11,689 research outputs found

    Contextos organizacionais do desenvolvimento das práticas de supervisão : que cooperação no processo formativo dos estudantes de enfermagem?

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    A questão central na formação de estudantes de Enfermagem advém da revalorização do potencial formativo das práticas nas organizações de saúde, devendo estas assegurar as condições de aprendizagem clínica para os cursos e garantir os respetivos padrões de qualidade. Isto obriga a que sejam potenciadas sinergias entre ambas as organizações. O Decreto-Lei n.º 206/2004 de 19 de Agosto, clarifica a relação entre as entidades prestadoras de cuidados de saúde e as instituições responsáveis pelo ensino, a educação e a investigação científica, nomeadamente com as escolas de enfermagem, como explicitamente determina o n.º 3, do artigo 1.º, conjugado com o que preconiza o artigo 13.º. Aqui, está também traçado o quadro geral de articulação entre as duas organizações, a qual é feita mediante o estabelecimento de protocolos para a realização de estágios e desenvolvimento da investigação. Este estudo, de carater exploratório e descritivo teve como objetivo compreender os processos de parceria em uso entre as Escolas Superiores de Enfermagem e as entidades prestadoras de cuidados onde se realizam as práticas cínicas. Metodologicamente foi suportado na análise de conteúdo de 66 protocolos firmados por sete Escolas de Enfermagem. Os achados do estudo revelaram fragilidades na formalização dos protocolos com as instituições de saúde, não surgindo claro, qual a natureza ou extensão da sua cooperação. Evidenciaram ausência de uma definição clara do papel a desempenhar no processo formativo dos estudantes e a falta da clarificação de indicadores necessários a uma forma integrada de agir em articulação. Apesar de no atual quadro legal, assente na celebração formal de protocolos, estarem reunidas as condições para a efetivação da articulação entre as duas entidades, os protocolos firmados não obedecem, com as devidas adaptações, aos princípios gerais definidos no n.º 2 do artigo 13.º do referido diploma, o que parece condicionar a corresponsabilização dos intervenientes no processo.The central issue in the training nursing students arises from the revaluation of the training potential of the practices in health organizations, which should ensure the conditions for clinical training of the courses guaranteeing the respective standards of quality. This requires being further enhanced synergies between both organizations. Decree-Law number 206/2004, August 19, clarifies the relationship between health institutions and institutions responsible by education and scientific research, particularly with nursing schools, as explicitly determines the number 3, Article 1, in conjunction with advocated in Article 13.º. Here is also outlined the general framework of coordination between both organizations, which is done by establishing protocols for the stages conduct and scientific research development. Aiming to understanding the processes in use of partnership between Nursing Schools and health institutions where they carry out the clinical practices, we developed a study of exploratory and descriptive nature. Methodologically was supported in content analysis of 66 protocols signed by seven Nursing Schools. The results of this study demonstrated flaws in the formalization of agreements with health institutions, not appearing clear what is the nature or extent of their cooperation. It was evidenced a lack of definition by the health institutions role in the students training and the dearth of clarification the indicators needed to an articulated working. In the current legal framework, although contemplated the conditions for effective coordination between both entities, based on formal protocols, these weren´t in accordance to the general principles defined in number 2, article 13.º of the referenced law, which can determine the co-responsibility the involved parts

    Solving a capacitated waste collection problem using an open-source tool

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    Increasing complexity in municipal solid waste streams worldwide is pressing Solid Waste Management Systems (SWMS), which need solutions to manage the waste properly. Waste collection and transport is the first task, traditionally carried out by countries/municipalities responsible for waste management. In this approach, drivers are responsible for decision-making regarding collection routes, leading to inefficient resource expenses. In this sense, strategies to optimize waste collection routes are receiving increasing interest from authorities, companies and the scientific community. Works in this strand usually focus on waste collection route optimization in big cities, but small towns could also benefit from technological development to improve their SWMS. Waste collection is related to combinatorial optimization that can be modeled as the capacitated vehicle routing problem. In this paper, a Capacitated Waste Collection Problem will be considered to evaluate the performance of metaheuristic approaches in waste collection optimization in the city of Bragança, Portugal. The algorithms used are available on Google OR-tools, an open-source tool with modules for solving routing problems. The Guided Local Search obtained the best results in optimizing waste collection planning. Furthermore, a comparison with real waste collection data showed that the results obtained with the application of OR-Tools are promising to save resources in waste collection.This work has been supported by FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the R &D Units Project Scope: UIDB/05757/2020, UIDB/00690/2020, UIDB/50020/2020, and UIDB/00319/2020. Adriano Silva was supported by FCT-MIT Portugal PhD grant SFRH/BD/151346/2021, and Filipe Alves was supported by FCT PhD grant SFRH/BD/143745/2019

    Fuel Starvation: irreversible degradation mechanisms in PEM Fuel Cells

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    PEM fuel cell operates under very aggressive conditions in both anode and cathode. Failure modes and mechanism in PEM fuel cells include those related to thermal, chemical or mechanical issues that may constrain stability, power and lifetime. In this work, the case of fuel starvation is examined. The anode potential may rise to levels compatible with the oxidization of water. If water is not available, oxidation of the carbon support will accelerate catalyst sintering. Diagnostics methods used for in-situ and ex-situ analysis of PEM fuel cells are selected in order to better categorize irreversible changes of the cell. Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) is found instrumental in the identification of fuel cell flooding conditions and membrane dehydration associated to mass transport limitations / reactant starvation and protonic conductivity decrease, respectively. Furthermore, it indicates that water electrolysis might happen at the anode. Cross sections of the membrane catalyst and gas diffusion layers examined by scanning electron microscopy indicate electrode thickness reduction as a result of reactions taking place during hydrogen starvation. Catalyst particles are found to migrate outwards and located on carbon backings. Membrane degradation in fuel cell environment is analyzed in terms of the mechanism for fluoride release which is considered an early predictor of membrane degradation

    Descoloration of industrial dyes and simulated textile effluents dyes by turnip peroxidase

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    The removal of important textile dyes by turnip peroxidase (TNP) was evaluated. The textile effluents besides the residual dyes contain also chemical auxiliaries such as salts, dispersing and wetting agents. The effect of these was evaluated in the removal of the dyes reactive blue 21 and reactive blue 19 by TNP in synthetic effluents. A decrease of the efficency decolorization was observed. The action of the enzyme on colour removal of dye mixture was equivalent to the dyes alone. The chemical demand of oxygen in the effluent after enzymatic treatment had a significant increase in relation to the untreated effluent

    Obtention of plant peroxidase and its potential for the decolorization of the reactive dye Remazol Turquoise G 133%

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    Peroxidases can be used in the decolorization process. There is a growing interest for new sources of this enzyme and for obtaining economically viable processes. In this work, a low-cost vegetable peroxidase extraction process is proposed; the resulting enzyme is characterized to determine its optimum pH, temperature, and stability conditions, and it is then applied in the decolorization of reactive dye Remazol Turquoise G 133%. The turnip peroxidase (TP) was utilized as an enzymatic source. This enzyme exhibited maximum activity at pH 7.0, and it was active in the temperature range of 30 to 50 °C, which favors its use in industrial processes. Acetone was the most efficient solvent to induce precipitation. The removal of Remazol Turquoise G 133% was 56.0% complete after 50 min, while 41.0% of the same dye was removed with the commercial horseradish peroxidase enzyme in 50 min. TP presents potential as a viable alternative in the decolorization of textile wastewaters

    Clinical management for epidermolysis bullosa dystrophica

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    Epidermolysis bullosa (EB) consists of a group of genetic hereditary disorders in which patients frequently present fragile skin and mucosa that form blisters following minor trauma. More than 20 subtypes of EB have been recognized in the literature. Specific genetic mutations are well characterized for most the different EB subtypes and variants. The most common oral manifestations of EB are painful blisters affecting all the oral surfaces. Dental treatment for patients with EB consists of palliative therapy for its oral manifestations along with typical restorative and periodontal procedures. The aim of this article is to describe two dental clinical treatments of recessive dystrophic EB cases and their specific clinical manifestations. The psychological intervention required during the dental treatment of these patients is also presented

    Effect of oxygen transfer rate on cellulases production in stirred tank and internal-loop airlift bioreactors

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    In an aerobic process, such as enzymes production by fungi, the oxygen supply into fermentation medium is an important factor in order to achieve good productivities. Oxygen has an important role in metabolism and microorganism growth, being of extreme importance the control of both the dissolved oxygen transfer rate into the bioreactor and the oxygen consumption by the microorganism [1,2]. Dissolved oxygen transfer rate can be analyzed and described by means of the mass transfer coefficient, KLa, being one of the most important parameters for the design and operation of mixing/sparging of aerobic bioreactors. (…

    Preliminary insights into electro-sensitive ecolubricants: A comparative analysis based on nanocelluloses and nanosilicates in castor oil

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    The newest generation of lubricants needs to adapt to stricter environmental policies. Simple and sustainable formulations with tunable rheological properties under the action of electric potentials may be the key. The present research explored the feasibility of producing electro-sensitive ecolubricants based on nanocellulose (crystalline and fibrillar) or nanoclay (Cloisite 15A montmorillonite and halloysite nanotubes) dispersions in castor oil, at concentrations that ranged from 2 to 6 wt.%. Broadband dielectric spectroscopy (BDS) measurements allowed for a first estimate on the electro-responsive potential of the nanofluids. The nanocelluloses and the montmorillonite suspensions presented a relaxation event in the dielectric loss, e", centered at ca. 2-4 kHz, which is related to interfacial polarization. Moreover, their actual electro-rheological (ER) effect under high electric potentials up to 4 kV/mm was assessed by determining the magnitude of the yield stress from steady flow curves at 25 °C. It was found that the nanocelluloses and the montmorillonite showed an enhancement of three orders of magnitude in their yield stress values at 4 kV/m. This enhancement was much greater than in the halloysite nanoclay, which did not exhibit any polarization). This is the starting point for the development of environmentally friendly ER lubricating fluids, based on nanocellulose and montmorillonites (layered nanosilicates), which might assist in reducing the friction and wear through the application of controlled electric fields.publishersversionpublishe

    Pretreatment of brewers' spent grains for cellulases production by Aspergillus niger van Tieghem

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    Successful utilization of cellulosic materials as a renewable carbon source is dependent on the development of economically feasible process technologies both for the production of biomass-degrading enzymes, and for the enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulosic materials to low molecular weight products. Significant cost reduction is required in order to enhance the commercial viability of cellulase production technology and biomass pretreatment can be an essential processing step for this purpose. Thus, the aim of this work was to evaluate the performance of pretreated brewers´ spent grains on the improvement of cellulases production by A. niger van Tieghem. For this, brewers´ spent grains was submitted to autohydrolysis treatment. Initially, the material was dried, milled and sieved (1.0 mm screen). Water was added to the sample in a closed and pressurized vessel (solid/liquid ratio 1:10 w/v), and the system heated to 180, 190 or 200ºC for 10, 35 or 50 min. The liquor obtained (hemicelluloses fraction) was separated from the solids (cellulose/lignin) by filtration and both fractions were used together or not as carbon source on fermentation: 1% (w/v) treated solid fraction; 1% (w/v) solids plus 10% (v/v) liquor, or only liquor. Carboxymethylcellulose, avicel and untreated brewers´ spent grains were used as control. The inocullum was done in Mandels medium and the cultivation conditions were 30ºC/100 rpm for 6 days. Carboxymethylcellulase (CMCase) and avicelase were assayed by DNS using 1% (w/v) carboxymethylcellulose in sodium acetate buffer, pH 4.0 and 1% (w/v) avicel in the same buffer, pH 5.0, respectivelly, while β-glucosidase was detected by p-nitrophenolate released using 5 mM pnp-β-D-glucoside in sodium citrate buffer, pH 4.5. One unit of enzymatic activity was defined as the amount that liberated 1 μmol of product per minute on assay conditions. The results showed that the liquor obtained at 190ºC/50 min autohydrolysis was quite favorable to CMCase and avicellase production, since the enzyme production was significantly higher than with other sources. However, the effect of the treatment on β-glucosidase production was not as significant as the control. These results show that by using autohydrolysis liquor as an alternative substrate, the performance of the bioprocess for cellulase production can be improved