96 research outputs found

    Application of a strain gauge to assess drying stresses in normal and tension wood of corymbia citriodora

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    The quantitative evaluation of longitudinal drying strain can provide relevant information for the processing wood and lumber industry, especially with regard to reaction wood in Corymbia, since little has been published. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of the steam conditioning and the cooling on the longitudinal drying strain (LDS) obtained from a strain gauge, called extensometer, in boards of both normal and tension wood of Corymbia citriodora. Lumbers 30 mm thick were produced and kiln dried at the initial temperature of 40 °C, final temperature of 65 °C and drying potential of 2,1. The LDS were measured before and after steam conditioning on hot and cold lumbers. It was observed that the conditioning did not reduce the LDS. Hot lumbers showed higher LDS values than the cold lumbers. The LDS values measured in normal, tension and opposite woods were statistically similar, indicating that the type of wood was not an influential factor in the appearance of longitudinal drying stresses. Extensometer proved to be feasible for measuring LDS, allowing its easy and quick quantification

    Analysing the drying behavior of juvenile and mature Eucalyptus saligna wood in drastic drying test for optimal drying schedule

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    The heterogeneity of characteristics observed in the pith-bark direction within a log causes sawn pieces of wood have different behaviors during water removal. Understanding these differences is important for the industry regarding the possibility of classification of the lumber into juvenile wood and mature wood, facilitating the drying in separate loads. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the behavior of juvenile and mature wood samples of Eucalyptus saligna when subjected to drastic drying. In order to do this, test specimens were submitted to drastic drying at 100°C to obtain the drying times, drying rates and dimensions of end checks. These data were applied in equations to obtain the parameters initial temperature, final temperature and drying potential, used in the elaboration of drying schedules. In juvenile wood we observed that the basic density was lower and the initial moisture content was higher. Mature wood showed a lower drying rate. Drying schedules were developed separately for juvenile and mature wood, the drying schedule for the latter considered milder than the drying schedule developed for juvenile wood

    Water flow in different directions in Corymbia citriodora wood

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    This study aims to evaluate the free and bound water flows in the different axes of Corymbia citriodora wood during drying. Wood samples were taken from the inner and outer regions of the tree stem from seven-years-old experimental plantations. The blocks were prepared for the water flow to occur in each wood axis and they were dried up to the final moisture content of 12%. Free water (FWFR), bound water (BWFR) and total water (TWFR) flow rates were calculated. The relationship between loss of moisture content and time presented an exponential curve, especially in the radial and tangential wood axes. Water flow in the three wood directions presented higher FWFR than TWFR (which was higher than BWFR). Free water flow was ~10 times higher than adsorbed water flow, considering values for moisture content between ~80% to ~12%. Free water movement in the longitudinal direction of the wood was ~2 times greater than in the radial axis and ~3 times greater than in the tangential axis. Bound water movement in the longitudinal direction of the wood was ~2 times greater than in the transverse direction. Bound water flow in the radial axis of the wood was statistically equal to the one in the tangential axis. The results indicate that the intensity of free and bound water flows changes according to the direction of Corymbia citriodora wood

    Cutting energy required during the mechanical processing of wood species at different drying stages

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    The aim of this study was to know the variation profile of the specific energy consumption required to cut woods with varying densities and moisture contents. Therefore, peripheral cuts were performed in the longitudinal direction of the grain with numerical control controlled by Computational Numerical Command in woods of different densities, established at different drying stages. An energy analyzer, capable of calculate the specific energy consumed during the wood processing, was used to measure the energy information. The results indicated that the higher the wood density, the greater the positive influence of the moisture content on the specific cutting energy. In the anhydrous condition, the higher the wood density, the higher the cutting energy. With increased moisture content, less cutting power was required during the wood processing. Therefore, it was possible to conclude that during the milling type mechanical processing of wood, moisture content has a great influence on the specific cutting energy consumption


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    Acoustic isolation depends upon characteristics of the material, mainly on the dimensions, shape and density. The objective of this work was to evaluate the sound isolation provided by woods of different densities and verify the behavior of the isolation through spectral analysis. They were selected woods of the genera Eucalytus, Pinus and Dipteryx (Cumaru) with five groups of distinct densities. Boxes of 60 cm of internal edges were mounted. The equipment for the evaluation was mounted in a wide and grassy field. The experiment consisted in emitting a form of wave, generated in a computer by means of a loudspeaker localized inside the wooden box and picked it up by a microphone situated at a meter away. The level of sound pressure was measured with a decibelimeter. The wood which promoted the highest acoustic attenuation was E. grandis (0.880g/cm3) with an attenuation of 25.7 dB(A), but the wood of worst performance was Pinus sp with 15 dB (A). These woods presenting the highest and poorest density respectively.O isolamento acústico depende das propriedades do material, principalmente dimensões, formas umidade e densidade. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o isolamento sonoro proporcionado por madeiras de diferentes densidades e verificar o comportamento do isolamento por meio da análise espectral. Foram selecionadas madeiras do gênero Eucalyptus, Dipteryx (cumaru) e Pinus, em cinco grupos de distintas densidades. Foram montadas barreiras acústicas, em forma de cubos ocos com arestas internas de 60 cm. A avaliação consistiu em emitir uma onda gerada por um computador por meio de um alto-falante localizado dentro da barreira acústica e captá-la por um microfone localizado a um metro de distância. O nível de pressão sonora foi medido com um decibelímetro. A maior atenuação acústica (25,7 dB(A)) foi apresentada pela madeira de Eucalyptus grandis (0,880 g/cm³), e o pior desempenho foi apresentado pelo Pinus sp, com 15 dB(A). Essas madeiras apresentaram maior e menor densidade, respectivamente


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    The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of thermal modification on surface hardness and depressions by applying loads to obtain floors for low traffic environments. Four clones were used from which logs were obtained and split into boards dried in time, and grouped for testing in their natural condition (NT) and thermally modified at 200 degrees Celsius for four hours (T) in a schedule with a heating of 1 degree per minute, on electric oven. Then in the samples from each clone were evaluated the mass loss, specific gravity, lignin and holocelluloses content, Janka hardness, fall ball impact depressions, distributed load depressions, and concentrated load depressions using track equipment which transfer a load of 890N to the woods at a speed of 0.06 ms-1. In the results verified high mass loss in the E. grandis x E. urophylla clone from controlled polination. The lignin contents showed increases and holocelluloses contents showed significant decreases after thermal modification. There was a reduction in Janka hardness in the woods with the exception of E. urophylla clone which presented lower depressions in the fall ball test after thermal modification. Verified increasing in depressions in the concentrated and distributed load tests, after thermal modification. And the E. urophylla clone presented lower depressions after 25 and 50 passes respectively, being the most recommended for obtaining floors for saunas, garden decks, swimming pools as it does not require high loading requirements

    Análise da superfície usinada da madeira de clones de Toona ciliata M. Roemer var. australis

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    The use and costs of solid wood products are directly linked to the quality of the feedstock. One example is the furniture market, the better the surface quality of the wood is, the greater its commercial value is. Knowing the behavior of wood during the machining process is an important parameter to characterize and give specific uses for each species. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the surface quality of wood from Toona ciliata M. Roemer var. australis clones, its potential uses after the machining process and to define, among the evaluated clones, the one with the best surface quality. Thus, thirty-five trees (7 clones x 5 repetitions) were selected from a plantation located in the southern region of Minas Gerais state, from which 1m long logs were removed (0.3 to 1.3 m from the base), and later unfolding on boards. Drying took place in the shade and outdoors, until equilibrium humidity was reached. The machining process (planer and thicknessing) of the boards took place at the forward speeds of 6 m.min-1 and 30 m.min-1. The evaluations of the surface quality took place visually, according to the ASTM D-1666 (2011) standard and by the surface roughness test. Among the seven clones studied, the number 1 presented higher surface quality in machining and, in general, with the increase in the forward speed, there was a reduction in surface quality.O uso e os custos de produtos de madeira sólida estão diretamente ligados ao grau de qualidade da matéria-prima. O mercado moveleiro é exemplo disso, pois quanto melhor a qualidade superficial da madeira, maior será seu valor comercial. Conhecer o comportamento da madeira durante o processo de usinagem é um importante parâmetro para caracterizar e dar usos específicos para cada espécie. Assim, o objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a qualidade da superfície da madeira de clones de Toona ciliata M. Roemer var. australis, seus potenciais usos após o processo de usinagem e definir, entre os clones avaliados, o de melhor qualidade superficial. Para isso, foram selecionadas trinta e cinco árvores (7 clones x 5 repetições) de um plantio localizado na região sul de Minas Gerais, das quais retirou-se toras de 1m de comprimento (0,3 a1,3 m a partir da base), e posteriormente desdobrando-se em tábuas. A secagem ocorreu nas condições ambientais de sombra e ao ar livre, até atingir a umidade de equilíbrio. O processo de usinagem (plaina e desengrosso) das tábuas ocorreu nas velocidades de avanço de 6 m.min-1 e 30 m.min-1. As avaliações da qualidade da superfície ocorreram de forma visual, conforme a norma ASTM D-1666 (2011) e pelo ensaio de rugosidade da superfície. Constatou-se que, dentre os sete clones estudados, o de número 1 apresentou maior qualidade de superfície na usinagem e, de modo geral, com o aumento da velocidade de avanço, houve redução da qualidade da superfície


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    Invasive exotic tree species cause several problems to the world biota. Removing these trees is important for restoring ecosystem balance. However, after the removal, there is a concern regarding the proper destination of the generated materials. The lack of knowledge about the wood characteristics makes it difficult to recommend for the most appropriate uses, which leads to a low added value of the product. The aim of the study was to assess the physical and mechanical wood properties and indicate the alternatives for using wood from exotic invasive species at the Fiocruz Mata Atlântica Biological Station, Rio de Janeiro - RJ. The three species studied were Artocarpus heterophyllus Lamarck (Jackfruit), Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels (Java plum) and Clitoria fairchildiana R.A. Howard (Sombreiro). The physical and mechanical wood properties were determined in three distinct regions, denominated central, intermediate and external, ranging from pith-bark direction. The wood of Artocarpus heterophyllus had low basic density, retractions were lower in the central region, and the intermediate region had the highest mechanical resistance. The Syzygium cumini wood had medium density, the mechanical properties increased in the pith-bark direction, and the radial and volumetric retractions were lower in the central region. Clitoria fairchildiana wood had medium density and had the lowest mechanical resistance from the species evaluated. The three species have appropriate physical properties for the furniture sector, and the Syzygium cumini wood presented adequate mechanical resistance for civil construction

    Avaliação biomecânica dos trabalhadores em marcenarias no Distrito Federal.

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    The aim of this study was the biomechanical assessment of carpentry woodworkers, located in Brasília, DF. It was filmed the profile of each worker during the performance of his activities in the carpentry and the forces involved in the work were assessed. The image of each woodworker was congealed to accomplish the measurement of articulation angles. The data were submitted to the software of posture analysis “Winowas” (OWAS Method) and to the biomechanic model of posture prognosis and static forces, developed by Michigan University. The OWAS method showed that, for all machines and carpentries assessed, the worst posture occurred when the worker lifted and placed the pieces of wood on the floor and during the feeding in the smoother. The tridimensional biomechanic model registered the worst posture in different phases of the work cycle. In the first one, there were problems in all articulations, except the hips, when placing the pieces on the floor from the smoother. In the second one, there were problems in all articulations, except the elbows and the L5-S1 column disc, by feeding the surface planer. The third one, the ankles were the most injured when feeding the smoother, the surface planer, the circular saw and the band saw. According to the results, the woodworkers should try to eliminate the constant work standing upright, use auxiliary machinery to handle pieces of wood, reduce the load during feeding the machines and improve postures.A pesquisa foi desenvolvida com base em dados coletados com funcionários de marcenarias no Distrito Federal com o objetivo de fazer uma avaliação biomecânica do trabalhador nas mais diversas máquinas. A avaliação foi feita com a filmagem dos trabalhadores em perfil, avaliação das forças envolvidas e posterior congelamento das imagens e medição dos ângulos das articulações para análise no software "Winowas" de análise de posturas e no modelo biomecânico tridimensional de predição de posturas e forças estáticas desenvolvido pela Universidade de Michigan. Os resultados mostraram que, pelo método OWAS, as piores posturas foram obtidas durante o levantamento e deposição das peças no piso em todas as máquinas e postos de trabalho avaliados e durante a alimentação na desengrossadeira, necessitando de reorganização ergonômica em breve. Pela análise com o modelo desenvolvido pela Universidade de Michigan, as fases do ciclo de trabalho mais problemáticas foram a deposição das peças no piso na desengrossadeira quando houve o comprometimento de todas as articulações com exceção dos quadris. Durante a alimentação na desempenadeira, houve grande comprometimento das articulações com exceção dos cotovelos e do disco L5-S1 da coluna. Na fase de alimentação na desengrossadeira, desempenadeira, serra circular e serra de fita, as articulações mais prejudicadas foram os tornozelos. Para melhoria das posturas adotadas, deve-se buscar eliminar o constante trabalho em pé, utilizar mecanização auxiliar para manuseio das peças, diminuir o peso manuseado durante a alimentação das máquinas (menor número e tamanho de peças) e realizar treinamentos específicos constantes para adoção de melhores posturas

    Predicting moisture content from basic density and diameter during air drying of Eucalyptus and Corymbia logs

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    In air drying of Eucalyptus urophylla and Corymbia citriodora logs for the production of charcoal it is necessary to be able to predict when logs have reached the required moisture content of ≤ 35%. This study is aimed to produce models using basic density and diameter to predict the moisture content of Eucalyptus urophylla and Corymbia citriodora logs after 30, 60 and 90 days drying. 1,2 m long logs were taken at three different heights from three C. citriodora trees and three trees each from two E. urophylla clones (VM4 and Mn463). The 27 debarked, end sealed logs were air dried under cover for 90 days during which the change in moisture content was monitored. The relationship between density and drying was analyzed by Pearson’s correlation coefficient and the models for predicting the moisture content based on the basic density and diameter were produced. The density and the drying showed a high correlation coefficient. The coefficient of determination of the models was above 0,89 with a standard error lower than 6%. The use of the density and diameter to estimate the wood moisture content simplifies the production of the models, which can be used for Eucalyptus and Corymbia genetic materials