4,442 research outputs found

    A Web-based Application to Address Individual Interests of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders

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    AbstractAutism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are a triad of disturbances affecting the areas of communication, social inter- action and behavior. In educational contexts, these limitations can be deeply disabling unless appropriate intervention methodologies are promoted. Children with ASDs usually have very strict interests, which may cause a lack of interest in standard ICT tools overtime. Our paper presents a new way to overcome these issues, by enabling children to have the opportunity to enjoy a rich multimedia platform. This approach allows tutors and peers to prepare a unique setup for the child's needs, giving the possibility to fully customize the layout and contents. Special attention was given to the promotion of communicative and social competences of children with ASDs, enabling them to interact with one another through messages, share opinions, and experiences. Preliminary results show that children feel motivated using the tool, and number of interactions between peers increase. In this paper we will describe the platform and how it can be customized, and finally, introduce the evaluation methodology to be used

    Grau de aderĂȘncia aos requisitos de divulgação dos instrumentos financeiros derivativos : um estudo das empresas exportadoras de capital aberto do Brasil

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    Os derivativos sĂŁo produtos que minimizam os riscos das companhias que os utilizam. Atualmente, sĂŁo usados extensivamente pelas grandes corporaçÔes mundiais para fins de proteção, principalmente em relação ao cĂąmbio, porĂ©m o seu uso pode causar danos relevantes para o resultado financeiro dessas organizaçÔes. As empresas de capital aberto devem evidenciar informaçÔes referente ao uso desses instrumentos. Como as empresas exportadoras necessitam se proteger do risco de cĂąmbio, muitas delas utilizam os derivativos para esse fim. Portanto, este trabalho tem por objetivo verificar o nĂ­vel de aderĂȘncia das maiores empresas abertas exportadoras brasileiras em relação as normas de disclosure referente aos instrumento financeiros derivativos. Foi realizada uma pesquisa descritiva, documental, intencional em relação a amostra e com uma observação sistemĂĄtica para o tratamento dos dados. Assim, foi efetuada uma anĂĄlise de 27 companhias abertas brasileiras em relação ao CPC 40 – Instrumentos Financeiros: Instrumentos Financeiros: Evidenciação, o qual dispĂ”esobre as informaçÔes que devem ser divulgadas referente ao uso dos instrumentos financeiros entre as empresas brasileiras, com os dados financeiros dessas organizaçÔes dos anos de 2016 e 2017. A partir da anĂĄlise dos dados, pode-se concluir que a maioria dos itens requeridos foram atendidos pelas empresas, com uma mĂ©dia de aderĂȘncia de 60,2% em 2016 e 63,7% em 2017, porĂ©m, nenhuma das companhias pesquisadas seguem plenamente as normas contĂĄbeis vigentes de disclosure referente aos derivativos, com as informaçÔes sobre o impairment sendo o item menos divulgado entre as empresas

    Investigation of main and secondary transformers on mitigation of voltage sags, swells and interruptions in unbalanced medium voltage distribution systems

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    Since voltage interruptions, sags and swells are Power Quality (PQ) disturbances with great economic impact, studies that seek alternatives to mitigate its effects have been conducted extensively. The PQ Brazilian standard names these disturbances as Short-Duration Voltage Variations (SDVVs), classified them in terms of magnitude, duration, and frequency of occurrence. These parameters are used to calculate the Impact Factor (IF) of SDVVs, a severity-characterization index of their incidence. In this context, this work assesses the influence of three-phase transformer winding connection and neutral grounding on the quantities of SDVVs and the IF observed by an industrial consumer in a distribution system. Fault simulations at ATPEMTP perform the study, considering two different winding connections for the secondary transformer and applying a grounding resistance to the neutral of the main transformer of the distribution system. The SDVVs are verified in two different ways: phase-to-ground and phase-to-phase voltages. It is observed that there are differences in these quantities and for the value of the IF due to the winding connection of the secondary transformer, the value of the neutral grounding resistance of the main transformer and the ways of voltage verification

    O clubismo no jornalismo esportivo: anĂĄlise do programa Jogo Aberto

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    The present work seeks to analyze and analyze how the so - called clubism is linked to the current structure of sports journalism. It is clear that in this area impartiality is recurrent, but in this context the rule does not apply. The corpus selected was the "Jogo Aberto" soccer program, which was televised weekly by Bandeirantes TV, with a total of five exhibitions in a period after the World Cup between July and August 2018. Thus, the intention is to understand through the analysis of the French line discourse, using the ethos figure, as the speech enunciated by Renata Fan and DenĂ­lson portray this question, directly interfering in the content produced in the round table.Trabalho de ConclusĂŁo de Curso (Graduação)O presente trabalho procura discorrer e analisar de que forma o chamado clubismo estĂĄ ligado a atual estrutura do jornalismo esportivo. É nĂ­tida a concepção de que nesta ĂĄrea a imparcialidade Ă© algo recorrente, porĂ©m neste contexto a regra pouca se aplica. O corpus selecionado fora o programa futebolĂ­stico ‘‘Jogo Aberto’’, exibido semanalmente pela TV Bandeirantes, com um total de cinco exibiçÔes, ocorridas em um perĂ­odo pĂłs Copa do Mundo, compreendido entre os meses de Julho e Agosto de 2018. Sendo assim, o intuito Ă© compreender atravĂ©s da anĂĄlise do discurso de linha francesa, utilizando a figura do ethos, como a fala enunciada por Renata Fan e DenĂ­lson retratam esta questĂŁo, interferindo diretamente na contĂ©udo produzido na mesa redonda

    Farmacoterapia da colite ulcerosa

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    Trabalho Final de Mestrado Integrado, CiĂȘncias FarmacĂȘuticas, 2022, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de FarmĂĄcia.A colite ulcerosa (UC) Ă© uma doença inflamatĂłria intestinal (DII) crĂłnica de etiologia desconhecida que afeta o cĂłlon e o reto. A UC foi descrita pela primeira vez por Samuel Wilks em 1859 e Ă© mais comum relativamente Ă  doença de crohn (DC) em todo o mundo. Esta doença do foro intestinal tem, nos Ășltimos anos, levantando algumas preocupaçÔes devido Ă  sua elevada incidĂȘncia em paĂ­ses desenvolvidos e um aumento substancial da mesma em paĂ­ses em desenvolvimento. Estima-se, que a incidĂȘncia e a prevalĂȘncia sĂŁo relatadas em 1,2 a 20,3 e 7,6 a 245 casos por 100 000 pessoas/ano, respetivamente. Antecedentes genĂ©ticos, fatores ambientais, desregulação primĂĄria imunolĂłgica da mucosa intestinal, tĂȘm sido alguns dos fatores de risco descritos que contribuem para o desenvolvimento desta patologia. A sintomatologia clĂĄssica da UC inclui diarreia com vestĂ­gios de sangue com ou sem muco, urgĂȘncia em defecar, tenesmo e dor abdominal que muitas da vezes Ă© aliviada pela defecação. A terapĂȘutica medicamentosa convencional (aminossalicilatos, tiopurinas e corticosterĂłides (CIs)) permitiu uma alteração do paradigma da doença melhorando significativamente a morbilidade que lhe Ă© associada. No entanto, muitos destes esquemas nĂŁo sĂŁo totalmente eficazes apresentando recidivas ao longo do tempo. Deste modo, surgiram ao longo dos Ășltimos anos, novos alvos terapĂȘuticos e fĂĄrmacos biolĂłgicos, a farmacoterapia inovadora atualmente disponĂ­vel, visa induzir e manter a remissĂŁo da sintomatologia, promover a cicatrização da mucosa e evitar qualquer intervenção cirĂșrgica. Consequentemente, os meios de diagnĂłstico foram aprimorados com a finalidade de monitorizar a atividade da doença com maior precisĂŁo. Apesar de todos estes avanços, uma percentagem substancial de doentes, nomeadamente aqueles que apresentam recidiva da doença sobre terapĂȘutica ou aqueles que desenvolvem cancro colorretal, ainda necessitam de intervençÔes cirĂșrgicas restauradoras (proctocolectomia).The Ulcerative Colitis (UC) is an inflammatory intestinal disease (IID) of unknown aetiology that affects both the colon and the rectum. The UC was described for the first time by Samuel Wilks in 1859 and is more common when compared to Crohn’s Disease around the world. This bowel disease has been raising some worries due to its incidence in developed countries and a substantial increase in developing countries. It is estimated that its incidence and prevalence are around 1,2-20,3 and 7,6-245 per 100,000 inhabitants per year. Genetic heritage, environmental factors and primary immune dysregulation of the intestinal mucosa have been described as some risky factors that contribute to the development of said disease. The classic symptomatology of the UC includes diarrhoea with vestiges of blood with (or without) mucus, urgency in defecating, tenesmus and abdominal pain that is normally eased after defecation. The conventional drug therapy (aminosalicylates, thiopurines and corticosteroids (CIs)) has allowed a change in paradigm regarding the mortality that is associated with this disease. Nonetheless, a lot of these treatments are not completely efficient and present relapses as time goes by. Therefore, new therapies have emerged over the course of the past years, new therapeutic targets and biological medicines. The innovative pharmacotherapy that is actually available allows the induction and maintenance of the remission of the symptomatology, as well as the cicatrisation of the mucosa and the avoidance of any kind of surgery. Consequently, the diagnostic tools have been improved so that the evolution of the disease can be monitored with higher precision. In spite of all these improvements, a substantial percentage of patients still need restorative surgery (proctocolectomy), namely those who present relapse of the disease on therapy or those who develop colorectal cancer

    (Re)Enquadrando a Historiografia do Hiato: Desenvolvimento como um PadrĂŁo Argumentativo e a Historiografia da Guerra Fria

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    The book “Cold War and International law” represents a great effort in presenting a different view in the historiography of international law about this important period of the 20th Century. The purpose of this paper is to engage with the proposal of the editors and reflect upon the issues arising from the traditional portray of the “Cold War”, although offering what could be a fourth perspective on the subject: that of the establishment of “development” as an argumentative pattern in international law. In a dialog with another recent work with special relevance to the history of International Law – Ntina Tzouvala’s “Capitalism as Civilisation” – we revisit some of the essays presented in the book to illustrate the thesis that an attention to the uses of the concept of “development” can be central to an account of this period that goes beyond the East-West feud, leaving a profound legacy in contemporary accounts of Law. By shedding light on perspectives once overlooked, the book shows how the Cold War can be analyzed as a moment of prolific development of standards of domination. The struggle for the Global South was much more than a dispute for military sway or political influence through international institutions, it also encompassed a refined project of creating concepts and a new perspective in international law that permitted the consolidation of political asymmetry through juridical institutions. KEYWORDS: Cold War. International Law. Global South.O livro "Cold War and International law" representa um grande esforço em apresentar uma visĂŁo diferente na historiografia do direito internacional sobre este importante perĂ­odo do sĂ©culo XX. O objetivo deste trabalho Ă© o de se envolver com a proposta dos editores e refletir sobre as questĂ”es decorrentes do retrato tradicional da "Guerra Fria", embora oferecendo o que poderia ser uma quarta perspectiva sobre o assunto: a do estabelecimento do "desenvolvimento" como um padrĂŁo argumentativo no direito internacional. Em diĂĄlogo com outro trabalho recente de especial relevĂąncia para a histĂłria do Direito Internacional - Ntina Tzouvala "Capitalism as Civilisation" - revisitamos alguns dos ensaios apresentados no livro para ilustrar a tese de que uma atenção aos usos do conceito de "desenvolvimento" pode ser central para um relato deste perĂ­odo que vai alĂ©m da disputa Leste-Oeste, deixando um profundo legado nos contos contemporĂąneos do direito. Ao lançar luz sobre perspectivas uma vez negligenciadas, o livro mostra como a Guerra Fria pode ser analisada como um momento de desenvolvimento prolĂ­fico de padrĂ”es de dominação. A luta pelo Sul global foi muito mais do que uma disputa por influĂȘncia militar ou polĂ­tica atravĂ©s de instituiçÔes internacionais, ela tambĂ©m abrangeu um projeto refinado de criação de conceitos e uma nova perspectiva no direito internacional que permitiu a consolidação de assimetrias polĂ­ticas atravĂ©s de instituiçÔes jurĂ­dicas. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Guerra Fria. Direito Internacional. Sul Global

    Adherend thickness effect on the tensile fracture toughness of a structural adhesive using an optical data acquisition method

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    Adhesive bonding is nowadays a serious candidate to replace methods such as fastening or riveting, because of attractive mechanical properties. As a result, adhesives are being increasingly used in industries such as the automotive, aerospace and construction. Thus, it is highly important to predict the strength of bonded joints to assess the feasibility of joining during the fabrication process of components (e.g. due to complex geometries) or for repairing purposes. This work studies the tensile behaviour of adhesive joints between aluminium adherends considering different values of adherend thickness (h) and the double-cantilever beam (DCB) test. The experimental work consists of the definition of the tensile fracture toughness (GIC) for the different joint configurations. A conventional fracture characterization method was used, together with a J-integral approach, that take into account the plasticity effects occurring in the adhesive layer. An optical measurement method is used for the evaluation of crack tip opening and adherends rotation at the crack tip during the test, supported by a MatlabÂź sub-routine for the automated extraction of these quantities. As output of this work, a comparative evaluation between bonded systems with different values of adherend thickness is carried out and complete fracture data is provided in tension for the subsequent strength prediction of joints with identical conditions
