409 research outputs found

    Energy for social transformation : a study of the West Nile region of Uganda

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    Sandy Stevens Tickodri-Togboa, Izael Pereira Da Silva - Electrification and energy provision in rural areasThis Paper presents the results of technical, financial, environmental and management feasibility studies into the provision of reliable, sustainable and environmentally-friendly supply of electricity to the north-west corner of Uganda, called the West Nile Region – a region that is highly populated by comparison with the average population densities of the country and whose location is of both strategic and economic importance in that it serves as a gateway to the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Central African Republic in the west and to the south of Sudan in the north. The study examines various possible options for supply of electricity to the region and concludes that the optimal mode is through micro/mini-hydro power plants to be built on the 19 potential sites along nine principal rivers that drain the five districts comprising the region. It presents the current situation of supply of electricity in the region. This is followed with a detailed study for the implementation of the site at Olewa – the site nearest and with sufficient capacity to supply the current largest load centre in the area, which are the Arua Municipality and its environs. Due to the close similarities amongst those sites, it is argued that the data and findings pertaining to the Olewa one can easily be extended to the others, which thus makes this study beneficial and of direct relevance for the whole region. The paper then proceeds to discuss some of the foreseeable transformations that are likely to emanate from availability of adequate and reliable electricity supply in the region and ends with concluding remarks and recommendations.This Paper presents the results of technical, financial, environmental and management feasibility studies into the provision of reliable, sustainable and environmentally-friendly supply of electricity to the north-west corner of Uganda, called the West Nile Region – a region that is highly populated by comparison with the average population densities of the country and whose location is of both strategic and economic importance in that it serves as a gateway to the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Central African Republic in the west and to the south of Sudan in the north. The study examines various possible options for supply of electricity to the region and concludes that the optimal mode is through micro/mini-hydro power plants to be built on the 19 potential sites along nine principal rivers that drain the five districts comprising the region. It presents the current situation of supply of electricity in the region. This is followed with a detailed study for the implementation of the site at Olewa – the site nearest and with sufficient capacity to supply the current largest load centre in the area, which are the Arua Municipality and its environs. Due to the close similarities amongst those sites, it is argued that the data and findings pertaining to the Olewa one can easily be extended to the others, which thus makes this study beneficial and of direct relevance for the whole region. The paper then proceeds to discuss some of the foreseeable transformations that are likely to emanate from availability of adequate and reliable electricity supply in the region and ends with concluding remarks and recommendations

    The Impact of Chemotherapy on the Neuromuscular Components of Gait

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    Background and Purpose: Pediatric cancers affect over ten thousand children in the United States each year. Although survival rates continue to climb, debilitating long-term side effects from cancer treatment are surfacing. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of chemotherapy on selected gait characteristics in children ages five to twenty-two. Methods: This was a prospective, cross-sectional study that investigated the differences found in and between children undergoing cancer treatment for non-central nervous system cancers and children without cancer. The data was collected in the oncology program of the two campuses of Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota. Sixty children with cancer and thirty-six children without cancer (controls) participated in this study. Each participant completed impairment testing including: ankle range of motion, ankle strength, and neuropathy rating using the ped-mTNS. Their gait pattern was recorded using the GaitRite Gait Analysis System and then each subject completed a 6 minute walk test. Results: Using MANOVA procedures, we found that subjects with cancer demonstrated significantly slower walking velocity, decreased cadence, and shorter step length (α≤.05) compared to controls. No significant gait differences were found between cancer patients who received vincristine and those who received IT methotrexate in addition to vincristine (α≥.05). Within the cancer group, significant correlations were found between underlying impairments of ankle dorsiflexion strength, and neuropathy with selected gait characteristics (α≤.05). Significant correlations were also found between the distance walked in six minutes with velocity and step length (α≤.05). Conclusions: Children who received chemotherapy treatment had significantly slower velocities, decreased cadence and shorter step lengths when compared to controls. However, adding IT methotrexate in addition to vincristine did not significantly impact gait characteristics. Underlying impairments, such as ankle strength, significantly affected gait characteristics. Finally, the distance children with cancer walked in six minutes was negatively impacted by their decreased velocity and step length. Overall, this study gives insight into the debilitating effects chemotherapy has on selected gait characteristics. Physical therapy may benefit this population by working to improve gait patterns and overall function

    A gestão centrada no cliente: avaliação do nível de preparação organizacional e proposta de segmentação em ambiente business-to-business

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    Dissertação apresentada como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Estatística e Gestão de InformaçãoEsta investigação situa-se no âmbito organizacional numa empresa multinacional cujo core business é a comercialização de lentes, mas que também opera no mercado de armações de óptica (e de sol). Os clientes da empresa são essencialmente lojas de óptica, designadas por ópticas ou oculistas. Este projecto incide no desenvolvimento de uma proposta de segmentação da carteira de clientes no mercado de armações com base em dados transaccionais e utilizando o conceito de Customer Lifetime Value. Em primeiro lugar, procurou-se avaliar se a empresa está verdadeiramente centrada no cliente e se está apta a desenvolver segmentações na sua carteira de clientes, avaliando a receptividade por parte da empresa em adoptar uma filosofia de gestão centrada no cliente. O presente estudo teve como objectivos seguintes mostrar em quantos segmentos puderam ser agrupados os clientes da empresa, estudar quais as características de cada segmento de clientes e avaliar a rentabilidade de cada segmento, identificando quais os grupos de clientes mais rentáveis. A partir do conhecimento extraído das etapas anteriores, pretendeu-se, adicionalmente, apresentar pistas de actuação para programas de marketing com a finalidade de desenvolver a rentabilidade de cada segmento e promover o valor da empresa, actuando na retenção e desenvolvimento dos seus clientes. Espera-se com este estudo, apoiar a tomada de decisão a nível comercial e a nível de marketing e comunicação, no contexto de Customer Relationship Management

    As artes da máscara: comportamento e moda como expressão da identidade

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    Mestrado em Criação Artística ContemporâneaA comunicação como ferramenta inerente, essencial e imprescindível à convivência dos indivíduos constituiu a matriz que conduz esta dissertação. Ao falar-se de comunicação, procura-se dar ênfase à sua forma traduzida nos comportamentos, atitudes e estilos cujos indivíduos optam por transmitir como resultado da expressão da sua identidade e personalidade. Identidade e personalidade estas, desenvolvidas por meio da interacção social e na adaptação individual de acordo com as obrigações pessoais e sociais de cada sujeito. A interacção com pessoa, objectos e situações determina reacções que se reflectem nos comportamentos, na linguagem corporal (e por sua vez, facial), como também, sob a forma de imagem visual adoptada, que é o caso do estilo e da moda que cada indivíduo apresenta. Deste modo, o presente trabalho tem o intuito de pesquisar, analisar e transmitir o modo pelo qual o ser humano procura fazer a sua expressão pessoal, isto é, a forma como comunica a sua identidade através de “máscaras sociais”, ou seja representações da sua personalidade/identidade no contexto de adaptação ao quotidiano.Communication is a fundamental tool, necessary for social development, world evolution and human survival, and is engaged as an essential part of the study taking place. When speaking of communication, what we look for is to enhance its translation over the form of the individuals chosen behavior, attitudes and styles, seen as a means of individual expression. Expression such, that is the result of the individualʼs personal identity, as well as, it´s social gains. This personal identity is developed through social interaction and individual adaption according to its social obligations. Such social responsibilities infuse the individuals a personal and mental exercise that assure them the needed reaction to respond to all the incitements, all the situations, all the people and objects of which they interact with. These reactions reflect upon the individual´s corporal language (facial and verbal), such as, their visual appearance, meaning their presented style and fashion. Therefore, the essay-taking place engages the cause to research, analyze and transmit how the individual expression is formed, which in other words, it means the way it communicates it´s identity through the “social masks” that are basically its reactions, its personality / identity in the context of social adaption

    Manejo de residuos sólidos hospitalarios del centro de salud Soritor

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    In the Soritor Health Center the work of managing of the Hospitable Solid Residues is slightly frequent, for what it is necessary be in constant training not only focus on the cleaning staff if not to all the staff that works in the Center has already mentioned, why most of his time spend in their place of employment, are in direct contact with the patients what they want to say that diseases can more easily. The logistics area does not have the necessary materials for the protection of the cleaning staff, the workers on their part, must require the network of health that provide them with suitable materials for the correct development of the solid waste management and so avoid accidents and pollution in the Health Center. The health center must take into account how important it is to be the path we will pick you up from the waste and the proper time zone to avoid that patients have direct contact with these residues. lt is important that the cleaning staff count with the clothing (clothing) and appropriate equipment as containers with wheels to make your work and so avoid the direct contact with the Waste and acquire any disease. The solid waste management monitoring must be constant so that the personnel working in the Center take as part of your routine work the proper waste handling in such a way that is no longer something tedious perform such work. Key words: Hospitable Solid Residues, solid waste management.En el Centro de . Salud Soritor el trabajo · de manejo de los Residuos Sólidos Hospitalarios es poco frecuente, por lo que se necesita estar en constante capacitación no solo centrarnos en el personal de limpieza si no a todo el personal que labora en el Centro ya mencionado, por que la mayor parte de su tiempo lo pasan en su lugar de trabajo, están en contacto directo con los pacientes lo que quiere decir que pueden contraer enfermedades con mayor facilidad. El área de logística no cuenta con los materiales necesarios para la protección del personal de limpieza los trabajadores por su parte deben exigir a la red de salud que les proporcionen materiales adecuados para el correcto desarrollo del manejo de los Residuos Sólidos y evitar de esta manera accidentes y contaminación en el Centro de Salud. El centro de salud debe tener en cuenta lo importante que es tener la ruta de recojo de los Residuos y el horario adecuado para evitar que los pacientes tengan contacto directo con dichos residuos. Es importante que el personal de limpieza cuente con la indumentaria (Ropa Adecuada) y equipo adecuado como recipientes con ruedas para realizar su trabajo y evitar de esta manera el contacto directo con los Residuos y adquirir alguna enfermedad. El monitoreo del manejo de los Residuos Sólidos debe ser constante para que de esta manera el personal que labora en dicho Centro lo tome como parte de su rutina de trabajo el manejo adecuado de los Residuos de tal forma que ya no sea algo tedioso realizar dicho trabajo. La disposición final de los residuos sólidos no es el adecuado pero por falta de presupuesto no se puede acceder a otra alterativa.Tesi

    Estrés laboral y nivel de satisfacción de las usuarias del servicio de obstetricia de una Microred de Salud - Lambayeque

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    Esta investigación tuvo como propósito determinar la relación entre el estrés laboral ynivel de satisfacción de las usuarias del servicio de obstetricia de una Microred de Salud- Lambayeque, 2022, cuyo argumento se basa en la teoría de Maslach y Jackson para la variable de estrés laboral y la teoría de dos factores para la satisfacción del usuario. El tipo de investigación fue básico descriptivo, con diseño no experimental, transversal; la muestra fue de 24 obstetras con un muestreo por conveniencia y 24 usuarias escogidas por aleatorización simple; la técnica usada fue la encuesta con doscuestionarios tipo Likert con 18 ítems cada uno, fueron validados por juicios de cinco expertos, para estimar la confiabilidad se ejecutó una prueba piloto en 15 obstetras y 15 gestantes, obteniéndose un valor de 0,0810 y 0,025, para el estrés laboral y satisfacción del usuario, respectivamente, siendo considerada elevada. Como resultados se obtuvo un nivel medio de estrés laboral (58.3%) y un nivel bajo (37.5%) de satisfacción del usuario, la relación entre las dimensiones de ambas variables fue significativa. Se concluyó que existe una correlación inversa - significativa entre ambasvariables, es decir, a mayor estrés laboral, menor es el nivel de satisfacción

    Da culpa à morte de uma personagem lésbica

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    Otimização do processo de aprovisionamento de materiais à consignação provenientes da Ásia na Grohe Portugal

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    Mestrado em Engenharia e Gestão IndustrialO presente projeto foi realizado em contexto empresarial, na GROHE Portugal. A presença global desta empresa de componentes sanitários implica a gestão de uma cadeia de abastecimento bastante complexa, que exige o aprimoramento de todos os processos de aprovisionamento. Assim sendo, o foco do projeto foi a otimização do processo de materiais à consignação provenientes da Ásia. Para se alcançar esse objetivo foram desenvolvidas 3 soluções que visam o alcance de sub-objetivos. Para diminuição dos custos associados a este processo foram redefinidas as quantidades de picking dos materiais. Para rentabilização do espaço disponível no armazém foram reavaliados os atuais e os possíveis materiais à consignação. Para diminuição da probabilidade de rutura e excesso de stock e consequente otimização do tempo dos aprovisionadores nessa área foi implementado um dashboard de monitorização. Os resultados obtidos foram bastante significativos uma vez que da primeira solução se conseguiu uma redução de 9% dos custos no processo. Com a segunda solução, apesar da mesma não ter sido implementada, estima-se um ganho de 91%, comparativamente com a estratégia atual. A última solução, o dashboard, permitiu uma melhoria na monitorização destes materiais, associada a uma redução de cerca de 50% no tempo de aprovisionamento. Em suma, analisou-se o processo em questão, averiguaram-se e apresentaram-se as soluções, implementaram-se duas delas e quantificaramse os resultados obtidos.This project was carried out in a business context at GROHE Portugal. The fact that this company of sanitary components has a global presence implies the management of a complex supply chain that requires improvement of all disposition processes. Therefore, the focus of the project was to optimize the consigned material from Asia. In order to fulfill this goal were developed 3 solutions have been developed, aimed to achieving smaller goals. The amount of call-off of materials has been reset to optimize the costs associated with this process. To optimize the available space in the warehouse, consigment materials were reassessed. To decrease the probability of rupture, excess stock and to consequently optimize the time of disposers was implemented a dashboard monitoring. The results were quite significant since the first solution is able to reduce about 9% of costs. With the second solution, even though this solution has not been implemented, there is estimated gain of 91% compared with the actual strategy. The latter solution, the dashboard, allowed an improvement in the monitoring of such materials associated with a reduction of about 50% in the supply of time. In short, we analyzed the process in question, ascertained and presented the solutions, implemented 2 of them and collected the results obtained

    Reactivación económica y las cuentas por pagar de las Mypes sector textil, San Juan de Lurigancho - 2020

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo general: Describir de qué manera la Reactivación Económica se relaciona con las cuentas por pagar de las MYPES sector textil, San Juan de Lurigancho, año - 2020. Esta investigación fue de tipo aplicada, de nivel descriptivo correlacional, de diseño no experimental con el enfoque cuantitativo, el cual contemplo la recolección de datos, donde se utilizaron técnicas de entrevistas referente a la práctica de campo se empleó el método del cuestionario, se utilizó la encuesta como instrumento para obtener información y fue conformado por 39 preguntas, validado por juicio de tres expertos posteriormente se recopilo los datos mediante SPSS V25, para ser encaminadas a gráficos estadísticos con sus correspondientes interpretaciones. Por lo tanto, las hipótesis formuladas fueron demostradas después obtuvimos los resultados y nos muestran que la reactivación económica si guarda relación con las cuentas por pagar de las Mypes sector textil, del distrito de San Juan de Lurigancho. Se concluye que la relación entre Reactivación económica y Cuentas por pagar hacia la estadística en las empresas Mypes es alta y si tiene relación. Mediante ella el contribuyente puede elegir la reactivación económica que contribuya a las mypes a optimizar y mejorar el funcionamiento de las empresas, donde los beneficios cuentas por pagar consiste en ampliar la colocación del crédito productivo a través de canales de préstamos que mejoran en el manejo de la información crediticia, ampliar la cobertura de la banca pública asegura la sostenibilidad en las mypes

    La intervención humor en la interacción enfermero-paciente

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    Objective: To describe the factors influencing the use of humor in nursing care, its applicability and benefits. Method: A scoping review was performed using the Arksey and O’Mally methodology. A search for articles published between 2008 and 2018 was performed using the platforms EBSCO Host, Virtual Health Library and Google Scholar. Results: From the initial 465 articles found, 17 were included for final revision. Data allowed to retrieve information on humor definition; its applicability as a nursing intervention; humor as a tool to improve nurse-patient communication and relationship; influence factors; type of humor interventions; humor benefits in health care context and; limitations and precautions of humor intervention. Conclusion: The use of humor promotes both communication and human interaction; it promotes well-being; helps deal/cope with difficult and unpleasant situations, reduces tension, discomfort and stress; and strengthens the immune system. This intervention should be used with caution