155 research outputs found

    Esclarecimento de pais e/ou responsáveis quanto ao tratamento fonoaudiológico realizado em crianças: Enfoque bioético

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências da Saúde. Fonoaudiologia.Introdução: A bioética pode ser definida como uma reflexão da ética sobre os seres vivos. Na Fonoaudiologia, a bioética visa auxiliar os profissionais, familiares e pacientes nas tomadas de decisões frente às alternativas de tratamento, incluindo orientação adequada acerca de seus propósitos, possíveis riscos e desconfortos, visando a sua confidencialidade. Objetivo: Analisar o esclarecimento do grupo de pais e/ou responsáveis quanto ao tratamento fonoaudiológico realizado em suas crianças na Clínica Escola de Fonoaudiologia da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina bem como a caracterização da população de estudo segundo os aspectos sociodemográficos. Metodologia: foi realizado um estudo transversal em que foi aplicado, ao grupo de pais e/ou responsáveis, um questionário com questões abertas e fechadas, referentes os dados da criança, informações do GPR quanto ao tratamento realizado, bem como dados para caracterização da amostra das crianças e deste grupo de pais e/ou responsáveis. Além disso, foi aplicado um questionário com o grupo dos estagiários responsáveis pelos atendimentos realizados nestas crianças, que constavam de perguntas relacionadas ao tratamento fonoaudiológico. Os dados obtidos foram analisados por meio de análise estatística descritiva e inferencial por meio dos testes Mann-Whitney e Qui-Quadrado. As respostas do grupo de pais e/ou responsáveis foram confrontadas com as respostas do grupo dos estagiários no que se refere ao tratamento realizado, podendo dessa forma conhecer o esclarecimento por parte do grupo de pais e/ou responsáveis. Resultados: a média etária das crianças foi de 5,87 anos, sendo predominante o sexo masculino (73,90%). O maior número de atendimentos (66,67%) foi realizado na área de Linguagem. Quanto ao grupo de pais e/ou responsáveis, observou-se a prevalência do sexo feminino (89%), média etária de 37,42 anos e o ensino médio completo (43,18%). Quanto ao esclarecimento referente ao tratamento, o grupo de pais e/ou responsáveis apresentou a maioria (54,34%) das respostas compatíveis quando comparadas com as respostas do grupo dos estagiários, representando adequado esclarecimento das ações propostas na terapia fonoaudiológica. Conclusão: pode-se verificar o esclarecimento do grupo de pais e/ou responsáveis quanto ao tratamento realizado bem como as melhoras referidas por este grupo associada à visão do grupo dos estagiários quanto ao processo terapêutico das crianças.Introduction: Bioethics can be defined as an ethical reflection on living organisms. In Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences, bioethics helps professionals, family members and patients to make decisions about the treatment alternatives, including appropriate guidance on their purposes, possible risks and discomforts, aiming the confidentiality. Objective: To analyze the group of parents and/or caregivers clarification about the speech, language and hearing therapy performed on their children at the School Clinic of Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences of the Federal University of Santa Catarina and the study population characterization according to sociodemographic aspects. Methods: it was performed a cross sectional study that was applied, to the group of parents and/or caregiver, a questionnaire with open and closed questions, referring the child data, group of parents and/or caregivers information regarding the treatment performed, and data to characterize the sample of children and group of parents and/or caregivers. Also it was apllied a questionnaire to the group of trainees responsible for the care provided in these children, composed by questions related to speech, language and hearing therapy. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical analysis through Mann-Whitney and Chi-Square tests. Open questions of group of parents and/or caregivers were confronted with group of trainees responses regarding to the treatment performed and thus meet the clarification from the group of parents and/or caregivers. Results: the mean age of the children was 5.87 years being predominantly males (73.90%). The greatest number of attendances (66.67%) was in the Language area. As for the group of parents and/or caregivers, there was a prevalence of females (89%), mean age of 37.42 years and completed high school (43.18%). Regarding the clarification about the treatment, the group of parents and/or caregivers showed the majority (54.34%) of the responses compatible when compared to the group of trainees responses, presenting the clarify about the actions proposed in speech, language and hearing therapy. Conclusion: it can be verified the clarification mentioned by group of parents and/or caregivers about the treatment developed as well as the improvements refered bu this group associated the group of trainees view about th children therapeutic process

    Uso de solventes alternativos no âmbito das biorefinarias

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    Mestrado em Engenharia QuímicaO presente trabalho foi dedicado ao pré-tratamento de biomassa lenho-celulósica através de dois solventes alternativos – líquidos iónicos (LIs) e fluídos supercríticos (FSCs). O estudo com líquidos iónicos focou-se em propor uma nova metodologia para o pré-tratamento da palha de trigo com o líquido iónico acetato de 1-etil-3-metilimidazólio ([emim][OAc]), que permitiu o fracionamento da mesma em frações de celulose, hemicelulose e lenhina num simples processo de três etapas. Com este processo de pré-tratamento foram estudadas diferentes temperaturas (80-140°C) e tempos (2-18h) de dissolução da biomassa no [emim][OAc]. A técnica de Espectroscopia de Infravermelho com Transformadas de Fourier (FTIR) permitiu efetuar análises qualitativas e quantitativas de todas as frações obtidas nos pré-tratamentos realizados. Para as frações ricas em celulose foram efetuados ensaios de hidrólise enzimática para avaliar o conteúdo em glucose. Além disso, a dependência da recuperação destas mesmas frações nas diferentes condições experimentais do pré-tratamento foi avaliada através de análises de regressão linear múltipla. O pré-tratamento a 140°C durante 6h deu o melhor resultado, no que toca à recuperação das frações ricas em celulose, onde se obteve uma recuperação de 37.1% (m/m) relativamente à massa inicial de biomassa utilizada. Para as mesmas condições, também foram obtidos resultados com elevada pureza, tanto para a fração de hemicelulose (96% em hidratos de carbono), bem como para a fração em lenhina (97%). Do mesmo modo, foi verificado um elevado teor em glucose (81.1% m/mbiomassa) presente na fração celulósica. No final de cada pré-tratamento realizado, o LI foi recuperado atingindo sempre valores de recuperação superiores a 86% (m/m). Para avaliar a pureza dos LIs após os pré-tratamentos utilizou-se a técnica de espectroscopia de ressonância magnética nuclear (RMN). Para além disso, os LIs recuperados foram analisados através da técnica eletroforese capilar (EC) para investigar a presença de compostos fenólicos de valor acrescentado. Desta análise, foi possível verificar a presença de compostos de vanilina e seus derivados, bem como outros produtos derivados da lenhina. O outro estudo centrou-se num processo de auto-hidrólise assistido com CO2 da palha de trigo, com o objetivo de dissolver seletivamente a fração hemicelulósica. A formação in situ de ácido carbónico resultou numa maior dissolução da hemicelulose comparativamente a um processo de auto-hidrólise da palha de trigo em condições análogas (temperatura e razão líquido-sólido (RLS)). Um aumento da quantidade de CO2 obtido através da diminuição da quantidade de biomassa levou a um aumento de mais de 60% de xilo-oligossacáridos (XOS) dissolvidos. Nomeadamente, a 210°C foi verificada uma recuperação de 15.75g·L-1 em XOS comparativamente a uma recuperação de 9.54 g·L-1 obtida num processo de auto-hidrólise sem adição de CO2. Nestas condições, foi também verificado um enriquecimento de 20% (m/m) em glucose no sólido recuperado.The present work is devoted to the pre-treatment of lignocellulosic biomass by two alternative solvents – ionic liquids (ILs) and supercritical fluids (SCF). The IL study was focus on proposing a new methodology for the wheat straw pretreatment with the ionic liquid (IL), 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium acetate ([emim][OAc]), that allowed to obtain cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin-rich fractions in a rapid and simple three-step fractionation process. Various temperatures (80-140°C) and processing times (2-18h) of the pre-treatment were studied. The quantitative and qualitative analysis of each lignocellulosic biomass fractions were determined by FTIR measurements. The glucan content in recovered cellulose-rich fractions was investigated by an enzymatic hydrolysis. Cellulose recovery dependency on pre-treatment conditions was ascertained through the regression analysis. The optimal result for the recovery of the cellulose-rich fraction was obtained at 140°C during 6h achieving 37.1 % (w/w) of the initial biomass loading. For the same conditions, optimal results were also produced regarding the amount of the glucan present (81.1 % w/wbiomass) in cellulose-rich fractions, the carbohydrate enrichment in the hemicellulose fraction (96% wt) and the purity of lignin (97% wt).The recovery of IL was performed after each pre-treatment and the obtained yields were up to 86% (w/w). The recovered ILs were analyzed by 13C- and 1HNMR in order to verify their purities. The presence of value-added phenolic compounds in the recovered ILs was analyzed by capillary electrophoresis. Vanillin and its derivatives, as well as other ligninbased products were identified. The other study was centered in a CO2-assisted autohydrolysis treatment of wheat straw, in order to selectively dissolve the hemicellulose fraction. The in situ formation of carbonic acid resulted in a higher hemicellulose dissolution in comparison to autohydrolysis of wheat straw with analogous conditions (temperature and LSR). In addition, higher amount of CO2 obtained by the relative reduction of biomass amount treatment guided to an increase by more than 60% of xylo-oligosaccharides (XOS) recovered. Namely, at 210°C a XOS recovery of 15.75 g·L-1 was obtained versus a 9.54 g·L-1 recovery with an autohydrolysis pre-treatment without CO2 addition. Furthermore, an enrichment of 20% (w/w) of the glucan content in the recovered solid fraction was also verified at the same conditions with the CO2-assisted autohydrolysis pre-treatment

    Formulation and characterization of potential composites filaments from PLA and tobacco stems for application in additive manufacturing

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    A tecnologia de fabricação por filamento fundido (FFF) utilizando polímeros como PLA e ABS é bem conhecida. Contudo, o desenvolvimento de filamentos compósitos para esta tecnologia de manufatura aditiva, bem como a determinação dos parâmetros de processamento e das propriedades resultantes na extrusão e na impressão 3D, ainda requerem pesquisa. Esse estudo exploratório analisa as propriedades químicas, térmicas e a morfologia de filamento de matriz polimérica de PLA e talos de tabaco, visando sua utilização no processo FFF. Os materiais utilizados foram talos de tabaco moídos e PLA. As partículas de tabaco, com tamanho médio de 50 m, apresentaram-se aleatoriamente distribuídas no filamento. No entanto, aglomerados de partículas, bolhas e porosidades foram observados no centro do filamento. Ensaios por espectroscopia no infravermelho por transformada de Fourier mostraram que o filamento compósito apresentou interação mecânica entre os materiais. A análise térmica permitiu verificar que não houve degradação do pó de talos de tabaco, mantendo a integridade química e física do filamento compósito a temperatura de extrusão de 180 °C. A calorimetria exploratória diferencial revelou que as partículas de pó de talos de tabaco podem ter atuado como agente nucleante, aumentando o grau de cristalinidade do filamento compósito. Sugere-se para estudos futuros o aumento do percentual de pó de talos de tabaco, a investigação de outros métodos de preparação de compósitos, bem como um estudo da adição de plastificantes ou agentes compatibilizantes para aprimorar a ligação entre a interface do PLA e as partículas de tabaco.Fused filament fabrication (FFF) using polymers such as PLA and ABS are well known. However, the development of composite filaments for this type of additive manufacturing technology, as well as the study of processing parameters and properties resulting from extrusion process and printing still require investigation. This exploratory research aims to analyze chemical and thermal properties and the morphology of a composite filament from PLA polymer matrix and tobacco stems to seek its use in the FFF process. The materials used were waste of tobacco stems powder and PLA. Tobacco particles, with an average size of 50 m, have distribution on the filament. However, clusters of particles, bubbles and porosities were observed in the center of the filament. Fourier Transform Infrared analyses showed that the composite filament presented mechanical interaction between the materials. Thermal analyses allowed to verify that there was no degradation of tobacco stem powder. Therefore, chemical and physical integrity of the composite filament was kept at an extrusion temperature of 180 °C. Differential scanning calorimetry revealed that micronized particles of tobacco stems may have acted as nucleating agents for crystallization, increasing the crystallinity degree of the composite filament. It is recommended for future studies to increase the percentage of tobacco stems powder, the investigation of other methods for composites preparation, as well as a study of the addition of plasticizers or coupling agents to improve the interface between PLA and tobacco particles

    Perforated duodenal diverticulum: Surgical treatment and literature review

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    AbstractINTRODUCTIONDuodenum is the second most frequent location for a diverticulum in the digestive tract. Complications are rare and perforation was only reported in less than 200 cases.PRESENTATION OF CASEA 79-year-old female was admitted to Emergency Department with abdominal pain and vomiting for the last 24h. A CT scan was performed and moderated extra-luminal air was identified. During surgery a fourth portion perforated duodenal diverticulum was diagnosed and duodenal resection was performed.DISCUSSIONFirst reported in 1710, the incidence of duodenal diverticula can be as high as 22%. Nevertheless complications are extremely rare and include haemorrhage, inflammation, compression of surrounding organs, neoplastic progression, cholestasis and perforation.As perforations are often retroperitoneal, symptoms are nonspecific and rarely include peritoneal irritation, making clinical diagnose a challenge.CT scan will usually present extra-luminal retroperitoneal air and mesenteric fat stranding, providing clues for the diagnosis.Although non-operative treatment has been reported in selected patients, standard treatment is surgery and alternatives are diverse including diverticulectomy or duodenopancreatectomy.CONCLUSIONPerforated diverticula of the fourth portion of the duodenum are extremely rare and current evidence still supports surgery as the primary treatment modality

    Alternative strategy for pigments production using solid-statefermentation and cheese whey

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    Natural pigments have several industrial applications, namely in the textile industry for dyeing cloths, or in the food industry, as coloring agents. Pigments can also be used in cosmetics, leather or in the pharmaceutical industry. More recently, other applications were found for pigments like in histological staining, in solar cells or as pH indicators [1]. Microbial production of natural pigments has been considered a promising alternative to synthetic pigments. Filamentous fungi are known to produce many different pigments. Recently, some Penicillium species, such as P. chrysogenum and P. purpurogenum, were described as effective pigment producers. Solid-state fermentation (SSF) has gained attention and is preferred for fungi cultivation due to betters yields and easier and less expensive product recovery [2]. Preliminary results indicated that pigment production was favored when lactose was used as carbon source under submerged fermentation (SmF). Since CW, a by-product from cheese industry, contains high lactose content, it was used as an inexpensive alternative fermentation medium to induce the pigment production. In this work, the production of pigments by Penicillium sp. was evaluated under SSF conditions using an inert support and the results obtained were compared with those obtained under SmF conditions. The studied culture media comprised a synthetic medium [3] and alternative media containing cheese whey (CW). A mixture of three pigments (yellow, orange and red with max=400, 470 and 500 nm, respectively) was obtained. To evaluate the best conditions for pigments production, the sum of absorbances was determined and the synthetic medium under SmF conditions was used as reference medium to calculate the relative absorbance. After 12 days of fermentation, the synthetic medium presented the highest pigment production (Figure 1) for both SmF and SSF conditions. The supplementation of CW with yeast extract and peptone considerably improved the production of pigments under SmF conditions. On the other hand, under SSF conditions an increase in supplementation was followed by a decrease in pigments production. These results suggest that SSF combined with a more concentrated CW medium can be a promising strategy to improve pigment production using a less expensive fermentation condition and alternative media totally composed of an industrial by-product.This study was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the scope of the strategic funding of UIDB/04469/2020 unit and BioTecNorte operation (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000004) funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the scope of Norte2020 - Programa Operacional Regional do Norte.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Production of natural pigments by Penicillium brevicompactum using agro-industrial byproducts

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    The demand for natural pigments for industrial applications has significantly increased. Penicillium brevicompactum was recently reported as a promising pigments producer using submerged fermentation and a synthetic culture medium containing lactose. In this work, pigment production by P. brevicompactum was studied under different fermentation conditions, namely, submerged fermentation with free (SmF) and immobilized mycelium (SmFi), and solid-state fermentation (SSF). The potential of culture media composed of agro-industrial byproducts (cheese-whey (CW) and corn steep liquor (CSL)) was investigated for the first time as low-cost alternatives to pigment production by P. brevicompactum. The fungus showed great adaptability to the different culture media and types of fermentation, being able to synthesize pigments under all the tested conditions. A culture medium composed of 34.6 g/L of CW and 8 g/L of CSL proved to be the most suitable alternative to the synthetic medium, especially under SmF and SmFi. Our data also show that different mixtures of pigments (yellow, orange, and red) can be produced depending on the medium composition and the type of fermentation. Additionally, the immobilization and reuse of biomass to produce pigments by P. brevicompactum were demonstrated for the first time, suggesting the possibility of operating under repeated batch mode at an industrial scale.This study was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the scope of the strategic funding of UIDB/04469/2020 unit, and by LABBELS—Associate Laboratory in Biotechnology, Bioengineering and Microelectromechanical Systems, LA/P/0029/2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Alternative strategy for pigments production using solid-state fermentation and cheese whey

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    Natural pigments have several industrial applications, namely in the textile industry for dyeing cloths, or in the food industry, as coloring agents. Pigments can also be used in cosmetics, leather or in the pharmaceutical industry. More recently, other applications were found for pigments like in histological staining, in solar cells or as pH indicators [1]. Microbial production of natural pigments has been considered a promising alternative to synthetic pigments. Filamentous fungi are known to produce many different pigments. Recently, some Penicillium species, such as P. chrysogenum and P. purpurogenum, were described as effective pigment producers. Solid-state fermentation (SSF) has gained attention and is preferred for fungi cultivation due to betters yields and easier and less expensive product recovery [2]. Preliminary results indicated that pigment production was favored when lactose was used as carbon source under submerged fermentation (SmF). Since CW, a by-product from cheese industry, contains high lactose content, it was used as an inexpensive alternative fermentation medium to induce the pigment production. In this work, the production of pigments by Penicillium sp. was evaluated under SSF conditions using an inert support andthe results obtained were compared with those obtained under SmF conditions. The studied culture media comprised a synthetic medium [3] and alternative media containing cheese whey (CW). A mixture of three pigments (yellow, orange and red with max=400, 470 and 500 nm, respectively) was obtained. To evaluate the best conditions for pigments production, the sum of absorbances was determined and the synthetic medium under SmF conditions was used as reference medium to calculate the relative absorbance. After 12 days of fermentation, the synthetic medium presented the highest pigment production (Figure 1) for both SmF and SSF conditions. The supplementation of CW with yeast extract and peptone considerably improved the production of pigments under SmF conditions. On the other hand, under SSF conditions an increase in supplementation was followed by a decrease in pigments production. These results suggest that SSF combined with a more concentrated CW medium can be a promising strategy to improve pigment production using a less expensive fermentation condition and alternative media totally composed of an industrial by-product.This study was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the scope of the strategic funding of UIDB/04469/2020 unit and BioTecNorte operation (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000004) funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the scope of Norte2020 - Programa Operacional Regional do Norte.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Synthesis, characterization and cytotoxicity of Chitosan/Polyvinyl Alcohol/Bioactive Glass hybrid scaffolds obtained by lyophilization

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    One of the important research topics in tissue engineering is the development of optimum three-dimensional scaffolds for regeneration and growth of bone tissue. The scaffold developed should promote an initial bio-mechanical support, provide the formation, deposition and organization of the new organic matrix generated, and degrade proportionally to the growth of the new tissue. In this study hybrid scaffolds based on the blend Chitosan (CHI)/Poly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA), with two different CHI:PVA molar ratios (1:1, and 3:1), and Bioactive Glass as the inorganic phase, were developed by a sol-gel route, followed by lyophilization. The materials were cross-linked with Glutaraldehyde. The obtained porous scaffolds were characterized by SEM, FTIR, porosity measurements by Archimedes method, and compression test. The in vitro degradation was studied by immersion in simulated body fluid for several time periods and evaluation of mass loss. Citotoxi-city analysis was carried out on samples as prepared and after immersion in PBS solution for 24hrs, using human fibroblast cells and MTT method to evaluate cell viability. The matrices obtained showed promising results, presenting about 96% porosity, pore size varying in the range 20-300 μm, and interconnected pores. The mass loss presented by the matrices with CHI/PVA ratios 3:1 and 1:1 during the degradation test in vitro, was around 10% after a week of testing, with macroscopic preservation of their physical structure. Cytotoxi-city tests showed that the samples were toxic as produced and not toxic after treatment with PBS, showing this approach was suitable as a final preparation step of these samples.Fil: Da Silva, Alexandra Rodrigues Pereira. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais; BrasilFil: Macedo, Tais Lício. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais; BrasilFil: Coletta, Dante Jesus. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Rosario; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Laboratorio de Biología Osteoarticular, Ingeniería Tisular y Terapias Emergentes; ArgentinaFil: Feldman, Sara. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Laboratorio de Biología Osteoarticular, Ingeniería Tisular y Terapias Emergentes; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Rosario; ArgentinaFil: Pereira, Marivalda de Magalhães. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais; Brasi

    Estudo das alterações imunofenotípicas de populações linfocitárias em doentes com artrite reumatóide

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    A Artrite Reumatóide (AR) é uma doença auto-imune que devido às suas características tornam por si só os indivíduos afectados susceptíveis a infecções; imunocomprometimento que por vezes ainda é agravado por terapêuticas imunomodulatórias usadas para o seu tratamento. Este estudo tem como objectivo analisar, as populações/sub-populações de linfócitos conjuntamente com a análise das imunoglobulinas G e M, apresentando como factores discriminatórios, a idade, o sexo e a presença de terapêutica imunomodulatória, nos doentes com AR. Os resultados sugerem uma depleção significativa dos linfócitos B e um aumento dos T, os quais dão indícios para um aumento da susceptibilidade a infecções.Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease that due to their characteristics make itself affected individuals susceptible to infections, immunosuppression which sometimes is still aggravated by immunomodulatory therapies used to treat it. This study has as objective analyze the populations/sub-populations of lymphocytes together with the analysis of immunoglobulins G and M, presenting as discriminatory factors age, sex and the presence of immunomodulatory therapy in patients with RA. The results suggest a significant depletion of B cells and an increase in T, which give clues to an increased susceptibility to infections