5,140 research outputs found

    Inventário de compreensão de textos na modalidade de leitura: construção e validação

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Psicologia (área de especialização em Psicologia Escolar e da Educação)Na sociedade atual, o sucesso nos diferentes aspetos da vida depende, em larga medida, da competência de leitura, visto que a comunicação e transmissão do conhecimento é predominantemente efetuada através de fontes impressas (Ribeiro, 2005). O estudo da compreensão leitora é fundamental para a prevenção e o diagnóstico de dificuldades de leitura, bem como para a avaliação dos efeitos de programas de intervenção. No entanto, os instrumentos de avaliação existentes no nosso país encontram-se ainda em fase de elaboração ou não apresentam estudos de validade para que possam ser utilizados em avaliações fiáveis de níveis de desempenho (Sim-Sim & Viana,2007). É neste contexto que se inscreve esta dissertação cujo objetivo é descrever a construção e validação do Inventário de Compreensão de Textos na Modalidade de Leitura (ICTML). A prova inclui um texto narrativo e outro informativo. Os itens compreendem perguntas que requerem respostas de escolha múltipla. Para cada item são propostas 3 alternativas das quais apenas uma está correta. Os itens avaliam a compreensão literal (12), a compreensão inferencial (10), a reorganização de informação (3) e a compreensão crítica (2). A prova pode ser aplicada de modo coletivo ou individual e é realizada sem tempo limite. O ICTML foi administrado a 81 crianças do 3.º ano do 1.º Ciclo de um agrupamento de escolas da zona norte do país. Para avaliar a validade da prova foram aplicadas outras medidas: PRP – Prova de Reconhecimento de Palavras; TCL – Teste de Compreensão Leitora; TIL – Teste de Idade de Leitura, a prova Memória de Dígitos em sentido inverso; e a avaliação do desempenho em leitura (compreensão) efetuada pelos professores. Os resultados da análise estatística dos itens apontaram valores de índice de dificuldade elevados indicando que se trata de uma prova fácil. Em estudos posteriores será necessário incluir itens com índice de dificuldade mais baixo de modo a aumentar a sensibilidade da prova. O valor médio do índice de discriminação é de 0.70, variando entre 0.20 e 0.95. O valor do coeficiente de consistência interna é elevado (0.84). Os coeficientes de correlação do ICTML foram positivos e estatisticamente significativos com os resultados obtidos pelos alunos no TCL, no TIL e com a avaliação dos professores. Os coeficientes de correlação do ICTML com a Memória de Dígitos em sentido inverso e a PRP não são estatisticamente significativos. Tendo em conta a relevância deste instrumento e a exploração das suas características psicométricas, sugere-se a continuidade da investigação na área, nomeadamente a realização de um estudo com uma amostra mais alargada e superando as limitações enumeradas relativamente ao índice de dificuldade dos itens.In today's society, success in the different aspects of life depends, to a large extent, on the reading ability, as the communication and transmission of knowledge is predominantly done through written sources (Ribeiro, 2005). The study of reading comprehension is fundamental to the prevention and the diagnosis of reading difficulties, as well as to the assessment of the impact on intervention programs. However, in our country the existing assessment instruments are either, still in the early stages of elaboration, or they don't present validation studies so they can be used in reliable performance level assessments (Sim-Sim & Viana, 2007). It's in this context that this dissertation is developed. The main objective is to describe the construction and validation of the Text Reading Comprehension Inventory (TRCI). This instrument includes both narrative and informative texts. The items consist of questions that require multiple choice answers. It is proposed for each item 3 alternatives from which only one is correct. The items assess the literal comprehension (12), inferential comprehension (10), information rearrangement (reorganization) (3) and critical comprehension (2). The test can be individually or collectivelly applied and it is performed without a time limit. The TRCI was administered to 81 children of the 3rd grade attending schools from northern zones of the country. To assess the validity of the TRCI other measures were applied: WRT – Word Reading Test; RCT – Reading Comprehension Test; ART – Age Reading Test; Backward Digit Span task; and performance assessment in reading (comprehension) carried out by teachers. The items’ statistical analysis results pointed out high difficulty index values indicating that it is an easy test. In subsequent studies it would be necessary to include items with lower difficulty index in order to increase the sensitivity of this instrument. The average value of the discrimination index is 0.70, ranging between 0.20 and 0.95. The value of the internal consistency coefficient is high (0.84). The correlation coefficients of ICTML were positive and statistically significant with the results obtained in RCT, ART and the assessment made by teachers. The correlation coefficients of ICTML with the Backward Digit Span task and WRT are, on the other hand, not statistically significant. Considering the relevance of this instrument and the exploitation of their psychometric characteristics, we suggest the continuity of research in the area, including a study with a wider sample and overcoming the constraints listed on the items’ difficulty index

    Translation And Validation Of The Manchester Clinical Supervision Scale©: Effective Clinical Supervision Evaluation

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    AbstractIn Portugal, we are at the beginning of clinical supervision in nursing. We carried out a research to translate and validate the Manchester Clinical Supervision Scale© (MCSS) into Portuguese language from Portugal. Thus, we can assess the clinical supervision process. We applied the methods of translation and back – translation and experts analyzed translations. MCSS and the back translation were compared by collaborative parties. An empirical study using a test – retest design was made to estimate cross-cultural relevance. Cronbach's alpha value for the total score was 0,923 in both periods. The Portuguese version is culturally acceptable and consistent with the original

    Clinical Supervision in Nursing: Effective Pathway to Quality

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    AbstractEffects of clinical supervision on the quality of care are a key aspect in the improvement of quality and they were defined as a target area by the World Health Organization (Hyrkäs & Lethi, 2003). The aim of this exploratory, descriptive and longitudinal study was to develop a clinical supervision in nursing model that best supports the nurses’ professional practice. The research was done in several health institutions. With this article we pretend to publicize the results of the application of the Portuguese version of the Manchester Clinical Supervision Scale© after the implementation of our clinical supervision in nursing model

    Recursos naturais renováveis : sementes, pigmentos e argila na prática pedagógica em arte-educação

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    Monografia (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Universidade Aberta do Brasil, 2013. Curso de Licenciatura em Artes Visuais a Distância.O presente trabalho de conclusão de curso tem como objetivo principal desenvolver o ensino de artes visuais, tendo como recursos pedagógicos os materiais naturais existentes na região, motivando os educandos a demonstrarem um maior desempenho durante as aulas de artes e proporcionando ao educador de arte trabalhar os conteúdos artísticos de forma dinâmica. Esta pesquisa tem como finalidade possibilitar ao aluno o conhecimento sobre a importância de cuidar do meio ambiente, transformando os recursos naturais em ferramentas importantes para o ensino, visto que se sabe que muitos materiais naturais são descartados pelas pessoas, sendo que os mesmos, quando aproveitados de maneira correta, podem ser de grande utilidade na arte. Tendo o aluno conhecimento da importância de preservar o meio ambiente e a eficiência que os materiais podem lhes proporcionar, terá condições de desenvolver com autoconfiança sua produção artística

    Choosing audio devices on the basis of listeners’ spatial perception: A case study of headphones vs in-earphones

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    The Earphones and Headphones industry is steadily growing following the emergence of new technological advancements and new applications. New methods to determine listeners’ performance using different types of audio output devices will be in high demand. In this paper we adapt a methodology for evaluation of listeners’ auditory localization accuracy to support the choice between two devices. As a case study, we compare a particular set of in-earphones and headphones. Our goal was to present a method that allowed us to: (1) conclude which audio device provided the most accurate sense of auditory localization; (2) understand the effect of training on task performance; and (3) determine which type of device benefits the most from short sessions of training in auditory localization. Participants had better performances using headphones. Nevertheless, we can reduce the differences between devices if short training sessions are included and the same device is used between training and test.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The HIF System Response to ESA Therapy in CKD‐Anemia

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    Anemia is a common complication of chronic kidney disease (CKD) associated with disease progression and increased mortality. This anemia is mainly due to inadequate production of erythropoietin (EPO) by the failing kidneys, resulting from the reduction in renal EPO‐producing cells (REPC) or from dysregulation of the hypoxia‐inducible factor (HIF) system that regulates several genes related to hypoxia, angiogenesis, fibrosis and glucose metabolism, among others. In this chapter, we present a review on the HIF system in CKD‐anemia, the HIF response to erythropoiesis‐stimulating agents (ESA) therapy and its potential involvement in the development of ESA resistance by enhancing kidney fibrosis and inflammation. Due to concerns related to ESA use, new drugs to correct anemia are under study, being the prolyl hydroxylase inhibitors the most promising candidates

    Aprender a compreender. Da teoria à prática pedagógica

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    Resumo Neste artigo são apresentados dois programas de ensino explícito da compreensão de leitura – “Aprender a compreender torna mais fácil o saber” e “Aprender a compreender… Do saber ao saber fazer” – destinados a alunos do 3.º ao 6.º anos de escolaridade e que podem ser desenvolvidos em contexto de sala de aula ou em contexto de grupo de apoio/recuperação. São apresentados exemplos de operacionalização das estratégias propostas, com o recurso à Família Compreensão, um conjunto de personagens especialmente criado para estes programas com o objetivo de modelar, no leitor, o uso das estratégias mais adequadas para executar as tarefas, munindo-o de instrumentos para regular a sua compreensão e colmatar lacunas e/ou dificuldades em compreender quer os textos lidos, quer as próprias perguntas que orientam a leitura dos mesmos. Palavras chave: Compreensão da leitura, ensino explícito, metacogniçãoThis article presents two reading comprehension teaching programs. “Aprender a compreender torna mais fácil o saber” and “Aprender a compreender. Do saber… ao saber fazer” created for students from the 3rd to the 6th year of scholarship. They can be developed during class or in support/recovery work groups. In the programs, examples of the proposed learning strategies are presented, through the use of the “Comprehension Family”, a set of characters created specifically for these programs with the purpose of giving the readers different ways to use strategies fitted to complete each task, and also different instruments to regulate comprehension and complement possible gaps and/or difficulties in comprehending the texts read and the questions that complement them.CIEC - Centro de Investigação em Estudos da Criança, UM (UI 317 da FCT

    Evidências sobre aplicação das bandas neuromusculares na reabilitação do pé nos doentes pós Acidente Vascular Cerebral

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    Objective: To determine the benefits of the application of neuromuscular bands in the rehabilitation of the foot in post-stroke patients. Methodology: A systematic review of the literature according to the model of Joanna Briggs Institute. Studies have been included in adults after stroke to which neuromuscular bands have been applied. Five independent reviewers performed the critical evaluation, extraction and synthesis of the data. Presentation and interpretation of results: The 4 included studies reported improvements in body posture, ambulation and sensory perception. Conclusion: The studies analyzed suggest that neuromuscular bands may be a promising method to be used as a complementary method in the treatment of the patient's foot post stroke, and further studies are needed in this area.Objetivo: Determinar los beneficios de la aplicación de bandas neuromusculares en la rehabilitación del pie en pacientes después de un accidente vascular cerebral. Metodología: Estudio de revisión sistemática de la literatura según el modelo de Joanna Briggs Institute. Se incluyeron estudios en adultos post accidente cerebrovascular a los que se aplicaron bandas neuromusculares. Cinco revisores independientes realizaron la evaluación crítica, extracción y síntesis de los datos. Presentación e interpretación de los resultados: Los 4 estudios incluidos reportaron mejoras en la postura corporal, deambulación y percepción sensorial. Conclusión: Los estudios analizados sugieren que las bandas neuromusculares pueden ser un método prometedor que se utilizará como método complementario en el tratamiento del pie del paciente post accidente cerebrovascular, y se necesitan más estudios en este ámbito.Objetivo: Determinar os benefícios da aplicação das bandas neuromusculares na reabilitação do pé nos doentes pós acidente vascular cerebral. Metodologia: Estudo de revisão sistemática da literatura segundo o modelo de Joanna Briggs Institute. Incluíram-se estudos em adultos pós acidente vascular cerebral aos quais foram aplicadas bandas neuromusculares. Cinco revisores independentes realizaram a avaliação critica, extração e síntese dos dados. Apresentação e interpretação dos resultados: Os 4 estudos incluídos reportaram melhorias na postura corporal, deambulação e perceção sensorial. Conclusão: Os estudos analisados sugerem que as bandas neuromusculares podem ser um método promissor a ser utilizado como método complementar no tratamento do pé do doente pós acidente vascular cerebral, sendo que são necessários mais estudos neste âmbito

    Career resources in higher education: characterization and diagnosis of psychoeducational needs

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    Hirschi, Nagy, Baumeler, Johnston and Spurk (2018) propose a comprehensive framework to assess key predictors of career success based on meta-analytic research. Four types of career resources, defined as “anything that helps an individual attain his or her career goals” (p. 4, Hirschi et al., 2018), are identified as predictors of subjective and objective career success. Those resources integrate: (a) human capital resources, which refer to knowledge, skills, abilities and other characteristics that are important to meet performance expectations for a given occupation; (b) social capital resources, referring to resources external to the individual in terms of developmental networks, mentors, and available social support; (c) psychological resources, that include different positive psychological traits and states; and (d) career identity resources, which concern the conscious awareness of oneself as a worker and the subjective meanings linked with the work role. One crucial question from this theoretical proposal is to what extent different career resources can be fostered through e-learning, and what is the effect of such development? This study aims to contribute to responding to that question. A preliminary study was conducted to assess career resource needs among higher education students, in order to conceptualize and develop a distance career intervention program. For the needs´ diagnosis, the Career Resources Questionnaire (CRQ, Monteiro & Almeida, 2021, adapted from Hirschi et al., 2018), composed of twelve dimensions – Occupational Expertise; Job Market Knowledge; Soft Skills; Organizational Career Support; Job Challenge; Social Career Support; Career Involvement; Career Confidence; Career Clarity; Networking; Career Exploration; Learning -, was applied to 1898 students from the 1st, 3rd and 5th year of different graduation courses at two Portuguese universities. Most participants identify themselves with the feminine gender (67.7%), and their ages range from 17 to 74 years old (M = 23.33, SD = 8.52). Part of the students is engaged in a paid professional activity (24.5%). The percentage of students with special educational needs is 1.8%. Descriptive and inferential statistics of the collected data were computed in order to inform the intervention planning about: (I) the career resources with higher and lower scores among the total sample; (ii) the correlation between the different career resources dimensions; (iii) the potential needs related to singular characteristics (social and cultural background, course year, institution, professional experience and special education needs). The obtained results indicated higher scores for the dimensions of Social Support, Study Challenge and Course Involvement. Lower scores were identified in the dimensions of Market Knowledge, Career Exploration and Institutional Support. The CRQ dimensions were positively correlated with each other, which means an overall need for a homogeneous intervention across the dimensions was identified as relevant. Regarding singular characteristics, differences were identified according to the course year and professional experience.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio