term? A snapshot of reality

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    The most shared definition of Unconsummated Marriage (UM) refers to “the failure to perform successful sexual intercourse at the beginning of the marriage. UM usually occurs in the first few nights of marriage and so it is frequently referred to as “honeymoon impotence” or “wedding night impotence”. In the Middle-Eastern (MES) and Western (WS) societies, sexuality follows different patterns in terms of meaning and rules. Moreover the evolution of societies all around the world created new contexts and kinds of relationship. This could hamper a correct taxonomy of such sexual dysfunction where a social variable seems crucial. Aim: To analyze and review data on UM all around the world, to understand if in different societies it refers to the same situation. Method: A review of published literature on UM from 1970 to date, was conducted. Results: Substantial difference emerged from MES to WS. In MES, sexuality is allowable only in marriage, while in WS sexuality and relationship are not strongly linked. This could suggest that the term “marriage” is unable to cover the phenomenon in such different countries. Moreover, the average time before the consultation, causal attribution and prevalence are very different in Western and Middle Eastern countries. Conclusion: We found that the term “first attempts dysfunction” could be better used to describe male, female or both difficulties related to ignorance about sexuality or state/performance anxiety. On the other hand over the individual category of sexual dysfunctions, we suggest a new term as “Unconsummated relationship”, where individual difficulties toward sexuality are involved creating a couple’s dysfunction. Keywords: Unconsummated marriage; Honeymoon impotence; White marriage; Vaginismus; Infertilit

    Extraversion and neuroticism in sexually dysfunctional men suffering from erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation: a cross-sectional study

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    The role of personality traits in sexual complaints and dysfunctions is ever more evident. However, the literature is very scarce as to the possible relationships between such personality traits and specific sexual dysfunctions like ED, PE or both, their subtypes as to time of onset and severity levels. The main aim of the present study was to investigate if Neuroticism and Extraversion have different roles and trends in men suffering from PE and/or ED, both lifelong and acquired. Moreover, we verified if, by adopting DSM-IV-TR and DSM-5 criteria for diagnosing PE, some differences emerged in percentages of diagnosed cases. The sample consisted of 222 patients aged 18-70. The International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF-15) was used to assess erectile function, and the Premature Ejaculation Severity Index (PESI) was used to assess the severity of PE dysfunction. Neuroticism and Extraversion were measured with the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire-Revised (EPQ-R). In our results, Neuroticism and Extraversion were dependent on the kind of sexual dysfunction and its severity. These results suggest that type, time of onset and severity of sexual dysfunctions should be considered as related to specific personality characteristics and vice versa

    You are lost without a map: Navigating the sea of protein structures

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    X-ray crystal structures propel biochemistry research like no other experimental method, since they answer many questions directly and inspire new hypotheses. Unfortunately, many users of crystallographic models mistake them for actual experimental data. Crystallographic models are interpretations, several steps removed from the experimental measurements, making it difficult for nonspecialists to assess the quality of the underlying data. Crystallographers mainly rely on “global” measures of data and model quality to build models. Robust validation procedures based on global measures now largely ensure that structures in the Protein Data Bank (PDB) are largely correct. However, global measures do not allow users of crystallographic models to judge the reliability of “local” features in a region of interest. Refinement of a model to fit into an electron density map requires interpretation of the data to produce a single “best” overall model. This process requires inclusion of most probable conformations in areas of poor density. Users who misunderstand this can be misled, especially in regions of the structure that are mobile, including active sites, surface residues, and especially ligands. This article aims to equip users of macromolecular models with tools to critically assess local model quality. Structure users should always check the agreement of the electron density map and the derived model in all areas of interest, even if the global statistics are good. We provide illustrated examples of interpreted electron density as a guide for those unaccustomed to viewing electron density

    Scegliere e scegliersi. Per una Pedagogia dell’orientamento.

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    In the wake of change that is a daily feature of societies, the theme of educational guidance represents a point of research and reflection always new. This imposes the need to ask specific questions aboutthe future of guidance practices and related professionalism operating in the plurality of dedicatedcontexts. Finally, the choice to focus the reflection on a declination of educational guidance in universitiesthat uses the approach of peer tutoring, drawing from a personal experience that has proved to be an opportunity for personal, collective and institutional dialogue.La tematica dell’orientamento rappresenta uno spunto di ricerca e riflessione sempre nuovo, sulla scia del cambiamento che contraddistingue ormai quotidianamente la società in tutte le sue forme. Si impone così l’esigenza di porsi specifici interrogativi circa il futuro stesso delle pratiche orientative e delle relative professionalità operanti nella pluralità di contesti dedicati. La scelta, infine, di concentrare la riflessione su una declinazione dell’orientamento nei contesti universitari che utilizza l’approccio del peer tutoring, attingendo da una personale esperienza rivelatasi opportunità di incontro e dialogo con se stessi, con l’altro, e con l’istituzione universitaria stessa

    A New Contact Mat Wireless System for Estimating Vertical Jump Height

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    Abstract Among the different devices available for the assessment of the vertical jump height based on the flight time measurement, the contact mats are surely one of the simplest and portable systems and, for this reason, they are more widely used. This paper deals with the comparative evaluation of the performances of a new contact mat system with respect to a force platform. Some tests have been performed and the relative comparative results will be presented. The study shows a significant concurrent validity of Wi-JumpLe system for the flight and ground contact time measurements. In conclusion, the new contact mat structure together with the electronic measurement system is legitimate to assess vertical jump height and leg extensors muscle power

    A toolkit of exercises for mentors

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    A toolkit of exercises for mentors in the CONNECT Programme By Adrian De La Court, Sian Prime in collaboration with Melting Pro July 29, 2019 Building and nurturing relationships is an essential part of an audience development strategy. One can learn a lot by being in a mentoring relationship, learn more about oneself and about the way you relate yourself to your audiences. Mentoring, as a process of both formal and informal transmission not only of knowledge but also of values, represents a learning method relevant to work, career and professional development in many sectors. Mentoring is a one to one relationship built upon trust and mutual respect

    Design of a Wireless Wereable DAQ System for the Evaluation of Sports Performances

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    An accurate monitoring of the professional athletes\u2019 exercises during training sessions is able to improve their performance by helping them in improving the effectiveness of the movement, in the injury prevention and in the rehabilitation protocols. Wearable and non-encumbrance DAQ (Digital Acquisition) systems are required because it is important to collect data from the athlete\u2019s performance in his natural environment rather than in the unspecific spaces of a laboratory. This paper deals with the design of a wireless data logger for the evaluation and analysis of the sport performance. In particular, the system is composed of a multichannel sEMG (surface Electromyography) system synchronized the kinematic signals obtained by an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) placed on the back of the athlete by the use of a belt. The system can be wirelessly connected with a proper terminal for data display and analysis

    Mental health at work: A review of interventions in organizations

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    The purpose of the review was to identify and critically analyse the organizational interventions aimed at improving employees’ mental health, in order to detect best practices across organizations and to uncover possible gaps. Through electronic and manual searches, 7,995 articles were initially found. Inclusion criteria were set to select those studies describing interventions conducted in the organizational context and focused on employee mental health. By examining titles, abstracts and full texts, 14 papers were included. These studies covered a variety of interventions and approaches, such as group therapy, work-life balance programs, and manager-level interventions. Additionally, three studies assessed the effectiveness of Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) aimed at enhancing individuals’ mental health via counselling. Overall, two different intervention types emerged, namely individual-level interventions, focusing on the single employee, and organizational-level interventions, targeting organizational or work conditions. The interventions are described in details and, drawing upon the realist evaluation approach, the mechanisms responsible for their success (or failure) are identified. The main mechanisms pertain to changes in employee cognitive models, job attitudes or lifestyle habits, modifications in working conditions, and the active involvement and participation of employees and management in the intervention. Best practices for the design of future initiatives are offered, and some of the main limitations and gaps in the literature are discussed, such as the predominant focus on the results of the intervention rather than on the process, and the prevalence of short-term individualistic approaches that minimizing the role of organizations in creating or exacerbating employees’ mental health conditions
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