637 research outputs found

    Reconstructing formularies: the charters of the episcopal chancery of Porto in the Middle Ages

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    This study aims to reconstruct the formularies of a specific type of documents, namely the charters of confirmation of rectory produced in the episcopal chancery of Porto in the Middle Ages. In order to achieve this goal we study the non-essential formulas found in the protocol, text and eschatocol of each one of the 80 collected charters, as well as the forms of validation used in these documents. The joint study of the dictamen and the validatio thus allow the reconstruction of the modus faciendi of the chancery, and its evolution, with regard to the production of these types of confirmation. We concluded that there were, in fact, "formulary rules" that only exceptionally have been broken. And for being exceptions, these documents deserve special attention and their study proved that the changes appeared only in specific situations. To evaluate the originality of the formulary of the confirmations of rectory made in this Episcopal chancery we preceded a comparative study of the same type of charters produced in other Episcopal chanceries, i.e. those of Coimbra, Lamego and Zaragoza

    Dimmi come scrivi e ti dirò chi sei: la cultura grafica dei mercanti della costa settentrionale del Portogallo (1560-1600)

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    This paper focuses on the graphic culture of the merchants living in the towns and villages of the northern coast of Portugal in the second half of the 16th century. It aims to analyze their different levels of graphic competence, and also of their wives, based on their signatures. These signatures appear in several Livros de Notas of the first notarial reg-istry of Vila do Conde (now in the district of Porto). The main goal was to find out which merchants, and their wives, were capable of writing and at what level, which was their graphic model, where and in which social and economic context they lived. The analysis of these different aspects made it possible to know this group from the point of view of its cultural and intellectual power, in addition to the already studied social and economic power. Previous researches on cities such as Porto or Vila do Conde in the timeframe considered in this paper allows a better understanding of the different cultural and social dynamics concerning these men and women

    A escrita na catedral: a Chancelaria Episcopal do Porto na Idade Média

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    Este livro apresenta um estudo da chancelaria da Sé do Porto, entre 1247 e 1406, e dos documentos por ela produzidos, não só do ponto de vista diplomático mas também paleográfico. Pretende-se analisar a composição desta escrivaninha, a génese e a tipologia dos seus atos, o habitus documental refletido nas diversas parte dos documentos (protocolo, texto e escatocolo), e a respetiva estrutura formular, os seus notários, “anónimos” e identificados, a sua escrita e a evolução da mesma, e o seu lugar na cultura e na sociedade medieval portuense.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Morujão, Maria do Rosário Barbosa – A Sé de Coimbra: A Instituição e a Chancelaria (1080-1318)

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    O livro em epígrafe tem como base a dissertação de Doutoramento em História da Idade Média apresentada pela Autora na Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra em 2005. Tratava-se, na altura da sua elaboração, de um tema praticamente por estudar em Portugal, uma vez que apenas se tinham realizado dois trabalhos de fundo dedicados às chancelarias particulares, nomeadamente à da Sé de Braga e à do mosteiro de Santa Cruz de Coimbra, os quais são amiúde mencionados como contrapontos comparat..


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    A Viela dos Cónegos: o espaço e os homens de uma rua do Porto na Idade Média (1221-1493)

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    By the end of 1185 a number of administrative and religious reforms changed the way Oporto canons used to live since the diocese was restored (1112-1114). They moved from an in-cathedral community life to a secular one. However, they stayed close to the cathedral. The nearness to the “mother-house” and the fine localization in Morro da Sé made Viela dos Cónegos one of the first elected by the canonship to inhabit. In fact, the canons, and must specially the chapter, were the main owners of this street. Soon, they started to manage their property by renting their houses mostly to ecclesiastics. They owned from “simple houses” to “tower-houses”. Even today we can identify one of these “tower-houses” which is known by the name of one of its most important owners: Afonso Luís, Oporto cathedral canon.Em finais de 1185 uma série de reformas de carácter administrativo e religioso alteraram o modo de vida dos cónegos do Porto que desde a restauração da diocese (1112-1114) tinham vivido em comunidade no claustro da Sé. Desde então os cónegos passaram a viver de forma secular sem, no entanto, se afastarem da sua catedral. Pela proximidade à “casa-mãe” mas também pela boa localização no próprio Morro da Sé, a Viela dos Cónegos cedo foi escolhida para residência da conezia. De facto, foram os cónegos, e principalmente o cabido, os grandes proprietários desta rua. E por essa razão o cabido foi também gestor. Proprietários e inquilinos, na maior parte dos casos eclesiásticos, viviam em simples “casas”, casas sobradadas e até casas-torre. Uma destas ainda hoje se conhece e se identifica pelo nome de um dos seus mais ilustres proprietários: Afonso Luís, cónego da Sé do Porto

    Prácticas de organización y conservación documental del cabildo de la catedral de Oporto (de la Edad Media hasta el final del Antiguo Régimen)

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    ES: El objetivo de este artículo es el estudio del archivo del cabildo de la Catedral de Oporto y sus prácticas de organización y conservación documental, desde el periodo medieval hasta el final del Antiguo Régimen. Para ello, se cruza-rán dos realidades: la práctica y la teórica. La primera, verificada en documentos de diversa naturaleza, así como en ciertos instrumentos de acceso a la información producidos por el cabildo. La segunda se recogió a partir de las Constituciones Si-nodales de la diócesis de Oporto, promulgadas por los obispos como consecuencia de la realización de los sínodos. También se han observado los diversos cambios de ubicación que tubo el archivo dentro del espacio catedralicio y se ha cuestio-nado la relación entre el archivo capitular y el archivo de la mitra a lo largo de la cronología contempladaThe aim of this article is to study the archive of the chapter of the Porto See, its practices of organization and documentary conservation, from the medieval period to the end of the Old Regime. To this end, two realities will be crossed: the practical and the theoretical. The first was detected in the docu-mentation of varied nature and in certain instruments of access to information produced by the chapter. The second was taken from the Synodal Constitutions of the diocese of Porto, ordered by the bishops following the holding of synods. The various changes in the location of the archive within the cathedral space will also be observed, as well as the relationship between the capitular archive and the miter archive will be considered throughout the analyzed chronolog