7,481 research outputs found
Odontogenic keratocyst in the maxillary sinus: Report of two cases
SummaryThe odontogenic keratocyst (OKC) is well known for its tendency to recur, potential aggressive behaviour and defined histopathological feature. OKC occurrence in the maxilla is unusual and its appearance in the maxillary sinus very uncommon. This article reports two distinct cases of OKCs associated with unerupted molars in the maxillary sinus of two boys. The lesions were surgically treated and no recurrence has been observed on follow-up. OKC clinical features and treatment are discussed
Revista Portuguesa de Arqueologia
Em Coimbra os contextos tardo-antigos eram, até ao momento, pouco ou mesmo nada conhecidos.
Contudo, face à importância da cidade antiga e ao que se conhecia para a vizinha Conimbriga,
supunha-se que esta ausência poderia ser apenas aparente. Um estudo mais circunstanciado do
que resultou das últimas intervenções arqueológicas realizadas no espaço do Museu Nacional de
Machado de Castro, assim como o reexame de outras mais antigas (mediante a análise de um lote
de materiais ainda não estudado), veio comprovar isso mesmo. Apresentam-se, assim, os dados dos
ainda parcos contextos tardios identificados nesta notável área arqueológica, de onde provém um
conjunto de espólio característico e que poderá fornecer as primeiras pistas acerca da ocupação
e dinâmica comercial de Aeminium entre a segunda metade do século IV e os inícios do século VI.Until now very little or nothing was known about Late Antiquity contexts in the city of Coimbra.
However, the importance of the old city and what is known about the neighboring Conimbriga led
us to assume that this absence was merely apparent. This hypothesis was proved true, after a more
detailed study of data from the last archaeological interventions at the Museum Machado de Castro
and the reexamination of unstudied lots of materials from earlier interventions at the same site.
This text presents the data from the few Late Antiquity contexts identified in this remarkable archaeological
area. The materials collected are characteristic from the second half of the 4th century and early 6th
century AD and they provide the first clues about the commercial dynamics of Aeminium in that period
South Gaulish terra sigillata in the forum of Aeminium (Coimbra, Portugal): a decisive component of the dating process
The Augustan forum of Aeminium (Coimbra, Portugal) underwent a significant enlargement in the middle of the 1st century AD. The extension was built over a monumental cryptoporticus located on steep terrain. Archaeological campaigns carried out at this site more or less continuously since the 1990s have identified the construction levels associated to this extension.
This text presents the collection of red gloss pottery (terra sigillata) from South Gaul gathered in these stratigraphic contexts. The study of them, together with other chronological indicators, has enabled the second stage of construction of the forum of Aeminium to be dated to the mid 1st century AD.O fórum augustano de Aeminium (Coimbra, Portugal) terá sido significativamente ampliado em meados do século I d.C. Esse acrescento desenvolveu-se sobre um monumental criptopórtico que se instalou em terreno declivoso. As campanhas arqueológicas efectuadas neste local, de forma mais ou menos continuada desde a década de 90 do séc. XX, permitiram identificar os níveis de construção associados a esta ampliação.
Neste texto, apresenta-se a colecção de terra sigillata sudgálica recolhida nesses contextos estratigráficos. O seu estudo, articulado com outros indicadores cronológicos, permite fixar o segundo momento de edificação do fórum de Aeminium em meados da primeira centúria da nossa era.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Estudo piloto
O objetivo do presente estudo foi verificar o nível de atividade física de pessoas que
sofreram pelo menos um enfarte na cidade de Belo Horizonte, no Estado de Minas GeraisBrasil, mediante a utilização do Questionário Internacional de Atividade Física (IPAQ) fora
do ambiente Hospitalar. Trata-se de um estudo experimental transversal, com participação
de 119 indivíduos, com idades compreendidas entre os 45 e 84 anos de idade (66.26 ± 8.52
anos de idade) e com pelo menos um episódio de enfarte agudo do miocárdio. Quanto aos
hábitos de prática de atividade física, 27% revelou realizar atividades físicas vigorosas, 55%
atividade moderadas e 56% faziam caminhadas. Segundo as recomendações
internacionais, menos de 1% dos participantes foi classificado enquanto muito ativo, 17%
ativo, 26% irregularmente ativo A, 19% irregularmente ativo B e 37% sedentários. Não
foram detetadas diferenças entre o sexo masculino e feminino no tempo dedicado por
sessão à atividade vigorosa (p = 0.11), moderada (p = 0.52) e caminhada (p = 0.73),
embora pareça existir a tendência para valores superiores no sexo feminino em
intensidades moderadas e vigorosas. Pudemos ainda verificar um coeficiente de correlação
negativo entre a idade e o tempo total de atividade (r = -0.26, p = 0.01), e positivo com as
práticas de sedentarismo durante a semana (r = 0.34, p < 0.001) e fim de semana (r =
0.38, p < 0.001). Os resultados obtidos demonstraram valores elevados de sedentarismo
entre os indivíduos que já sofreram pelo menos um enfarte agudo do miocárdio, sendo que
a idade parece estar relacionada negativamente com os hábitos de atividade física. Parecenos importante realçar que os profissionais da saúde e do exercício físico devem ter um
papel ativo na informação e aconselhamento a esta população, por forma a atingir pelo
menos o nível mínimo de atividade física necessário para manter uma vida saudável, a fim
de prevenir as reincidiva ou desenvolvimento de doenças arteriais coronárias.This study aimed to determine the level of physical activity of people who have suffered at
least one myocardial infarction in the city of Belo Horizonte, in Minas Gerais, Brazil, by the
use of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) outside the hospital
environment. This is a cross-sectional experimental study with the participation of 119
patients, aged between 45 and 84 years (66.26 ± 8:52 years) and with at least one episode
of acute myocardial infarction. As for the habits of physical activity, 27% revealed perform
vigorous physical activities, 55% moderate activity, and 56% went for walks. According to
international recommendations, less than 1% of the participants were classified as very
active, 17% active, 26% irregularly active A, 19% irregularly active B and 37% inactive.
There were detected differences between male and female in the time spent per session to
vigorous activity (p = 0.11), moderate (p = 0.52) and walking (p = 0.73), although there
appears to be a trend towards higher values in females in moderate and vigorous
intensities. We could also check a negative coefficient of correlation between age and the
total time of activity (r = -0.26, p = 0.01) and positive with sedentary lifestyle practices
weekdays (r = 0.34 , p <0.001) and weekends (r = 0.38, p < 0.001). The results showed
high levels of inactivity among individuals who have experienced at least one acute
myocardial infarction, and age seems to be negatively related to the physical activity
habits. It seems to us important to emphasize that health and physical exercise
professionals should take an active role in providing information and counseling to this
population, in order to achieve at least the minimum level of physical activity necessary to
maintain a healthy life, in order to prevent relapse or development of coronary artery
Modelos preditivos para avaliação de risco de corrupção de servidores públicos federais
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Exatas
Departamento de Ciência da Computação, Mestrado Profissional em Computação Aplicada, 2015.A Controladoria-Geral da União (CGU), por meio da Diretoria de Pesquisas e Informa ções Estratégicas (DIE), articula ações de produção de informações estratégicas, investigando possíveis irregularidades cometidas por servidores públicos federais. Com quantitativo reduzido de analistas e inúmeras responsabilidades, a DIE necessita de métodos automatizados aplicáveis a grande volume de dados para aferir corruptibilidade de servidores, buscando assim priorização de trabalho e atuação e caz baseando-se em aspectos
de corrupção. Este trabalho apresenta a aplicação de mineração de dados para gerar modelos preditivos para avaliar risco de corrupção de servidores públicos federais, usando várias bases de dados a que a CGU tem acesso. O processo CRISP-DM é a referência para as fases da mineração de dados. Inicialmente, o conhecimento dos analistas especialistas em combate à corrupção da DIE é aplicado nas diversas bases de dados disponíveis para extração de informações possivelmente úteis na indicação de corruptibilidade. Os dados levantados são analisados e preparados com o uso de diversas técnicas, como discretização e análise de correlação, para, em seguida, passarem por um processo de seleção. Métodos de regressão como Adaptive Lasso e Regressão Ridge são aplicados objetivando a criação de modelos preditivos. O modelo de avaliação de risco de corrupção de servidores públicos federais construído ao nal do trabalho obteve resultados satisfatórios de aproximadamente 85% de sensibilidade, 81% de precisão e 83% de acurácia assim como resultados positivos em testes estatísticos corroborando a validade do modelo com nível de con ança de 95%. Em seguida, as regras geradas pelo modelo nal foram analisadas, adicionando-se o estudo de casos pontuais, de modo a subsidiar a descoberta do conhecimento obtido com o processo de mineração de dados. Com a avaliação de risco de corrupção a partir de modelos preditivos, possibilitouse: uso mais e ciente e e caz de recursos e pessoal da CGU; um impacto nacional; e fortalecimento do controle prévio. O direcionamento de esforços de auditoria e scalização a partir de índices de corruptibilidade sustenta a priorização efetiva de trabalho da CGU. Atinge-se todos os estados do país analisando em larga escala o nível de corrupção dos mais de um milhão de servidores públicos federais, gerando impacto em âmbito nacional. Finalmente, todos os pólos regionais da CGU são apoiados com uma atuação de controle prévio, fortalecendo o combate à corrupção.The Brazilian O ce of the Comptroller General (CGU), through the Department of
Research and Strategic Information (DIE), articulates activities of strategic information production, investigating possible irregularities by federal civil servants. With a reduced quantitative of analysts and numerous responsibilities, DIE needs automated methods applicable to large volumes of data to assess civil servants' corruptibility, seeking then
work prioritization and e ective action based on aspects of corruption. This work presents a data mining application to generate predictive models to assess
risk of corruption of federal civil servants, using various databases that CGU has access to. The CRISP-DM process is the reference to the phases of the data mining. Initially, the knowledge of DIE's analysts with expertise in ghting corruption is applied in the various databases available to extract potentially useful information in corruptibility
indication. The data collected is analyzed and prepared using various techniques,
such as correlation analysis and discretization, to then pass through a selection process. Regression methods like Adaptive Lasso and Ridge Regression are applied towards the creation of predictive models. The model to assess risk of corruption of civil servants built at the end of the work obtained satisfactory results of approximately 85% sensitivity, 81% precision and 83%
accuracy as well as positive results in statistical tests con rming the relevance of the model with a con dence level of 95%. Then, the rules generated by the nal model were analyzed, aside with the study of individual cases, in order to support the knowledge discovery through the data mining process. The assessment of risk of corruption with predictive models allows: more e cient and e ective use of CGU's resources; a national impact; and strengthening of previous control.
The targeting of audit and control e orts from corruptibility indicators sustains e ective prioritization of the work of CGU. Every state in the country is reached by analyzing in large scale the level of corruption of the more than one million federal civil servants, generating impact nationwide. Finally, all regional centers of CGU are backed with prior control activities, strengthening the ght against corruption
Heterogeneous mobility in next generation devices: An Android-based case study
http://www.mobimedia.org/2010/index.html 6-8 Sep. 2010, Lisbon, PortugalThe fast growing of mobile Internet users with the ability of using a wide diversity of access technologies such as Wi-Fi, WiMAX and UMTS/LTE, and the increasing proliferation of mobile devices with heterogeneous network interfaces, require versatile mobility mechanisms providing seamless roaming across those access technologies. Mobility agents such as Mobile IP and Fast MIPv6 are common, however, these solutions still have limitations when dealing with multiple link-layer technology. In this context, the emerging standard IEEE 802.21 provides a framework which enables mobile agents and network operators to improve the handover process in heterogeneous networks. This paper debates and presents a case study of heterogeneous mobility on an Android device, using the IEEE 802.21 framework. Resorting to an experimental testbed, including a modified Android user terminal, the obtained results show that the proposed solution is a first step to successfully accomplish seamless mobility of Android-based devices operating on 3G and Wi-Fi networks.(undefined
Propolis: A complex natural product with a plethora of biological activities that can be explored for drug development
The health industry has always used natural products as a rich, promising, and alternative source of drugs that are used in the health system. Propolis, a natural resinous product known for centuries, is a complex product obtained by honey bees from substances collected from parts of different plants, buds, and exudates in different geographic areas. Propolis has been attracting scientific attention since it has many biological and pharmacological properties, which are related to its chemical composition. Several in vitro and in vivo studies have been performed to characterize and understand the diverse bioactivities of propolis and its isolated compounds, as well as to evaluate and validate its potential. Yet, there is a lack of information concerning clinical effectiveness. The goal of this review is to discuss the potential of propolis for the development of new drugs by presenting published data concerning the chemical composition and the biological properties of this natural compound from different geographic origins
The forums of Conimbriga and Aeminium: comparison and summary of the state of the art.
This paper presents the forums of the Roman cities of Conimbriga (Condeixa-a-Velha, Portugal)
and Aeminium (Coimbra, Portugal), both of which date from the time of Augustus. The Aeminium forum was
completely rebuilt in the time of Claudius/Nero, while the Conimbriga one was remodelled in the same period,
before being demolished under the Flavians to make way for a completely new construction. This article offers
a state-of-the-art comparison of the architectural models used in these two cities, based on the analysis and
review of the available data, partly supplied by recent archaeological excavations. The geographic and chronological
proximity of these two forums mean that it is of interest to compare their architectural design, which
differ considerably in aspects such as volumetry, layout and the conceptual model used. The article discusses
the proposals for the development of the Conimbriga forum and indicates an up-to-date bibliography for both
public spaces, resulting, in the case of Aeminium, from a large-scale research and intervention project carried
out in recent years
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