13,814 research outputs found

    Living Organisms for Living Spaces: Shifting the function of material

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    This document explains the creative and analytical processes behind the project Living Organisms for Living Spaces. This art project examines the conceptual considerations around material by analyzing ‘objects’ – specifically fabric and textile ornaments – from Colombia’s material culture. The project explores the symbolic meaning of these objects that have both a Catholic and colonial legacy in society

    Transport of video over partial order connections

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    A Partial Order and partial reliable Connection (POC) is an end-to-end transport connection authorized to deliver objects in an order that can differ from the transmitted one. Such a connection is also authorized to lose some objects. The POC concept is motivated by the fact that heterogeneous best-effort networks such as Internet are plagued by unordered delivery of packets and losses, which tax the performances of current applications and protocols. It has been shown, in several research works, that out of order delivery is able to alleviate (with respect to CO service) the use of end systems’ communication resources. In this paper, the efficiency of out-of-sequence delivery on MPEG video streams processing is studied. Firstly, the transport constraints (in terms of order and reliability) that can be relaxed by MPEG video decoders, for improving video transport, are detailed. Then, we analyze the performance gain induced by this approach in terms of blocking times and recovered errors. We demonstrate that POC connections fill not only the conceptual gap between TCP and UDP but also provide real performance improvements for the transport of multimedia streams such MPEG video

    Critical analysis of a Musculoskeletal Disorders Prevention Program

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    Critical analysis of a Musculoskeletal Disorders Prevention ProgramThe studies involving the development of occupational diseases and accidents at work prevention programs have delimited two facts. One of them is that the program must be linked to the general organization politics. The other fact is that the diagnosis and the intervention about the organizational culture are necessary for the program to reach its goals. This research have aimed to evaluate an ergonomic intervention called Legislature Court, – Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders Program – developed, during one year, at the in Santa Catarina, compounded by 61 work environments. The demand have come from the institution direction, which have noticed the growing rise of Musculoskeletal Disorders. Thus, the direction have hired two professionals from the Ergonomics area (phychologist and physiotherapist) for contributing to the team organization which would be formed by the institutions´employess. The PMDP have initially aimed: to investigate the diseases demand and to evaluate the professionals, able to participate in the multidisciplinary team which would develop the PMDP. The program have gathered diagnosis strategies and interventions highlighted by ergonomics, work psychology and physiotherapy. The strategies were brought in two dimensions: the organizational and the individual. On the individual dimension there were performed physical activities on the work environment, followed by discussions about body conscious, in 14 place of the institution, visitations for understanding the work conditions, followed by discussions about the furniture adequacy and body posture; and three groups of preventive activities. On the organizational dimension it was planned for the multidisciplinary team to integrate the department in charge of the maintenance of the building and the health department. For the critical analysis of the program’s results, the data were collected by: : a) historical rescue of the PMDP; b) surveys with the employees who partipated in the multidisciplinary team; c) questionnaires in a stratified pre-sample of the activities´particpants. The critical analysis of the program´s results, can be initially understood, by the political aspect, due to the fact that the multidisciplinary team was built aiming the self-management, facing the human relations´ institutionalization, which permeates the politics adopted by the Intitution. However, the team didn´t reflect about the politics ´attitude and how it was against the whole organization politics. The team professional project was intervening on the Musculoskeletal Disorders prevention. This made them to be recognized as references on Ergonomics and Health. However, the team wasn´t recognized by the institution’s direction, who didn’t have a commitment with the PMDP. To conclude, the result’s criticism shows the comprehension a team must have about its own politics, about its organization politics and how it can determine a Musculoskeletal Disorders Prevention Program and its limits

    Predicting growing stock volume of Eucalyptus plantations using 3-D point clouds derived from UAV imagery and ALS data

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    Estimating forest inventory variables is important in monitoring forest resources and mitigating climate change. In this respect, forest managers require flexible, non-destructive methods for estimating volume and biomass. High-resolution and low-cost remote sensing data are increasingly available to measure three-dimensional (3D) canopy structure and to model forest structural attributes. The main objective of this study was to evaluate and compare the individual tree volume estimates derived from high-density point clouds obtained from airborne laser scanning (ALS) and digital aerial photogrammetry (DAP) in Eucalyptus spp. plantations. Object-based image analysis (OBIA) techniques were applied for individual tree crown (ITC) delineation. The ITC algorithm applied correctly detected and delineated 199 trees from ALS-derived data, while 192 trees were correctly identified using DAP-based point clouds acquired fromUnmannedAerialVehicles(UAV), representing accuracy levels of respectively 62% and 60%. Addressing volume modelling, non-linear regression fit based on individual tree height and individual crown area derived from the ITC provided the following results: Model E ciency (Mef) = 0.43 and 0.46, Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) = 0.030 m3 and 0.026 m3, rRMSE = 20.31% and 19.97%, and an approximately unbiased results (0.025 m3 and 0.0004 m3) using DAP and ALS-based estimations, respectively. No significant di erence was found between the observed value (field data) and volume estimation from ALS and DAP (p-value from t-test statistic = 0.99 and 0.98, respectively). The proposed approaches could also be used to estimate basal area or biomass stocks in Eucalyptus spp. plantationsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Genome sequence of Enterococcus mundtii EM01, isolated from Bombyx mori midgut and responsible for flacherie disease in silkworms reared on an artificial diet

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    The whole genome sequence of Enterococcus mundtii strain EM01 is reported here. The isolate proved to be the cause of flacherie in Bombyx mori. To date, the genomes of 11 other E. mundtii strains have been sequenced. EM01 is the only strain that displayed active pathological effects on its associated animal species

    Construccion y propuesta de implementacion de un cuadro de mando integral para Electrotecnica Industrial Ltda.

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    144 p.El presente trabajo de memoria consta del diseño y propuesta de implementación de un Cuadro de mando Integral para la Planta Maestranza de Electrotécnica Industrial LTDA, el cual nace de la necesidad de la empresa de contar con un modelo de control de gestión que les ayude a generar y controlar información relevante para la toma de decisiones. Se inicia mostrando aspectos teóricos fundamentales para el entendimiento y futura explicación por parte del lector de un Cuadro de Mando Integral, entregando todas las herramientas necesarias para la construcción e implementación de este en cualquier organización. A continuación se proporciona un pequeño análisis del mercado metalmecánico actual señalando la tendencia que presenta el sector en conjunto con los principales cambios a los que se deben someter sus empresas si es que quieren mantenerse competitivas. Posteriormente se entrega una pequeña reseña de electrotécnica Industrial LTDA. La primera fase comienza con un análisis FODA y de las cinco fuerzas de Porter, en donde se puede apreciar el estado actual de la organización y su entorno, luego se establece una visión y misión que se asemeje a los principios y políticas con que cuenta la organización y se diseñan los objetivos estratégicos que en conjunto a las dos anteriores marcarán la pauta de trabajo a nivel operativo. En la segunda fase se desarrollan las cuatro perspectivas presentes en el actual Cuadro de Mando Integral, que son: Financiera, de Clientes, de Procesos Internos y de Aprendizaje y Desarrollo, identificando los Factores Claves de Éxito para el cumplimiento de cada una de sus metas u objetivos estratégicos, además se establecen los indicadores que mediarán el cumplimiento efectivo del Cuadro de Mando. En la tercera fase, que tiene relación con la propuesta de implementación, se comienza diseñando un Plan de Acción que ayude a implementar de mejor manera el Cuadro de Mando Integral en la organización. El plan se encuentra enfocado principalmente a conseguir el cumplimiento de las metas propuestas por cada uno de los indicadores. Posteriormente se entrega a la empresa un programa simple y de fácil manejo, basado en macros de Excel, que le permitirá a la organización incorporar de mejor manera los datos medidos y observar el cumplimiento de cada una de las perspectivas mencionadas anteriormente. Como resultado se entrega un Cuadro de Mando Integral de fácil entendimiento para la administración de Electrotécnica Industrial LTDA, otorgando índices de medición que no requieren mayor estudio y que son fáciles de medir