4,965 research outputs found

    Fatores de risco, na fase de crescimento-terminação, associados a ocorrência de linfadenite em suínos.

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    Impacts of the “Plastic Bag Law” in the Grocery Retail in the city of São Paulo/Brazil

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    Among the waste generated by retail, the plastic bag, which has its main use for the transportation of products, is a constant component of household waste and negatively impacts the environment. In this context, Municipal Law 15,374 prohibited the free distribution of plastic bags in the city of São Paulo / Brazil, as of April 2015, and brought as an alternative the use of returnable bags and biodegradable bags in an attempt to reduce environmental impact caused by improper disposal of the plastic. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to analyze the impact of said Law on the reduction of the purchase of plastic bags made by the grocery retail in the city of São Paulo. A survey was conducted with data from two grocery retail stores in the city of São Paulo, between January and December 2015. The results showed that the implementation of the law reduced the volume of plastic bags provided by supermarkets without compromising the flow of people and financial income

    Response surface applied to mixtures of castor bean hull and presscake for organic fertilization of castor bean plants

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    Castor bean presscake and hull are the two sub-products resulting from the extraction of castor bean oil. Their use as organic fertilizers has aroused interest of producers who wish to aggregate value to these products and use them rationally. The growth of castor bean plants of the BRS Energia cultivar in substrates composed of mixtures of two organic materials (castor bean presscake and hull) associated to soil was evaluated in this paper. The experiment was carried out at the Embrapa Algodão greenhouse, in the city of Campina Grande, in Paraíba, Brazil, from February 2010 to June 2010. Five treatments with four replications were evaluated. The treatments were composed of soil, varying from 80 to 100%, and castor bean hull and presscake varying from 0 to 10%. In order to identify the best mixture to promote growth of the plants, the extreme-vertices experimental design was used in a simplex sub-region, due to the restrictions of some components of the mixture. The classification of the best mixture was made based on the following variables: plant height, leaf area, and total dry weight of the plant. These measurements were evaluated by mixture modeling, performed in the MATLAB® computer system. For all of the analyzed variables, the best mixture was composed of 10% of castor bean presscake, 10% of castor bean hull, and 80% of soil

    Nitrous oxide emissions from soils under sugarcane fields in the Cerrado.

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    Soil fertilization with mineral nitrogen and organic fertilizers, such as the vinasse ? a liquid waste from bio-ethanol production, is a common practice on the sugarcane produced in Brazil that can lead to increasing emissions of greenhouse gases. Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a greenhouse gas even more harmful than the carbon dioxide (CO2), and has longer residence time in the atmosphere. The present study has been conducted on a sugarcane irrigated experiment established at the EMBRAPA Cerrados research station, in Brazil. We hypothesized that N2O emissions would be higher in the sugarcane fields, especially in the fertilized areas that combined mineral nitrogen (N) and vinasse (V), than in the native vegetation remnants (Cerrado); and that irrigated soils would have the highest fluxes of N2O. First measurements were done after the application of N and vinasse in May 2014 until June 2014 as an intensive campaign, and continuous monitoring have been conducted so far. Preliminary results showed that higher emissions occurred on soils combining N and V, showing fluxes that were twice as higher than the fluxes from other treatments, and 100 times bigger than fluxes from soils with native vegetation (469±158, 62.3±6.9, and 0.8±0.1 for V+N, N and Cerrado areas, respectively). The present study is pioneer in the Cerrado region and data are important to assess the regional variations on the N2O fluxes in Brazil, to reduce the bias on national estimations of N2O emissions, and to find more sustainable solutions for the production of bio-ethanol from sugarcane

    Estratégias de planejamento a partir do diagnóstico rápido participativo e da análise SWOT: um estudo na comunidade de São Bento, Salinopólis - PA.

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    A preocupação com o envolvimento das comunidades locais no desenvolvimento assumiu destaque nos estudos científicos, em especial, nas ciências sociais nas últimas décadas. Este artigo tem por objetivo propor estratégias que possam gerar ocupação e renda na comunidade de São Bento, no Município de Sanilópolis, no Estado do Pará, a partir das constatações da própria comunidade. O estudo aplicado, exploratório e descritivo, adotou abordagem qualitativa e utilizou técnicas de Diagnóstico Rápido Participativo (DRP), para coletar informações e análise SWOT para sistematizar os resultados do trabalho de campo. Participaram dos 19 grupos de trabalho, 53 entrevistados, caracterizando uma amostragem não probabilística por acessibilidade. Os resultados da pesquisa indicaram seis estratégias principais capazes de contribuir para a melhoria das condições de vida na região. Observa-se que engajar a comunidade no planejamento pode fundamentar ações de cidadania, contribuindo para uma realidade local mais justa, participativa e com visão de futuro

    Assessment of squash seed vigor using computerized image analysis.

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    Este trabalho procurou verificar a eficiência do SVIS® (Seed Vigor Imaging System) para determinar o vigor de sementes de abóbora colhidas durante diferentes estádios de maturação. Utilizou-se a cultivar híbrida Jabras, proveniente do cruzamento entre Cucurbita maxima (linhagem feminina) e Cucurbita moschata (linhagem masculina)

    Uso de los tra amientos termico e no termico (alta presion hidrostatica) para la inactivación de enzimas bacterianas metaloproteases presentes en la degradación de leche.

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    El estudio de la aplicación de la tecnología de alta presión en el tratamiento de la leche para la inactivación de las enzimas proteolíticas puede proporcionar un producto con alta calidad y salubridad diferencial, capaz de investir en un aumento del consumo y de valor agregado, con el fin de beneficiarse de la cadena de producción, con impactos económicos y sociales