2,014 research outputs found

    A copa do mundo e as cidade: “juntos num só ritmo”, #sóquenão

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    The global and local dynamics of mega- events has been challenged by the dynamics of mass mobilizations which have taken over some countries in recent years. In this text we intend to discuss the crossing of several temporal factors that prompted the tension in Brazilian cities in the period between the Confederations Cup and the FIFA World Cup. The urban problems in Brazil are contrasted to the actions set in motion by the pressing needs of mega-events, which try to spur a dynamics of acceleration of time for the country’s growth and economic development. However, what we see is that such ideal does not always come true. Instead, movements for urban space occupation seek to resist to the images of the city imposed by mega-events.A dinâmica global/local dos megaeventos foi atravessada pela dinâmica das mobilizações que andaram tomando alguns países nos últimos anos. Neste texto pretendemos discutir o atravessamento de várias temporalidades, que possibilitou a tensão nas cidades brasileiras no ano entre a Copa das Confederações e a Copa do Mundo da Fifa. Os problemas urbanos do Brasil são contrapostos às ações ordenadas pelas urgências dos megaeventos, que tentam instalar uma dinâmica da aceleração do tempo para o crescimento e desenvolvimento econômico de um país. Contudo, o que se verifica é que nem sempre essa idealização é confirmada. Ao contrário, movimentos de ocupação do espaço urbano procuram resistir às imagens de cidade impostas pelos megaeventos

    “Temporalidades emaranhadas”: desafios metodológicos da dinâmica dos protestos em rede de 2013 no Brasil

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    Os protestos sociais que seguiram a conquista do Brasil para sediar a Copa do Mundo 2014 desafiaram a capacidade de compreensão de todos. Os eventos de junho de 2013 – conhecidos como “Jornadas de Junho” – abriram um infinito mar de possibilidades, avançando pelas ruas e na internet. As “Jornadas” constituíram um acontecimento-núcleo de diversas questões que se fundiram em um determinado intervalo de tempo. O objetivo deste artigo é refletir sobre a dinâmica, o tempo e as temporalidades que explodiram neste contexto. Destina-se a abordar a articulação da ação política com as tecnologias, as redes digitais e os meios de comunicação, isto é, discutir e problematizar a dinâmica da interação entre espaços públicos urbanos e redes intermidiáticas nas recentes mobilizações políticas brasileiras.The social protests that followed Brazil’s being selected to host the 2014 World Cup challenged the populace’s ability to understand it all. The events of June 2013 – known as “June Days” [Jornadas de Junho] – opened a totally new world of possibilities, which extended from the Internet to the streets and back. These Jornadas were a core-event of various issues that melded together during a given time interval. The aim of this article is to reflect on the dynamics, the time, and the temporalities which burst forth in this context. It is intended to address the interaction of political action with technologies, digital networks and the communication media. That is, discuss and problematize the dynamics of articulation between public urban spaces and inter media networks in the recent events of Brazilian political mobilization.Les protestations sociales qui résultèrent de la nomination du Brésil comme siège de la Coupe du Monde de Football 2014 ont mis au défi la capacité de compréhension de tout un chacun. Les évènements de juin 2013 – connus comme “Journées de Juin” [Jornadas de Junho] – offrirent une infinité d’occasions qui se firent jour dans la rue et sur internet. Les “Journées” furent un évènement-nucléaire de maintes questions qui se forgèrent en un laps de temps donné. Le but de cet article est de se pencher sur la dynamique, le temps et la temporalité qui explosèrent dans ce contexte. Il a pour fin d’aborder l’articulation de l’action politique aux technologies, aux réseaux numériques et aux moyens de communication, c’est-à-dire, de débattre et de mettre en cause la dynamique de l’interaction entre espaces publics urbains et réseaux inter-médiatiques au cours des récentes mobilisations politiques brésiliennes

    Praticas de educação da criança na família: a emergência do saber técnico-científico

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    Face ao grande conjunto de dúvidas e inseguranças evidenciadas pelos adultos quando se deparam com a tarefa de educar as gerações mais novas, propôs-se este estudo contribuir para o aprofundamento da análise do processo de alteração das concepções que norteiam as atitudes assumidas pelos socializadores, ao longo deste século no Brasil, ai incluidos os fatores a ela associados bem como as orientações que costumam procurar. Dados de três pesquisas são analisados, e eles têm por base o relato oral e/ou a informação veiculada pela imprensa escrita. Os resultados mostram o surgimento e a busca do Conhecimento Cientifico a partir da década de 50, que se faz acompanhar de alterações profundas nas formas de criar e educar crianças na familia e permitem que se levante explicações para o faro de, na sociedade brasileira contemporânea, os pais terem tantas dúvidas quanto à melhor maneira de educar sua prole.Young parents currently have many doubts ahout how to rear their children, searching for orientation with professionals such as the pediatrician, the Psychologist, the Teacher. As thisis a new situation, a study was carried out with two objetives: the first one is to contribute to the analysis of the process of change in the childrearing conceptions that guided the socializers attitudes during this century in Brazil; the second one is to discuss the possible social variables, present in the context, that correlate with the observed changes. Data of three pieces of research - two done through Oral Reports (mothers between 28 and 75 years old were interviewed abouttheir childrearing practices) and one througl^1 Written Reports (176 numbers of The Christian Family Magazine from 1935 to 1988 were studied) - were selected to be analysed and acategorization of the reports was prepared before the application of three types of analysis: Quantitative Descriptive, Quantitative- Interpretative and Qualitative. The results were reported following some themes: 1. The evolution in the search for orientation to rear children in the XX Century; 2. The different kinds of orientation followed by the family; 3. The orientations that were given to the families to rear well their children; 4.The satisfaction and security to rear children in this century.The results show that before the 1 950’s a ‘Folk Wisdom’ predominated although the Pediatrician was beginning to be sought to give orientations to the mothers; afterwards,there are big changes in urbanization and industrialization in the Brazilian society and the ‘Scientific Knowledge’ started to be seen as the only one able to promote development and adequacy to a’modern’ society. This brought deep alterations in the way children used to be reared in the family and, as a consequence, parents’insecurity appears when-the ‘folk wisdom’ is rejected by the new generations

    Importância clínica dos custos diretos hospitalares em pacientes com hipertensão arterial em tratamento num hospital universitário, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

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    The authors analysed retrospectively 503 adult patients (; 140/90 mmHg). The 96 cases initially analysed were studied for the determination of the direct hospital costs involved in the evaluation, follow-up and treatment of such cases. The initial diastolic BP was distributed as follows: 90 to 104 mmHg-67 cases (69.8%); 105 to 114 mmHg-17 cases (17.7%); >; 115 mmHg - 12 cases (12.5%). The mean follow-up period of this population was 653 days and at the last hospital visit only 1/3 had their BP under control ( ;20 anos foram separados aleatoriamente e 483 destes possuiam registro de pressão arterial (PA) com 138 casos (28,6%) apresentando hipertensão arterial (HA) (PA >;140/90 mmHg). Nos 96 hipertensos inicialmente analisados procedeu-se estudos dos custos diretos hospitalares com a avaliação, acompanhamento e tratamento desta população. A PA diastólica inicial destes casos estava assim distribuída: entre 90 e 104 mmHg - 67 casos (69,8%); entre 105 e 114 mmHg - 17 casos (17,7%); maior ou igual a 115 mmHg - 12 casos (12,5%). O período médio de acompanhamento destes grupos foi de 653 dias e somente 1/3 estava com PA controlada ( < 140/90 mmHg) na última consulta. Em 1982, 68,7% já haviam abandonado tratamento no HU-UFRJ. O custo direto total anual por paciente hipertenso em dólares foi de 102.48assimdistribuıˊdos:consultasambulatoriaisligadasaˋHA 102.48 assim distribuídos: consultas ambulatoriais ligadas à HA - 33.44; atendimentos de emergência 2.33;internac\co~es 2.33; internações 29.92; exames complementares 10.45;despesascommedicamentosantihipertensivos 10.45; despesas com medicamentos anti-hipertensivos 26.34. As consultas e internações representam 64% dos custos e foram em grande parte determinadas pelas complicações da doença. Estas também ocasionam elevados índices de incapacidade temporária e permanente da população de hipertensos com graves repercussões e custos sociais. A análise dos fatores que contribuem para estes custos indicam a adoção das seguintes medidas para minimizá-los: a) Desenvolvimento de programas que visem melhor controle de HA e menor abandono de tratamento da população já detectada nas próprias unidades do Sistema de Saúde com conseqüente redução da morbidade da doença; b) Padronização da avaliação laboratorial e do tratamento com base em estudos de custo-eficácia; c) Hierarquização do sistema de saúde - o hipertenso deve ser tratado em unidades de saúde onde os custos indiretos hospitalares pouco influenciem os custos das consultas e das internações

    Sensorial profile of wholewheat bread

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    The wholewheat bread offers a substantial amount of mineral salts and fibres, because of economical and nutritional reasons, with a constant increase of consumption. The Quantity Descriptive Analysis (QDA) and Test of Acceptance give a complete description of the sensorial properties and acceptance of the products, both specific and global terms. As shown, three wholewheat breads samples were analysed: "A", "B" and "C". For the QDA, eleven tasters were selected which defined eighteen sensorial attributes and the reference material for the training. The QDA results were analysed by variability analysis, Radar Chart and Principal Componentes Analysis (PCA). The "C" sample had a higher average in undesired sensorial attributes, as the burnt smell of bread borders, fact which contributed to the minor preference for this product. The "A" and "B" samples did not differ significantly to p≤0.05 in most of the analysed attributes. In the PCA, the sum of the principal components I and II was 81.57% that is the variability among the samples almost fully explained by these two components. The samples did not differ between each other (p≤0.05) as for the acceptance, however, they differed as for the intention to buy, with negative intention been noted for "C" and positive for "A".O pão integral oferece uma quantidade substancial de sais minerais e fibras, desejáveis por razões econômicas e nutricionais, com crescente aumento no consumo. A Análise Descritiva Quantitativa (ADQ) proporciona completa descrição de propriedades sensoriais de produtos, e o Teste de Aceitação possibilita avaliar o quanto consumidores gostam ou não desses produtos, tanto em termos específicos quanto globais. No presente estudo, foram analisadas três amostras comerciais de pão integral, denominadas “A”, “B” e “C”. Para a ADQ, foram selecionados 11 provadores os quais definiram 18 atributos sensoriais e os materiais de referência para o treinamento. Os resultados da ADQ foram analisados por análise de variância, testes de médias de Tukey e análise de componentes principais. A amostra “C” obteve média maior em atributos sensoriais indesejáveis, como aroma queimado da casca, fato que contribuiu para menor preferência obtida por este produto. As amostras “A” e “B” não diferiram significativamente a p≤0,05 na maioria dos atributos analisados. Na AC P, a soma de componentes principais 1 e 2 foi de 81,57%, ou seja, a variabilidade entre as amostras é quase totalmente explicada por estes dois componentes. As amostras não diferiram entre si (p<0,05) quanto à aceitação, porém diferiram quanto à intenção de compra, sendo a intenção negativa notada para o “C” e maior para o “A”262428433The wholewheat bread offers a substantial amount of mineral salts and fibres, because of economical and nutritional reasons, with a constant increase of consumption. The Quantity Descriptive Analysis (QDA) and Test of Acceptance give a complete description of the sensorial properties and acceptance of the products, both specific and global terms. As shown, three wholewheat breads samples were analysed: “A”, “B” and “C”. For the QDA, eleven tasters were selected which defined eighteen sensorial attributes and the reference material for the training. The QDA results were analysed by Variability Analysis, Radar Chart and Principal Componentes Analysis (PCA). The “C” sample had a higher average in undesired sensorial attributes, as the burnt smell of bread borders, fact which contributed to the minor preference for this product. The “A” and “B” samples did not differ significantly to p<0.05 in most of the analysed attributes. In the PCA, the sum of the principal components I and II was 81.57% that is the variability among the samples almost fully explained by these two components. The samples did not differ between each other (p<0.05) as for the acceptance, however, they differed as for the intention to buy, with negative intention been noted for “C” and positive for “A

    Evaluation Of The Overload Of Care In Families Of Psychiatric Patients In Psychosocial Care Center

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    Introduction: The burden of care in family refers to the weight caused by the primary caregiver role to psychiatric patients and the difficulties encountered in performing this function in daily life. Objectives: Assessing the objective and subjective overload of family members who live with the reality of psychiatric disorder in a child day-care psychosocial care center. Methods: Cross-sectional study, descriptive-exploratory, of quantitative approach, with non-probabilistic samples of accidental type with 80 families of psychiatric patients held in a Psychosocial Care Center. For overload evaluation, the subscales "B" and "D" of the Family Overload Rating Scale (FBIS-BR) were used. Results: The study was conducted with 80 families of psychiatric patients. The average age of female caregivers was 39,6 years old, and 40,7 years old for male caregivers, with female predominance (87,5%) compared to men (12,5%), with low education for both genres. Family caregivers presented high objective burden due to excessive demand attention (p&lt;0,001), heteroaggressiveness (p&lt;0,001) and perplexing behavior of psychiatric patients regarding the supervision of problematic behaviors (p&lt;0,001). The items on the impact on the family's daily routine have not helped to generate objective overload for the family members. On subjective overload, it was clear to observe familiar members with high degree of disturbance in all the dimensions assessed (p &lt; 0,001). Conclusion: The high degree of care overload observed in family members indicates the need to develop contacts with the family of the psychiatric patient to answer questions, offer support and assistance to the family caregiver. Keywords: Caregivers. Patients. Mental Health Services

    Estratégias de aquisição da casa própria: a trajetória de algumas famílias negras paulistanas nas décadas de 1920 a 1940

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    In Brazil, there is a cultural belief that property acquisition is the wisest attitude to ensure a safe and stable economy. For generations, the "dream of property ownership" has been cultivated as a horizon to be achieved. Confirming this tendency, since the 1920s, "casa propria" (home ownership) became a notion mobilized in the black press periodicals, circulating as a desirable aspiration and an orientation to the journals public. Between 1924 and 1937, two of the main newspapers of São Paulo black press, O Clarim da Alvorada and A Voz da Raça, carried out a campaign in favor of property ownership, spreading among paulista black families the importance of property acquisition. These campaigns are an important sign for the relevance of buying a property for black families at that time. In this paper, we seek to analyze it as an intergenerational social security strategy, through the presentation of three cases of black families that accomplished this goal between 1920s and 1940s. The black families testimonies reported here indicate precocity, specificities and strategies that represent new challenges for the formulation of property ownership problem, from a racial point of view.No Brasil, há uma crença cultural de que a atitude mais sábia para garantir uma economia doméstica segura e estável é a aquisição da casa própria. Por gerações, o “sonho da casa própria” tem sido cultivado como um horizonte a se atingir. Confirmando essa tendência, desde a década de 1920, a “casa própria” torna-se uma noção mobilizada nos periódicos da imprensa negra, circulando em diversos artigos como uma aspiração desejável e uma orientação ao público dos jornais. Entre 1924 e 1937, dois dos principais jornais da imprensa negra paulista, O Clarim da Alvorada e A Voz da Raça, realizaram uma campanha em favor da casa própria, difundindo entre as famílias negras paulistanas a ideia da importância da aquisição imobiliária. Essas campanhas constituem um indício importante da relevância da aquisição residencial para as famílias negras do período. Neste trabalho, procuramos analisar essa importância como estratégia de seguridade social intergeracional, por meio da apresentação de três casos de famílias negras que realizaram esse objetivo entre as décadas de 1920 e 1940. Os depoimentos das famílias negras aqui reportados indicamprecocidade, especificidades e estratégias que representam novos desafios para a reflexão sobre a formulação do problema da casa própria, a partir do ponto de vista racial

    Pervasive gaps in Amazonian ecological research

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    Biodiversity loss is one of the main challenges of our time,1,2 and attempts to address it require a clear un derstanding of how ecological communities respond to environmental change across time and space.3,4 While the increasing availability of global databases on ecological communities has advanced our knowledge of biodiversity sensitivity to environmental changes,5–7 vast areas of the tropics remain understudied.8–11 In the American tropics, Amazonia stands out as the world’s most diverse rainforest and the primary source of Neotropical biodiversity,12 but it remains among the least known forests in America and is often underrepre sented in biodiversity databases.13–15 To worsen this situation, human-induced modifications16,17 may elim inate pieces of the Amazon’s biodiversity puzzle before we can use them to understand how ecological com munities are responding. To increase generalization and applicability of biodiversity knowledge,18,19 it is thus crucial to reduce biases in ecological research, particularly in regions projected to face the most pronounced environmental changes. We integrate ecological community metadata of 7,694 sampling sites for multiple or ganism groups in a machine learning model framework to map the research probability across the Brazilian Amazonia, while identifying the region’s vulnerability to environmental change. 15%–18% of the most ne glected areas in ecological research are expected to experience severe climate or land use changes by 2050. This means that unless we take immediate action, we will not be able to establish their current status, much less monitor how it is changing and what is being lostinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio