8 research outputs found

    Alcaloides e outros constituintes de Xylopia langsdorffiana (Annonaceae)

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    The phytochemical investigation of Xylopia langsdorffiana led to the isolation of corytenchine, xylopinine, discretamine, xylopine, ent-atisan-16α-hydroxy-18-oic acid, 13² (S) hydroxy-17³-ethoxyphaephorbide and quercetin-3-α-rhamnoside. Their structures were assigned based on spectroscopic analyses, including two-dimensional NMR techniques. Antioxidant activities of discretamine were measured using the 1,2-diphenyl- 2-picryl-hydrazyl (DPPH) free radical scavenging assay


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    The present prospective work of scientific articles related to foods and natural products with anti-Covid activity in databases in order to present a scientific community, to governments and society as main foods, nutraceuticals and medicinal plants as strategies used by countries during the COVID-19 pandemic. A review of articles on food, medicinal plants and biotechnology was carried out in databases of scientific articles such as: CAPES journals, PubMed, Elsevier's Science Direct, Willey on library library, Taylor & Francis Springer-Nature database, BMC, Hindawi, Scielo, ACS - American Chemical Society, Google Scholar, in addition to the Patent Database “The LENS” and “Questel-Orbit”. Foods used in daily life such as garlic, ginger, turmeric, sour orange, vegetables, lactobacilli demonstrate proven anti-virus action. Medicinal plants used by Traditional Chinese, Korean and Indian Medicine also demonstrate anti-Covid activity and used during the coronavirus outbreak. Some medicinal plants, green propolis extract, red propolis extract, royal gelly, polen, honey have also been cited as anti-covid, natural anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory products.O presente trabalho prospectou artigos científicos relacionadas à alimentos e produtos naturais com atividade anti-Covid com o intuito de apresentar, à comunidade científica, aos governos e à sociedade, dados sobre as principais estratégias nutracêuticas, biotecnológicas e plantas medicinais utilizadas em alguns países durante o enfrentamento da pandemia COVID-19. A revisão de artigos sobre alimentos, plantas medicinais e produtos biotecnológicos foi realizada nas bases de dados periódicos da CAPES, PubMed, Science Direct, Willey on line library, Springer-Nature, Taylor & Francis, BMC, Hindawi, Scielo, ACS – American Chemical Society, Google acadêmico, “The LENS” e Questel-Orbit. Alimentos de uso frequente como alho, gengibre, cúrcuma, laranja azeda, vegetais e lactobacilos demonstraram ação anti-coronavirus comprovada. Foram descritos usos de plantas medicinais da Medicina tradicional Chinesa, Coreana, Indiana bastante utilizadas durante a pandemia. Algumas plantas medicinais e nutracêuticos como: extrato de própolis verde e extrato de própolis vermelha brasileiras, geleia real, pólen e mel também foram citados como produtos anti-covid, antiinflamatórios naturais e imunomodulatórios

    The Use of Medicinal Plants in Maceió, Northeastern Brazil: An Ethnobotanical Survey

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    Background: The purpose of this study was to record and analyze the knowledge of medicinal plant use in the community in urban areas of Maceió city, Brazil. Methods: A total of 113 patients from the basic healthcare unit were assessed. Results: Approximately 95% of the interviewed stated that the plants were used for medicinal purposes. The majority of respondents were women (94.7%) who were between 51-60 years of age. Forty-eight plant species belonging to 28 families were cited as useful for medicinal purposes. The main families encountered were Lamiaceae (16.6%), Asteraceae (8.3%), Myrtaceae (6.2%), Fabaceae (6.2%), Annonaceae (4.1%), Laureaceae (4.1%), Rutaceae (4.1%), and Zingiberaceae (4.1%). These plants were used to treat a wide range of disturbances, including gastrointestinal, respiratory, and cardiovascular diseases. The majority of the respondents used decoctions of leaves that were cultivated in house (58.4%) to make their herbal preparations. The respondents revealed that medicinal plant preparations were safe and unaware of that are risks associated with their use. Conclusions: Medicinal plants still play an important role in the medical practices of the urban population from Maceió, Brazil. Our results highlight the importance of these plants for local people and indicate the need for further scientific investigations to validate their use as a complementary therapy for disease control

    Phytochemical profile, evaluation of antimicrobial and antioxidant activity in vitro of the hydroalcoholic extract of two species of the genus Cyperus (Cyperaceae)

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    Several factors contribute to the resistance of some pathogenic microorganisms and this fact requires the search for new therapeutic alternatives. The genus Cyperus (family Cyperaceae) groups species that present chemical compounds of pharmacological interest, mainly with antimicrobial action. Thus, the present work was carried out to investigate the antimicrobial activities, antioxidants and the phytochemical profile of Cyperus articulatus L. and Cyperus iria L. Hydroalcoholic extracts (1:1, v:v) of the aerial and underground parts of these species were used to analyze the total phenol content and to evaluate the in vitro antioxidant activity against the DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl). The ethyl acetate and chloroform phases resulting from liquid-liquid partitioning of C. articulatus and C. iria extracts were evaluated in antimicrobial assays and subject to high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC-DAD) analysis. The chromatograms obtained by HPLC-DAD allowed us to identify four compounds: chlorogenic acid, catechin, quercetin, and quercitrin. The hydroalcoholic extracts of C. articulatus and C. iria showed a weak antioxidant activity with IC50 of 395.57 and 321.33 μg/mL (aerial parts), and 1,114.01 and 436.82 μg/mL (underground parts), respectively. Regarding antimicrobial activity, the chloroform phase of C. iria showed the best result at the concentration of only 31.2 µg/mL against the pathogens Candida albicans and Staphylococcus aureus. The ethyl acetate phases of the aerial parts of C. articulatus and C. iria did not show antimicrobial activity

    Larvicidal activity of diterpenes from <i>Xylopia langsdorfiana</i> St. Hilaire & Tulasne (Annonaceae) against <i>Aedes aegypti</i> linn. (diptera: culicidae)

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    Mosquitoes of the Aedes genus are responsible for transmitting many vector-borne viral diseases worldwide. Hundreds of thousands of people die annually from vector-borne diseases, including West Nile fever, dengue, tick-borne diseases, yellow fever, chikungunya, Rift Valley fever, and Zika. Billions of people are at the risk of infection on all continents, which is a cause of international concern. Therefore, new vector-control methods are essential for mitigating these illnesses. The bioactive hydrocarbons isolated from Xylopia langsdorfiana St. Hilaire & Tulasne are trachylobanes, a rare class of diterpenes found in the n-hexane fraction of the stem and leaf ethanolic extracts. These were tested against Ae. aegypti fourth-instar larvae over 48 h of exposure, with LC50 values ranging from 19.84 to 72.9 µg/mL, comparable to that of the positive control. The findings highlight the potential of Xylopia langsdorfiana St. Hilaire & Tulasne metabolites for controlling the main vectors of arthropod-borne viruses.</p

    Prospecção Tecnológica do “Coffee” and “Green Coffee”: análise de patentes na área alimentícia e área da saúde

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    Considering that technological prospecting studies have proven their importance in the search for patents and articles relevant to the development of scientific knowledge, this article sought information on chronic and neurodegenerative diseases associated with the descriptor "green coffee" or "green coffee". Other descriptors were also used in the title section and/or abstract, obtaining in this way the final screening of the results. From the databases consulted for granted deposited patents and articles published respectively, PatSeer with 2,211 and Lens with 1,378 documents stood out. According to the International Patent Classification (ICP) analyzed, 108 and 101 patent deposits were found for A61K * and A23K *, respectively. In relation to the companies General Foods Corp. deposited 178 patents and Nestec SA 144 patents. According to the countries, the US presents itself as the largest depositary with 177 patents and WO with 66 patents. A large number of patent deposits were found in the areas of "functional foods" and cosmeceuticals, leveraging patent deposits from 1985 to 1991 and from 2015 to 2016, here called the first and second patent booms with coffee green.Considerando que os estudos de prospecção tecnológica têm demonstrado sua importância para o desenvolvimento do conhecimento científico, a presente pesquisa buscou informações sobre a série histórica e avanços associados aos descritores “café verde” ou “green coffee”. Foram também utilizados outros descritores, tendo sido empregados na seção título (title) e/ou resumo (abstract) com refinamento nas reivindicações (claims), obtendo-se dessa forma a triagem final dos resultados. Dos bancos de dados consultados para patentes depositadas concedidas e artigos publicados destacaram-se o PatSeer com 2.211 e o Lens com 1.378 documentos. De acordo com a Classificação Internacional de Patentes (CIP) analisada, foram encontrados 108 e 101 depósitos de patentes para as classificações A61K* e A23K*, respectivamente. No âmbito empresarial, a General Foods Corp depositou 178 patentes e a Nestec SA 144 patentes. Voltando o olhar para as nações, os EUA se apresentam como o maior depositário possuindo 177 patentes nacionais seguido da Organização Mundial da Propriedade Intelectual (WIPO) com 66 patentes. O resultados apresentaram grande número de depósitos de patentes nas áreas: “alimentos funcionais” e cosmecêuticas, alavancando os depósitos de patentes nos períodos de 1985 a 1991 e 2015 a 2016, aqui chamados de primeiro e segunda período de explosões de patente com o café verde