1,303 research outputs found

    Células-tronco hematopoéticas de cordão umbilical: uma nova alternativa terapêutica?

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    Na medicina, a importância das células-tronco hematopoéticas (CTH) é evidentepelo seu uso rotineiro no tratamento de doenças onco-hematológicas e imunológicas, atravésdo transplante de medula óssea. Entretanto, pelas difi culdades de se encontrar doadorescompatíveis de medula óssea, tem-se buscado outras opções, como a utilização de sanguede cordão umbilical (SCU) como fonte celular. O presente trabalho apresenta uma revisão daliteratura médica pertinente, analisando os prós e os contras dessa alternativa terapêutica.A despeito do baixo volume coletado e do maior tempo necessário para regenerar o tecidohematopoético, o SCU tem alta concentração de CTH, menor risco de causar doença enxertoversus hospedeiro e maior facilidade de obtenção, contribuindo para sua utilização crescenteno mundo. Os novos estudos sobre a utilização do SCU em diferentes formas de terapiascelular e gênica tenderão a agregar conhecimento a esse campo de pesquisas.In medicine, the importance of hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) is evident fromtheir routine use in the treatment of oncohematologic and immunologic disorders achievedthrough bone marrow transplantation. Nevertheless, due to the diffi culties encountered in fi ndingcompatible bone marrow donors, other options have been sought, for example, the use ofumbilical cord blood (UCB) as a cell source. This work presents a review of pertinent medicalliterature and it analyzes the pros and cons of this therapeutic alternative. Despite the smallvolume obtained and greater time necessary for regeneration of the hematopoietic tissue,UCB presents a high concentration of HSC, lower risk of causing graft versus host diseaseand is easier to obtain, what contributes to its increasing use in the world. New studies on theutlization of UCB in different types of cell and gene therapies will tend to add knowledge tothis fi eld of research

    A institucionalização da transfobia no direito civil brasileiro: uma análise da possibilidade de anulação do casamento de pessoa transexual

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    In view of the context of violence, discrimination, prejudice and transphobia established in Brazil today, we intend to analyze the possible annulability of marriage with transsexual people, in case the spouse become saw are of the condition of transgendering only after marriage (PL nº. 3875/2012), as a form of institutionalized violence. Through theoretical and bibliographical research, we will examine the civilian doctrine and legislation on annulment of marriage in view of gender theories. We understand that the civilist position that advocates this annulability of marriage is motivated by the lack of knowledge about gender and transphobia, culturally passedon and still little questioned, which has repercussions on the high rates of violence against transsexual people in Brazilan dunmasks a cissexist society with conceptions that need to be rethought.Diante do contexto de violência, discriminação, preconceito e transfobia instaurado no Brasil de hoje, pretendemos analisar a possível anulabilidade do casamento com pessoas transexuais, na hipótese de o cônjuge vir a saber da condição de transgenitalização somente após o matrimônio (PL n. 3875/2012), como forma de violência institucionalizada. Por meio de pesquisa teórica e bibliográfica, examinaremos a doutrina e legislação civilistas sobre anulação do casamento à luz das teorias de gênero. Entendemos que a posição civilista defensora dessa anulabilidade do casamento está motivada pela falta de conhecimento sobre gênero e pela transfobia, culturalmente repassada e ainda pouco questionada, que repercute nos altos índices de violência contra as pessoas transexuais no Brasil e desmascara uma sociedade cissexista, com concepções culturais que precisam ser repensadas

    Utilização de serviços de saúde por idosos quilombolas

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    Objective: To analyze the use of health services by quilombola elderly people. Methods: This is a cross-sectional and household-based study conducted in 11 quilombola communities, with 236 elderly people ≥60 years old. Statistical differences were found in the estimates of indicators of the use of health services according to gender and age group. Pearson’s Chi-square or Fisher’s Exact tests were performed. Differences were considered statisticallysignificant when p<0.05. Results: Most of the elderly people did not have a health insurance plan, seeking mainly public hospital/outpatient unit. The last medical consultation for 80.3% of the participants was performed in the 12 months prior to the interviews, with fewer consultations for men (p= 0.027). There was a low hospitalization rate in the last year and a low demand for health services in the last two weeks. Conclusion: Quilombola women and long-lived elderly people use health services more and, in general, the elderly citizens depend on SUS to exercise their right to health. The public hospital/outpatient unit was the most used service, and PHCU was little sought.Objetivo: Analisar a utilização de serviços de saúde por idosos quilombolas. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo transversal, de base domiciliar, realizado em 11 comunidades quilombolas, com 236 idosos ≥60 anos. Verificou-se diferenças estatísticas nas estimativas dos indicadores de uso de serviços de saúde segundo sexo e faixa etária. Realizaram-se testes de Qui-quadrado de Pearson ou Exa to de Fisher. As diferenças foram consideradas estatisticamente significantes quando p<0,05. Resultados: A maioria dos idosos não possuía plano de saúde, buscando, principalmente, hospital/ambulatório público. A última consulta médica de 80,3% dos participantes foi realizadanos 12 meses anteriores às entrevistas, com número menor de consulta para os homens (p= 0,027). Houve baixa internação hospitalar no último ano e procura de algum serviço de saúde nas duas últimas semanas. Conclusão: As mulheres quilombolas e os idosos mais velhos utilizam mais os serviços de saúde e, no geral, os idosos dependem do SUS para exercer o seu direito à saúde. O hospital/ambulatório público foi o serviço mais utilizado, e a UBS pouco procurada

    Shell choice and occupation by the hermit crab (Crustacea: Diogenidae) in laboratory environment

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    The Neotropical hermit crabs’ behaviour is rarely studied, although it is an important tool for the conservation of these invertebrates. In this context, the present study aimed to describe the hermit crab ethogram on its behaviour in the choice and dispute by shells. 60 specimens of hermit crabs were collected that were occupying mollusc shells Cerithium atratum, in sandstone reefs. In the laboratory, 30 hermit crabs were removed from their host shells by heating, the rest remained in their shells. The specimens were submitted to five experimental tests: (I) behaviour, (II) shell dispute, (III) shell preference, (IV) specimen behaviour with and without shell, and (V) shell contention between individuals with and without shell. The ethogram was built and evaluated by the Ad Libitum type of observational sampling methods and by the scanning type, for 30 uninterrupted minutes, records every two minutes, in total 15 observations per each observer. There were eight behavioural acts divided into 4 categories: immobility, interaction between specimen, environment exploration, and shell occupation. The most frequent behaviour was "walking", for both hermit crabs (54.2%) and those without shell (59.3%), followed by the rest of the individuals with and without shell, 16.9% and 12.4%, respectively. All hermits preferred mollusc shell Bulla striata, when offered in conjunction with the shell of Astrea tecta. However, all specimens returned to C. atratum shells when it was experimentally offered with all shells. Studies with hermits have shown that the species has preferences of gastropods shell C. atratum

    Novos cultivares de batata: SCS376 Joaquina para cultivo orgânico e SCS377 Paulina para cultivo convencional

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    Resumo – Os principais cultvares de batata plantados em Santa Catarina e no Brasil foram desenvolvidos na Europa em condições climátcas diferentes das encontradas no Sul do Brasil. O mercado brasileiro de batata in natura valoriza muito a aparência dos tubérculos com formato alongado, graúdos, casca lisa, gemas raras e polpa amarela ou creme. Os novos cultvares de batata precisam manter este padrão, associado à alta produtvidade, boa qualidade culinária e comercial e com resistência às principais doenças. Os cultvares SCS376 Joaquina e SCS377 Paulina foram selecionados na Epagri/Estação Experimental de São Joaquim e avaliados em São Joaquim, SC e Ituporanga, SC, nos testes de VCU/MAPA (valor de cultivo euso), sob diferentes condições edafoclimátcas e épocas de cultvo. Com base nas característcas apresentadas e nos resultados obtidos, o cultvar SCS376 Joaquina é indicado para cultivo em sistemas orgânicos e o cultvar SCS377 Paulina para cultvo em sistemas convencionais.Abstract– The main potato cultivars planted in Santa Catarina State and Brazil were developed in Europe under different climatic conditions from those found in southern Brazil. The Brazilian table potato market highly values the appearance of tubers with elongation, large shape, smooth skin, shallow eyes and yellow or cream flesh. The new potato cultivars need tomaintain this pattern, associated with high yields, good culinary and commercial qualities and resistant to major diseases. The objective of this work is to present the new potato cultivars SCS376 Joaquina and SCS377 Paulina. These cultvars were selected at the Epagri/São Joaquim Experimental Station and evaluated in São Joaquim and Ituporanga, SC, Brazil, in the VCU/MAPA tests (official tests), under different soil and climate conditions and growing seasons. Based on the characteristics presentedand results obtained, the cultvar SCS376 Joaquina is indicated for cultivation in organic systems and the cultvar SCS377 Paulina for cultivation in conventional systems

    Lung transplantation waiting list in State of São Paulo: patients’ characteristics and predictors of death

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    Introdução: Atualmente, a alocação de pulmões no Brasil baseia-se, sobretudo,no tempo de espera em lista (Li) para transplante pulmonar (TxP). Objetivos: (1) Determinar operfi l dos pacientes em Li, e (2) Identifi car preditores de mortalidade em lista (PMLi). Casuísticae métodos: Analisamos os prontuários de 164 pacientes inscritos na Li por nosso serviço,de 2001 até 2008. Os PMLi foram obtidos por uma análise de riscos proporcionais de Cox.Resultados: Os pacientes foram inclusos na Li com 40,9 ± 15,7 anos, sobretudo por enfi sema(24,5%). Diagnóstico de enfi sema ou bronquiectasias (risco relativo [RR]=0,15; p=0,002), tempode tromboplastina parcial ativada > 30 segundos (RR=3,28; p=0,002), albumina plasmática >3,5 g/dl (RR=0,41; p=0,033) e saturação da hemoglobina > 85% (RR=0,44; p=0,031) foramidentifi cados como PMLi. Conclusões: (1) Algumas variáveis podem predizer o risco de morteem Li para TxP; (2) Conhecer as características dos receptores de TxP é essencial para futurasmedidas de aprimoramento dos critérios de alocação de TxP.Introduction: Nowadays, lung allocation in Brazil is based mainly on waitingtime while on list (Li) for lung transplantation (LTx). Objectives: (1) To determine the profi leof the patients on Li; (2) To identify predictors of death on list (PDLi). Casuistic and methods:We analysed medical records of 164 patients inscribed on Li by our service, from 2001 to2008. The PDLi were obtained through Cox proportional hazards analyses. Results: Patientswere included onto Li with mean age of 40,9 ± 15,7 years, maily due to emphysema (24,5%).Diagnosis of emphysema or bronquiectasis (relative risk [RR]=0,15; p=0,002), activated partialthromboplastin time > 30 seconds (RR=3,28; p=0,002), plasma albumin (RR=0,44; p=0,033)and hemoglobin saturation > 85% (RR=0,44; p=0,031) were identifi ed as PDLi. Conclusions: (1)Some variables can predict probability of death on Li; (2) To know LTx recipients’ characteristicsis essential for future actions driven at improving LTx allocation criteria

    Randomized Clinical Study of the Use of MTA and Biodentine™ for Pulpotomy in Primary Teeth

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    Objective: To verify, through clinical and radiographic evaluations, the in vivo response of the dentin-pulpal complex of human primary teeth after pulpotomy with MTA and Biodentine™ in a follow-up period of 3, 6, and 12 months. Material and Methods: Thirty teeth were divided into MTA pulpotomy (n = 15) and Biodentine™ pulpotomy (n = 15) from children between 5 and 9 years of age, a randomized clinical trial with simple random sampling. The materials were inserted into the cavity after opening and removing the coronary pulp tissue. The cavity base consisted of glass ionomer cement and light-cured composite resin restoration. Clinical and radiographic analyses were performed after 3, 6, and 12 months. Statistical analysis by Fisher\u27s exact test for dichotomous data at a 5% significance level was utilized. Results: Both materials caused color change after 12 months. However, MTA showed a higher percentage than Biodentine™ (p<0.0001). Pain was detected only with Biodentine™ at six months and mobility at 12 months (p=0.0013). Radiographically, after 12 months, periapical lesions, interradicular lesions, and internal resorption were evidenced in 13% of the cases for Biodentine™-treated teeth (p<0.0013). MTA induced pulp calcification in 13% of cases, unlike Biodentine™ (p<0.0013). Conclusion: BiodentineTM and MTA are suitable for clinical use in pulpotomy treatment, yet both materials lead to tooth discoloration