228 research outputs found


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    O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar a trajetória das políticas de Assistência ao Estudante no Brasil, bem como analisar a Política de Assistência Estudantil de uma Universidade Federal, a fim de observar as ações de assistência desenvolvidas nas universidades, identificando os seus instrumentos de monitoramento e de avaliação. Para tanto, este trabalho baseia-se em um estudo de caso, que procura abordar a Política de Apoio Estudantil da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. O Decreto nº 7.234/10, que dispõe sobre o Programa Nacional de Assistência Estudantil, estabelece que as instituições federais de ensino superior devem fixar mecanismos de acompanhamento e avaliação e, neste sentido, em análise ao normativo interno da UFJF, que dispõe sobre o Apoio Estudantil, não foram identificados dispositivos que estabeleçam tais mecanismos. Portanto, com o intuito de melhorar a gestão do Programa de Apoio Estudantil e de cumprir o Decreto nº 7.234/10, torna-se necessário que a UFJF estabeleça e formalize os mecanismos de acompanhamento e avaliação de sua Política de Apoio Estudantil

    Diálogos entre Paulo Freire e Milton Santos na formação de professores de Geografia

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    Um desafio posto à educação é o da formação docente. Colaborando a esse debate tem-se como objetivo sistematizar uma experiência ocorrida ao longo do PIBID (Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação à Docência), onde as atividades foram pensadas visando o alcance do diálogo entre Paulo Freire e Milton Santos. As metodologias desses autores dialogam com a dialética, todas voltadas à sua vertente crítica, buscando a práxis, especialmente a proposta por Freire. Entre os resultados alcançados, há a ênfase para uma dialogicidade entre teoria e prática, além de uma aprendizagem formativa que tem como destaque alguns importantes conceitos geográficos, sempre com a preocupação em os associarmos com as práticas educativas incorporadas durante a experiência, priorizando suas vertentes problematizadoras

    International urban agendas and sustainable integrated urban development in developing countries: The case of Brazil

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    Due to the rapid and unrestrained growth of urbanization worldwide since the second half of the twentieth century, the global community is confronted with a broad spectrum of challenges. In response, the request for more sustainable cities developed in recent decades. Urban agenda setting, like the foundation of the UN-Habitat, emerged subsequently in the public policy process to countervail the negative impacts of the progress, especially in developing countries. The article wants to provide the reader with a brief introduction to global urban agendas in general and the New Urban Agenda (NUA) in specific, especially how they approach urban challenges. The analysis offers an overview of the context of the implementation of urban agendas and definitions of sustainability in its setting. Furthermore, it is examined, how non-binding doctrinaire documents like the NUA should be implemented on the regional and national levels. The challenges in implementing these urban agendas, the definition of sustainable urban agendas, and common international challenges are deconstructed and compared with the guiding principles of the NUA. The research question highlights potential approaches, how to improve the implementation of these agendas, and contributes to reducing the research gap of the global south in this regard. Therefore, as a case study, a closer look at the exemplary situation of the developing country Brazil, the local urban evolution, planning policies, and the local challenges are undertaken. To conclude, the challenges of the new urban era identified will be briefly reflected and possible pathways through alternative mechanisms, recommended by the NUA and other international guidelines, pointed out to foster implementation to the detriment of traditional local hard policy mechanisms

    Skeleton driven action recognition using an image-based spatial-temporal representation and convolution neural network

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    Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) typically present difficulties in engaging and interacting with their peers. Thus, researchers have been developing different technological solutions as support tools for children with ASD. Social robots, one example of these technological solutions, are often unaware of their game partners, preventing the automatic adaptation of their behavior to the user. Information that can be used to enrich this interaction and, consequently, adapt the system behavior is the recognition of different actions of the user by using RGB cameras or/and depth sensors. The present work proposes a method to automatically detect in real-time typical and stereotypical actions of children with ASD by using the Intel RealSense and the Nuitrack SDK to detect and extract the user joint coordinates. The pipeline starts by mapping the temporal and spatial joints dynamics onto a color image-based representation. Usually, the position of the joints in the final image is clustered into groups. In order to verify if the sequence of the joints in the final image representation can influence the model’s performance, two main experiments were conducted where in the first, the order of the grouped joints in the sequence was changed, and in the second, the joints were randomly ordered. In each experiment, statistical methods were used in the analysis. Based on the experiments conducted, it was found statistically significant differences concerning the joints sequence in the image, indicating that the order of the joints might impact the model’s performance. The final model, a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), trained on the different actions (typical and stereotypical), was used to classify the different patterns of behavior, achieving a mean accuracy of 92.4% ± 0.0% on the test data. The entire pipeline ran on average at 31 FPS.This work has been supported by FCT—Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the R&D Units Project Scope: UIDB/00319/2020. Vinicius Silva thanks FCT for the PhD scholarship SFRH/BD/SFRH/BD/133314/2017


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    Tratamos as recentes mudanças político-jurídicas acerca da água. Incialmente entendida como elemento abundante e livre, a visão sócio-política acerca dela vem sendo transformada. Passou a ser cada vez mais compreendida sob um viés econômico-racionalista, cujos reflexos são modelos de regulação e gestão sob a égide do mercado e a permanência de um quadro de crise e violações aos direitos humanos que lhe são conexos. No século XXI, há reações e uma sensível oposição a esse modelo, com a construção de mecanismos político-jurídicos de direito internacional, a fim de proteger e definir a água como direito humano. Objetivamos avaliar essa transição

    International urban agendas and sustainable integrated urban development in developing countries

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    Due to the rapid and unrestrained growth of urbanization worldwide since the second half of the twentieth century, the global community is confronted with a broad spectrum of challenges. In response, the request for more sustainable cities developed in recent decades. Urban agenda setting, like the foundation of the UN-Habitat, emerged subsequently in the public policy process to countervail the negative impacts of the progress, especially in developing countries. The article wants to provide the reader with a brief introduction to global urban agendas in general and the New Urban Agenda (NUA) in specific, especially how they approach urban challenges. The analysis offers an overview of the context of the implementation of urban agendas and definitions of sustainability in its setting. Furthermore, it is examined, how non-binding doctrinaire documents like the NUA should be implemented on the regional and national levels. The challenges in implementing these urban agendas, the definition of sustainable urban agendas, and common international challenges are deconstructed and compared with the guiding principles of the NUA. The research question highlights potential approaches, how to improve the implementation of these agendas, and contributes to reducing the research gap of the global south in this regard. Therefore, as a case study, a closer look at the exemplary situation of the developing country Brazil, the local urban evolution, planning policies, and the local challenges are undertaken. To conclude, the challenges of the new urban era identified will be briefly reflected and possible pathways through alternative mechanisms, recommended by the NUA and other international guidelines, pointed out to foster implementation to the detriment of traditional local hard policy mechanisms

    Accounting Choices: The Brazilian Case Of Real Estate Investment

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    O objetivo deste estudo é mostrar que o modelo de negócio das empresas de capital aberto do mercado brasileiro, que são gestoras de imóveis, explica suas escolhas contábeis de mensuração das propriedades para investimento. Para tal, foram estudadas as cinco principais empresas brasileiras gestoras de propriedades para investimento com base em metodologia que triangulou pesquisa documental, entrevistas semiestruturadas e análise de consistência. Os resultados da análise dos dados secundários da pesquisa documental das duas maiores empresas brasileiras do setor de exploração de imóveis (uma optante pelo valor justo e uma pelo custo), junto com os resultados das entrevistas com os principais agentes internos e externos das empresas, envolvidos direta ou indiretamente nas escolhas de mensuração de propriedades para investimento, indicaram que o modelo de negócio diferenciado das empresas explica suas distintas escolhas contábeis de mensuração das propriedades para investimento. Para dar consistência a esses achados, foram analisados posteriormente os modelos de negócios das três maiores empresas brasileiras gestoras de propriedades para investimento seguintes (duas optantes pelo valor justo e uma optante pelo custo), confrontando-os com suas escolhas contábeis. Observou-se que há consistência entre os modelos de negócios e as escolhas contábeis, corroborando os resultados anteriores. Embora a generalização dos resultados não seja possível em função da pequena quantidade de empresas estudadas e do setor específico, as evidências indicam que as escolhas contábeis podem ser explicadas por um conjunto integrado de fatores considerados isoladamente na literatura. A existência de vários fatores que interagem entre si e explicam as escolhas contábeis, em detrimento de fatores isolados, pode contribuir para a ampliação do conhecimento nessa temática.The objective in this study is to show that the business model of publicly traded real estate management companies in the Brazilian market explains their accounting choices to measure the investment properties. Therefore, the five main Brazilian investment property managers were studied, based on a method that triangulated documentary research, semistructured interviews and consistency analysis. The results of the analysis of the secondary data from the documentary research of the two main Brazilian companies in the real estate exploitation sector (one of which chose the fair value and the other the cost), together with the results of the interviews with the companies’ main internal and external agents direct or indirectly involved in the measuring choices of investment properties, indicated that the companies’ distinguished business model explains their distinct accounting choices to measure the investment properties. To enhance the consistency of these findings, next, the business models of the three consecutive largest Brazilian investment property managers were analyzed (two of which chose the fair value and one the cost), confronting them with their accounting choices; consistency was observed between the business models and the accounting choices, in accordance with earlier results. Although generalization of the results is not possible due to the small number of companies studied and the specific sector, evidence indicates that an integrated set of factors, which are considered in isolation in the literature, can explain the accounting choices. Several mutually interacting factors that explain the accounting choices, to the detriment of isolated factors, can contribute to expand the knowledge on this theme


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    The following analytical exercise wants to provide the reader with a brief introduction into the New Urban Agenda, an international guideline elaborated by UN-Habitat and agreed by all UN member countries, including Brazil. It should off er a broad overview about the context of the document, how the agenda is structured, what the principal appeals for action are, what the interconnections with other international guidelines are, how the agenda should be implemented on the regional & national level as well as what the UN-Habitat wants to achieve with it. The study will subsequently present exemplary the challenges to institutionalize the New Urban Agenda in general, and specifi cally in the context of Brazilian metropolitan. The information obtained in this text was contextualized for the territory of the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre / RS, focusing on the approach of sustainable urban development based on the relations between the rural and the urban and the challenges faced by the metropolis of Rio Grande do Sul. The research indicates that the institutional arrangements for metropolitan governance in Brazil do not yet have several structural elements for the application of the guidelines proposed by the NAU, thus hampering the advancement of urban development policies in the country.The following analytical exercise wants to provide the reader with a brief introduction into the New Urban Agenda, an international guideline elaborated by UN-Habitat and agreed by all UN member countries, including Brazil. It should offer a broad overview about the context of the document, how the agenda is structured, what the principal appeals for action are, what the interconnections with other international guidelines are, how the agenda should be implemented on the regional & national level as well as what the UN-Habitat wants to achieve with it. The study will subsequently present exemplary the challenges to institutionalize the New Urban Agenda in general, and specifically in the context of Brazilian metropolitan territories through the approach in the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre/RS

    Effect of repeated immersion solution cycles on the color stability of denture tooth acrylic resins

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    OBJECTIVE: Chemical solutions have been widely used for disinfection of dentures, but their effect on color stability of denture tooth acrylic resins after repeated procedures is still unclear. The aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate whether repeated cycles of chemical disinfectants affected the color stability of two denture tooth acrylic resins. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Sixty disc-shaped specimens (40 mm x 3 mm) were fabricated from two different brands (Artiplus and Trilux) of denture tooth acrylic resin. The specimens from each brand (n=30) were randomly divided into 6 groups (n=5) and immersed in the following solutions: distilled water (control group) and 5 disinfecting solutions (1% sodium hypochlorite, 2% sodium hypochlorite, 5.25% sodium hypochlorite, 2% glutaraldehyde, and 4% chlorhexidine gluconate). Tooth color measurements were made by spectrophotometry. Before disinfection, the initial color of each tooth was recorded. Further color measurements were determined after subjecting the specimens to 7, 21, 30, 45, 60, and 90 immersion cycles in each tested solution. Color differences (ΔE*) were determined using the CIE L*a*b* color system. Data were analyzed using two-way repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Tukey tests. The significance level was set at 5%. RESULTS: There were statistically significant differences in ΔE* among the 5 disinfectants and water during the 90 cycles of immersion for both denture tooth acrylic resins. Distilled water promoted the greatest color change in both denture tooth acrylic resins, nevertheless none of tested disinfectants promoted ΔE* values higher than 1.0 on these acrylic materials during the 90 cycles of disinfection. CONCLUSIONS: Repeated immersion cycles in disinfecting solutions alter ΔE* values, however these values do not compromise the color of the tested denture tooth acrylic resins because they are imperceptible to the human eye